Are Jesus and Psychology compatible?


A generation ago, Western society had a somewhat modest opinion of itself. Most people lived simple lives. Our fathers and mothers worked very hard so we might have it better in this world. Psychology of living was very simple.

Religion in those days made it clear that self-centeredness was anti-social and unacceptable. Teachers warned that "rights" were always accompanied by "responsibilities", and that Democracy allowed people to rise to their own levels of competence, but also that nobody owes you a living.....

However, 10 years after the ovens of Auschwitz and the clouds of Hagasaki, there appeared a new discipline of psychology......... By the 1960's psychology was the hottest major in American Universities.......... Supposedly new insights from the leading contibutors of the 60's psycholgy began to shift the values of most Americans........ The theories of Charles Darwin began to undermine belief in God as Creator, while psychology concluded that the true self, buried under a false covering of social conditioning and religious prejudice, was struggling to be set free............therefore psychology began to preach individual self-interest as the ultimate reality at the expense of compassion, concern for others, and devotin to God........

From high school on, young people are indoctrinated with the secular definitions of self-esteem, self-image, self-realization, and self-actualization propagated by the prophets of selfism.......Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, etc....this focus on self, auto-centrism, and behaviorism has led our society into a fascination with pleasure, emotional and sexual stimulation, and "personal fulfillment". What Freud described as the liberation of the "id" was the first step toward the cult of self.

In summary Psychology has contributed greatly to the chaos of hedonism, secularism, and nihilism in our modern society.



In the psycholoanalysis branch of psychology there are the founders Sigmund Freud & Carl Jung: CONSIDER: Frued hated religiion, especially the Christian religion & he actively sought to destroy people's faith in the christian God. For him christian faith was a personal neurosis and a social evil....He said "I regard myself as one of the most dangerous enemies of religion". Frued considered religious beliefs illusions & referred to religion as "the obessional neurosis of humanity".

Like Freud, psychologist Carl Jung resented historic Christianity & especially its God. For him it was only a myth sought after by neurotics. "All neurotics seek the religious", he said, and "all talk of God (is) mythological. Jung saw biblical Christianity as hollow, irrelevan, & harmful. He regarded the church as a place of death....

Jung participated & supported parapsychology, (scientific study of the occult) used mandalas (forms for occult meditation), was a fortune teller; a spiritist (one who contacts spirits), and a necromancer (one who received information from supposedly dead human spirits) . He also used astrology, attended seances, and was a passionate advocate of Eastern religious beliefs. Through his writings we learn that he had a number of personal spirit guides which he often interpreted as "normal" functions of his own consciousness. At times he apparently became possessed by spirits who spoke out of him just as in what is today called channeling. His biographers revealed that he was ruled by whim, dream and vision ­ and by the spirits whom he derived much or most of his theories.

Perhaps the most respected leader of humanistic psychology was the late Carl Rogers. He claims to have been raised a christian but after 50 years as a psychologist he claimed he no longer believed...He became a leader in humanism & eventually turned to mysticism, spiritism & the occult.....which he hoped would be incorporated into our educational system(which it has)

The above attitudes & beliefs of Frued, Jung, & Rogers are repeated almost endlessly within modern psychology. In fact these men are fairly representatives of the general attitude whch psychologist have of scriptural authority and validity.Thousands of Branches of psycho-therapies have sprung up from these men's early teachings, (which grew from the seeds of rebellion toward God).....

Even psychological testing frequently has a bias against the christian faith. For example, the RORSCHACH INK BLOCK TEST generally scors religious symbols as their interpretation religious responses are most common among schizophrenics, particularly patients with delusions which concern religion......

In light of all this, plus endless supplies of knowledge which clearly shows the contradiction of psychology with christianity, it is suprising that IT IS THE evangelical (christian) psychologist that are doing most of the integration of psychology with the bible........When christian scholars drink deeply from well of thought that are anti-christian and then bring these concepts into the church, then the secular principle underlying themes of psychology begin to manifest themselves from behind the pulpit....

The danger is that these psychologies may, to one degree or another, replace christianity without most people even noticing that any substitution has taken place. In some instances, the influence of the therapies - even from within the church - may be so strong that our character & relationships are no longer christian, but are now family - systemic or Jungian. Our love may be Rogerian empathy, our courage the upadated Stocism of Elliss Rational - Emotive therapy, our forgiveness motivated by our therapeutic "right to be free from hate". In short, the language we assimilate & the disciplines to which we submit may make our souls therapeutic rather than christian...

Today, larglely as a result of the integration of psychology into christianity, the psychologist, not pastors or theologians, maintain cultural authority within the churches with respect to people & their problems. The psychologists are the experts, with the authority to define what is right & wrong, true and false, good and bad......

Now the churches seem more concerned with things like psychological counseling, recovery, self-help groups, self-esteem, repressed memories, damaged emotions, co-dependency, victimization, etc........ INSTEAD of the disciplines of biblical teaching, evangelism, & sanctification.....

