Daniel Cordero Jr. - 02/04/00 21:41:17
My Email:dcdanjr@netzero.net
Message: Good Job Douglas!!!!!
Hello to all the other Cordero's out there.
Allan Serrano - 01/05/00 15:57:15
Message: filipino associations
First off, good job on the web page. It was very informative and well done. I live in Toronto and unfortunately there's not one 'unified' Filipino association. The Filipino community up here in Toronto is in the midst of building their very own communi
y centre, but unfortunately the leaders are procrastinating and many can't seem to agree on anything. Pride is an unfortunate characteristic of many Filipinos. I'm just wondering why they can't cut the 'crap' and just do the job? Currently, the so-call
d leaders are still 'talking'....but nothing has happened.
D. Belton - 11/18/99 22:07:29
My Email:id4surf@msn.com
Message: Great Site!!
Great site! Beautiful Girls!Nice music!
11/14/99 08:12:29
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen
alex - 10/26/99 03:46:09
My Email:staanae@dap.edu.ph
Message: congrats.
hello,from the philippines.
Helmut - 09/25/99 14:27:10
My URL:http://mitglied.tripod.de/HelmutHeiden/index.html
My Email:hheiden@the-web-ac.com
A nice and interesting page you have, I enjoyed my visit!
Greetings from Germany...
Maria Theresa Vilar Comer - 08/15/99 23:12:04
My URL:http://www.agiftfromhawaii.com
My Email:mariacomer@worldnet.att.net
Message: Mabuhay!
The site is very informative.I like the pictures
especially the music. It makes want to cry hearing
them. Please visit my site also at...
To all the Novo Ecijanos, kumusta po kayong lahat.Sa lahat ng aking mga kababayan Mabuhay and Aloha!
- 08/11/99 03:48:52
- 08/11/99 03:48:39
Cebuana - 08/09/99 16:20:33
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/7298
Great job you have here. Keep up the good work Kababayan!
Hello there!! You're site is very interesting and informative...I'm glad that though you are here in California you still have the chance to enjoy your cultural heritage...I'm not that fortunate coz I don't get to do that here...I live in Palm Springs and
the population of the filipinos here is not that abundant. Can you please inform me if you have any upcoming activities where my friends and I can have new acquaintances...thank you very much! More power to your site! God Speed
Kevin - 07/22/99 00:30:58
My Email:kevin4@aol.com
Message: oh ok
my comments
Daimos - 07/22/99 00:28:55
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/DJ_iC3/Daimos
Daimos - 07/22/99 00:28:24
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/DJ_iC3/Daimos
James McKnigt - 07/09/99 23:17:28
My Email:Basil7@webtv.net
Message: Need Millionaire wannabe
Major Co. looking for marketing Reps. for best phone card in the business. If you reach our quotes we will put you in a Brand New Mercedes. think I'm joking look at www.npwt.com This is serious business so if you're not don't apply call 1-888-291-4995 ex
. 4827
Claire Algarme - 07/07/99 07:20:32
My URL:http://www.habitat.org
My Email:claire_96a@yahoo.com
Message: Habitat for Humanity Philippines
Magbayanihan Tayo! It was fun last March during the Jimmy Carter Work Project. We are calling on to all Filipinos abroad to join us in our Magbayanihan Spirit. For inquiries, e-mail us at media@habitat.org.ph
odie - 06/15/99 07:13:30
My URL:http://qualitechcomputers.com
My Email:reyesodie@hotmail.com
Message: Kumusta!!
rick - 05/16/99 22:06:38
My Email:bakfld1@att.net
what a great page......very nicely done..
Jan Garcia - 05/05/99 19:46:43
My Email:mnpUSA@hotmail.com
Message: Mutya Ng Pilipinas USA
I am pleased to announce the Mutya Ng Pilipinas USA pageant for 1999. Each year the Mutya Ng Pilipinas USA pageant conducts a national search culminating in a pageant. The winner of the pageant goes on to Manila, Phillipines, to represent the Filipino-A
erican community in the televised pageant. Winners may also receive cash prizes, vacation get-aways, and scholarship monies.
