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Evolution: The Lie of the Century



"As i was sitting in my chair,

i knew it had no bottom there;

it had no legs, nor back, but there i sat,

ignoring those little things like that."

Evolution, at its core, is an attempt to understand all things as natural phenomena-the random, chance results of natural processes. Most evolutionists admit that evolution, in any meaningful sense, goes too slowly to observe, if it still occurs at all. Thus, it too is an idea about the nature of the unobserved past. This view colors every observation and reconstruction of history. Only natural processes are allowed, and the supernatural is excluded. (John Morris)

EVOLUTION: Evolution says mankind has come about by pure chance, an accident. Evolution says life came from nonlife; the sun and all its' planetary bodies formed and fell into place without supernatural intervention; stirring slime eventually formed into a fish which gradually developed to amphibians (frogs, etc.) and frogs evolved to snakes, lizards and dinosaurs, which evolved into birds, to mammals (apes, horses, etc.), and eventually developed into modern men.
You, your friends, strawberries, cockroaches, computers, etc., was brought into existence from an explosion in the vacuum of space billions of years ago.
[The same kind of explosion as one in a printing factory that produces a Websters' dictionary?]

Creation, on its face, presupposes a supernatural origin of all things, and a spiritual understanding of nature. There is no such thing as creation without a Creator. Acts of creation cannot be observed today, but by observing those things which do exist, creationists conclude life could not have come about by natural processes, but only by supernatural processes. (John Morris).

CREATION: Creation says: In the beginning the Earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved....The bible says God created the Heavens and the Earth in six literal days: God created the suns, moons, stars, waters, the land, the atmosphere, the ecological system, marine & land plants, trees, fish, beast of the fields, birds, reptiles, whales, insects and all creatures great and small. God formed man from the dust of the ground: "Dust thou art, and unto the dust thou shalt return..."


Surely if evolution occurred over billions of years it would be recorded in the fossil record. We should see evidence that some basic types of organism have changed into others. Such transitions accordingly should have taken millions of years, and we should be able to find some of the transitional, or in-between forms. Darwin was frustrated by the lack of clear examples in his day, but predicted that many would soon be found. However, as of today viable transitional fossil forms have not been uncovered. In the 1970's, evolutionists began to admit the lack of evolutionary transitions in the fossil record, and set about modifying the evolutionary theory to fit. Now, many teach that organisms remain the same for long periods of time, and then evolve so rapidly that they leave no fossils .

Even if single-celled organisms did exist, how did they evolve into the vast array of ocean-bottom-dwelling invertebrates? This is called the Cambrian period-this explosion of life that has baffled evolutionists. Clams, snails, brachiopods, corals, starfish, jellyfish, trilobites, and many other organisms appear in the fossil record with no ancestors at all. The transition is thought to have taken some 3 billion years, yet not one transitional form has been found!

The next biggest gap in the fossil record is from marine invertebrates (no backbone) to vertebrate (backbone) fish.This transition is thought to have taken tens of millions of years. Again, nothing has been found which serves as an ancestor for the fish. If evolution cannot climb over these two hurdles, we can consider it to be, pardon the pun, dead in the water. (John Morris)

Creation: Creation maintains that the fossil record should be one of "abrupt appearances". A record of fossils which shows "no transitional fossils". The Genesis account says reproduction of species can only be "after their kind". Within the human family there are records of humans up to 9 feet tall, and as short as 2 feet tall, with varying sizes and shapes of skeletons. But they all belong to the human kind. Also, there are over 200 varieties of dogs, but they are all dogs; there are no dats or cogs......

Have you seen this Ape Man?

    From a realistic standpoint, the obvious gulf between man and monkey is as broad as it is strange. The theory of evolution holds that as animals progressed up the evolutionary scale, they became more capable of surviving:
   Why then is the "inferior" ape family, (those we see in the zoos and jungles of Africa) still in existence? Yet not a single one of the presumed "missing links" are in existence today, even though they were suppose to be more advanced!

