children are our future,
They must be protected.
July 19, 2005 |
"The human race has
improved everything
except the human race."
~Adlai Stevenson
the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven
belongs to such as these."
Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!Pammy

Adopted: June 11,2000 |
Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!
that you don't look down
upon a single one of these little children.
For I tell you that in heaven their angels
have constant access to my Father."
Matthew 18:10
is a living baby
is too

are approximately 120,000 adoptions each year in America.
In that same year over 700,000 abortions are performed.
Abortion stops a
beating heart.
the family together is not always best.
Children who are neglected should be nurtured,
children who are abused should be allowed to live.
Not all familes can be saved.
Edgar A. Guest
A little bit of hatred can spoil a score of
And blur the eyes that ought to smile with many needless tears.
A little bit of thoughtlessness and anger for a day
Can rob a home of all its joy and drive delight away..
A little bit of shouting in a sharp and vicious tone
Can leave a sting that will be felt when many years have flown.
And just one hasty moment of ill temper can offend
And leave an inner injury the years may never mend.
It takes no mental fiber to say harsh and bitter things;
It doesn't call for courage to employ a lash that stings.
And cruel words and bitter any fool can think to say,
But the hurt they leave behind them takes years to wipe away.
Just a little bit of hatred robs a home of all delight,
And leaves a winding trail of wrong that time may never right.
For only those are happy and keep their peace of mind,
Who guard themselves from hatred and words that are unkind!


adopted my angels from
The Little Angels In Heaven.
Visit and read the tragic stories
that ended these young lives.





