What if you could talk to someone who lived at the time of the Civil War? You would probably have a hard time understanding some of the things they said. Below is a list of words and phrases used during the Civil War. The words in parentheses is the meaning. How many of these phrases do you recognize??? And how many do we still use today??
1. Chief cook and bottle washer (person capable of doing many things)
2. Sheet iron crackers (hardtack)
3. sardine box (cap box)
4. bread basket (stomach)
5. greenbacks (money)
6. graybacks (Southern soldiers, lice)
7. Arkansas toothpick (large knife)
8. pepperbox (pistol)
9. Zu - Zu (Zuoave soldier)
10. fit to be tied (angry)
11. horse sense (smart, on the ball)
12. top rail #1 (first class)
13. hunkey dorey (great!)
14. greenhorn, bugger, skunk (officers)
15. snug as a bug (comfortable, cozy)
16. sawbones (surgeon)
17. skedaddle (run, scatter)
18. hornets (bullets)
19. bully (hurrah! yeah!)
20. possum (a buddy, pal)
21. blowhard (big shot)
22. fit as a fiddle (in good shape, healthy)
23. Uppity (conceited)
24. scarce as hen's teeth (rare or scarce)
25. grab a root (have dinner, potato)
26. tight, wallpapered (drunk)
27. bark juice, tar water (liquor)
28. nokum stiff, joy juice (liquor)
29. hard case (tough)
30. bluff (cheater)
31. jailbird (criminal)
32. hard knocks (beaten up)
33. been through the mill (done a lot)
34. quick-step (diarrhea)
35. played out (worn out)
36. toeing the mark (doing the job)
37. Jonah (bad luck)
38. goobers (peanuts)
39. Sunday soldiers, kid glove boys, parlor soldiers (insulting words
for soldiers)
40. fresh fish (raw recruits)
41. whipped (beaten)
"The Life of Johnny Reb" by Bell Irwin Wiley
"The Life of Billy Yank" by Bell Irwin Wiley
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