The Holy Spirit's sanctification has been substituted by psychology.......ASK YOURSELF: what point is there in seeking the Holy Spirit's comfort if, after all, deep-seated emotional problems can be addressed only by a trained psychologist, or if people can come to grips with their lives only by getting in touch with their childhood, or if the answers to our deepest hurts are buried deep within us?? If those things are true, we don't need an ADVOCATE; we need a therapist.......and that is exactly the route many in the church have chosen....... In effect, because of the integration of psychology with the bible....there has been a shifting away from the cross, away from self-denial, away from repentance & forgiveness of sins................

(Whosoever will let him DENY himself, pick up his cross and follow me, for whosoever finds his life the same shall loose it, whosoever looses his life, for my sake, the same shall find it)

It seems for most christian psychologist, sin is never the specific issue that underlies problems in living & the scriptures are never significant for understanding & helping people. In fact most christian psychologist believe that scripture does not have all the answers to lifes problems, which leaves "Psychology" in the seat of authority....(and power was given unto the beast) .

While agreeing that some of what christian psychologist write is helpful & biblical, it is believed that the FOUNDATION of the christian psychologist position is seriously flawed because it rests upon psychological rather than biblical concepts of man...the word is diluted to a seriously dangerous level....

Most would agree that even wellmeaning & sincere christian psychologist can be contaminated by secular assumptions and practices that pervade much of modern psychology...HOWEVER....No matter how it is worded, regardless of how cleverly it is packaged, whether or not the motive is sincere, counseling that is mergedd with psychological theory does not believe that Christ is sufficient to heal the TROUBLED HEART..... in effect many people live in pain today because they will not listen to God's word, but instead pursue prescribed activities that are counterproductive or even self destructive.

Either Christ is sufficient or he is not.........

Hebr. 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart....... Hebr. 4:13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do....... Hebr. 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. ......Hebr. 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin......


Scripture does what psychoanalysis can't do; it pierces the heart. It penetrates deep into a person's soul and judges his motives. To see yourself in the light of Scriptue is to see yourself as you really are. And only god's word can promise real spiritual rewards to those who obey its counsel. No other form of therapy or counseling can make a person whole.......People say "Oh, you have such a deep problem. You better go to a clinic somewhere for help, or get into psychotherapy, or find a deliverance ministry that can bind Satan and cast those demons out of you..................................Now Please think carefully about this for a minute; what can those things add to the living, active, powerful Word of God? It is sharper than any other weapon. It will cut deeper and truer than anything that exists......


2Pet. 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: ...........2Pet. 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust...........2Cor. 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:


Personal Quotes:

It's amazing how many christians think the bible is not sufficient for our "emotional needs".....that we need psychologist to reach the deeper levels of our problems......What an insult ot God and the Holy Spirit!!! Who made you??? Who knows every idle word you've ever said?? who knows the number of hairs on your head?? (Hebr. 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart)......


NOT A SCIENCE: Psychology is to the Gospel of Jesus, what evolution is to distorts the truth........psychology is not a real science.....if it were one would find within its ranks a considerable amount of agreement .....instead there are hundreds of psychotherapies and thousands of therapeutic techniques, all different or conflicting and yet all claiming to do the same thing............. to cure people of their problems......even the psychotherapist agree that if you convince enough people, almost anything can become "therapy", no matter how bizarre............psychology is most subjective..........


BACKGROUND: I have taken every just about every psych class my college has to offer.....I was studying to be an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor.........In my classes I kept running across "clinical practices" that were very familiar to me (I had been involved in the occult for many years in my early 20's)..........these "practices" were familiar because they were almost identical to the ones I had been using in the black i researched backwards i discovered the occult practices had been indoctrinated into psychology by its founders........Carl Rogers.....Carl Jung(founder of modern psychotherapy)...and Sigmund Frued.......all participated in the occult in varying degrees......their teachings are being taught all throughout psychology..........the humanistic/occult knowledge is rampant......

Most christians do not fully understand the true nature of secular psychology. Modern psychology is clearly ANTI-CHRISTIAN.....It rejects God....ignores sin.....

I was silenced in my psychology classes for telling the class that i was saved from drug abuse because i confessed my SIN........they did not and would not call it sin..........I was told by a local instructor that if I didn't call this abuse a "DISEASE" that needed therapy.........(not repentance)..... then i should look for another occupation......and so i did......

Evidence of Occult knowledge...... The American Psychology Association declared (1982) that Homosexuality is just an alternative lifestyle.......... I was told in my classes that while counseling homosexuals I could not tell them that this lifestyle was a sin...........if I did I could be sued for my state license.......I could not agree to I quit.....

Conferences given by the Association for Humanistic Psychology have included subjects such as past-life regression, spiritism, and trance channeling, Gestalt astrology, aura reading and even voodoo....

The Occult is indeed becoming prosperous and acceptable.......Psychology is its mask....

Self-esteem: True self-esteem is a product of effort and performance rather than psychological coaxing, development of the inner fantasy life, or postive thinking....Self esteem -teachings are destined to fail not only because they do not address true porblems, but because they offer the wrong solution as well...Self-esteem counseling, like modern psychology, makes us self-centered......

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Somes resources compiled from :
The John Ankerberg Theological Research Institute