Hehehe!!! Here are just a couple of my snowglobe creations. Below you'll see links to more. Take a peek. If you like what you see...feel free to email and ask for one, if you ask nicely enough, I might make two! ;-)
I used Paint Shop Pro 6.0 and several tubes created by myself, and some downloaded from lovely pages! (see links below for tube downloads and tutorials)

spacer Here are a few examples of globes I've made:

Paige in younger years
Alec a little younger

Globe 1
Globe 2
Globe 3
Globe 4
Globe 5
Globe 6
Globe 7

And believe me....there's HEAPS more where that came from! hehe If you'd like on, contact me! All that I ask, is that you provide a link to your homepage/email/where ever you use it...permission to use the globe for viewing purposes on my page...and that you upload the globe to your own homepage builder.

Too much to ask?

I hope not...hehe. If you're on webtv, I will upload the globe for you, to provide a link to enable you to transload. If you need the address to transloaders...check below.


Ronnie's Webpage
Star Blvd's Transloader
The Freeloader
Yet another Transloader

Here are some links to tubes you may download...and a snowglobe tutorial or two!
spacer The Hood(tubes and tutorials...this page is great!)
This page has HEAPS of tubes!!!
Snowglobe Tutorial

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