Are You Psychic?


What is a psychic?
Put simply, a psychic is a person who uses occult, supernatural abilities for a variety of purposes. A psychic reading is the use of an individual's psychic abilities to supply occult (hidden) information to oneself or a client.

Why are Psychic readings so popular?
Many people are uncertain, even frightened, concerning their future. Falsely thinking the world of the psychic is something divine, (or comes from God), they have turned to the psychic world, the paranormal, the mystical, and the occult in search of what they would not or could not find elsewhere. Unfortunately, the psychic realm is probably the most insecure and risky place one can look to for answers and the meaning to life.

The growing myth in our society that "Psychic" practices are something good and not harmful, has caused this occult practice to be reclassified as something entirely normal and even as a proper means to contact God, (therefore making it appear normal and acceptable in the minds of millions of people.) From this new definition many people are believing a lie. The age old lie that psychic development is inherently natural (inborn) to the human condition & a process that, when developed, leads to a personal knowledge of God.

The Psychic's source of power:
Because of the widespread influence of this practice, no one can afford to be ignorant of this subject. Sooner or later, in one way or another, the psychic revival will probably affect us all.
If the psychics are going to be around with us for a long time, as they claim, then you need to know the source of information from which they have tapped into. It is a very serious matter to be certain of the "exact nature of the supernatural source" that gives them advice on important aspects of your life. Upon whom are they calling?

If psychics are examined historically, one can see they are no different from mediums and spiritists of the past. In earlier generations, these modern day psychics would have been termed sorcerers. Today, they have cleverly masked their practice as a "respectable science". Even as a life force that can be developed from within. Yet as history has been recorded, those from the past even boasted of "their contacts" with the spirit world. Nothing has changed in this regard, yet modern psychic practices are being portrayed as something scientific, benevolent, or even divine.

Make no mistake, psychic abilities are not from God; they are not divine gifts and they should not be confused with the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Bible. Psychic abilities are spiritistic powers associated with occultists and occult practices.

All supernatural power comes, ultimately, from either God or Satan. God gives power to those who believe the truth. To approach God, truth is the cost of entry. But is it the opposite with Satan, whose nature is deception. Satan gives power to those who believe a lie. Believing the lie is the cost of entry to access Satan's power.

The psychic lifestyle & philosophy is opposed to the bible at every point. What this means is that psychics cannot logically claim a positive association with God, or even claim that their beliefs are compatible with Christian beliefs.
world view based on revelations given to psychics cannot be from a divine source, because their revelations reject the biblical teaching on creation, man, salvation, death, the afterlife, and morality:

Consider the differences:

Biblical Christianity:
GOD: An infinite personal Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Psychic/New Age: GOD: An infinite impersonal force. A universal law, i.e. (a universal consciousness or energy).

Biblical Christianity: MAN: man was created in God's image and as such is a finite creation who will never become God.
Psychic/New Age: MAN: man in his true nature is fully one essence with God.

Biblical Christianity: SIN: A willful violation of God's moral law and character.
Psychic/New Age: SIN: ignorance of one's personal divinity, and the consequences flowing from this.

Biblical Christianity: SALVATION: involves forgiveness of sin and justification as a FREE gift of God's mercy and grace.
Psychic/New Age: SALVATION: Involves "enlightenment", (release from one's ignorance in thinking one is a limited creature.)

Biblical Christianity: DEATH: there is only one lifetime prior to divine judgment: physical death involves seperation of the spirit from the body and spiritual death involves the eternal seperation of the spirit from God.
Psychic/New Age: DEATH: death is an illusion and carries no consquences. Through reincarnation, psychic philosophy teaches that all will be saved.

The above chart is proof that no matter what they claim, their world views are not biblical. For this very reason the psychics cannot be getting their revelations from God.


God forbids contact with them, because to do so is something that will spiritually defile or corrupt people by leading them to worship false Gods. Spiritism is so evil that capital punishment itself was prescribed in the Old Testament for those who became spiritists (psychics) and even for those who sought advice from them.

In the Bible, when one reads of psychics,occultists, sorcerers, magicians, or false prophets, they are always seeking (directly or indirectly) to turn people away from the one true God. This is not just because their world view is anti-biblical; it is also because such individuals are led by evil rebellious spirits, who hate God.

All of this explains why the Bible's condemnation of psychics is so uncompromising. Going to psychics defiles people. It not only gives people false hope, but it also gives them teachings from demons that will harm their lives physically, emotionally and spiritually, while it prevents them from finding salvation. This in essence explains why the bible CONDEMNS psychics: (1) They oppose God and lead people away from Him (2) they oppose Biblical teachings and (3) they teach people to trust in demons.



The bible says that when a spirit is cast out from someone with occult powers, the powers are lost, REVEALING that psychic powers are NOT human (natural or inborn) but given by demons. The apostle Luke reports on one spiritist who was apparently seeking to validate her own practices by linking them with the apostle Paul's ministry : (In essence, trying to make others believe her powers came from God.)

