Welcome to my Guestbook!

vonda - 10/10/00 08:48:35
My Email:ladydove3@yahoo.com

Hello...I too am a Vonda. I am finding out there are quite a few of us out there. I found your page by typing vonda in the search box at geocities. I enjoyed your page. God Bless....

Jill - 08/26/99 02:34:44
My Email:queenjillwindsor@hotmail.com

well, mummy dear, i really do enjoy your site it's cool it's awesome i "diggit". :) oh, and you must find out who sent that anonymous email! how sweet! well, keep going, i'm loving this website! love you tons, love Princess Jill

Anonymous - 08/26/99 02:31:55
My Email:Anonymous.com

Vonda- The beauty of your precious blond angel of a daughter, Jill, astounds me. She is gorgeous. I have a feeling she will end up marrying someone of great power and wealth--I just know these things. He will be blond, tall, blue eyed, and almost as lovely as Jill. Well, that's it for now. Sincerely, An Admirer of Your Lovely Third Born, Ji--I mean, Anonymous

Brian - 05/22/99 17:26:37

Pretty cool Mom! Melissa and Chris didn't think that Clintonochio was as funny as I did, but their art history people which stands for no sense of humor. Chris is going to cook your cheese fondu when Melissa leaves.

Jay - 05/12/99 23:12:44
My Email:jfuzi@bakercity.com

After viewing your web page, and all your thoughtfullness kept in mind, prepare yourself for some home photographs of you at the health spa! Love you sis!