Shumin, Dan, Benedict, Agnes, Janus & Oscar's Home Page

You are visitor Counter as of 3 Aug 1997

Last updated 28 Feb 2007

I've stopped updating this site but do visit for updates of us.


Welcome to our Home Page. Here you'll find photos of us in Exposure, links to information about dogs in general in The Kennel, and some trivial news and information.

Click here to see a few photos of Agnes.  

Visit our online store for breastfeeding clothes at

Click here to see photos of our son, Benedict Francis Lim.

Our beloved Janus was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy (Heart Disease) and passed away close to midnight on our wedding anniversary,19 Jan 2002, 1 full day short of her 6th birthday. Click here to see some photos of her during her last days.

Photos and Shumin's testimony of our incredible pilgrimage to Medjugorje and Italy can be found on another website. The website is located at /medjugorje2000/index.htm. Do visit it to view the photos and read a daily account of our stay at Medjugorje.

If you're interested in animal training, there is an article on clicker training that I wrote. Check these out if you like.

We're updating the page regularly so do come back to check us out. Feel free to E-mail us and don't forget to sign our Guest Book. Have a good time and may God bless you!

Oscar playing with his puppy friend, Finn, the red Dobe.

Click here to get into The Kennel.
Click here to get into Exposure. Our photo gallery.
Click here to email us.
Please take a little time and Sign Our Guestbook
Feel free to View Our Guestbook.


25 June 2004 Mary, Mother of Jesus at Medjugorje
Our Lady's Message for April 25, 2004.

"Dear children! Also today, joy is in my heart. I desire to thank you for making my plan realizable. Each of you is important, therefore, little children, pray and rejoice with me for every heart that has converted and become an instrument of peace in the world. Prayer groups are powerful, and through them I can see, little children, that the Holy Spirit is at work in the world. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Our Lady has been appearing to several children at Medjugorje since 24 June 1981. Click here to find out more about Our Lady's apparitions.

26 May 1999 The Need-to-Give Principle
If we want carrots, we need to plant carrots;
If we want radishes, we need to plant radishes;
If we want understanding, we need to become understanding;
If we want to feel appreciated, we need to appreciate others;
If we want to feel loved, we need to give love.
24 Aug 1997 Arne Garborg:
"It is said that for money you can have everything, but you cannot. You can buy food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; knowledge, but not wisdom; glitter, but not beauty; fun but not joy; acquaintances, but not friends; leisure, but not peace. You can have the husk of everything for money, but not the kernal."
