If you're a parent, grandparent, or guardian of a child who is in school, the following information will help you understand some "dangers" that are "hidden" inside certain curriculums that are within the school system. (From elementary to college level.)


Meditation ­ means to reflect upon or to contemplate, and "implies a definite focusing of one's thoughts on something so as to understand it deeply."..........

Transcendental Meditation (TM) ­ means to excel usual limitations - to go beyond the normal conscious distractions and disturbing thoughts in order to achieve a mental void. (accomplished with a mantra, which is usually the name of a Hindu God)...........

Transcendental Meditation & Yoga, are missionary religions from the east that have been converted for use by modern western culture.

Consider the following claims:.........Many doctors, professors, scientist, hospitals, researchers and even some clergymen are among those who endorse TM & Yoga (although supposedly stripped of their religious clothing & given new modern scientific forms)...........

They make claims of improved health, improved personality, memory & improvement on almost every aspect of life. They go so far as to offer scientific proof with graphs and charts.

TM & Yoga were first introduced to the Western World by its founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, as religious exercises or philosophies. Encountering skepticism from nonreligious Westerners, Marharishi revamped his TM programs. In the 1970s, he promoted the movements as scientifically sound, nonreligious psychological exercises designed to relieve stress & bring peace to the inner man, thereby having a (positive effect?) on society. TM still wears its secular label in its own promotion today, and most Westerners are unaware of its religious presupposition and nature.

Most people don't consciously make a decision to practice the religions (Hinduism & Buddhism) associated with meditation . They believe they're buying health and science, and not the ritualism of Yoga & Meditation. But can the purposes & end result of the original designs of these religious practices be put aside so easily? Look at the long term effects.

What are some of the inherent dangers that many people have encountered?

The danger of meditation lies in the fact that despite its packaging; despite its surface benefits; despite its claims to the contrary; Meditation & Yoga exercises remain as they were originally designed ­ religious practices used for the purpose of making contact with the spiritual realm for the purpose of ENDING the reincarnation cycle........

The belief of reincarnation originated through Hinduism, in India. In India reincarnation is a terrible concept. The aim of the Hindu religion is to ESCAPE the endless imprisonment of life and death. The means by which they believe they can "get out" of this hopeless trap is through the practice of Yoga & Meditation. Once they achieve a "state of nothingness", or mindlessness through these exercises they can then become possessed by the Hindu Gods and thus break the endless cycle of reincarnation. A condition they refer to as becoming "one with the universe." However, reincarnation in the U.S. is almost a fad. It has even been adopted and adapted for use by The New Age Movement......(Even though the bible says in Hebrews 9 v7: It is appointed unto man once to die, after that comes judgement.


The practice of Yoga goes all the way back to the Hindu God "SHIVA", who is called "Yogashiva", meaning Lord of Yoga. Krishna was one of the strong advocates of Yoga. The Hare ­ Krishna devotees teach that only Yoga (which means to yoke or union with) can provide salvation, or a oneness with Brahma, "THE ALL" or "NOTHINGNESS."

Many devotees of Hinduism and Buddhism have been recruited through Yoga and Meditation classes.

The use of Meditation in the U.S. has been adopted & altered for the purpose of stress and behavioral management and designated as a tool, by which practitioners can supposedly create or transform reality with their minds. By going within themselves and strongly imagining, (with visualizations) they believe they gain control over reality and their surroundings.

Practicing meditation, (even those meditative disciplines practiced in martial arts), for the purpose of obtaining an "altered state of consciousness" whereby one tries to control self and surroundings will eventually bring about disillusionment, many times in severe degrees.

More serious cases can result in spirit contact (and even spirit possession). This can put a person on a path toward spiritual and emotional HELL(insanity). It can open a person up to demonic spiritual powers whose very purpose is to lead others away from God's truth. This is why many who have practiced Yoga and Meditation (even innocently) 'over the years' have since altered their beliefs concerning God's truth stated in the bible.

