Capital Keeshond Club
About Our 2009 Specialty Show:

If you want to see 43 keeshonden, come to our Specialty Show.
This show is being held indoors.

When: Saturday April 11, 2009
Location: Harrisburg PA at the Farm Show Complex building (part of a 4 day cluster!) INDOOR.
We are holding our specialty with the Harrisburg Kennel Club. For info pertaining to premium lists, please contact the superintendent, RAU. Info below.
Directions: For directions to the show site, go to the bottom of this page.
Note: The Saturday show (Groups and Best In Show) will be recorded by Animal Plant for viewing at a later date. They usually cover some "behind the scenes" stuff as well.

Our trophies are functional this year! Many can be used by your dog.
Click Here For a Trophy List! (in PDF format)

For those coming to exhibit, note this show is the beginning of the Cherry Blossom circuit. Contact the Superintendent, Jim Rau Dog Shows, for show/circuit information!
For Jim Rau Dog Shows, Click Here
For additional Show + Circuit Info, Click Here
Entries close (for all 4 shows including the specialty): 3/25/09

HOTEL: CKC will not be blocking rooms. There are many hotels in the area, so reserve your hotel room early for the best price!

Ring 20 is the Kees ring on 4/11
Judges for the 2009 Show are:
Puppy + Veteran Sweepstakes: Mrs. Jennifer Sturgeon
Entry: 19 Kees - 7 dogs, 12 bitches.

Regular Classes: Ms. Elizabeth Muthard
43 Kees - 16 dogs, 17 bitches, 9 male specials, 1 bitch special.

Saturday is our specialty, including, Veteran's Sweepstakes (ages 7yrs and up)
Altered dogs/bitches can be shown in Veteran Sweeps
We will have Awards of Merit.

Obedience/Rally rings are RINGS 24-27 on Saturday 4/11

There are a total of 4 All-Breed shows in the cluster.

Judges for the other days are:
04/09 THU: Lebanon County KC - Mr. Gary Doerge
Ring 21 at 1:15pm: 23 Kees, 9 dogs, 11 bitches, 3 male specials, 0 bitch specials.

04/10 FRI: Chambersburg Area KC - Mr. Dennis McCoy
Ring 22 at 1:30pm: 30 Kees, 10 dogs, 14 bitches, 6 male specials, 0 bitch specials.

04/12 SUN: Mason+Dixon KC - Mr. Randy Garren
Ring 22 at 9:30am: 33 Kees, 9 dogs, 17 bitches, 7 male specials, 0 bitch specials.

NOTE: We will be supporting the entire 4 days of shows with trophies. For the Thurs, Fri & Sun shows,
trophies/rosettes for top winners will be offered, including obedience and rally

Near the Keeshond RING #20 on Sat 4/11:
Time TBA - Yummy Lunch, free to all kees fanciers

We will hold our FREE LUNCHEON near the Keeshond Ring #20. Look for the CKC members and the signs!

This is for anyone that likes kees & it is FREE! We plan to have great fried chicken and sides to go with it, deserts and snacks as well as soft drinks and coffee. Come & mingle at ringside and then join in the lunch.

This is a great family outing day. You can talk to keeshond people about grooming, training, or even find info on obtaining a kees puppy or a rescue kees. Just come ringside & ask for a CKC member! We'd be happy to assist you. Plus, there is great shopping at the show. Vendors with all kinds of dog-related wares will be there!

This is an INDOOR show. We will have an area away from the main arena. Casual dress. The all-breed kennel club charges $6 for adult admission (children under 12 free). Parking is $5 and is run by the State, not affiliated with the dog show. Unentered dogs are not allowed in the show buildings unless they are part of the "Meet The Breeds" presentation.

More Info on the Show:

The Capital Keeshond Club, as a member of The Keeshond Club of America is required to put on a "specialty" at least once each year. CKC is a regional kees club. A specialty is a "single" breed dog show that a club hosts, either in conjunction with an all-breed club or as a separate show just for kees. Specialties usually draw large entries for the breed. Other regional Kees clubs across the country also hold specialties throughout the year.


Kees Specialty Fun Match: put on by the Keeshond Club of Delaware Valley
April 10, Friday evening in the Keeshond RING #20
The Keeshond Club of Delaware Valley will be hosting an AKC Sanctioned Plan B/OB Match for AKC registered Keeshonden on Friday, April 10.
Our match will begin at 6:30 p.m. (or 30 minutes after the conclusion of the Chambersburg Area Kennel Club dog show's Best In Show competition on that date, whichever time is later). The match will be held in the Keeshond Ring in the North West Hall.
Entries for this show may be made at ringside beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 10. Entry fees are $7.00 USD for the first entry of each dog in regular class; each additional entry of the same dog will be $7.00 USD. (Payment of entry fees in exact change will be greatly appreciated).

Match competition will be offered in both conformation and performance events:
Conformation Competition Classes
Puppy dogs 6 months & under 9 months
Puppy dogs 9 months & under 12 months
Junior dogs 12 months & under 18 months
Bred-by-Exhibitor Dogs
Open Dogs
Veterans (over 7 years
(The same classes will be offered for bitches)

Obedience Competition Classes
Novice A, Novice B, Open A, Open B, Utility A & B, Brace, Veterans

The judges for our match will be:
Conformation (all classes)
Mrs. Carol S. Brown

Obedience (all classes)
Ms. Margaret Bissell

Should you require any additional information or clarification about the match or the MTB program, I'd love to hear from you at (732) 728-0413 or by e-mail at I look forward to seeing y'all in Harrisburg!

Cordially, Rick Su, KCDV Match Secretary

Meet The Breeds
Breed Seminars
Eye Clinic on Saturday
Seminars at the Eukanuba / Iams booth
All Breed Fun Match on Saturday nite

Don't forget to check out our Upcoming Events Calendar for fun times for you and your kees! CLICK HERE For EVENTS


Click here for directions, roadmaps and building maps