Guestbook: eternitys

Thank you for visiting Eternity's Little Pieces of Heaven
Total: 200 guests
Name: Charlene
Website: Charlene's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-06-13 18:35:37
Comments: Hello Eternity, Stopping in to welcome you to Diva of the Net. You have a very lovely site with many interesting pages, so I wanted to sign your guestbook before I get absorbed in your site. Have a great day, Charlene

Name: Angel ~T~
Website: It's Boopy2u!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NM
Time: 2000-06-13 10:14:20
Comments: Thank you for the wonderful gift.... I have something for you as well.....

Name: CL Angel Dangels
Website: Angel Heaven
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ohio
Time: 2000-06-13 08:07:23
Comments: I want to welcome you to Divine Angels...

Name: Angel Dreams
Website: Vickie's CyberHome
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: California
Time: 2000-06-13 02:08:35
Comments: So glad to have you with us at Divine Angels. You have done a great job on your site! I look forward to getting to know you :-)

Name: Diva SilverLily
Website: Lovely Silver
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Diva Welcoming Committee
Time: 2000-06-12 23:14:29

We are excited to have you as a new member
of the Diva of the Net organization!
We are thrilled to have you.
Welcome, Diva Eternity!
Our new sister!
Diva SilverLily

Name: Angel Smiles (Trudi)
Website: ~~~Ridin' Shotgun~~~
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: CA
Time: 2000-06-12 17:37:31
Comments: I am glad you have joined us at Divine Angels!! I was very touched by your Mom's Tribute Page. Hugs, Angel Smiles (Trudi)

Name: Angel Dixie
Website: Life Simply Southern
Referred by: From a Friend
From: SC, USA
Time: 2000-06-12 15:05:21
Comments: Great DA page you've got've done a marvelous job!

Name: Angel LindaSue
Website: Home Along the Way
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pittsburgh, PA
Time: 2000-06-12 14:33:20
Comments: Just surfin' through my sister Divine Angel have a lovely site..great Divine Angel Page! :-) Angel LindaSue

Name: Angel Scarlett
Website: Mandy Lynn's
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida. Originally from PA.
Time: 2000-06-12 14:44:01
Comments: Wow! You have done a lovely job with the Divine Angel pages! I am so glad to be a part of this wonderful group of ladies, and it is so nice you have joined us! I hope to soon get to know you better.

Name: Angel Cat
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Alabama
Time: 2000-06-12 12:25:18
Comments: Hello Angel Eternity- I enjoyed the Angels here !!! Take care

Name: Monica
Website: The Burris Birdhouse
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 2000-06-11 20:15:25
Comments: I was very touched by the page in honor of your mother, what a special relationship you two must have had. My mom is also fighting cancer at this time, I admire your stregth. You've done a great job on your site!
< /A>

Name: Marlena
Website: I Am Not A Victim I am A Survivor
Referred by: From a Friend
From: NY
Time: 2000-06-11 18:19:31
Comments: Great page. Weclome to the diva's. I am sure you will love this family just as much as I do..
Founder of saferoom

Name: Cathy A.
Website: Cathy's Dream Poetry
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: UK & Diva Of The Net
Time: 2000-06-11 14:29:43
Comments: Hello Diva Eternity!I want to *Welcome* you to Diva Of The Net!!It's a pleasure and a joy to welcome you to this group of Loving and Lovely Ladies..I always enjoy my visit to your beautiful home on the web Eternity,I'm so very glad you're with us now in the Divas..Hugs to you*S*.~Diva Cathy A.(Cathy)
I enjoyed my visit!
Welcome To Diva Of The Net!Your Site Is Simply Beautiful!

Name: Diva Welcome Committee
Website: Diva Of The Net
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Diva Of The Net Welcome Committee
Time: 2000-06-11 14:21:50

The Welcome Committee would like to extend a extra special welcome to you as our newest member of The Diva of the Net

We are sure you will enjoy your association with the Divas!

The Diva Welcome Committee

Name: Nancze
Website: NhisGarden
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Oklahoma
Time: 2000-06-11 12:15:55
Comments: Hi Sheryl, Just stopped by to welcome you to the Diva's of the Net. You will truly enjoy being a part of this wonderful group of women. Stop by the message board and say hello.. Look forward to getting to know you so much better, Please except this gift of welcome from me. God Bless, Nancze

Name: AngelSpirit
Website: Angel Spirit Welcomes You
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Diva Of The Net
Time: 2000-06-11 09:05:50
Comments: Dear Eternity,

The Diva Welcome Committee is 'beary' happy to welcome you as a new Diva of the Net!

Name: LadyJ
Website: LadyJ's Haven
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kentucky
Time: 2000-06-11 07:45:19
Hi ! Welcome to Diva of the Net! We're so glad you could join our warm and loving family. If I can do anything at all to help you, please don't hesitate to write. Here's a big, warm Kentucky {{{HUG}}} for you!!

Welcome to Diva of the Net!

Name: Vicki
Website: Vicki's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tennessee
Time: 2000-06-11 06:12:48
Comments: What a nice site. I have enjoyed my visit. I am glad to know that someone else like Rod Stewart. My daughter groans whenever one of his songs comes on the radio...She doesn't know good music when she hears it. hehehehe Just wanted to say welcome to the Divas...we are glad you wanted to be one of our group. Hugs, Vicki

Name: chuck4u
Website: Chuck Ham Operator
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Alabama
Time: 2000-06-10 18:09:22
Comments: I enjoyed my visit to your site.....keep up the good the music....Drop by and check out my garden and old cars

Name: Angel Scarlett
Website: Mandy Lynn's
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida. Originally from PA.
Time: 2000-06-10 18:22:00
Comments: Welcome to Divine Angels! I signed last week for WOW! Again, I really enjoyed my visit!

Name: Diva Fanchette
Website: Living With Inner Voices
Referred by: From a Friend
From: CA
Time: 2000-06-10 15:13:48
Comments: Welcome to Diva of the Net. Your website is wonderful.

Name: Kidzland
Website: Kidzland
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: A sunny Atlantic Island
Time: 2000-06-10 10:08:21
Comments: A really scrummy website. I'm really glad I stopped by.

Name: Angel LadyX
Website: Welcome To LadyX's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 2000-06-10 07:55:46
Comments: Great site you have here.Lovely job.

Name: Lady Salina
Website: The Digital Delilah's
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Canada
Time: 2000-06-09 08:52:38

Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Weinvite you to apply to the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to apply to join our web ring.

Name: Angel Snowflake
Website: Welcome to Michyland
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Hampshire
Time: 2000-06-09 01:37:33
Comments: Hello Angel Eternity! Welcome to The Divine Angels! Its so nice to have you join us as a new member! I hope you have a delightful time with this fun group of ladies! *hugs*

Name: Angel JoJo
Website: ~HannahMarie~
Referred by: From a Friend
From: The Divine Angels
Time: 2000-06-08 21:56:43
Angel Eternity~
Welcome to The Divine Angels. I hope you will enjoy our group as much as I do :) If you ever have any questions please feel free to ask away!
Angel Hugs,
~Angel JoJo~
CL Birthday Committee

Name: Angel Sunshine
Website: ~*~Lady Sunshine's World~*~
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: FL, stationed in NC.
Time: 2000-06-08 09:59:47
Comments: Welcome to the Divine Angels! So nice to meet you! Enjoyed my visit to your wonderful home!

