Below I will type what you type to put music onto your page. BUT, AND A BIG "BUT", I am leaving off the beginning and ending "<" ">" tags cause if I type them in, I think I will just put another box on my site. So, Before the first line below (before the word BGSOUND you type a < and after the number "1" you type a > symbol. Then before the word EMBED you type a < symbol and after the word "false" you type the > symbol. In addition, you must first go to a music site and download to your hard drive the music midi you want, then upload it to your page site so you have it to install in between the quote marks that read 'music.mid' in the tags below. In other words, you will replace the "music.mid" with "title of your music.mid". Hope this helps you do it. Now you must type exactly as I have below and in-between the opening and closing tags < >.
BGSOUND SRC="put the name of your song with a .mid here" LOOP=1
EMBED SRC="put name of your song with a .mid here" HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=144 AUTOSTART=true LOOP=true HIDDEN=false
If you want your music box centered, put the center tags at beginning and end of your tags above. That's it. This will put music on both Netscape and Explorer. On my pages inside book, is the music link you want. Take your time and have fun finding just the right music for your site.