1699-William BRAYSER of Gunpowder Hundred, Maryland

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In memorial to all the "Forefathers" in our lineages

Compiled by Georgene (Eytchison) Humphries. Copy Right © 1992-1997. All rights reserved.


Cronological Lists

16??...The Doctor William BRASHIER mentioned in the Essex Co., Farmington Parish, Virginia, acts like the forefather William Brasur of Worcester County Maryland and may be same person? John, Richard and William BEZER seem to have been back and forth between these counties and were named in the wills of Henry Wilson, and others (insert)

1728...BRASHER, William (2) son of William (1) b 6 May 1696, d by 18 Jan 1728, of Baltimore Maryland were named when adm bond was posted by William Smith and Richard Caswell with Richard Caswell and Joseph Ward as witness.

XCK: James & Samuel WARD of Surry Co., NC with William Brazier. William Brazier then appears in SC, with Land Deed signed by James & Samuel WARD) ; William Brazier (Breashear) married Jane (Calvin?) est. adm. 26 Apr 1731 by William Smith; had issue: Richard b 6 Feb 1720 (as orphan of William Brasher was bound to Richard Caswell in Jun 1729 and to William Dallam in Nov 1737);

Sarah b. 26 Jan 1723; Jane b 31 Mar 1726 (may be Jane ind. for bast., Mar 1743/4, tried for bast. Mar 1744, and ind. for bast. in Nov 1746) (3; 11; 28:144;

31:133; 35:154 480; 36:220; 128) She married James MASON. The Brazier's, both Thomas & William Brazier's affiliation with the Anderson family as seen in the Wills Index, of Maryland, indicate this documentation is the right connection.

Vestry of Prince George Parish

The fact that WILLIAM BRASUR was Vestry of "Prince George Parish" makes me feel this is the right William to be our forefather. Now how did William BRASHUR get from St. Martins Parish to Prince George Parish ? This is what appears to have happened.


Spesutia Parish Separated from Parent

The original "Old Baltimore County" extended over the area from the Susquehanna River to the Old Ann Arundel County. It abutted against Cecil County on the east and included part of Carrol Co., on west. Between the Susquehanna and Bush River was located the "SPESUTIA PARISH".

North Gunpowder was located between Bush River and Gunpowder River. The Spesutia and Gunpowder Hundred area is located in modern HARFORD COUNTY. To understand how WILLIAM and Elizabeth (Clayton) BRASHUR ended up in Prince George Parish we need to look closely at the rearranging and divisions of County and Parish records.

OLD PRINCE GEORGE PARISH, was originally in "Old Spesutia Parish". When Baltimore County was formed , "OLD ST GEORGE PARISH" was the parent Parish of Spesutia Parish.

Ref: ( LDS "AIS" -Micro-Fiche & Balt. Co Tax lists by Raymond B. & Sara S Clark © 1964)

Surname BRADSHAW TO BRASHUR transmutation


The North Gunpowder River had an early "BRADSHAW" family from which the town of BRADSHAW was named. My research indicates this was the old timer William BRADSHAW who went by BRAZIER; BRASUR; BEZER.

1689- 1793...BRASHIER, William (b 26 May 1696): Father William BRAYEAR was living on SWAN Creeke

(St . George Par. Reg. 1689-1793. By Bill & Mary REAMY "Family Lines Pub. , pg 6) SWANN Pt. is just south of the mouth of the Susquehanna River. William and Mary (Clayton) Brashier were on North Gun Powder by 1699.

1699 ...BRAYSIER, William taxed on North GunPowder (pg 8)

1702...BRAESER (BREASHEAR), Will(iam), taxed on Spesutia tax lists. (pg 28)

1703...BRAYSON, Wm. North GunPowder. (ibid pg 31) Note: See heirs with BRAYSON spelling in old Edgefield Co., SC 1790 (LDS "AIS")

1703...BRADER (sic) Edward, North GunPowder. (ibid pg 31) Here is Edward BEZER Jr. cousin of William BEZER Jr.

1704...BRASER, William is in North Gun Powder (ibid pg 41

1705...BRAZER, Thomas was in South Gunpowder (ibid pg 52). South Gun Powder was the area

from Middle River to Patapsco River which was lying in the center of Baltimore Co. This area later was Harford County, MD.

1815...A WILLIAM BRASIER (Abstract of Wills for Baltimore Co., MD) was witness for Lydia Helprinston who had a grandson John Davis alias John Baker, sister Mary Powell ...recorded in Washington Co MD. These names are "Kin" to William of Worcester Co. MD [11934]. Note: The families (heirs) with names of DAVIS; BAKER:; TEAGUE remove to "Old 96 Dist SC", and are found with the Spartenburg Co., BRASHER (BRAYSOR) CLAN.