   Today there are chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, but no "ape-men". Does is seem realistic that every one of the more recent and supposedly more advanced "links" between apelike creatures and modern man should have become extinct, but the lower apes survived? {Only in the imagination of the evolutionist.} Also if the fossils that are found today are not those of apes and monkeys, then the modern apes seem to have sprung out of nowhere land. They have no yesterday and no fossil record...............

If man's ancestors were not apelike, why do so many pictures and replicas of "ape-men" appear in science magazines, school books and museums?

The reconstruction of flesh and hair have to be filled in by the imagination; things such as the skin color, forms and distribution of hair, the muscle forms, and the appearances of the face. The artist "MUST" create something between an ape and a man, owing to the fact the artist has been instructed by the evolutionist as to what the creature should look like. Yet, there is not enough evidence from fossil material to take the imagination out of the realm of FANTASY.

The physical differences between men and apes are truly enormous, and can only be explained by the fact that their DNA coding, "the original blueprinting", was different. For instance man has red lips formed by an outrolling of the mucous membranes which line the inside of his mouth; apes have thumbs on their feet as well as on their hands. Man's head is balanced on top of his spinal column, the head of the ape is hinged at the front instead of on top. and on and on...............

Early Darwinists desperately sought fossil evidence that man had come from the apes. Darwin had reported that none was available at the time he published "The Origin of the Species". Over the next four decades, however, supposedly a number of remains were found which were used in the famous SCOPES MONKEY TRIAL.

What about all those missing links?

Are they truly the missing links?

Questions asked but never answered at the trial: SCOPES MONKEY TRIAL.

Seeing that the facts never supported evolution, Many evolutionist and even some christians falsely believe there is a gap between Genesis 1 verse 1 and verse 2. This is refered to as "The Gap Theory". But the FACTS of Bible scripture don't support this theory. It is a theory that has to be wedged into the reading of Genesis.

Carl Sagan once said: "Mutations -sudden changes in heredity- breed true. They provide the raw material of evolution. The environment selects those few mutations that enhance survival, resulting in a series of slow transformations of one life-form into another, the origin of new Species." But is this really so?

Why did God create the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day rather than the first day?

In 1963 the United States Supreme Court decided (against the constitution) that they would prohibit the free exercise of our belief in God within the school system. (removal of prayer). They replaced the Golden Rule with the Law of the Jungle (Evolution). So look at the school system now! What fruit from the teaching of evolution is beginning to ripen? The answer is very apparent!............

Evolution teaches a student that his ancestors came from stirring slime in a godless universe; that morality can be defined by each individual as he sees fit. (that everything is relative and nothing is absolute; hence each person can decide what is right and what is wrong in their own eyes); that there is no eternal reward or punishment for our actions,(no heaven or hell); that we'll never see our departed loved ones again; that we're just intelligent animals adrift on a speck-sized planet, drifting meaninglessly through a black void of cosmic dust. All these lies are implicit within the teaching of evolution. The minds and souls of many men, women, & children have suffered and will suffer eternally, because of this PHILOSOPHY...............


For evolution to be so prevalent and established in society and taught in schools as proven fact, one wonders why the writers of evolution use such words as these:

(taken from articles on evolution) presumably....................debated................Some anthropologist believe.......theorized......... appears to have been ..................may have........ probably.......... perhaps............ unlikely.................It is believed................. suggest............. It is likely................ suggested................. continue to believe.....................most believe......many experts consider.......... may represent......... suggesting that.......Does this sound like proven facts?????.... In fact, Darwin used the phrase "we may well suppose" over 800 times in his "novel", The Origins of the Species" .

Daniel 8;24.......and he (anti-Christ) shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice...

How does anyone destroy wonderfully?

***** Epcot Center in Disney World at Orlando, Fla., has many expositions that begin their presentations with the "facts?" that life began in the oceans billions of years ago.{these various expositions are presented by AT&T, Exxon and United Technology; just to name a few.} How many children go through these "crash courses" daily? (thousands) Disney World,The Disney Channel & The Discovery Channel have long been known to promote evolution.

