
Hi there...I'm Jen!
I'm 33 years old and I'm fortunate enough to have two beautiful, healthy children.

Some of my interests include:
Spending time with Alec, Paige
Webpage building!!!
Reading various types of books
Walking and biking with Alec and Paige
I am a collector of classic pooh items :-)

Along your journey through my page, come along, and meet my children, Alec and Paige, and learn a little about their lives. Enjoy the links page, which has tons of fun stuff, and look at alec's coloring book, among other things!

Squinty eyed and all, hehe!!! April 2002
Another pic of me

Taken 12/7/05

Family picture taken in October '03

Click below to see Alec and Paige...

Alec and Paige

Take me there:

Meet Alec
Meet Paige
Alec's coloring book

Please don't forget to sign our guestbook. I've linked it to several pages for your convenience. Thanks!!