Worcester County MD is one of those Counties that appeared as Worcester Co., Delaware before 1700, and later became Essex and Sussex county Delaware with the name of Worcester disappearing in Delaware. Worcester Co. Maryland then reappears (date insert). Essex and Sussex Co., Delaware was part of the Penn grants east of the Delaware River. The land for these counties are registered in Philadelphia, Philadelphia. The original land was inherited by heirs of the oldest sons. It is essential to trace thye Philadelphia Braziers. The WHORTANS step father of William and Ann (Mumfords) children was a leading "Merchant" of Philadelphia.

1761...Worcester Co., MD, St. Martins Parish, pg 75 [LDS Film # GS 924759]

On 1 Sep 1761: William Brashur and John Mumford were assigned Pew number 15 in the. St. Martin's Parish Meeting House. Note: St. Martins River was the area where the CLAYTONS, MUMFORDS; PYLES: COX; MARTINS and CLOUDS settled at Chichester, Delaware County Pennsylvania. The history of Delaware Co., PA, gives account of the first settlers. (insert ref:LDS-GS BK #)

Our original Quaker BEZER Family

The original Bezer Quaker family viz: John, William & Edward BEZER, sons of EDWARD & Ann (FRY) BEZER, OF Wiltshire, County England, were among these settlers, with In-laws MARTINS, CLAYTONS. PYLES; HARDINS and many others proven to be family connections. The Records of the" Quaker Concord Meeting House" gives extensive records for our families who settled first at Chichester, Chester Co., PA, in the area that was separated out as "Delaware Co., PA".

William BEZER, evidently was never or at least did not remain Quaker, BUT IS FOUND IN THE ANGELICAN PARISH. He took land in the area of SWANN Creeke (drifting south and across the Chesapeake Bay), to the area that later became Upper Gunpowder Hundred.

JOHN BEZER remained in Pennsylvania (Delaware and Chester Co). His sons John & Richard left wills in Chester County PA. Their heirs are also found in Philadelphia as the town lots were inherited.
1705...Edward BEZER. Jr. who appears with them is hard to pin down. Edward BEZER was in North GunPowder in 1705, spelled BRADER. He is supposed to have had about 8 children. As name sake for his father he may have gone back to England to inherite estates there. There is a BURCHER family in Tisbury, Wiltshire, England that could be his descendants. LDS Micro-Film (insert report later)
1764...pg 85: 1 May 1764 St. Martin's Meeting House Minutes: ...appeared Kendall Collier and Henry Hudson ( (H. Hudson -connection to the Worcester Co., MD & Essex Co., VA)) John & Richard BRAZIER, qualify as Parish Vestrymen. WILLIAM BRAZHER (correct spelling) as "CHURCH WARDING" at Prince George Chapel. [Where-Prince George Parish ?] The record mentions that the Worcester Parish (St Martin's) was erected by act of assembly, out of the Parish Snowhill ("Schulkill"), which was near Philadelphia, PA.
1744-St. Martin's is the Church's Name. The Whartons, (Richard-Stepfather) Claytons , Martins and Brashers were members. (XCK: Kennon Hudson who wtn land transactions for Aquilla in Spartenburg SC. (Snowhill Parish being on SCKULKILL River in the area of Chichester, Delaware Co., PA).
1771...William and Sarah [ Cox?] sold land in Worcester County MD. (Land Records) It appears to be them in Cumberland County NC abt 1751, then this may have been just a transferral of property in Worcester Co. MD. WM Brasur [correct spelling] appeared in the deed index of Cumberland Co., NC also.


1768ish...In Fayette County PA, is a Twp called WHARTON. I would appear logical for the descendants of ANN BRAZIER WHARTON (Widow of WM Brazier & Richard WHARTON md #2 ) to be associated with her first children viz: William & grandson James Mumford Brazier. William brother of James Mumford BRAZIER, married Jane CALVEN, and could have removed with the WHARTONS to Fayette Co., Pennsylvania. Where we find his father in law William CALVIN mentioned extensively in Court Cases there. This is where we find the "Other William BREASHEAR", as other researchers have named him. I think he is "THE" WM BREASHEAR. That may be why "The William BRASHURS" of Fayette Twp, does not leave many records. This may be the father of WM BRAZIER, spouse of Sarah COX Brazier, listed in the Will of William Cox, in 1784, Spartenburg SC.

The Fort Redstone Colony

1755ish... BRASHERE, William: ...This Redstone Colony was removed by the PENNS from New Jersey area. The BRASHERES along with HARDINS & SHIVELYS removed in the mid 1750s to the basin between the Monahgahela and Yohganhia Rivers (then Pennsylvania later Old Augusta County). They then removed from Old Augusta County VA, and on into Orange CO NC. The BRASHERE (First name not given in Shively Memoirs), who migrated with the "Redstone Colony", settling between the Monongahela & Yohogania Rivers. James Mumford BRAZIER left records in BEAVER CO PA, James, and William were with the colony in CUMBERLAND Co. NC, by 1751. A stepbrother Samuel WHARTON was with them in Fayette Co., PA. A Col. Samuel WHARTON, is named in the William BRATCHER land transferral in Laurens Co., SC, -coincidence? The SHIVELYS, PRATHERS, and SWEARINGEN families are in Dist. 96, SC at the same time. So many more of the families on Georgene's pedigree made the same removals.


