WRENN Mailing List

This is a new mailing list created especially for researching the Wrenn Family Line. This is a moderated list, which means any post will be inspected before being posted to other subscribers.

To SUBSCRIBE to the WRENN List, send email to:

(for list mode -- you will receive every message sent to the list)
(for digest mode -- you will receive one email every 24 hours with all messages)

Type "SUBSCRIBE" in the body. DO NOT type anything in the subject area and make sure if you have a signature file, to disable it. THAT'S IT! You will receive a notice saying that you are subscribed. Keep this message for future use.

After you have received notice that you have successfully subscribed to the list, you can begin posting your messages. Send messages to WRENN-L@rootsweb.com.

Due to the nature of this mailing list, I encourage ONLY research queries and family history information to be posted to this list. Any other material not pertaining to WRENN family research will not to allowed. Any subscriber found continually posting SPAM and other non-WRENN material will be UNSUBSCRIBED. This list is for everyone's benefit. I hope that you will help cooperate with the few rules this list has created. Please read the LIST RULES.

New RootsWeb Procedure
Turning off HTML feature

To Subscribe or Unsubscribe
List Mode
Digest Mode

Where to Send Messages

WRENN-L is hosted by