*****Tourists at the Grand Canyon are told by the tour guide that the Grand Canyon was formed millions of years ago by the river that runs through it. (even though the mouth of the river is lower than the base of the canyon. This means the river had to flow uphill for millions of years in order to create it)

*****Nova series on the public television stations {i.e. A.E.T.N.} offers a video to the school system that teaches as FACT: Dinosaurs didn't really disappear, they just evolved over millions of years into the birds you see outside your study window. This (fact?) is also printed in elementary books at schools, and available on video at your local library.

*****Evolution is also promoted through newspapers, television, and magazine writers who never research whether their articles are true or not. Articles are printed for the purpose of sensationalism.(Truth in media?) sadly no.

*****AT&T sponsored a movie, "Inherit The Wind", that twisted "The Scopes Monkey Trial". The movie distorted all facts concerning the case, leaving evolution the hero.

*****Children are taken on field trips to museums, where they undergo "crash courses"......and on, and on, and on

Truly to much power is being granted to fiction instead of TRUTH.

Perhaps most emphasis in evolution is presented to the younger children (wonder why?) through their fascination with dinosaurs. When they read of dinosaurs or watch them on TV, or see them in museums or wherever, they are always told that they were PREHISTORIC creatures. {Falsely teaching they existed on an Earth not yet inhabited by man}. All elementary children and most adolescents and adults will never research these statements, but just accept them as fact. However, there is a record of all earth's history. There's no such thing as prehistoric. Man has been on earth since the sixth day of creation. The Bible is a record of history from the very beginning of creation...........

The BIG LIE is not that dinosaurs existed, but that they existed hundreds of millions of years ago. Following the lineage of births all the way back to Adam, most bible scholars say that creation took place about 12-18,000 years ago. Jesus confirms creation in Matthew 19 verse 4..........


How do the scientist determine the age of the Earth?

The CARBON 14 dating method along with the potassium-argon method both require MANY ASSUMPTIONS, but there are entirely to many to lists all of them here. {Knowing the rate of decay of carbon 14, it is possible to extrapolate backward to determine the time since the sample of organic substance died and ceased taking in carbon 14 from the environment.}

First of all the carbon 14 dating method requires the determination of the rate of carbon decay(i.e. the determination of the half life). Then the carbon 14 content of the sample to be dated is measured. The original carbon 14 content of the sample is assumed to have been equal to the standard modern content of a living organic substance. The same applies to argon.

Also it must be ASSUMED that carbon 14 neither escaped from nor was added to the sample; and also ASSUMED that the carbon was not diluted with ordinary carbon from the environment. The same case applies to the potassium-argon method. As always the constancy of the radiometric decay rates must be "assumed". The web of ASSUMPTIONS is far more complicated than can be described. None of these assumptions can be measured experimentally.

These are just a few assumptions listed, there are many more. Will you ever read of these facts concerning the methods used to determine the age of the Earth? no.

In 1968 evolutionary scientist applied radiometric dating to some rocks that were known to be less than 170 years old. They knew this because the rocks had been formed by a volcanic eruption in 1800 on the island of Hualalai, in Hawaii. The radioactive ages determined for these 170 year old rocks ranged from 160 million to 3 billion years. Will children read of these facts in the dinosaur books? no............

The bible speaks of God creating dinosaurs in Job 40, verses 15-25.


Verse 15: Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.

{In Hebrew, behemoth means gigantic creature.}

verse 16; Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. {the dinosaurs used their tails as a weapon to knock down other dinosaurs that sometimes attacked them.}

verse 17; He moveth his tail like a cedar; {what else on Earth has a tale as long as the cedar trees of Lebanon? where the book of Job was written)

verse 18; His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. {these descriptions fit the skeletal fossils of dinosaurs.}

verse 23; Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not; he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.{only a dinosaur could possibly consider drinking that much water and not be filled}

Since 1920, evolutionary scientist have claimed that dinosaurs were cold-blooded, and that birds (warmblooded) have descended from them. Because they could never establish the missing links between these two factors, they now proclaim that dinosaurs were perhaps warmblooded after all. But did birds really evolve from dinosaurs?..........

