Links to Genealogy Resources

Civil War Soldiers and Sailors
Genealogical Server System
Genealogy Home Page
Helms' Genealogy Toolbox
Index of Genealogy Servers
The Master Genealogist
Online Genealogical Database Index
Royalty & Nobility

Ancestors of King Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault
Ancestors of Queen Victoria of Great Britain
British Royal Genealogy
Descendants of Charlemagne
Genealogies of German Royal and Noble Families
Lineage of the Royal Princes of England
Royal and Noble Genealogical Data on the Web
Swedish Royal Genealogy
American College of Heraldry
American Heraldry
Armorial Heritage Foundation
British Heraldic Archives
British Heraldry
Catalog of Books from Heraldry Today
English College of Arms
French Heraldry
Heraldic Arts
A Heraldic Primer
Heraldry on the Internet
Heraldry Society of Canada
Pimbley's Dictionary of Heraldry
Zurich Roll of Arms
Titles and Orders of Chivalry
British Honors and Awards
Glossary of European Titles
Irish Nobility
Manorial Titles
Orders of Chivalry
Orders of Chivalry
Scottish Clans

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