Name: Angel Deafone
Website: Sara's Index
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NM Divine Angels
Time: 2000-06-07 22:19:26
{\o/}Welcome to Divine Angels{\o/}
I know you will have alot of fun here!
{\o/}Angel Eternity{\o/}
{\o/}_\m/ <~~means I love you in sign.{\o/}
{\o/}Angel Deafone{\o/}

Name: Angel Dixie
Website: Life Simply Southern
Referred by: From a Friend
From: SC, USA
Time: 2000-06-07 19:57:29
Comments: We are delighted to have you as a Divine Angel and extend our Best Wishes!

Name: Cathy A.
Website: Cathy's Dream Poetry
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: UK & Divine Angels
Time: 2000-06-07 17:13:29
Comments: Hello Angel Eternity!I want to *Welcome* you to the Divine Angels!!We are all so happy to have you with us..I really enjoyed my visit to your pages! Thank you for creating such a lovely site and sharing it.The best to you always.~Cathy
I enjoyed my visit!

Angel Eternity Welcome To Divine Angels!Your Site Is Simply Beautiful!

Name: Angel ~T~
Website: It's Boopy2u!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NM
Time: 2000-06-07 16:01:14
~~Welcome to Divine Angels~~
I'm sure you will be very happy here!
~~ Angel Eternity ~~
~~~Angel hugs to you~~~
~~~ ACL Angel~T~ ~~~

Name: CL Angel Eyes
Website: Ms_Flirtn's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 2000-06-07 12:47:24
We are so glad to have you aboard. Nice to meet you ;o)

Name: Rachel
Website: The Rachel book
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tenn.U.S.A.
Time: 2000-06-05 16:08:03
Comments: Thank God for good people and good sites. Thanks

Name: Flo
Website: Flo's Palce
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Alberta, Canada
Time: 2000-06-05 15:41:51
What a beautiful site you have here, really had a great visit,
Just drop by to say Hello and wish you a HAPPY SUMMER

Name: debbie hill
Website: about me and mine
Referred by: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement
From: Marietta, GA
Time: 2000-06-04 16:32:11
Comments: You have a WONDERFUL site! Thanks for the Dove.....I will add it to my page! Take care and God Bless!

Name: toh
Website: Animal Watching
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Singapore
Time: 2000-06-02 02:24:08
Comments: You have a great site !

Name: Sassy
Website: Globes by Sassy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: GA
Time: 2000-06-01 07:42:33
Thanks for stopping by my snowglobes and signing my guestbook...I enjoyed my visit at your home...
Globes by Sassy
My personal site at:Sassy's Corner

Name: Big Unicorn
Website: My Home page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-06-01 00:17:47
Comments: I Just drop by...To Say Hello...and you have a Great Site...Have a Super Summer...I enjoyed my visit tremendously!...God Bless...Big Unicorn

Name: Love~Petals
Website: a memorial to my son
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-31 20:26:43
Comments: come visit me!

Name: Angel Faith
Website: The Divine Angels
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-31 15:17:09

You are cordially invited to join The Divine Angels in our Grand Opening. The Divine Angels is a new internet group devoted to women. A safe place where members can join together to discuss their problems, stories, and lives. A place to have laughs, meet new friends and make lasting memories. We have several wonderful committees for members to become involved in. And are looking for several staff members to become Committee Leaders. We do hope you will consider joining our group or our webring. Love and Laughs...The Divine Angels

Loved your site. Please take a look at ours & consider joining us. We would love to have you. (((Hugs)) Angel Faith DA Welcomer

Name: Mojo
Website: Mojo's Free Money Makers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Maine
Time: 2000-05-31 01:02:36
Comments: Great page you have here. I really enjoyed my stay.

Name: ShyAnn
Website: AngelBabys home in the clouds and shyanns fantasy world
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: texas
Time: 2000-05-31 00:29:09

Name: Cathy LOTH Goodwill Ambassador
Website: Uniquely Cat
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-29 19:38:08
Comments: Sheryl, This a very nice page...Thank you for joining LOTH...Looks like you put alot of time into your site...*smile*!

LOTH Goodwill Ambassador gif LOTH Message gif
Click on Graphic to visit Ladies of the Heart.
It is nice to call you a Sis!
Cathy >"< Cat

Name: ShyAnn
Website: AngelBabys home in the clouds and shyanns fantasy world
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 2000-05-29 15:58:46

Name: Candalee
Website: Whispers Online Magazine for Women
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA/Canada
Time: 2000-05-29 11:01:39
Comments: Thank you for letting me visit your site. My name is Candalee cofounder of Whispers Online magazine for women, and a fellow webringer. I love everything you have done here. Welcome to "Women of Worth". Aren't they the greatest bunch of women ever? Here's a little gift for you from me.

Name: Roos
Website: sri Lanka by Roos
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: The Netherlands
Time: 2000-05-28 14:40:45
Comments: Welcome to WOW! You've made a wonderful site. It's just lovely Hugs from Roos

Name: Natasha
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-28 14:19:48
Comments: I love the applets! :-) I look forward to getting to know you as a fellow WOW newbie. Thanks for an enjoyable visit.
A gift from Natasha

Name: Natasha
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-28 14:19:11
Comments: I love the applets! :-) I look forward to getting to know you as a fellow WOW newbie. Thanks for an enjoyable visit.
A gift from Natasha

Name: SueCat
Website: SJCreations
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NYC
Time: 2000-05-27 09:41:57

Hi, Sheryl...welcome to LOTH! You have a beautiful site. I enjoyed my visit! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me. Enjoy the group!

Name: Star
Website: Tattoo & Star's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 2000-05-26 20:53:21
Comments: Just wanted to stop by and welcome you to WOW! I know you will love being a part of such a great group of ladies! You have a beautiful sight! I will definately be back!

Please visit us soon!

Name: Carol
Website: Carol's Place
Referred by: From a Friend
From: New Jersey
Time: 2000-05-26 14:53:36
Comments: Hi, Just wanted to welcome you to WOW. They are undergoing a bit of a change right now, so be patient. It sure looks like a fun bunch. And I enjoyed your site.

Name: Amber
Website: Ozzma's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Atlanta,GA
Time: 2000-05-26 14:35:55
Comments: Hi Hon, Poping in to welcome you to WOW. So nice you choose to join us!

Name: Sister Ronda - GrnEyes
Website: GrnEyes Home Page!
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Huntington, WV.
Time: 2000-05-26 14:03:19
Comments: What a stunning and delightful page, Sister. I enjoyed my visit and will be back. Welcome to WOW. I'm glad you chose to join us.
Lady GrnEyes

There's nothing like being a Woman of Worth. The Secret Hearts Committee!!!

