First Generation

          I don't know much about the Peterson family. I know that they came from Stockholm, Sweden. The first one that I can find is Eric Peterson and his wife Lena they were born in Sweden. They had a son named Peter Eric Peterson.

          Second Generation

          Peter Eric Perterson born on December 14, 1857 in Sweden. He died on October 28, 1929 in Yuma, Yuma County, Arizona. He married Christine Marie Anderson. She was born on June 30, 1856 in Sweden. She died on November 20, 1929 in Yuma, Yuma County, Arizona. They had three children: Bill Peterson, Ellen Marie Peterson, and Amanda Peterson.

          Peter Eric Peterson 1857-1929

          Third Generation

          There is not much known about Bill Peterson. His name might also be William. I have been told that he went to go look for a job one day and he never came back home. They don't know if he was killed or if something else happened to him. This is a mystery that I hope to find out.

          Amanda Peterson is also not known about either. I was told that she lived with her parents when they passed away and never married.

          Amanda Peterson

          Christine Marie Peterson was born on June 30,1956 in Stockholm, Sweden. She died on November 20, 1929 in Yuma, Yuma County, Arizona. I was told that the family came to the United States when she was three years old. She enjoyed sewing and cooking. My grandmother was always telling me she spent a lot of time cooking, canning, and sewing. The children were always doing chores because there was so many things that had to get done. She married Theodore Gruver Dunham on February 17, 1906 in Rock Creek, Pike County, Arkansas. She raised nine wonderful children: Laura Gertrude Dunham, Gurnie Windfield Dunham, Albert Eugene Dunham, Ray Howard Dunham, Mabel Eleanor Dunham (my grandmother), Chester Norman Dunham, Louis Donald Dunham, Helen Louise Dunham, and Francis Marie Dunham.

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