From: Jayme Capaccioli :< cup@soli.inav.net >
    Robert Capaccioli (Jayme's grandfather)
    his parents are: Elia Capaccioli and Ella Baiocchi
    Elia's parents are: Ulisse Capaccioli and Angela Franzersoi
    Ulisse Capaccioli and Angela had children: (Antonia, Maria, Rosa, Guisippe, Paao, Emilio, Madda, Lema and Elia). Ulisse's and second wife had children (Eugemio, David, Ammunziaia, Dima). Guisippe (son of Ulisse) had children: (Sericno, Altera, Gisola, and Ilario)

    From: Tayna :< milton@aol.com >
    My Giuseppe had a brother in Italy who went to the USA when he came to Brazil. As I learned, he must have come to Brazil in 1865. One of Giovani's sons used to write to one of Giuseppe's sons, Eliseo and he said he wanted to come to Brasil. This Giuseppe, who is my grandmother's grandfather, came to Brasil from Lucca, Toscana. Here he got married to Maria Abuchianeri.

    From: Giuliano Coppini: < bruto@pacbell.net >
    My mother was born in Charleroi, PA. When her mother died, she and her sister were sent to Italy to be taken care of by relatives. My mother and father came back to the US in 1949 along with my two sisters and me. We reunited with the Capaccioli that had never left, and who ended up in San Francisco.

    From: Grace: < tb308@msp.psco.com >
    My great-grandfather was Giuseppe Capaccioli who emigrated from Italy (Tuscany) about 1900. He was married to Emma Gherardeschi, also from Italy, and they had several children: Remo, Leno, Jessie, Eugenia and Mary (my grandmother). After Emma died in 1907 in Charleroi, PA, Giuseppe endured two whole years of widowerhood before sailing back to Italy and dumping his daughters off with relatives, returning to the States with the boys. This time they relocated to San Francisco.

    From: Cristina :< cristina.capaccioli@health.fgov.be >
    My grandfather was Athos Capaccioli. He had a sister named Rina and a sister named Renata. All of them lived in Florence (Piazza dei Nerli), Tuscany in Italy. In the 1930' s, Athos met a young German woman, Ilse CORFF, who came from Silesia (then Germany, now Poland) as an au-pair-girl to learn Italian. They married and had 3 children (Manfred, Erika, and unknown name). The two latter ones died as little children during World War II. Manfred is my father. He died over 20 years ago. He followed his mother Ilse to live in Brussels/Belgium where he met his wife Herta PASCHEK, a German, also from Silesia. They had two children: Renato, my brother, was born in Brussels on 19/9/1968 and me, Cristina, born in Brussels on 2/10/1963.

    Y. ULISSES CAPACCIOLI married Maria TEREZA 11/25/886 San Pedro, Cholula De Rivadabia, Puebla, Mexico


    NameBornDiedResidenceLast BenefitSSNIssuedRequest
    ALADINA CAPACCIOLI14 Dec 1906May 199494123 (No Location Given) (No Location Given)546-03-0818California ()Write Letter
    E CAPACCIOLI4 Oct 1903Jul 198392335 (No Location Given)92335 (No Location Given)210-07-0614Pennsylvania ()Write Letter
    ELIA CAPACCIOLI11 Oct 1896Sep 197953511 (No Location Given) (No Location Given)396-07-1013Wisconsin ()Write Letter
    ELLA CAPACCIOLI7 Apr 1903Dec 198253511 (No Location Given) (No Location Given)397-30-6270Wisconsin ()Write Letter
    ESTHER CAPACCIOLI10 Feb 19312 Jun 199852314 (No Location Given) (No Location Given)481-36-9385Iowa ()Write Letter
    JOHN CAPACCIOLI31 Mar 1904Feb 197602184 (No Location Given) (No Location Given)024-01-1808Massachusetts ()Write Letter
    JOHN CAPACCIOLI1 Jun 1924Jul 1980 (No Location Given)02184 (No Location Given)022-14-9797Massachusetts ()Write Letter
    LENO CAPACCIOLI17 Jun 1898Nov 196894123 (No Location Given) (No Location Given)560-03-6573California ()Write Letter
    LILY CAPACCIOLI22 Dec 19089 Feb 198802184 (No Location Given) (No Location Given)012-07-4552Massachusetts ()Write Letter
    MADELINE CAPACCIOLI22 Aug 189328 Feb 199094080 (No Location Given) (No Location Given)560-54-8926California ()Write Letter


    Justice Capaccioli was appointed to the Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District, in 1986, after serving on the Superior Court of San Mateo County form 1974 to 1986. He served on the San Mateo Municipal Court from 1970 to 1974. Justice Capaccioli was Assistant Presiding Judge in 1977; Presiding Judge in 1978; Presiding Judge of Juvenile Court from 1982 to 1983; and a Member of the Appellate Department of San Mateo County Superior Court in 1980, 1981, and 1984. He served as a Pro-Tem Justice of the California Supreme Court in 1985. Former Treasurer of California Judges Foundation; former member, Board of Director, California Judges Foundation; Past President, North San Mateo County Bar Association; former member, Board of Directors of American Red Cross; Board of Directors of Boy Scouts of America; Law Library Board of Trustees, San Mateo County; City of San Mateo Personnel Board; and former Member and Director of San Mateo County Bar Association.

    Aladina Capaccioli, MS, RD
    Ms. Capaccioli has been a registered dietitian (RD) for ten years and is currently working as a consultant dietitian and program director for post-graduate dietetic practice programs. She undertook her graduate studies at California State University in Sacramento where she earned her Master's degree in exercise physiology and sports nutrition. Dina is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine.

    Massimo Capaccioli
    Mr. Capaccioli is a full professor at the Department of Astronomy of the University of Padova, Italy and Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte (OAC) of Naples, Italy.

    Sergio Capaccioli Mr. Capaccioliis the principal investigator leading a working group on Antisense Oligonucleotides in Oncology, Institute of Pathology, University of Florence, Italy.

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