Name: Poison
Website: The Bold & The Beautiful Women Of The Internet
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Jonesboro, Georgia
Time: 2000-05-26 08:58:47
Comments: You have some great things here. I loved your opinions page. Good idea. Thanks for letting me enjoy and I will be back later when I have more time.

Name: Lady Elki
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-26 00:29:42
Comments: Have a great day and lots of fun! Mari....and in case I have not welcomed you to the group........consider yourself duely welcomed! I enjoyed my visit to your site and hope to come back again. Please visit my site some time. I would enjoy your company..........Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, AND HAPPY EVERYTHING! You will find wonderful things await you with these groups. Hugs and Love to all...... Please check out some of my new pages.... I have started a page for Adoption of Globes, Snowglobes, and Ornaments, Hanging Globes, Certificates to link to my pages, EasterEgg Globes, Valentines Globes, and others. Please go to: to see what I have so far. There are more than Seven pages of 100 + things to look at. Also........:) I have started a message board.........and please, I could use some help with this. The board is for tips on html and graphics helps and tutorials. If anyone has any easy on up tips, please leave a note on the message board at: I know of several women that are trying very hard to learn html and graphics, and we can use all the help you can give us. Thank you so very much. Lady Elki aka Mari. Mari Noerr Hope you enjoy my sites.

Name: Sweetmamapam
Website: Sweetmamapam's Southern Hospitality
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mississippi
Time: 2000-05-26 00:05:55
Comments: Welcome toWomen of Worth!! Sweetmamapam

Name: Flo
Website: Flo's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: alberta, Canada
Time: 2000-05-25 23:17:17
Comments: Welcome to the WOMEN OF WORTH
So glad you join our group
What a lovely home you have here
Really had a great visit
Keep up the great work
**Hugs** Flo

Name: iamskarlett
Website: Magical Garden
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Georgia
Time: 2000-05-25 23:15:33
Comments: Welcome to WOW.

Name: Cathi
Website: Welcome To My Home
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Washington State
Time: 2000-05-25 22:21:10
Comments: Welcome to WOW!! You have a very a wonderful site here!! Keep up the good work, I will be back to visit your site again soon!! Again...WELCOME

Name: Mandy
Website: Mandy Lynn's
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida. Originally from PA.
Time: 2000-05-25 22:01:16
Comments: Welcome to WOW! You have such a lovely site! I hope you enjoy our group!

Name: Starrynite
Website: Starrynite's Universe
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: WOW
Time: 2000-05-25 21:05:41
Comments: Hi, just wanted to wish you a warm welcome to WOW! I enjoyed reading about you and "meeting" your family! My favorite page was your crafting links page.

Name: Karin
Website: The WynKar Site
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: The Netherlands
Time: 2000-05-25 18:53:58
Comments: Welcome to WoW! Hope you have a wonderful time here!

Name: Lina
Website: Lina's World
Referred by: From a Friend
From: OH
Time: 2000-05-25 19:06:17
Comments: I just wanted to stop by and welcome you to WOW! I know you will love being part of such a great group and we're glad to have you! Your site is wonderful, keep up the great work you are doing! I enjoyed my visit and will be back to view more. Please feel free to visit my site whenever you wish. Have a good day and greetings from Ohio.,~Lina~


Name: Lady Nickitta
Website: Lady Nickitta's World
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 2000-05-25 18:47:56

Name: Leta (Ladytex52)
Website: My Home
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Childress Texas
Time: 2000-05-25 16:27:01
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to a great group of women. I know that you are going to enjoy getting to know us and we you. If there is anything that I can help you with please let me know. HUGS

Name: Jane
Website: Jane's Lazy J Ranch
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Louisiana
Time: 2000-05-24 01:28:26
Comments: Hey there fellow Southern Sister! I just want to drop a line and let you know how wonderful your pages are! Take care of yourself and keep up the great work!! *Hugs*

Lazy Jane

Name: Claudette Letendre
Website: Petit's House
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Maine USA
Time: 2000-05-23 11:07:32
Comments: Hello I've enjoyed visiting you and your site very much.... you've done a great job! I will be sure to visit again!

Petit's House
The World Harmony & Hug Movement

Name: DJ
Website: Southland
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mississippi
Time: 2000-05-22 05:07:47
Comments: Lovely site enjoyed my visit very much DJ

Name: Eve Ray
Website: A Chasing of the Wind
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Al
Time: 2000-05-20 12:28:41
Comments: Hello Eternity, Welcome to Southern Women! I liked your web site, and I see you're prolife, that's wonderful! Blessings, Eve

Name: Rena
Website: Glad You Dropped In !
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Texas ( now in Mi )
Time: 2000-05-17 00:24:41
Comments: Wanted to come in and say Welcome to the family of Southern Sister's. I am sure you will Love it here as much as I have they are a great bunch of gal's. Also want to say I really like your page. Hugs,Rena

Name: ~Da'Bee~
Website: My Place of Serenity
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Spring Hill, Florida
Time: 2000-05-16 23:29:43
Comments: Hello Sheryl. Please let me extend to you a warm welcome to Southern Women. We are so pleased that you have joined our loving group. I hope that you get to make many new and lasting friendships here. Your pages are lovely.If I can ever be of help, please do let me know. Hugzzz

Name: Kathalise Martin
Website: My Pages
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Louisiana Now in NC
Time: 2000-05-16 08:08:48
Comments: Welcome to the Southern Women Webring, I am Kathalise and I think you will find lots of ladies with tons of talent. It is a nice relaxed way of life here in the " South". We are glad you have joined us, and let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Welcome Kathalise

Name: Jean
Website: Aquarius
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Alabama
Time: 2000-05-16 05:18:37
Comments: Welcome to the Southern Women's webring. You have found a place you can call home. This is a great webring and I know you will be happy you joined. We also have a mailing list you can join if you choose to at egroups, I'm sure you will find that information on your letter of acceptance. Welcome! hugs, Jean

Welcome from Southern Women Webring

Name: Annette
Website: My Childhood Memories
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mississippi
Time: 2000-05-16 03:23:35
Comments: I just wanted to pop in and say hello and welcome you to the Southern Women Web Ring. It is so nice to have you join us.

Name: Mary
Website: The World of Bearlyhere
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: TX
Time: 2000-05-16 02:42:09
Comments: Please accept this Rose of Friendship from the Southern Women Web Ring.

Name: Delwyn
Website: Bossladyal's pages
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Alabama
Time: 2000-05-16 01:26:57
Comments: Welcome to the SouthernWomen Webring. You've got a beautiful site, really did enjoy it.

Name: Sweetmamapam
Website: Sweetmamapam's Southern Hospitality
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mississippi
Time: 2000-05-15 21:24:16
Comments: Southern Greetings!!! Welcome to the Southern Women Webring!!! I am honored to have you and look forward to getting to know you better!!! ((hugs)) Sweetmamapam

Name: Terry
Website: R. S. V. P.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-12 21:12:55
Comments: It's truly been a pleasure to visit your delightful site.

