Capital Keeshond Club - How to Join!

To join the Capital Keeshond Club, applicants need to:

- submit a CKC membership application form with dues (see below)
- attend at least two meetings/functions within a year of app submission
- attend the club meeting where you will be voted on

At that meeting, a vote will be taken by the membership present & you will be voted in or not.

All members receive club communication which comes out regularly in emails. Our primary website is:

We have three types of memberships available:

SINGLE MEMBERSIP ...$15.00 - as a single or perhaps only one person in the family is involved with the keesie. With a single membership, you get full voting privileges and are able to hold office after being a member in good standing for one year.

FAMILY MEMBERSHIP ... is a SINGLE MEMBERSHIP plus $5.00 for each adult member in the household. You get full voting privileges for each paid member in good standing and are able to hold office after being a member in good standing for one year.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP ...$7.50 - this can be either single or family, the only difference is that you can not hold office or vote, but you can attend meetings and participate in all club functions/meetings (& put in your $.02 worth or suggestions). It is suggested that if you are unable to attend many meetings, you choose Associate Membership so that we can achieve quorums at meetings.

We would be happy to send you an application form OR you can obtain one here and print it out. Click here.
NOTE: The applicaton is in PDF format and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free at

If you have any questions, E-mail Jane West, CKC Membership Chairperson:

Jane West
CKC Membership Chairperson
12460 Winchester Avenue
Bunker Hill WV 25413
(304) 229-5940