1751...See WILLIAM BRAZIER alias BRASUR who appeared briefly on the deed index for Cumberland County NC., with the heirs of JAMES MUMFORD BRAZIER, who inherited the entire BRAZIER ESTATE. Among others, named with this colony was REBECCA BRAZIER, evidently the wife of a William BRASUR, named in will of William BRASHUR Worcester CO MD. (See documented under James Brazier of Cumberland County NC).

William BRAZIER of Edgefield County South Carolina

Here are some things I have observed from the "AIS". (Acceelerated Index Service)

It pays to go backtracking. In 1986ish I took the following information from LDS-Micro Film, also seen on the "AIS" Micro-Fiche. Note: These men were with William of Edgefield. See his lineage chart in "Breashears Welding Links" or at >. Evidently these are "The heirs of William & Elizabeth (Clayton) BEZER (BREASHEARS)

The Orphan's of William Breashear

A Cronalog for Willam; John; Thomas & James Breazier

1699...William of "GunPowder Hundred, Maryland, in 1699, was registered as "BRAYSIER" .

1703...William of "GunPowder Hundred Maryland" was registered as "BRAYSON (R)

1751...William BRASUR and James BRAZIER are on deed index of Cumberland CO NC.

James inherited "ENTIRE BRAZIER ESTATE". James inherited from Ann (Brazier)Wharton,, her grandson, son of William. Richard Wharton of Philadelphia identifies the family in his "Will".

1779...William & Thomas BRATCHEY (BREAZIER) were of "Orange CO NC".

William BRAZIER was of Surry County NC, taking land under James WARD Sr. James and Samuel WARD witness on land deed in Spartenburg SC for William



1790...John BRAYSON (R), (BRASHER) was in Laurens CO SC. Also seen as BRATCHER .

1790...1800: John BRESHEARS was of Pendleton Dist SC. Along with him is Henry BRESHEAR who took his mother Elizabeth (COOPER) BRESHEAR first to Warren County Tennessee then to Lawrence County Tennessee.

1800...John BRATCHER (BRASHER) was paying tax in Edgefield CO SC h/h 165 (10110-20100-00)

1818...John BRATCHER (BRASHER) was paying tax in Campbell County TN. (No twp listed) He is seen as BRAZER on this list also. Land is registered as BRASHUR and BRADSHAW.

1814...John BRASHIER and Robert BRASHIER (d-1829-BRASHER) were on Jury in Giles County with Joseph and Aaron BROWN (All OF Old State of Franklyn, Greene Co., Tennessee) from Greene County TN.

1814...Elizabeth BRESHEAR (BRATCHER) received land from Elijah, J (John?), Laban, and William. Same heirs of South Carolina.


1790...William BRATCHER was in Laurens CO SC. h/h 18 (21001-01002-00). Land deed in Spartenburg referred to William as BRADSHAW; BRATCHER

and BRACHER as he transferred the land to Nathaniel WOOTON of Philadelphia (relative?)

1790...William BRAISIER was in Maury (parent of Giles) County Tennessee. With him was Thomas BRASHURE. and James Turney BRASHURE

1800...William and Henry BRESHEAR were together in h/h 181, Spartenburg County SC.

1805...William BRATCHER was paying tax in Greene CO TN. (Old State of Franklin-No twp listed.)

1818...William BRATCHER was paying tax in Campbell CO TN. Had 23 persons with him in h/h.

1819...William BRATCHER (BRESHEARS) from Spartenburg CO SC, was in Lawrence, CO, TN. Military pension identified him.



1810...T. (Thomas) BRAYSER: H/H 103 ( Head of the Clan of Thomas Brasher Jr., of Greenville CO SC, heir of Thomas of Orange CO NC)

1810...William BRAYSER H/H: 103 (who lived to be over 100 and taught religion to the Redmen on the Western Frontier, heir of William b 1696)

1810...Elijah BRAYSON: H/H 99 (Probably Elijah W. Brazier of Lincoln CO TN?)

1800...John BRASHER (BRATCHER): H/H ?? (John Breshear of Pendelton and Spartenburg CO SC, heir of John b 1699)

1810...Henry BRAYSON: H/H 99 (I think this is Henry A. Breshears)

1810...Laurence BRAYSON: H/H 99 (Spouse Eliz, BLACK of Christian CO Ky)

1810...Samuel BRAYSON H/H: 99

(1800...Also seen as Samuel BRATCHER of Edgefield CO SC (40401-12010-02)

1810...Susan BRAYSON: H/H 99

The additional documentation may be found on separate page with the East Tennessee documentation..

Printed documentation may be found in "Breshears Welding Links" by Georgene (Eytchison Humphries, 1997 edition Copyright © 1992-1998 by Georgene (Eytchison) Humphries. All Rights Reserved.


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Last Updated March 2, 1998 by Georgene (Eytchison) Humphries