Did evolution provide birds with NEW instincts for building nests in trees? for feeding their young? for hatching their eggs? (birds must incubate their eggs). These are very selfless, altruistic, considerate behaviors involving skill, hard work and deliberate exposure to danger.

Did scales just evolve into feathers? Consider; Feathers are unique to birds. Under a microscope, the intricate design consisting of barbicels, barbs, barbules and shafts can be seen. These are all interwoven to produce an airfoil unsurpassed in complexion of design.

Also, did evolution provide the birds their oil glands for them to condition their feathers? no.
Consider: Bird's bones are thin and hollow for flight. Yet strength is required for flight, so inside the bird's bones are struts, like braces on airplane wings. Another marvel of birds is their muscular wings. They beat for hours, or even days, in flight generating much heat. Yet it has no sweat glands. A system of air sacs reach into almost every important part of the body, even to the hollow bones, and body heat is relieved by this circulation of air. At first the air goes to certain air sacs; which serve as bellows to push the air into the lungs. From the lungs the air goes into other air sacs, and these eventually expel it.

This means that there is a stream of fresh air constantly going through the lungs in one direction, much like water flowing through a sponge. The blood in the capillaries of the lungs is flowing in the opposite direction. It is this countercurrent between air and blood that makes the bird's respiratory system exceptional. Because of it, birds can breathe the thin air of high altitudes, flying at over 20,000 feet for days on end as they migrate for thousands of miles. In dinosaurs the lungs take in and give out air, like a bellows..............

Could birds have migrated while developing these new features? no. (Evolution only works in the minds of the scientist.) Also: Birds have four chamber hearts. Reptiles have three chamber hearts.

If the billions of years were a reality there would have been countless numbers of meteors encountering the earth's atmosphere. The vast majority of these meteors would have burned up before reaching the ground, but a small percentage would reach the earth's surface each year as meteorites. With the passage of vast amounts of evolutionary time, these accumulating meteorites would be incorporated into the geologic column, and there should be many of them contained in the rock layers today. Paleontologists and other scientists doing research in the geologic rock layers should frequently encounter meteorites. On the other hand, most Creationist believe the geologic column was laid down quickly after Noah's flood and thus has not been exposed to meteorites for very long. DATA RESULTS: A survey of the literature published failed to turn up a single case of a meteorite being found in the geologic column. ...... P. Stevenson, "Meteoritic Evidence for a Young Earth."

If you've ever walked into a room where all the furniture has been covered up and has not been in use for a long time, you will notice there is a considerable build up of dust. Why? very simple; over time dust accumulates. What if you found an eight of an inch of dust on your table? What if you found a whole inch? a foot? The accumulation of dust serves as a pretty good clock. You could say the room has not been in use for a long, long time. Scientist know that outer space contains an abundance of material known as cosmic dust. They know this dust has been falling into our atmosphere, collecting on the surface, and also falling on the moon's surface and other planets.

...........A great witness spanned out across the heavens the day the Lunar Lander set down on the surface of the moon, and Neil Armstrong HAD TO HAMMER the American flag down into the ground. Discovery? the surface of the moon is not covered with billions of years of dust, but rather just a few thousand years of dust!...............

...........Also the evolutionist believe the moon to be about 4.5 billion years old. Thus there should be many, many feet of accumulated space dust on the surface, since there is no atmosphere to erode it away. (approximately 50-80 feet of loosely packed dust according to their time length). During the moon landings, the threat of the Lunar Lander sinking down into the dust layers and not being able to blast off again was one taken very seriously. Additional expensive impact probes had been sent to check for a safe landing site. Also a very crucial addition to the Lunar Lander was made. At great additional expense to the taxpayers, huge duck-feet landing pods were attached to the legs of the Lander,(see below) so that it would settle safely into the theorized dust layers.