Acts 16: 16-19 : Once we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, "These men are servants of the Most High God who are telling you the way to be saved." (See the similarity between her wanting to be recognized as having her powers come from God, as the modern psychics do) She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so troubled that he turned around and said to the spirit, "In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!" At that moment the spirit left her. When the owners of the slave girl realized that their hope of making money was gone, .........

If this girl's powers were natural, or sceintificaly developed, why did she lose them the very moment that the spirit was cast out of her? It is very clear the psychic powers came from the spirit, not the girl. ­ Yet, thousands of people base their hopes on the deceptive statements of psychic practitioners and subsequently become dependent upon the advice they receive from the 'other side'.

The following is a list of scriptures relating to the existence of spiritual warfare:

The Spirit clearly says that in latter times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons (1Timothy 4:v1)

Be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the powers of darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6: 10­12)

I (Jesus) am sending you (Paul) to them (to the Gentiles) to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins. (Acts 26: 17,18)

Ignorance of God's laws does not cancel the logical consequences of violating God's laws.


The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the WORK OF SATAN displayed in ALL KINDS OF COUNTERFEIT MIRACLES, SIGNS AND WONDERS, AND IN EVERY SORT OF EVIL THAT DECEIVES those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. (2 Thessalonians 2: 9,10)

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan HIMSELF masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness.(2 Corinthians 11: 13­15)


Those drawn into the occult world through dabbling in astrology, psychic development, etc. eventually will relax all moral standards and make morality a relative matter, they will become mentally oppressed and/or enslaved by inexplicable forces. Often they suffer from strong depression, melancholia, psychopathic disorders, sever psychosis, and are easily controlled and influenced by superstition and immoral beliefs.


Psychic practices introduce people to spiritual beings who seek their destruction. This occult involvement does not merely involve consorting with the enemies of God, but also with one's own adversaries. Any enemy, of course, may pretend friendship for ulterior motives, but sooner or later it will seek to injure or destroy. In this sense, the spiritual underworld operates in ways similar to the criminal underworld. Just as the criminal underworld will use its hirelings only for its personal plans or glory and dispose of them when convenient, the spiritual underworld operates in the same manner.


The psychic world is hazardous because it involves opening oneself to demonic influences and God's judgement ( In Deut. 18 verse 11, God clearly condemns this practice).
Psychic practices introduce people to spiritual beings who seek their destruction. This occult involvement does not merely involve consorting with the enemies of God, but also with one's own adversaries. Any enemy, of course, may pretend friendship for ulterior motives, but sooner or later it will seek to injure or destroy. In this sense, the spiritual underworld operates in ways similar to the criminal underworld. Just as the criminal underworld will use its hirelings only for its personal plans or glory and dispose of them when convenient, the spiritual underworld operates in the same manner.

At what point a particular activity becomes dangerous (in such a manner that harmful personal consequences must follow) is hard to say, for it seems to depend on a number of factors. For one person, consequences may come sooner than for another. But for everyone who remains involved in the psychic world, there will be consequences.
Dr. Stuart Checkley warns, "It is hard to say whether a single deliberate exposure to a given psychic practice or event is dangerous, or can be safe. I have seen patients(mental) whose involvement with relatively minor forms of the occult has caused them to suffer mental illness".

Brooks Alexander, senior researcher for the Spiritual Counterfeits Project in Berkley California, comments......."It is clear that the world of psychic pursuit and fascination is a demonic playground and the level of psychic involvement depends a lot on the level of temptation­­Therefore it is impossible to say that "X" amount of psychic involvement will result in demonic contact. I would suggest that the neural and mental patterns set up by psychic involvement provide an interface with other forms of consciousness, which are extra-dimensional and demonic in nature." . The effects of these mental patterns are such that they are sometimes not discernible­­such as an imperceptible stage of psychological damage or an increasing resistance to spiritual truth.

Who are the casualties in warfare? The disobedient, the unarmed, the undisciplined, and those with illusions about the war being somewhere else. So too are the casualties in spiritual warfare. Remember, there is a beautiful side of evil ­ deceptive, subtle, adorned with all manner of spiritual refinements, a kind of cute little kindergarten, but no less from the depths of hell than that which is blatantly demonic.



It is an established fact that prolonged activity with mediumistic forces produce symptoms of schizophrenia. This has been termed mediumistic psychosis. Professor Bender, from the University of Frieburg in his booklet entitled, "Parapsychology ­ It's Results and Problems," has warned people in these words........ "I have quite a number of patients who have suffered serious psychic disturbances through the use of such practices. Their personalities have been split and they have been utterly confused by the spirits on which they have called. They often suffer from strong depression, melancholia, psychopathic disorders, and severe psychoses."

Psychic Harmon H. Bro refers to the occultly influenced mental conditions of some people ­ conditions which overcome their sanity as they seek to become more and more psychic: "I shall not soon forget the power­driven widow who frantically burned incense in her bedroom to rid it of 'evil spirits' and aimlessly constructed 'aura­charts' of angels, as she withdrew from her friends and family into a hate­supported schizophrenic world."