Name: Bonnie
Website: on the wings of angels
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Northeastern Vermont
Time: 2000-05-12 14:05:10
Comments: Such a very wonderful place you have designed here! There is so much to see! Fantastic work that shows you have really put your heart into it. I have bookmarked you as well. Keep up the great work ans God Bless.
Random Acts of Kindness

Name: Donna
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-12 08:26:58
Comments: What a great site, I found peace and tranquility here! I would love to vote exchange with you.I'm from the site fights! Please give me a visit! ~*~ANGELS ON MY SIDE~*~FLEW THROUGH~*~ TO WISH YOU LUCK~*~IN ALL YOU DO~*~

Name: Pam
Website: Welcome to My World
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Idaho
Time: 2000-05-05 03:08:11
Comments: Hi Sheryl! I finally made here to your site after putting your banner up. LOVE YOUR HOME HERE!!! =-) I've really enjoyed my visit, but still have more to explore! Keep up the great work!

Name: Bev Zuerlein
Website: Moon And Back Graphics
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-04-25 08:56:32
Comments: Hello! What a delightful web site you have created. I would also like to say that your children and grandchild are all so very handsome. How proud you must be! Thanks for allowing me to visit. Bev

Name: JudyAnn
Website: JudyAnn´s HomePage
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Netherlands
Time: 2000-04-24 09:38:58
Comments: Hi Sheryl, thanks for visiting me and for taking the time to sign my guestbook. I had a lovely time visiting you, you have created a beautiful and peaceful place here. God bless you and your lovely family. Love, JudyAnn

Love from JudyAnn

Thanks for signing JudyAnn´s GuestBook

Website: Debs Little Haven
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: md
Time: 2000-04-22 03:29:20

Name: sharon
Website: sharon's stop
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: s.c.
Time: 2000-04-20 23:13:56
Comments: I love your site. I collect angels and I know angels watch over us. I also beleive abortion is murder. I enjoyed visiting your site. Fun over when you can.

Name: Nathan C Welty
Website: the weltys
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: ca
Time: 2000-04-16 09:36:25
Comments: Beautiful site!!!! Love thet poems. and the clip art. Please try my page and be sure to tell a friend, I need to spread the good word and get some awards. GOD bless.

Name: Foxy
Website: Graphics By Foxy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NB, Canada
Time: 2000-02-15 18:52:05
Comments: Truly a great site you have here. You have certainly put alot of time and effort in to it and I like seeing that. Stop on over to my place when you have time. Friendly Smiles, Foxy

Sign Up For Click Dough And Get Paid To Surf The Web!!!

Name: Sherry Girl
Website: Cool Page of Sherry Girl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wisconsin
Time: 2000-02-14 04:29:39
Comments: You have a wonderful page, I really enjoyed my visit.

Name: Bill Sanders
Website: The Sanders Family Home Pages
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Missouri, U.S. of A.
Time: 2000-02-12 14:21:03

Good Morning, :-)

I just wanted to stop by and Thank You for Signing my Guest Book. I sure am glad I came by for a visit. I have really enjoyed my time here. I especially enjoyed the poetry . Stop by and visit us whenever you have the time.

Bill Sanders

Name: flowergirl
Website: flowergirls page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: mississippi
Time: 2000-02-09 20:25:56
Comments: hi:) your pages are very pretty.....I love all the angels...thankyou for your visit to my page....

Name: Lisa
Website: R & L's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: US
Time: 2000-01-31 21:08:00
Comments: You have done a great job.Thanks for such a lovely visit.Keep up the great work.GOD Bless & Stay Positive. Lisa

Name: Amy Nicholson
Website: Nicholson's Nook
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Roswell, GA USA
Time: 2000-01-31 18:35:31
Comments: Absolutely beautiful site! You're very creative. One thing, the "" button does not go anywhere! How come? Take care, Amy

Name: Angel
Website: Angel's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Arizona
Time: 2000-01-31 17:50:18
I wanted to tell you what a beautiful job you have done... You website is so inspirational with messages that touch the heart... And I just love the midi "I will always Love You" an extra special touch... God bless you and yours always... Angel

Name: Rev. Johannes Erich Myors
Website: Pedal Prayers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Americus, Georgia
Time: 2000-01-19 00:53:38
Comments: Shalom from a fellow member of the Messages With Meaning WebRing. I just wanted to drop by and say hello, wish you a happy new year, and also drop off a prayer or two in hopes that this year will be more effective and productive for you than last year was. Take care in Y'shua.

Website: Debs Little Haven
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: md
Time: 1999-09-11 23:43:04
Comments: hello and god bless you what a truly lovely home you have here so full of love ,God Bless

Name: Becky
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kansas
Time: 1999-08-24 09:56:11
Comments: Very nice place thx for inviting me. i have bookmarked so i can come visit again. God Bless you in His love bec

Name: Beverly Adams
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-08-12 04:56:28
Comments: Hey, girl! This is a great web page. I'm really glad you told me about it this afternoon. Barbara and I will talk with you later about doing one for us! Love ya, Beverly

Name: Frank
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Baton Rouge, La
Time: 1999-08-11 05:24:43
Comments: Finally got a chance to check out your whole web site, and it is great. You have a very nice looking family you can have pride in. A beautiful house also. If you can creat a piece of heaven on earth you can't ask for more. You really did a fine job on this website, and deserve all the awards you have received. Keep up the good work. Frank

Name: Michelle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida
Time: 1999-04-13 03:27:52
Comments: Hey, I enjoyed my visit :) Hope to see ya round my corner of the web sometime. Later, M

Name: Lexie
Website: Life With Lexie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ohio
Time: 1999-03-28 20:34:15
I had a wonderful time touring your site
this afternoon. It was a pleasure to view
your thoughts. You are a very kind person
and it shows through your inspirational pages.
Thank you for sharing part of your soul with the world.
Wishing you love and happiness always, Lexie
Have A Wonderful Day

Name: Angel
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Biloxi, MS
Time: 1999-02-23 23:12:36
Comments: This is a great homepage, Sheryl I know that you have put time and love into each one of your pages.

Name: Tuesdai Belle
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Zachary, Louisiana
Time: 1999-01-23 07:11:18
Comments: Ms. Cheryl, I love your web page. The pics of Elizabeth came out cute. I think it is so awesome how close y'alls family is and how much family means to y'all. I especially like your tribute to your mom. You had my sister and I in tears b/c from what I can tell she was so much like my grandmother who was my role model. She died of cancer in 96, and I miss her more than anything, but I know she is in a safe, special place. I also like the music you used for each page, they all fit the page. Keep smiling b/c God loves you. TUEZ

Name: Jack
Website: Jack's House
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NC
Time: 1999-01-21 18:58:51
Comments: Congrats on the new additon to the family. Many hours of happines and joy are ahead of you!!