According to the theory of evolution, a geological column has been gradually building up for hundreds of millions of years. This is the name scientist give to the layers of sedimentary rock that can be seen, for example, when a hill is cut away to make a road for a highway (or the layers seen at the Grand Canyon). Fossils found in certain sedimentary layers are said to come from that period of time. {i.e. A fossil found in the Paleozoic era of sedimentary layer would be considered 200,000,000 to 600,000,000 years old. See chart below.}

But what do evolutionary scientist do when they find a "POLYSTRATE FOSSIL"? THIS IS A FOSSIL THAT CUTS THROUGH TWO OR MORE LAYERS OF SEDIMENTARY ROCK. { trees (not petrified) have been found that extend vertically and are fossilized into each rock layer, in which each are supposedly laid down in epochs separated by hundreds of millions of years.} Remember a fossil can only become a fossil by being buried "deeply and quickly" in wet sediment to seal it off from the atmosphere, bacteria and so forth. Otherwise it will rot! Could these trees exist for hundreds of millions of years as each rock layer was laid down? no. Only a catastrophic flood (Noah's flood) could explain their existence. Will children ever read of these fossil discoveries in the dinosaur books? no. Why? It would invalidate the geological column theory!

The bible declares that everything created by God was given power to reproduce its own kind. No one thing could break this law and produce any other kind. There can be no evolution without the power of reproduction in living things. Since reproduction in living things is a prior condition to evolution, it cannot be a product of it. Hence we face the logical necessity for the creation of life. Its power of continued reproductions is not in the embryo, but only in the mature parent. An egg cannot produce an egg.

Therefore, the parent form of life must have been created in the beginning to have produced an egg from which offspring alone can come. Which came first the chicken or the egg? Very simple....out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air. Yet evolutionist say reptiles (snakes, lizards, etc.) evolved from creatures(amphibians) that lay their eggs in water.

Consider the unbridged differences between both eggs:.............

The eggs of amphibians are soft & jellylike and must be laid in water, where, after they are laid, the eggs are fertilized externally. Reptiles lay shelled eggs on dry land. They must be fertilized before the egg is laid. The shelled egg has a membrane called the allantois which receives and stores embryonic waste, serving as a sort of bladder. It also has blood vessels that picks up oxygen that passes through the shell & conduct it to the embryo.

Embryos from amphibians release their wastes in the surrounding water as soluble waste. If this waste was released inside the shelled egg, without the allantois, it would kill the embryo. To bridge these differences, evolution would have had to provide new sex organs, new mating procedures and new instincts.The vast differences between the soft jellylike eggs and the hard shelled eggs cannot be bridged by evolution. Nor are there any fossils of intermediate changes. Except for drawings in books.

Consider: Frog + Kiss = prince (fairy tale)

Frog+300 million years=man(serious science)

Think about how complex computers are. The average mind marvels at the computers ability to store and recall immediately vast amounts of information at the touch of a button. Did computers just happen to be? Did they come into existence by random molecules of iron, metal, and electricity blending together? NO. Computers, as with all things, have a designer and a creator. So has mankind. The human body (which is extremely more complex than even the most sophisticated computers), was formed from a design by a creator............

A single amoeba's DNA alone has enough information storage capacity to house the entire Encyclopedia Britannica a thousand times over. Yet in the good name of science we are asked to believe that such complexity arose by chance from absolutely nothing. It strains credulity to deduce that the infinitely more complex things of nature resulted from chance, when all the facts and evidence we possess concerning man-made objects state that these much simpler items had to result from intelligence, plan, and design. In other words, if the extremely "simple" items that men make, such as watches and computers, require ­even demand­intelligence for their production, how then does the infinitely more complex world of nature arise by pure chance without any intelligence at all?.