Whether a person practices Meditation or Yoga for the "scientific" purposes of relieving stress and achieving better health, or for the purposes of invoking Hindu Gods for the breaking up of the reincarnation cycle ­ one always (sooner or later) will receive the wayward effects of these exercises, (Galatians 6 v.7) Be not deceived; God cannot be mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, THAT shall he reap.

The great deception in Hinduism is the alleged enlightenment.......the bible teaches we need redemption from sin....not enlightenment of eastern spiritual ways...

The Hindu gurus typically redefine Jesus after their own likeness....

Problem:........ Meditation is not a redeeming act. Jesus called for action against sin, not mere meditation. The truth of Christianity is that the hideous reality of sin pervades all our thinking and doing. Our sinful selfcenteredness ruins our aspirations for good. Thus TM's assumption of human perfectability is that it leads to gross disappointment. Sin is not just an invention. Anyone who thinks and expects that with just a little meditative will power he will reach NIRVANA is heading for an emotional catastrophe. Christianity offers no such easy path to the rose garden. We recognize that even in the regenerated life sin still sets its ugly traps.

According to to Transadental Meditation, human sucess is achieved by following the right teaching, knowing one's self through self-reflection. Meditation is a method for redeeming oneself, "a path to God". Yet, Christianity tells us to meditate on God's loving gift of Himself. Success is to be found in living the way of the cross, serving and sacrificing according to Christ's example.

Altered States of Consciousness:

(Meditation) Altered states are notorious for opening the doors to contact the spirit world. Noble scienctist Sir John Eccdles once commented that the human brain was "a machine that a demons can operate"... His statement illustrates the truth that, given the proper conditions, the human mind can become an open door permitting the influence of spirits.

Revelations from spirit contacts themselves often stress the importance of altered states as essential for contacting them.....(in the spirits own words....the trance state creates very subtle changes in your perception of reality)..DR. DUANE PACKER in OPENING TO CHANNEL: HOW TO CONNECT WITH YOUR GUIDE.....

It is a turning to pagan spirituality........

Meditation is a door that God forbids us to open.... (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) .....nowhere in scriptures does God command us to enter altered states or trances in order to draw closer to God...(which is a recurrent theme in eastern religious circles)

In the rare biblical instances of visions and trances, the major point is that they have a DIVINE origin:

The visions of Old Testament prophets like Daniel and Ezekiel or New Testament like Paul and John were vehicles of divine revelation to fulfill God's purpose to his people.

These visions glorified God, NOT THE SPIRITS, and they supported a biblical worldview and morality, NOT AN OCCULT ONE.

In a few biblical cases, contact with spiritual beings(angels) had such an impact that it apparently induced an altered state. In one of Daniel's visions (Dan.10-9) he saw an angel, and the experience was so powerful that he fell "into a deep sleep"....... yet the angel did not try to communicate with Daniel when he was in that state. The angel awakened him and told him to stand up and listen carefully to the message so he could record it accurately...

Also the biblical experiences came unbidden; they were never sought or deliberately cultivated as in New Age methods.

Most people perceive meditation (altered states) as the key to personal and spiritual development ...... AND as a method for unlocking the secrets of the mind... they see this practice as the means to secure the higher evolution of individual consciousness and offer great potential for human development.....but what most people don't realize is with each exercise....... the person is increasling LINKED to a shadowy, underground world of spirits whose control over the experimenter increases to a point where they loose conscious control and fall into their subconscious and reach a point where the spirit(s) take over completely.....