Name: michel
Website: michels cauldron
Referred by: From a Friend
From: i live in picayune ms but i am from algers point la
Time: 1999-01-09 09:20:52
Comments: sherry i love your page.if every one thought and beleaved as you do this would be a better world.i beleave thay are angels among us and i beleave you are one of them.god bless you. michel

Name: Jeannine Breyfogle
Website: Mumsy's Cookbook
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Waterloo,Iowa
Time: 1999-01-01 22:47:40
Comments: I think you have a beautiful page

Name: Susy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: ON Canada
Time: 1998-12-26 08:02:37
Comments: Don't know if I've ever enjoyed a page more. Thank you for creating something so wonderful!

Name: Kenny Adams
Website: PRCC
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bogalusa,LA
Time: 1998-11-30 18:17:50
Comments: Great Page

Name: mardigraslover
Website: A Native's View To Mardi Gras
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Aw'lins...Naturally
Time: 1998-11-29 21:49:00
Comments: Hey Sheryl, I really enjoyed your loving site. It is easy to see that you are a very loving individual. I tried to find an email address but must have missed it.Please email me, I have surprise for you.

Name: Colombe
Website: Paloma
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Québec City
Time: 1998-11-22 23:37:13
Comments: Thank you for your great page......All is love in your page. You are a great star in the Universe. The best for you in all the ways. Amour et Lumičre.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-11-01 19:04:18

Name: Lisa
Website: Texas Sunflower
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Texas
Time: 1998-10-17 20:52:40
Comments: I really liked your page...Nice page

Name: Sandy Barbre
Website: Grandma's Favorites
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida
Time: 1998-09-09 07:20:21
Comments: Was just surfing around and came upon your site! I love angels!!! Please come visit sometime.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-08-20 03:28:38

Just decided to check out your page.....since I see you in Cyberzine all the time...Nice page.

Name: Bill Smith
Website: The Smith's
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Waynesboro,Pennsylvania
Time: 1998-07-18 22:59:54
Comments: You have done a great job on makeing your HP . I really enjoyed my look around. Please visit mine and sign my guest book.

Name: Teresa
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Covington,Louisiana
Time: 1998-06-28 05:26:02
Comments: Miss Sheryl, You are a very sweet and caring person. I am glad to know you and hope to get to know you better also.I love the homepage and all the bueatiful angels.I have loved angels since my grandmother died 4years ago.You are a very deep and passionate woman who undestands life very well.You are the coolest and I am glad i know you.Thanks for being my friend . Teresa

Name: Darrin Richards(Ravenfire)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Virginia
Time: 1998-06-19 05:59:17
Comments: Thanks for being my friend and i hope to get to know you better someday if youll let me! Your friend, Darrin

Name: Sheryl
Website: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Western Washington State
Time: 1998-06-15 07:09:58
Comments: Hi Sheryl, so glad I found your web site. It is just beautiful, I love angels too, and my favorite flower is the Magnolia and I love crafts and I am 58, got 10 years on you!!! It's so funny that you are the second person in two weeks I found that spells our name "right" other one has a graphics page. I never knew anyone in my many years that spells it with a's nice to know there's more than one of me!!! I found your website through Bre's new web ring. And so glad I did, I really enjoyed my visit. Come visit me when you have time!!! Love & Hugs, Sheryl I wish you more Rainbows than Rain

Name: Sheryl
Website: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Western Washington State
Time: 1998-06-15 07:06:57
Comments: Hi Sheryl, so glad I found your web site. It is just beautiful, I love angels too, and my favorite flower is the Magnolia and I love crafts and I am 58, got 10 years on you!!! It's so funny that you are the second person in two weeks I found that spells our name "right" other one has a graphics page. I never knew anyone in my many years that spells it with a's nice to know there's more than one of me!!! I found your website through Bre's new web ring. And so glad I did, I really enjoyed my visit. Come visit me when you have time!!! Love & Hugs, Sheryl a href=""> I wish you more Rainbows than Rain

Name: milkshake
Website: Cyber Cheers!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1998-06-04 22:36:22
Comments: You have a gift for writing. Complementing that gift is the "aura" of your site's pages, which have such a tasteful layout and appearance. I'm glad I dropped by.

Name: Darrin Richards
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Virginia
Time: 1998-06-03 07:57:08
Comments: thanks for letting me in to your icq and i hope we become friends!

Name: Pinto Bean
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Burkburnett Texas
Time: 1998-05-26 01:41:00
Comments: Excellant page.. good luck in the future..

Name: Kodak
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Miss.
Time: 1998-05-21 01:03:21
Comments: I think your addition is great. I enjoyed it

Name: dumpling
Website: Dumpling's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Masaryktown, FL
Time: 1998-05-14 04:26:38
Comments: I really like your site...all the cute little is really nice...keep up the good work....

Name: HAP
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-04-28 17:42:57
Comments: Great page, now I know something about louisiana. I do like the tribute from your mom, had alot of trouble getting through it, seems I kept getting something in my eyes. Mothers are great people, too. Thanks for sharing, take care and Keep The faith. HAP *S*

Name: Johanne Craig
Website: Johanne Little Space
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mississauga Ont Canada
Time: 1998-04-26 02:54:43
Comments: Very nice web site. You are doing a great job, keep up the good work.

Name: BadBob
Website: BadBob's Den
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Illinois-USA
Time: 1998-04-25 20:07:14
Comments: Thanks for signing my sorry guestbook! I enjoyed your pages very much. I'll stop in again.

Live Cams, Music, some Java, Links, and home of the Cool B award!

Name: Polly
Website: Polly's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: California
Time: 1998-04-24 23:35:05
Comments: Beautiful page! Love the angel graphics. Keep up the good work and thanks so much for visiting my page. -Polly
Come visit
Polly's Homepage!

Name: Ron
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Port Alberni B.C.
Time: 1998-04-14 15:07:47
Comments: Thanks for the lovely pages I hope u do get more pomes they means so muxh

Name: Lee
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: NH
Time: 1998-04-12 06:24:34
Comments: Nice changes to you site Eternity....wanted to say Hi and check on you site. Keep up the good work. Lee

Name: Cindy
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: real close.....
Time: 1998-04-01 01:17:01
Comments: Sheryl, this page is great.......especially "Jr's" page...........the angels are so pretty.....

Name: Raymond Bailey
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Holly Springs, Miss.
Time: 1998-03-15 17:21:59
Comments: I have just finish viewing your home page. It is awesome. You have a lovely family. Ireally enjoyed it a lot. I am still thinking about one Have a nice day. Raymond

Name: Terry Hazlewood
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: St. Albans, WV
Time: 1998-03-12 02:34:14
Comments: Hi Sheryl, I really enjoyed veiwing your home pages. they are great. Terry

Name: Lana
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-03-10 00:25:13
Comments: This page is number one, incredibly cute! I really enjoyed visiting here...thanks for all of your hard work.