*Consider a single cell. (DRAWING) In his book, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, molecular biologist Dr. Michael Denton discusses a small fraction of the complexity of a single cell. He argues, "Perhaps in no other area of modern biology is the challenge {to evolution} posed by the extreme complexity and ingenuity of biological adaptations more apparent than in the fascinating new molecular world of the cell."

If we were to expand a single cell a billion times until it was 15 miles in diameter, then we would see something of its unmatchedcomplexity and adaptive design. Even the most simple functional components of the cell such as the protein molecules, would be revealed as highly organized and tremendously complex bits of molecular machinery.

In whatever direction we looked there would be boundless numbers of these robot-like machines. We could see each molecule was made up of approximately 3,000 atoms arranged in highly organized three-dimensional spatial conformation. "We would wonder even more as we watch the strangely purposeful activities of these weird molecular machines, particularly when we realize that, despite all our accumulated knowledge of physics and chemistry, the task of designing one such molecular machine­that is one single functional protein molecule­"would be completely beyond our capacity"

In other words, the complexity and information content of even "simple" molecules are so vast as to be unimaginable. In fact, to suppose that other more complex molecules could have originated through any possible scheme of biological evolution is simply not credible: "Complex molecules that are essential to particular organisms often have such a vast information content as "to make the theory of evolution effectively impossible.". we traveled about this simple gigantic cell, what we would be seeing is an object resembling an immense automated factory, a factory larger than a city and carrying out almost as many unique functions as all the manufacturing activities of man on earth. However, it would be a factory which would have one capacity not equaled in any of our own most advanced machines, for it would be capable of reproducing its entire structure within a matter of a few hours. To witness such an act at a magnification of one thousand millions times would be an awe-inspiring spectacle.

Hardly anyone would deny that the human brain, weighing a mere three pounds, is the most complex structure in the universe, The theory of evolution becomes impossible to believe, when the design of the brain is considered. .............

The key brain cells­the neurons­do not actually touch one another. They are seperated by synapses, tiny spaces less than one millionth of an inch across. These gaps are bridged by chemicals called neurotransmitters. These chemical signals are received at one end of the neuron by a maze of tiny filaments called dendrites. The signals are then transmitted at the other end of the neuron by a nerve fiber called an axon. In the neurons the signals are electrical, but across the gaps they are chemical. Thus the transmission of nerve signals is electrochemical. Each impulse is of the same strength, but the intensity of the signal depends upon the frequency of the impulses, which may be as high as one thousands of a second.

The vast numbers of microscopic nerve fibers making the connections within the brain are often referred to as its "wiring". They are precisely placed within a maze of staggering complexity. But how they are placed in the exact spots is by design, not chance. The number of these connections is astronomical. Each neuron has thousands of connections with other neurons. Not only are there connections between neurons, but there are also microcircuits that are set up directly between the dendrites themselves. These microcircutis add yet another dimesion to the already complex design. They make up what is to be estimated an almost one quadrillion connections.

"Neurological and other specialized scientists have calculated that a space of 1.5 x 106 kilowatts of electrical power, 1x1021(power) wires, 1x1021(power) miniature tubes, and 2x1018(power) dollars in finances would be needed even crudely to simulate the human brain from the psychical viewpoint. The human brain consists of some ten billion nerve cells. Each one of these ten billion nerve cells exudes between ten thousand and one hundred thousand connecting fibers which enable it to make contact with other nerve cells in the brain. Thus, the total number of connections in the human brain is close to one million billion or 10 to 15 power.

Even if only one hundredth of the connections in the brain were organized in a specific way, this would still represent a system containing a much greater number of specific connections than in the entire communications network on earth. Because of the vast number of unique adaptive connections, to assemble an object remotely resembling the brain would take an eternity even applying the most sophisticated engineering techniques. To assume that such complexities in the brain could arise entirely by chance is why some scientists are now referring to evolution as a myth.............