This year's pageant will be held at the New Otani Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, on August 8, 1999. Applications for contestents must be received no later than July 15, 1999.
I would like to send your organization more information about how they may participate. Please contact me at 213-622-3858 or mnpUSA@hotmail.com. Thanks
Mr. Jan Garcia
Mutya Ng Pilipinas USA Pageant President
Jim Burri - 04/23/99 15:17:19
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/needhelp/index.html
My Email:dburri@webtv.net
Message: need joint sponsor
Please help if you can to find someone in you area
to be a joint sponsor for my wife and please visit
our homepage.
Jerald F. Bailey - 03/19/99 22:41:46
My Email:jfbailey@bechtel.com
I am impressed. Thanks for sharing
Jim Burri - 02/21/99 06:36:19
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/needhelp/index.html
My Email:jburri@mailstart.com
Message: HELP!
Fantastic! verry nice, Please help me to find a joint sponsor for my wife .She lives in Tagbilaran City,Bohol.We were married after writing over two years and i have a little girl who lost her natural mother 3 years ago my income in this arae of Missouri
s not enough under new immgration law
any help in finding a compassionate lovin person or persons to help her to come to the U.S.
God Bless for any help in passing this message along to everyone there.
josé mag-isa vergara - 12/23/98 22:53:59
My URL:http://home.vicnet.net.au/~filipino
My Email:jvergara@melbpc.org.au
Maligayang Pasko at Manigong Taon sa lahat.
We wish all our friends and fellow Filipinos throughout the whole world a
Joyous Christmas and Prosperous New Year.
Let us not forget, however, up to 936 Filipino overseas workers languishing
in foreign jails, most of them in the Middle East. Of the 936 Filipino detainees,
356 are in the Middle East and Africa, 359 in AsiaPacific nations, and 172 in
Central and South America. Forty-nine are scattered all over Europe.
12 female OCWs held in Saudi Arabia were "actual victims of sexual assault."
Their employers charged them with immoralityand theft, among other crimes.
Nick P. Pascua - 12/23/98 01:46:22
My URL:/~npascua
Ruthie - 12/16/98 19:50:11
My URL:http://www.gate.net/~igorota
My Email:igorota@bigfoot.com
This is such a wonderful Filipino site. Thanks for providing a link to it on my guestbook.
First of all, I want to say how proud I am to see such a strong Filipino presence
in cyberspace. I enjoyed visiting your site and plan to drop in every
now and then. Keep up the great work! You represent the best and
brightest of the Philippines around the world.
We are new on the Internet, but we have quite a web site going. Please
check it out at www.villahanons-intl.org
We are an international organization of Filipinos who come from
Villareal, Samar. We celebrate our heritage and culture while promoting
projects that help our community back in Samar. Our site features
history, folkore, great pictures of our members and Filipino cultural
traditions being perpetuated by Villahanons all over the world.
Feel free to link us on your site and let your friends know about us.
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Hello! just visiting your very nice
homepage and inviting you
over to mine
too. Good day
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
??? - 11/16/98 10:36:46
Message: ???????????
jeffbs - 11/04/98 21:35:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Island/6521
My Email:jeffbs@mailexcite.com
Message: nice page
danny santos - 10/23/98 16:39:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kapitolyo/
My Email:santos1@llnl.gov
Message: I will be in Cebu in Jan 1999 to visit . I will take some scenic pictures and willing to share via email.
Excellent and very informative web page Good job!!!!
jose luis abad - 10/15/98 21:56:12
My Email:litoabad@aol
Message: want to meet my friends from cebu
10/04/98 12:17:14
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Omar - 09/13/98 15:34:31
My Email:omais@cyberia.net.lb
Message: hi sweetyou
i like your home page very much,and specially the words that you've written in the first page.