Name: bob52
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: iroquois falls,ont.,canada
Time: 1998-03-02 05:09:09
Comments: Sheryl I really enjoyed reading your home page.I found it very touching.YOu did a beautiful job on it . keep up the good work .keep looking for your littles angel best wishes bob 52

Name: Jerry A. Mc Gaughey
Referred by: From Geocities
From: New Orleans
Time: 1998-02-25 19:14:52
Comments: Sheryl, You are a very special person! I'm glad to know you.

Name: Lorelei Pike
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Red Deer, AB, Canada
Time: 1998-02-25 07:36:15
Comments: I don't often send an Email re: a web page, but I stumbled across yours and was very touched. I find that the web is so full of worthless garbage etc and was extemely touched by your page. The poetry was very beautiful and from the soul. As a poet I love to read and share work. Yours is definately inspiring Thank you for including your little piece of heaven on the brightened my night.

Name: Dan-Cyberzine
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Murphys, California
Time: 1998-02-20 16:07:16
Comments: Nice talking to you on cyberzine. Good luck with the car purchase.

Name: Thomas (Fireman)
Website: The Possum Neck Fireman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Possum Neck Misasipee
Time: 1998-02-17 18:18:37
Comments: Nice page.....Thanks for looking at mine. Were actually neighbors ya know, Hattiesburg and Bogalousa aren't to far apart!!! Small world isn't it?

Name: LadyBelle
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Louisiana
Time: 1998-02-17 03:48:28
Comments: I'm impressed...someone I know and have worked with all these years has this much talent. Sheryl this is a wonderful site.

Name: Chris Huffer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Norman, OK
Time: 1998-02-10 14:27:06
Comments: Hi There, I have visited with you many times and wanted to send my regards and wishes. I have talked with you as Sooners, and I am college student at OU. Good luck and best wishes Chris

Name: Ambrosia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NC
Time: 1998-02-08 23:37:33
Comments: You have a spectacular page!

Name: maddmaxxx
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Indpls
Time: 1998-02-02 08:12:35
Comments: My ....a lady with a heart for angels...I hope you find your angel...and he watches over you for all of ETERNITY.....MAXXX

Name: Ted Fox
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: I live in Lousiana, born in Panama
Time: 1998-02-01 16:15:50
Comments: Well I made it to your site! It looks real good, you have done a jam up job with it. You can show me a few tricks with Java sometime. Ted

Name: Tom
Website: To Dumb To Have One
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: you know that too
Time: 1998-01-28 08:29:09
Comments: Here I am. Finally signing your book. You are, without a doubt, the nicest, most considerate person I have met on the net. Your homepage is great. Keep up the good work. *TIGHT HUG* & a *FEW KISSES* too.

Name: The Smith's
Website: Click here or on our banner below to visit our homepage!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-01-26 15:21:13

You have a cool web page!! Keep up the good work! ;-)

Name: michelle sampson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: tennesse
Time: 1998-01-08 06:54:56
Comments: you have a great web page!!!!! i love the angels

Name: Dick
Website: Dick's Wintry Web
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Milwaukee, WI
Time: 1998-01-07 01:58:07
Comments: Sheryl,

I just wanted to say hello, your pages are really well done friend
and your family is just beautiful. Be ever well

Name: Angela
Website: Ariette's Social Phobia Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ohio
Time: 1998-01-05 05:11:38
Comments: Hi, thankyou for signing my guestbook. I'm sorry it took me so long, I always forget to check it, my sister has to remind me :) You have a wonderful page, I love angels too. I also love the java at the top of your page, it's very pretty. Thankyou again and Happy New Year!! :) Angie

Name: Frances
Website: Jesus Saves
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ohio
Time: 1998-01-02 02:02:49
Comments: Hi I was out in the neighborhood and thought I would stop and see you.You have a great homepage here.I enjoyed myself looking thru it.Stop by and see me sometime.God Bless In His Love Frances

Name: Day Sleeper
Website: Daysleeper's Web
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-01-01 14:41:27
Comments: You have been visited by the one, the only Daysleeper

Name: john t lavana
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: tampa,fl
Time: 1997-12-22 03:20:41
Comments: your page is very beautiful and i enjoyed the music too.i think i would like you to stay in touch with me if it is what you desire. jt

Name: Zhang
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: china
Time: 1997-12-14 06:23:49
Comments: There is a Chinese saying, "If you do Sth good,Sth good will happen will happen to you; but if you do Sth bad, Sth. bad will happen to you". So, let's always do things GOOD!

Name: Ray Emery
Website: The Emery's
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Finger Lakes
Time: 1997-12-12 01:08:00
Comments: Thanks for your answer to my question. I have another one for you. Did you take Shania Twain Off of your CountyMusic ,or did something happen to it. I could not get it to come in for me.Do you need SPECIAL PERMISSION to put there songs and pictures on your home page?Thanks still learning.Ray

Name: Bob Abbott
Website: Bobs Place
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Newfoundland, Canada
Time: 1997-12-10 00:04:00
Comments: May you enjoy "Peace, Happiness, Health and Joy" as you journey through cyber-space. Take care.....'Cause we care ! Your pages look awful familiar....think I've been here before. They're still great !

Name: Ray Emery
Website: Welcome to the Emery's
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Up State New York
Time: 1997-12-09 15:58:00
Comments: I liked your home page. May I ask how you got the scrolling message to come in at the bottom? I am trying my luck at making up my own home page.The scroll loked neet.Thanks, Ray

Name: shiv
Website: DA BOMB ***please check it out and SIGN the guestbook!!***
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-12-09 05:04:00
Comments: Hey, cool page! It took me a bit to get through, but it was worth the wait. Anyway, please check out my page and tag the g-book. thanx!

Name: payada
Website: t h e b l u e o f m y o b l i v i o n
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Louisiana
Time: 1997-12-08 16:24:00
Comments: Hi! Came here through the ICQ Ring. You have a wonderful page, esp. the lovely tribute to your mother.

Name: Joe A.K.A. UncleFester
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Destrehan La.
Time: 1997-12-08 06:44:00
Comments: Love what you have done with the place.

Name: John Tubbs
Website: B&J Productions
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Friendship Tn.
Time: 1997-12-06 14:06:00
Comments: I will always love you written by Dolly Parton. What a beautiful sound clip. I understand why you won your awards.---Beautiful Page---- Great Pictures--I will return often. Please check our page and sign book and be sure and check sound clip on photo page.

Name: Jimmy Orange
Website: Jimmy's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Brownwood, Texas
Time: 1997-12-05 05:48:00
Comments: Just browsing the neighborhood. Nice Page!
Visit my page!

Name: Cynthia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NC
Time: 1997-12-04 23:43:00
Comments: Hi! Love your website. Especially all the angel links. You have really done a super job. Hope you and your lovely family have a wonderful Holiday Season. By the way love your home. Its similar to mine except mine has a front porch. You and I really have good taste!LOL!

Name: Davy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Texas
Time: 1997-12-04 16:18:00
Comments: Just popped in for a look. *Very* nice. Hail King Huey! Hail King Huey! ciao!