In the past Evolution has served as an intellectual basis for Hitler's Nazism, which resulted in a holocaust. Later it founded Marx's Communism, which has SHED 25 times the innocent blood that Hitler shed. Yet the name of Charles Darwin is never mentioned alongside with Hitler. Even though Darwin was the "scientist" who directly inspired the German philosopher, Nietzsche; who in turn composed the superman theory and the Nazi corollary that some people were subhuman. Hitler used this as an excuse to exterminate the Jewish people. The expression "natural selection," as applied to human beings, turns up at the Wannsee Conference in the prime document of the Holocaust.


It is well known that the state religion of the USSR and other communist nations is Atheism. The whole communist ideology is justified in a view of origins that says "There is no God." Evolution is used to defend and promote atheism in these countries. Evolution has promoted apostasy, atheism, secular humanism, libertarianism, as well as establishing a basis for the modern ethical relativism. [which implies there is no right or wrong, hence there is no Heaven or Hell; there is no God.] The minds and souls of many men, women, and children have suffered and will suffer eternally because of this PHILOSOPHY of Evolution. Those who believe in evolution must look to social planners and the world system for their salvation. Yet man's nature cannot be truly changed by his environment, but can only come from an inward change which in turn will correct the outward. Jesus said,"YE MUST BE BORN-AGAIN."


In forthright opposition to all efforts to explain the origin of the world in terms of purely natural processes, the bible states that GOD created all things supernaturally. In other words, the world came into being in a way that was entirely different from anything that may be observed in the present universe. Today absolutely nothing is being created directly apart from preexistent materials, and scientist express this basic truth in terms of the first law of thermodynamics(i.e. energy can be neither created nor destroyed.) Genuine creation is no longer being accomplished, as the Bible clearly states(Gen. 2;1-3). God's work of preservation keeps the universe in existence (Heb.1;3), and His work of providence directs the universe toward glorious goals (Col. 1:20), but His work of creation, as far as the present universe is concerned, has been completed.

Thus, God created the Heavens and the Earth without the use of any preexistent materials whatsoever.

Creation was supernatural.

The fact that creation was supernatural means, among other things, that it can be grasped by the human mind only through the channel of special revelation. God alone can tell us how the world began, because no man was there to see it being created, and even if a human was there to see it being created, he could not have understood fully what he saw apart from God's own interpretation. "Now gird up your loins like a man," said God to Job, "And I will ask you, and you instruct Me! Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth! Tell me, if you have understanding" (Job 38:3-4) 1

However, our difficulty in grasping the doctrine of creation is not due so much to the fact that we are finite as to the fact that we are sinful. "But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised" (1 Cor.2:14). There are few doctrines of the Bible that seem more foolish to the natural man than that of supernatural creation. But Creation is most definitely one of the supremely important "things of the Spirit of God,"........And the spirit of God moved.

WAKE UP.....

EVOLUTION: 1. It accepts heathen and pagan philosophers in preference to God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible.......2. It makes void the idea of Bible creations by God. "THE FORCE" is substituted for creative power of the personal and living God. .......3. It degrades man from creation, by God, in the image of God, to a monkey ancestry........4. It degrades God's image to a beast.......5. It makes Christ a liar & unnecessary........6. It does away with the fall of man & sin. ......7. It makes void the authority of the Bible, God's word, right & wrong, and calls God a liar for saying he created the Earth.........8. It does away with the virgin birth(it being supernatural), making it unnecessary and contrary to the processes of evolution........9. It denies the bodily resurrection of Christ (it being supernatural), and declares that it is contrary to the processes of evolution.........10. It denies the ATONEMENT, (if man has not fallen, then Jesus came and died needlessly)...........11. It denies the Second Coming of Christ and the restoration of all things.

The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths. (2 Tim. 4:3-4).

Evolution says the World is progressing upwards, but the truth is the Earth is moving towards a climatic judgement. This life will determine the eternal destiny of your soul (in heaven or in hell). Will you gamble your soul on this false theory of evolution?

Choose well.............


Links to the resources found within this article:

Answers in Genesis

*John Ankerberg (Creation vs. Evolution)



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