Altered states can produce spiritistic influences within the person seeking spirit contact. This can (in time) impair one's ability to test reality, to think critically and logically AND CAN CREATE A PASSIVE STATE IN WHICH MENTAL EVENTS HAPPEN ON THEIR OWN, AND CAN NO LONGER BE CONTROLLED. THIS IN TURN CREATES SUBLTLE (sometimes very clearly) CHANGES IN A PERSON'S PERCEPTION OF REALITY. THE SPIRITS CONTROL OVER THE PERSON INCREASES WITH EVER NEW "CONTACT"......

altered states of consciousness always involve distortion of reality, a distortion that easily leads into delusion and fantasy. The farther one drifts into the occult world of witchcraft and paganism, the more one's mind becomes controlled by delusion and fantasy. Anyone who willingly yields to the influence of occult ritual and/or uses psychoactive drugs to attain an altered state of consciousness experiences a personality change. Far from being a positive change, however, a personality weakened by occult influences is increasingly at the mercy of subconscious drives or demonic influence. One's self-control is progressively yielded to other "forces." Whether these "forces" are actually demons or elements of the occultist's subconscious mind, they will eventually overwhelm and devour him

Is Meditation and its principle beliefs exercised within the national school system today?

In some schools ­ "Yes".....Are you familiar with terms like:.....Guided Imagery?.....Creative Visualization?.....Active Imagination?........Until just a few years ago these exercises could only be found in occult books or eastern religious books. They are a methodology used in parapsychology and psychology for the purpose of inducing an "altered state of consciousness." Meditation is the tool which is used to apply these techniques. Any doctor will tell you "guided imagery" is a very powerful form of hypnosis used to take one deeper into a hypnotic state, for identifying psychological and emotional problems. Yet these exercises are being used in many curriculums in schools throughout the United States.......

(Example)W. R. Coulson, Ph.D. from the Research Council on Ethnopsychology, has voiced a strong concern over the using of these exercises. He relates how a 7th grade program called "Get Set" is utilized under the guises of "Alcohol Education" and some other "Self­Esteem" courses.........."Children are 'calmed-downed' by listening as the teacher begins counting backwards slowly, while they are meditating in their minds, a blackness. When bad thoughts come into their mind they are told to imagine a bubble capturing this thought and then floating away. They are then led to a cozy campfire "inside themselves", where they are then introduced to a wise man, or a spirit guide who is 'all knowing'. This wise man is awakened for the purpose of answering questions."

Compare this exercise with how Dr. George Twente, a well known psychologist who is learned in hypnosis techniques, relates how the following steps are necessary for inducing hypnosis. Step #1 established relationship between authority figure & patient. (teacher to child)

Step#2 relaxed state of mind: technique of counting down or breathing exercises.

Step#3 achieving a relaxation state: concentrating on certain parts of body (etc.) & breathing slower. Step#4 distraction of conscious mind ­ most common form used is suggestion of visual imagery. Patient is told to visualize a certain image to a point where the image is absorbed by unconscious. ­ from that point a person is at the mercy of authority figure...(continued....


There are other programs used under different techniques such as relaxation period, centering/balancing; self­esteem, calm­down period, D.U.S.O. (Developing Understanding of Self and Others), Quest, and on, and on........There is no scientific research which proves that these exercises work. On the surface many seem reasonable & practical but in reality are dangerous. They serve only to desensitize children toward occult practices, and opens them up to spiritual and emotional problems. One company from Arizona sells a curriculum to schools that teaches children that trees, rocks, water, etc. all have spirits.

{Also, self­esteem teaches to focus on "self" instead of God. The correlation between self­esteem and achieving "good works" is a fallacy. Its never been proven. There are people with little or no self­esteem who do massive good, and there are people with massive self­esteem who do evil. We are important because God made us and He loves us ! What it all boils down to is this: under the guise of TRANSPERSONAL education (meaning beyond normal senses) children are being led in guided imagery and visualization exercises to contact spirit guides. These same exercises have been used for centuries by Shamans (practitioner of eastern religions) for contacting their "spirit guides." Coincidence? no.

Not all schools or all teachers teach these programs.. But if they do, one might make them aware of the dangers, in a loving manner. It does no good to "fly off the handle" or go into a rage. This usually does more harm than good. Use respect. Probably the teacher is not aware of the dangers involved. It would be beneficial to do some RESEARCH and gather facts concerning these exercises. Inform yourself and your children on these issues, for there is no teacher competent to enact these type programs.