Name: TP
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-12-03 06:12:00

Name: John
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-12-03 06:02:00
Comments: >SRC="/Heartland/Prairie/3481/"ANGEL1...HORN.GIF">

Name: Erin Yorke
Website: Erin's Page!
Referred by: From
From: Trueo,Nova Scotia,Canada
Time: 1997-12-03 03:11:00
Comments: What a cute page! Do you watch the show Touched By An Angel?I love it!But unfortunately I can't see it now because it's on cable and I don't have cable TV.Waaagh! Please come visit my page!

Name: ~Unique~
Website: The Last Uniquehorn
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-11-26 12:48:00
Comments: You have done a great job in your creation of
your homepage, and your hard work shows. I enjoyed my visit to your little
place of the web. Keep up the good work, and I'll stop back by and watch for changes.

*P*L*H* As Always,

Name: Leslie Boren
Website: Leslie's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Alabama..
Time: 1997-11-25 02:21:00
Comments: I viewed your whole page and it was great. good work.. I'll be back..Come and visit me,and sign in. Thanks Leslie

Name: TeddybeaRR
Website: TeddybeaRR's den
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Southwest Iowa
Time: 1997-11-16 09:25:00
Comments: So here it is Eternity as requested your a real fun girl I love to play with you in PP soft kiss TbeaRR

Name: Lasse
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-11-13 07:46:00
Comments: Hi honey, we are doing great I think. More and most LOL

Name: Dick
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: North Mississippi
Time: 1997-11-12 21:10:00
Comments: Hi your page was so great. It make me cry thankyou for being an angle maybe we can chat in the place see you there. God Bless You *HUG*

Name: Bond Girl
Website: Bitch's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hell
Time: 1997-11-06 21:15:00
Comments: Nice Page *wink*

Name: Timm Bangle/ The Mighty Hercules
Website: Erotic Massages Given Here
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Bakersfield, CA
Time: 1997-11-06 06:00:00
Comments: Hey girl...nice to finally meet you. I would love to help you with your page...that seems to be my only purpose in life these days, besides Luna...see you soon.

Name: Steve
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Seattle, Washington
Time: 1997-11-01 08:53:00
Comments: Hi realy liked your page..thinking about doing one of my own someday still a clueless newbie..:) any if you would like to chat sometime about angles or whatever my ICQ uin number is 3671337...bye

Name: Amethyst
Website: Amethyst's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-10-31 11:49:00
Comments: Just dropped by to wish you a Happy Birthday. You have a beautiful site. May the angels always be with you as you journey through life.

Website: Welcome to my world
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-10-26 09:09:00
Comments: Eternity.. Love your homepage*s*...i would like to think that we are becoming friends in someway or another I am always thinking about your mom..i pray for her as often as i can..hope we become better friends*s* take care...*hugz/kisses* Selene...aka...LUNA~aka~MOONGODDESS

Name: Bob Abbott
Website: Bobs Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Newfoundland, Canada
Time: 1997-10-12 20:26:00
Comments: May you enjoy "Peace, Happiness, Health and Joy" as you journey through cyber-space. Take care.....'Cause we care ! Nice Page.....We got quite a bit in common........... like you.........Country & Rod Stewart (quite a combo)

Name: Lasse
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Sweden
Time: 1997-10-11 05:39:00
Comments: Eternity, you have done a great job here...and I am very happy that you want me as your friend agin *big hug*

Name: Audra
Website: Audra Central
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: CA
Time: 1997-10-09 09:25:00
Comments: I love your angels!

Name: John
Website: John's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Houston, Tx.
Time: 1997-10-06 08:06:00
Comments: Hi saw you on the PW white pages....and wanted to say hi, I lived in New Orleans for five years and never did get the La. out of me.....don't think that is possible.....enjoyed my visit.....I agree on the older C&W, of course I made a good living spinning those records for a long time.....see ya....jb

Website: Not smart enough to do one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada,,EH!
Time: 1997-10-03 23:55:00
Comments: Hi Ya girl,,well,,finally made it,,and WOW!!,,did you ever put a ton of work into this page!!!!,,Knowing you as I do though,,I'd expect nothing but the best out of you,,Keep smiling Eternity,,or a THUNDER storm may just have to appear on your front door step!!,,(scary hu?)

Name: Anette (texas girl)
Website: texas girl's home
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Houston, Texas
Time: 1997-10-02 05:15:00
Comments: Eternity, I know all we do is say a quick hello in the PP...but I just had to tell you that your page is one of the most heartwarming things i've seen in quite some time. The tributes you have to your Mother and your friends are truly amazing. I also wanted you to know that I have been saying a little prayer for you and your family for a few weeks now. You are truly a special person. Take care...God bless...Anette

