Salts Family Genealogy
The Salts Family is related to the Hitt Family through the marriage of Jessie Arisona Salts and Earl Lee Hitt, an eighth generation descendant of Peter Hitt the 1714 immigrant to Germanna.
A number of different forms and spelling of the Salts name has been encountered, some of which include: Salt, Salts, Saltz, Saults, Saultz. Early on in the Salts Family research it was realized that more than one Salts Family exists in America that are not related in America. One family originated in New York or Pennsylvania and migrated westward into Ohio. A second family originiated in Northampton Co., Virginia and immigrated down through North Carolina to Tennessee and then to Missouri and other western states. It is the Missouri branch of this family that is the subject of this Page.

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Last Updated on December 18, 1997