My name is Omar from lebanon .Bye
Hazel - 08/28/98 05:41:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Island/2678
My Email:hazelo@hotmail.com
Message: Hello!
tHis is a pretty cool page...if you can, visit my site and sign tHe guestbook, kay? byez!
Elvira - 08/17/98 04:17:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Paradise/7298
Message: Nice Background Music My Favorite Cebuano Music
You have done an excellent job here. Your site is cool. Keep up the good work. I really enjoyed
my visit here. If you have time come and visit my page. I'll be happy if you could also sign my guestbook. Take Care and God Bless.
thalia - 08/13/98 10:45:58
please visit little ashley's webpage. here is her address: www.ontimeprint.com/ashley/ thanks again and please pass her address along to everyone that you know
Charito - 08/11/98 04:58:18
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~stationham2/index.html
My Email:pandabearca@innocent.com
Message: Hello!
Julie - 08/09/98 07:30:51
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/a/s/i/asianladysplace.html
My Email:JulieB712@hotmail.com
I was just surfing around and found saw your site.It's really nice. Very Filipino Page!!!
Tim &Enna Moody - 08/08/98 01:45:37
My Email:tmoody@aol.com
Tim &Enna Moody - 08/08/98 01:40:55
My Email:tmoody@aol.com
stone - 08/03/98 05:22:39
My URL:http://badai.home.ml.org
good work :)
Hazmardie A.M. - 07/19/98 13:09:43
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/6892/intro.html
My Email:hasmadi@tm.net.my
Nice page. If you are free visit me.
pradeep - 06/29/98 01:36:56
My Email:pradeeps@sprint.ca
Message: Love to talk to you !
Julie B. Torres - 06/16/98 19:02:17
My Email:jbtorres@efdswest.navfac.navy.mil
Thanks for inviting me to your homepage. It's very informative and I enjoyed reading it.
Nate Wood - 05/28/98 04:19:51
My Email:natewood@qnet.com
Your Home Page is beautiful. Just like your country. (I was there for 8 months, working).
Dan Edillor - 05/14/98 04:43:24
My Email:dan_edillor@hotmail.com
Message: Keep up the good work!!!
Amethyst - 05/06/98 15:32:22
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243
My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net
Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday
cb cromwell - 05/02/98 04:04:51
My Email:ccromwell@sprint.ca
i visited your site and read your bit of history.i,m about to marry a filipino lady and bring her to canada where she is encouraged and able to keep her ways and customs,along with adopting some of ours also.i have visited the ph twice and we will return
here in dec for a month.in closing i would like to say that here in canada immigrants are encouraged to practice their cultures,along with adopting those of their new country.however it seems that in the us they are encouraged to learn nothing but us of a
culture.so anyway good site .keep up the good work and god bless.a canadian from nova scotia canada.
Robert Romero - 04/30/98 22:47:02
My Email:altair@pcmagic.net
Thanks for the visit!
Charito Pinon - 04/30/98 22:43:58
Enjoyed reading the content and seeing the pictures!
Ray - 04/26/98 07:29:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/nofalsegods
My Email:gttvm@technologist.com
Message: And then there are those who understand capitalism...(Dadalawa ang klase ng tao...)
Amor Colina - 04/24/98 07:08:45
My Email:acolina@philonline.com.ph
Hello there..Thought I'd drop by..
Flips From Canada - 04/17/98 17:59:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/garden/1623
My Email:flipsfc@geocities.com
Great page, lots of info about flips and all.
Great to see all these flip pages on the web.
If u have time, visit my page and sign the
Linda - 03/27/98 06:26:03
My Email:erlinda@eisa.net.au
Message: Cool Page!!
Hi there. just surfing the net and log on iris and I saw Kris web address thought i'll check it out.
anyway..its very well presented..goodluck..by the way..i am a filipina too,living in Australia..i'll send you an email with my pics later..
take care Mate" :-)
Raphael - 03/26/98 11:23:50
My Email:sisneros@prodigy.net
Message: Great homepage!!!