How tragic it can be for all of us when we do not heed the warnings of the bible. How tragic it can be for our nation as a whole...

Daniel 8 verse 25 ......and he (anti-Christ) shall cause his craft (Occult) to prosper. Currently some 100 American Universities offer courses in witchcraft. John F. Kennedy University offers an accredited Masters degree in parapsychology (study of the occult), as well as a psychic training program. Well known businessmen and movie stars routinely seek the advice of psychics and mediums; there are more than 900 ads on T.V. daily promoting psychic development; tabloids and booklets at supermarkets and other discount stores are designed to enable the average person to "become psychic", and encourages practice in many other occult forms such as Astrology, meditation, Oujia boards, automatic writing, seances, etc., is time for Christians to wake up.


Occult knowledge is being secularized and psychologized with increasing refinement. In these new forms its fundamental concepts are very easily adapted and easily applied. The occults' underlying themes are running through modern science, economics, politics, art, psychology, and religion. For example, Robert Schuller on "The Hour Of Pour", has announced on his Sunday T. V. program that he has combined psychology with the bible, thus forming a new and more powerful "TOOL" (even though modern psychology has its beginnings in the occult; See articles on the FATHER of modern psychology, Carl Jung). He is in essence, preaching occult knowledge, mixed in with God's TRUTH, from the pulpit.

*See John Ankerburg's book "Facts on the False Teaching in the Church".


Another example is the mystical approach to the "NEW PHYSICS" of transpersonal psychology, parapsychology, the study of higher consciousness, and the New Age Movement. They all directly or indirectly PROMOTE the legitimacy of personal psychic development as an inner "UNFOLDING OF PSYCHOLOGICAL POTENTIAL" and some even promote these occult practices as divine forms of spiritual expressions. These attitudes which normalize psychic practices as "scientifically exhibiting human potential" or as "divine revelations", mask the sinister reality of the occult.

For instance under the New Physics application of transpersonal psychology, the practices of guided imagery, active imagination, & creative visualization have been taken from the practices of witchcraft & the occult (where they are used to enhance the practitioner's sensitivity to the spiritual world) and given these psychological names, in order for them to become "acceptable practices" in the everyday world, especially in the school system. It is only after much psychological damage has been done that the reality of evil is finally revealed.

As those who have been involved will testify, anyone can open the door to the psychic world, but closing it is another matter entirely. The spirits have a vested interest at stake. They can make a person's life a living hell unless that individual gives in to their agenda.

If real dangers exist in the physical world, can we logically expect the spiritual world to be full of goodness and no evil?.....If a race of powerful demon spirits inhabits that world as the bible says it does......If their hatred for man is proven.........If experimentation can mean deception with eternal consequences.........WHO in their right mind would risk everything?

Isn't it possible that the fact of man's historic belief in demons and devils tells us something about learning a lesson the hard way?......Is it not just POSSIBLE that mean wicked demons far greater in power (2Peter 2;11), would seek to deceive men in such a way as to ensure their spiritual death?..........Are there not thousands of personal testimonies to these very facts: that deceptive and evil spirits exist, and that their purpose is man's spiritual and physical destruction? Then one can but wonder how witches & psychic practioners think themselves immune from all dangers ...........

Those wishing to be freed from psychic or occult bondage must acknowledge & confess his participation in this activity as sin; this confession must be voluntary & a prayer of RENOUNCING everything psychic or occultic must be done.

A prayer of renunciation is of great significance. Why? Every sin connected with sorcery is basically a contract with the powers of darkness. By means of sorcery, the arch enemy of mankind gains the right of ownership over a person's life.

Revelations 18 v23 thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

Sorcery is a bewitching. It is a capturing of the mind, body, & spirit through many mediums......through seeking psychic counselors, psychic involvement, witchcraft, magic books, visual aids combined with graphic words (T.V. & movies), astrology, meditation, seances, drugs, etc.


The following prayer is not a formula. It only points to the true path:.......

In the name of Jesus Christ I renounce all the works of the devil; together with the occult and psychic practices of my forefathers, & I submit myself to the lordship of Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior. I will serve only Jesus from this day forward. I ask that the blood of Jesus cover me & forgive me of all my sins. I ask Jesus to come into my life and direct my life. I ask this of the Father GOD in the name of his only begotten son Jesus Christ....................

The Psychic world offers power, but God offers us love. It is much more fulfilling to live with love than to live with power. The lust for power can really never be fulfilled, whereas God offers us an eternal relationship which is truly fulfilling. The deadness of soul felt by millions of people who have had their life sucked out is testimony to the devil's gifts. The 'freedom" Satan offers is a naked autonomy leading to license and bondage. But the freedom Christ offers is a loving dependence leading to inner strength and unspeakable joy.

The real danger of psychic involvement is its denial of Christ and the eternal torment it brings. You may either accept Christ as personal Savior and Lord, or reject Him.

In all eternity no single decision will be more consequential.

Somes resources compiled from :
The John Ankerberg Theological Research Institute

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