On this page I decided to put some deeds, surveys and
other documents that I have gathered.


Kentucky Land-Office Warrant, No. 119

To the Principal Surveyor for the County of Warren.

This shall be your Warrant to Enter and Survy for Dennis Dunham the quantity of
two hundred acres of land, in consideration of the Sum of forty dollars and 00 cents,
paid by the said Dennis Dunham into the Treasury of this commonwealth (agreeable
to an Act of Assemby passed the 20th day of December, 1800) lying and being in the
County of Warren beginning at two post oaks the N. E. corner of said Dunham land
______ of Gladion Goinn, Running with Brownline _____ of said Dunham
N. 60 E. 180 poles thence _____ thence ______ agreeable to law for Quantity.

GIVEN under my hand this First day of December 1802.

AUDITOR'S OFFICE, Nov. 30, 1802
Received of Dennis Dunham the Treasure's receipt for forty dollars and 00 cents
and 00 mills, being infull on a certificat no. 00 for 200 acres of 2% rate land
lying in Warren County, granted to him by virtue of an act of assemby, entitled,
"An act for encouraging and granting relief to Settlers on the South Side of Green
River." under new law- Forty dollars and 00 cents. Signed by John L. Martin

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