Enjoyed your homepage - daghan salamat. The social atmosphere is quite similar here where I live. And the history of the filipino cultural growth is about the same, with the exception of the sakadas that took place during the late 1800's and early 1900's.
Again, congradulations on your homepage. Please feel free to e-mail me if you want to communicate.
Theresa Morley - 03/25/98 18:59:38
Hi Douglas, this was very interesting and informative. I didn't realize you guys had so many parties and get togethers!!
FARID A. SEMAAN - 03/19/98 10:45:56
My Email:wingedspirit@hotmail.com
I live in Dubai and there is a large community of Phillipinos. In fact my secretary (JULIET) and her familly are rather friends to me. I wish your people to have a better life as you are hard workers in every field at every level. May God Bless. Good Luck
Sonia s. Low - 02/18/98 02:12:36
My Email:SLow105515@aol.com
Message: thank you
i really enjoy viewing the information you enter in the internet.thank you for providing the information for our fellow filipino.
Jude - 02/14/98 08:43:43
My Email:jbolivar@hotmail.com
Message: Interesting!!!
You have such a very informative homepage. I'm sure this will open the minds of those who are blinded by the wonders of living in a foreign country such as America. Great!!!
Pretty Women - 02/09/98 01:16:38
My URL:http://www.inixindo.co.id/~yuli
My Email:yuli@inixindo.co.id
Message: visit mine!
cool homepage, well done!
Mauricio B Solis - 02/07/98 22:59:56
My Email:mauricio.b.solis@boeing.com
Message: SLU ALUMNI adn former Baguio resident
To ALL SLU ALUMNI and friends who has roots from Baguio City: Please
take time to visit the SLU Homepage and read the latest information
about an intensive fund raising campaign by the SLU-CEA to help the
City of Baguio clean, beautiful, safe and livable place to live, if you
believe in this cause, let me know, give me your mailing address and I
will mail you the information. Also in this homepage, you will find the
latest update on the SLU-CEA homecoming on June 6,1998.
audris romualdez - 02/07/98 07:45:53
My Email:audris@epic.net
Message: Galing!!!
I am soooo impressed. Were the one who made this? It also would be interesting to know some data regarding the kids of the imigrants or how the Flips took over CA together with the M's and Asians. hehehehe JK!
Well, thanks for inviting me to your homepage. IT is really very interesting. Will you be on tonight? I can try to catch you at 12 midnight our time but the problem is my powwow cannot page. Something is wrong with the program. When you see me, do pa
e,okay? I will try to be online tonight but no promises....
a friend,
my personal mailbox is
Yulie - 01/22/98 01:27:53
My URL:http://www.inixindo.co.id/~yuli
My Email:yuli@inixindo.co.id
Message: i am from Indonesia
thanks for signed my guestbook,
well done!!
Crucis "doy" Jimenez - 01/18/98 05:42:16
My URL:http://www.alphalink.com.au/~doymira/
My Email:doymira@alphalink.com.au
Message: Please visit my site if time permits you. Thank you and happy surfing.
Hello to all Filipinos here in Southern California and surfers browsing this page right now. More power also to kababayan that made this site in visual reality. All the best for 1998.
Crucis "Doy" Jimenez
Rick Basinet - 01/07/98 20:08:30
My Email:rjbasinet@efdswest.navfac.navy.mil
Message: Hi Douglas!
It looks like you have put alot of effort into your web site. Nice job!!! It is very informative and well structured. I look forward to seeing more.
nancy - 12/08/97 23:01:29
My Email:nacy_pascual@hotmail.com
Message: Thank You
Wow! ang sasaya nyo diyan....I´m very proud also to see those Filipinos who are successful there in California and having a happy good life... Pls continue featuring more of those nice events and thank you for sharing it to me. I´m thinking about your sug
estion... and why not? Lets see what i can do...... regards!
Francesca Ortigas - 12/07/97 04:29:47
My Email:flomor@skyinet.net
Interesting and informative webpage!
