Revolutionary War Timeline

1765 The Stamp Act. Repealed in 1766.
March 5, 1770 The Boston Massacre.
December 16, 1773 The Boston Tea Party.
September 1774 First Continental Congress Meets in Philadelphia.
April 19, 1775 Gage seizes military supplies at Concord. Battle of Lexington.
May 10, 1775 Second Continental Congress Meets in Philadelphia.
May 10, 1775 Capture by Colonists of forts and arsenals at Ticonderoga.
May 11, 1775 Battle of Crown Point. Victory for "Green Mountain Boys".
June 15, 1775 Washington appointed Commander-in-Chief by Congress.
June 17, 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill. British occupy Boston until March 1776.
December 31, 1775 Expedition to Canada fails. Benedict Arnold wounded.
July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence. United Colonies become the United States of America, each colony becoming a state.
August 1776 Arrival of 30,000 British troops in New York harbor.
August 27, 1776 Battle of Long Island. Americans defeated.
September 16, 1776 Battle of Harlem Heights. Americans defeated.
October 28, 1776 Battle of White Plains. Americans defeated.
December 25 to January 3, 1776-77 Crossing of the Delaware and Battles of Trenton and Princeton. Brilliant American Victories.
1777 Winter Quarters at Princeton.
July 5, 1777 Ticonderoga captured by the British.
September 19-October 7, 1777 Battle of Saratoga. American Victory.
October 17, 1777 Burgoyne surrenders entire Army to the Americans.
September 11, 1777 Battle of Brandywine. Americans defeated.
October 4, 1777 Battle of Germantown. Americans retreat when near victory.
December 19, 1777 Encampment at Valley Forge for the Winter.
February 6, 1778 Treaty of Alliance and Commerce with France.
June 19, 1778 Evacuation of Valley Forge Winter Quarters.
June 28, 1778 Battle of Monmouth. British retire under cover of night.
December 29, 1778 Savannah taken by the British.
1779 Lafayette goes to France to plead for help.
September 1779 John Paul Jones captures man-of-war near English coast.
May 12, 1780 Charlestown, South Carolina taken by the British.
August 16, 1780 Gates defeated by Cornwallis near Camden, South Carolina.
September 23, 1780 Benedict Arnold's plot to surrender West Point frustrated.
October 7, 1780 King's Mountain. British defeated.
1780 Rochambeau arrives in America with 5,500 men.
1781 Powerful French fleet under deGrasse arrives.
January 17, 1781 Cowpens. British defeated.
March 15, 1781 Guilford Court House. Americans defeated. Costly victory for British.
1781 Greene clears interior of South Carolina and Georgia of the enemy.
October 19, 1781 Cornwallis trapped at Yorktown. He surrenders.
November 30, 1782 Provisional Peace
September 3, 1783 Treaty of Peace of Paris.

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