Name: Jim Duffy(Earnest T Bass)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Atlanta
Time: 1997-10-01 10:20:00
Comments: i was reading through you page and thought you might like this ,,,it was sent to me by a friend...> All the Good Things: > > He was in the first third grade class I taught at Saint Mary's > School in Morris, Minn. All 34 of my students were dear to me, but Mark > Eklund was one in a million. Very neat in appearance, but had that > happy-to-be-alive attitude that made even his occasional mischieviousness > delightful. > Mark talked incessantly. I had to remind him again and again that > talking without permission was not acceptable. What impressed me so > much, though, was his sincere response every time I had to correct him > for misbehaving - "Thank you for correcting me, Sister!" > I didn't know what to make of it at first, but before long I became > accustomed to hearing it many times a day. > One morning my patience was growing thin when Mark talked once too > often, and then I made a novice-teacher's mistake. I looked at him and > said, "If you say one more word, I am going to tape your mouth > shut!" > It wasn't ten seconds later when Chuck blurted out, "Mark is > talking again." I hadn't asked any of the students to help me watch > Mark, but since I had stated the punishment in front of the class, I had > to act on it. > I remember the scene as if it had occurred this morning. I walked > to my desk, very deliberately opened my drawer and took out a roll of > masking tape. Without saying a word, I proceeded to Mark's desk, tore > off two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his mouth. I then > returned to the front of the room. As I glanced at Mark to see how he > was doing he winked at me. That did it! I started laughing. The class > cheered as I walked back to Mark's desk, removed the tape and shrugged my > shoulders. His first words were, "Thank you for correcting me, Sister." > At the end of the year I was asked to teach junior-high math. The > years flew by, and before I knew it Mark was in my classroom again. > He was more handsome than ever and just as polite. Since he had to > listen carefully to my instructions in the "new math," he did not talk as > much in ninth grade as he had in the third. > One Friday, things just didn't feel right. We had worked hard on a > new concept all week, and I sensed that the students were frowning, > frustrated with themselves - and edgy with one another. I had to stop > this crankiness before it got out of hand. So I asked them to list the > names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a > space between each name. Then I told them to think of the nicest thing > they could say about each of their classmates and write it down. > It took the remainder of the class period to finish the assignment, > and as the students left the room, each one handed me the papers. > Charlie smiled. Mark said, "Thank you for teaching me, Sister. Have a > good weekend." > That Saturday, I wrote down the name of each student on a separate > sheet of paper, and I listed what everyone else had said about that > individual. On Monday I gave each student his or her list. Before long, > the entire class was smiling. "Really?" I heard whispered. "I never > knew that meant anything to anyone!" "I didn't know others liked me so > much!" > No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. I never knew if > they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't > matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were > happy with themselves and one another again. > That group of students moved on. Several years later, after I > returned from vacation, my parents met me at the airport. As we were > driving home, Mother asked me the usual questions about the trip - the > weather, my experiences in general. There was a light lull in the > conversation. Mother gave Dad a side-ways glance and simply says, > "Dad?" My father cleared his throat as he usually did before something > important. "The Eklunds called last night," he began. "Really?" I said. > "I haven't heard from them in years. I wonder how Mark is." > Dad responded quietly. "Mark was killed in Vietnam," he said. "The > funeral is tomorrow, and his parents would like it if you could attend." > To this day I can still point to the exact spot on I-494 where Dad told > me about Mark. > I had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. Mark > looked so handsome, so mature. All I could think at that moment was, > Mark, I would give all the masking tape in the world if only you would > talk to me. > The church was packed with Mark's friends. Chuck's sister sang > "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." Why did it have to rain on the day of > the funeral? It was difficult enough at the graveside. The pastor said > the usual prayers, and the bugler played taps. One by one those who > loved Mark took a last walk by the coffin and sprinkled it with holy > water. > I was the last one to bless the coffin. As I stood there, one of > the soldiers who had acted as pallbearer came up to me. "Were you Mark's > math teacher?" he asked. I nodded as I continued to stare at the coffin. > "Mark talked about you a lot," he said. > After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates headed to > Chuck's farmhouse for lunch. Mark's mother and father were there, > obviously waiting for me. "We want to show you something," his father > said, taking a wallet out of his pocket. "They found this on Mark when > he was killed. We thought you might recognize it." > Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of > notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many > times. I knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which I > had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about > him. "Thank you so much for doing that" Mark's mother said. "As you can > see, Mark treasured it." > Mark's classmates started to gather around us. Charlie smiled > rather sheepishly and said, "I still have my list. It's in the top > drawer of my desk at home." Chuck's wife said, "Chuck asked me to put > this in our wedding album." "I have mine too," Marilyn said. "It's in > my diary." > Then Vicki,another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her > wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. "I carry > this with me at all times," Vicki said without batting an eyelash. "I > think we all saved our lists." > That's when I finally sat down and cried. I cried for Mark and for > all his friends who would never see him again. > THE END > > Written by: Sister Helen P. Mrosia

Name: Cynthia
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: South Louisiana
Time: 1997-09-24 03:22:00
Comments: Eternity........this is a great homepage!!!!!!!!! You make me feel special . Cynthia

Name: NOS4A2
Website: N.O.W.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Picayune ,MS
Time: 1997-09-15 05:11:00
Comments: well , I stopped by to sign your guest book.*L* I'll catch ya L8r...

Name: Robin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Southeast Georgia
Time: 1997-09-12 09:22:00
Comments: I really enjoyed your home page. I bookmarked it so I could go back and read. Thanks for making my day brighter. :) Robin

Name: Black Wolf
Website: Black Wolf's Den
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ontario ,Canada
Time: 1997-09-11 19:39:00
Comments: Hello there .... I came across your page and it has touched me deeply...You have very beautiful tributes on your page and beautiful angels .. I have an angel of my own in heaven that shines over me every day .. You have a very beautiful page ... I hope I get to meet you one day sound like a very loving and caring person **S** your friend one day I hope ...Reg

Name: Jack
Website: A Pirate's Poetry and Music
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-09-11 12:38:00
Comments: Nice page, enjoyed it so much.

Name: Catherine
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-09-09 12:24:00
Comments: Clicked on in PP -- what an uplifting page -- good work !

Name: Jack
Website: Fun oh Rama!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NYC
Time: 1997-09-09 10:08:00
Comments: hello ... just dropped in and thought i would say what's up!!! nice page

Name: Mysterie
Website: Mysterie's Mystical Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Somewhere in the Universe-Indiana
Time: 1997-09-06 13:19:00
Comments: Hey, ~Eternity~,

You're a nice person, glad to know you..Always a kind word and a hello..
See you around!

P.S. I believe in Angels too! ;)

Name: Hawkeye (M)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-09-06 08:33:00
Comments: Hi ~Et~ ... I really like your homepage... it reflects the depth of your character... take care... adios... H (M)

Name: ~~Stormy Eyes~~
Website: Stormy's Page??
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: WA...USA
Time: 1997-09-02 08:43:00
Comments: Hey girl!! nice the are a great person...Take care!!

Name: BamaGuy
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Cullman, Al
Time: 1997-08-30 14:19:00
Comments: I have only recently started chatting with you but I can already see that you are a very special person. I beleive you are an angel sent down to brighten our days. Stay sweet, I loved your page!!!!

Name: Edward (Blue Bayou)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Baton Rouge Louisiana
Time: 1997-08-24 07:07:00
Comments: Eternity it is always a pleasure to chat with and thanks for being the dear friend that you are,, and I'll try to sing a little better from now on...*smile* and try and stay on the sunny side of life for it looks good on you. your friend always.....Blue Bayou.....

Name: LaDonna ...(Georgia Peach)
Website: Georgia Peach's Treehouse
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Georgia
Time: 1997-08-23 04:38:00
Comments: ~Eternity~....this is a great Homepage!!...I am so proud of you...*hugs*...You are truly a good friend...the best...*smiles*

Name: Mark....(FLU)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-08-22 15:20:00
Comments: Eternity...hey sweetheart...great page darling...thank you for the kind words...i wouldn't trade your friendship for anything sweetie...*soft kisses*...i love you very lovely friend...Mark...(FLU)

Name: Haakon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Norway
Time: 1997-08-21 12:24:00
Comments: Hi to you, a nice place to look and listen.......and a lot of reading........and i found you by chatting as allways, and now by ICQ..... nice work....will find the time to look later when you have filled in more... SEE YEAH.... : - )

Name: Jack
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Denver
Time: 1997-08-21 02:12:00
Comments: Sheryl, Nice home page, can't wait to see it when you are done. They are a lot of work, aren't they? Do you mind if I give the addy to a couple friends of mine? Talk to you soon.

Name: Jim
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Nem Jersey
Time: 1997-08-20 16:43:00
Comments: To Eternity... One of the sweetest people I know...Looking good Dear! Thanks for being A FRIEND!

Name: Kelly...Canadian Angel...
Website: Canadian Angel's Heaven
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: hmmm..heaven...or Southern take your pick
Time: 1997-08-19 15:59:00
Comments: have a wonderful start here....I only say a start cause I knwo yuo want to do more..but you have done so well....I am very proud to call you my friend....*hugs*...K

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