Manette Inocencio - 12/01/97 14:08:40
My URL:http://surf.to/pinoys.in.taiwan
My Email:ms.marie@usa.net
Message: Gleng-gleng!
Very interesting website. Mabuhay sa lahat ng mga Pilipino sa Southern California
michael - 11/29/97 05:37:46
My URL:http://www.datadepot.com/~michael/index.html
My Email:michael@datadepot.com
I just cruised in from yehey and thought I'd
say hello. You have an interesting topic,
I feel the same way thought I'm from Calif.
If you care to check out my online diary,
it's at www.datadepot.com/~michael/index.html
(sign my guestbook if you have time,I'll
mention your name and address in an upcoming
journal entry )
take care
'My Thoughts', an online diary
Bobot Yumul - 09/14/97 00:52:10
My Email:yumul@juno.com
Message: saw your web site
Actually this is boyet yumul. Kuya Bobot is watching behind me. You have a cool site.
sharon fair - 09/03/97 18:05:20
My Email:sfair@earthlink.net
Congratulations on a beautiful website!
Jim Potter - 08/31/97 21:55:29
My Email:jimpotter@directnet.com
Message: Greetings
Hi Doug,
You have a terrific Website. It is both fun and educational. Let me compliment you on your choice of photos.
Best wishes,
Pratap Bulsara - 08/27/97 04:31:21
My Email:SBulsara69@aol.com
Message: I enjoyed reading your page
I will discuss with youabout your web page tommorrow when I visit DTSC in Long Beach
Julie - 08/20/97 06:36:02
My Email:lei_zm@hotmail.com
Hi Darren!
A warm hello from the Philippines!!!
Nice homepage! Great work...it shows how our countrymen are doing there!!!
Johans L. Bautista - 08/14/97 09:33:33
My Email:johans@info.com.ph
Message: Very nice!!!
I will be visiting your web site again, and again, and again. . .
Milasol Gaslan - 08/11/97 23:55:59
My Email:mgaslan@earthlink.net
Am enjoying the web page despite my picture in there. Great job!!!
tony d. grande - 08/08/97 07:24:49
My Email:ednargt@aol.com
Message: great to meet you in powwow
wonderful web page...very interesting...love to check your homepage soon...hope you will include more tsismis in los angeles lol...missed it but would not like to live there again lol...hope to see you someday in las vegas hahahaha.
Luis Flores - 07/25/97 20:35:50
My URL:http://www.engr.csulb.edu/~jlflores
My Email:jlflores@engr.csulb.edu
Just visiting a friends web page. Good JOB ,,, :)
ben mendigorin - 07/24/97 02:44:12
My Email:boying44
Message: nice web page
send me an e-mail via aol.
Achelle Acedera - 07/18/97 01:57:12
My Email:a-shell@msn.com
Message: Hi from Melette's daughter
Why don'
you put together a Philsela Website for my mom? :>
Your page is very nice. I'm going to tell my friends to look at your
home page.
* My mom says "Well Done!" :>
Christie Gallardo - 07/15/97 08:56:24
My Email:chris@cbu.skyinet.net
It's nice to see a website about F
lipinos. It's great! I'll surely be back for more.
Mohamud - 07/14/97 18:42:38
My URL:http://mmahmoud@pcmagic.net
Message: Great website!!
great webs
Violeta A. Mislang - 07/14/97 16:53:39
My Email:Misvi@aol.com
Real nice to see me, the beautiful me in your web
age. You are very creative and talented.
Salamat po. I am very proud to be in the group of energetic, talented and friendly Filipinos.
Alice Toxics Gimeno - 07/14/97 16:16:26
My Email:agimeno@earthlink.net
Hey Douglas, now I feel like a rea
for real filipina--or is it pilipina??? I'm still a bit confused but hope to figure out culturally what I am. Would like to chat more, but it's time for a coffee break. Thank you for sharing. Alice