These programs should not be taken out of doctors' offices and used on children. There is no research to back up the results they say these programs accomplish. Was there a control group? experimental groups? follow up groups? any government studies done? NO


How is Meditation and its principle beliefs
invading the world at large? Consider :
Carl Jung :
(founder & father of psychotherapy)

He was a brilliant psychologist, who had a deep interest in the occult. His theories have laid a strong intellectual foundation for the "integration" of psychology, religion, and the occult.
Jung participated & supported parapsychology, (scientific study of the occult) used mandalas (forms for occult meditation), was a fortune teller; a spiritist (one who contacts spirits), and a necromancer (one who received information from supposedly dead human spirits) . He also used astrology, attended seances, and was a passionate advocate of Eastern religious beliefs. Through his writings we learn that he had a number of personal spirit guides which he often interpreted as "normal" functions of his own consciousness. At times he apparently became possessed by spirits who spoke out of him just as in what is today called channeling. His biographers revealed that he was ruled by whim, dream and vision ­ and by the spirits from whom he derived much or most of his theories.
Many of his theories applied in today's psychotherapy, "skillfully" mask the reality of demons and reinterpret their spirit activity as psychological phenomena.(powers of the unconscious.) Much of his (insight?) into psychology was derived from his "inner guides." {Yet the bible says the dead cannot know what the living are doing. ­Eccl. 9 v5 : Luke 16: 19­31} So who was Jung contacting? (demons)
His view of 'self', his ideas on archetypes, the collective unconscious, and active imagination are being used by some of his followers and many others to explain their occult or spiritistic experiences as normal activities of the mind. These were just a few of his terms he used to explain his spiritistic experiences.
The problem of contacting "inner advisors" so often found in Carl Jung's modern psychotherapy, and in the 7th grade curriculum mentioned earlier entitled "Get Set", is that it is so often "indistinguishable" from the contacting of spirit guides in occultism. Almost inseparable.
Cultivating these exercises in which inner guides are contacted may progress from the purely imaginary to genuine spiritism. The imagination becomes the vehicle for spirit contact, whether deliberately sought or not. So the purpose of "guided imagery" (educational or psychological) is to cultivate from the purely imaginary to genuine spiritism.

Janet Dallet, Ph.D., a former director of training at the Carl Jung Institute of Los Angeles, quoted Jung (from his autobiography) while he was developing his "Active Imagination theories":
............... it was most essential for me to have a normal life in the real world as a counterpoise to that strange inner world. My family and my profession remained the base to which I could always return, assuring me that I was an 'actually existing', ordinary person."

In her published works Janet Dallet also warns......."the most serious danger in this work is the possibility of becoming overwhelmed by the unconscious. Sometimes unconscious contents take over completely, in a psychotic interval. A number of patients have come to me in this condition , first having fallen into the unconscious by using drugs, or practicing some form of meditation."
".........involvement with the unconscious requires a professional analyst."

"...............the Gods and demons are autonomous factors, rooted in a different reality (the reality of spirit, not necessarily the material world), that can express themselves through the imagination."

Before embracing these psychological theories involving guided imagery, creative visualization and active imagination put forth by Carl Jung, one must exercise discernment. After all, he admits his involvement with spirits.
See his autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections. He often scorned the God of the Bible and historic Christianity.
How then can one turn to him for wisdom? It is very clear and the facts show that Jung became an unwitting agent of the spirit world. He was simultaneously used to promote and mask its activities. In a scientific era which did not accept the reality of the occult & demonic spirits, Jung "Psychologized" them and promoted them as normal and natural components of the human mind. Today, many of his theories are being taught from high school to college level.

How is all this effecting the next generation? In part, this is all coming about in order to fulfill prophecy. For it is written: King James Version
Daniel 8 verse 25: And through his policy also he (anti­Christ) shall cause his craft (occult) to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many:

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Somes resources compiled from :
The John Ankerberg Theological Research Institute