The Web Page of Champions

Last updated 20 July 1999

Me! Welcome, friend! Come with me on a profound journey through time. This is the window through which you can experience my travels and tribulations.

I am in the Republic of Georgia under the blue flag of the United Nations in support of The United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia, aka UNOMIG. Briefly put, Georgia left the Soviet Union, Abkhazia tried to leave Georgia. There was a war. The UN brokered a ceasefire, and UNOMIG began to try to restore peace and tranquility to the Caucusus mountains.

Check back here frequently as the journey continues.
Irish Flag
They're here!
Pics of Ireland - 20 July
Georgian Flag
They're here!
Pics of Tbilisi - 29 July

Please visit a few of the people who are making this trip possible:

A small home-run business for all of your printing and presentation needs, and most of your hardware needs, and general troubleshooting needs. Based near Austin. They donated the camera which makes this page possible.
Una computadora mas amigada.
A mathematical genius and virtuoso of the Latin Language. She is the Drummer for Seventy Times Seventy, and my chief accountant. She taught me everything I know about HTML.
Ivan's Barber Shop
A doctoral candidate in Animal Breeding and Genetics. Since I am jealous of his education, his jealousy of my travels feeds my ego, and keeps me motivated.
The muse I invoked for this page. He is the epitomy of photojournalists. He has uncovered such stories as The Massage Scandal of GWU, The Mystery of the Hub Cap Thief, and the Bizarre Hatmen of DC. Also he has captured on film the Condiment Men of Shell and Furry SuperSleuths and The Feathered SuperHeroes They Adore. Divert all small arms purchases through him.
"Mein Website ist mein Asylum; hereinkommen Sie, um meine Verruecktheit zu bestaeten."
Friends call her the Cyber Queen...and she is an aspiring computer guru...what else can I say?

Write to me at