Dear Sisters in Christ,

I am excited to share with you that The Excellent Wife Study has resumed. My sister, Gloria died on March 31st and I am now back home. Therefore, I will once again be posting the lessons weekly here. However, the format will be a bit different. Instead of reading the current lesson here, you must go to the "Previous Lessons" button above and read the lesson from there. The current lesson will always be the last one on the list.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce your teacher, Pamm Jackson. I would also like to publicly thank Pamm for her willingness to lead you in this study while I go through these difficult days concerning my sister's death and my upcoming move back to the states.. Thank you all for your love, support and prayers for not only myself, but for this ministry. God has richly blessed Women of Grace in the year that we have been online. Many homes have been restored and our precious Father receives all the praise, honor and glory! If you are a new viewer I would like to welcome you to the study. You have my sincere promise that if you follow the principles set forth in The Excellent Wife your life will be changed! God will be honored and glorified in your heart and in your home.

Pamm and I also felt it best that the study group should continue via email also. If you would like to be a part of this wonderful group of ladies, sign up today.

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I asked Pamm to share from her own heart her introduction to you, her desires and burdens for this ministry. She writes:

"I am so grateful to God for providing me such a wonderful opportunity to serve and share with all of you women who have spiritual desires and godly goals like that of myself. I am humbled before God and you and ask that you pray with me as we begin down a long and tedious journey. This journey though, is one that I believe will have rich rewards and benefits as we go it with the Lord as our guide and each other as friends. It always helps to have a friendly hand to lift us up when we fall. It has been my soul's desire to bring glory and honor to the Lord in all areas of my life. My life is not my own, it belongs to Christ. I want to live moment by moment with Him and for Him. All that I say and do on behalf of this study will be pondered in my heart, covered in much prayer and guided by God's hand. I am the clay and He is the Potter. I pray and hope that this study will stir up the gift that God has placed in each of you and spur you on to a desire to have a loving, fulfilling relationship with God Almighty. One of my favorite scriptures that I like to keep in the forefront of my mind as we study together is Psalm 42:1:

"As the deer pants for the waterbrook, so my soul longeth after thee O' God."

May God be the desire of our hearts and may we long to walk fully pleasing to Him, being obedient in all things.

Now, just a little info about me: I am married to a very caring and selfless man, Charles. We've been married for 13 years this June! Praise The Lord, Saints! He is my high school sweetheart and we married at young ages, 18 and 19. Most say that we are very mature for our ages, but we give all credit to God for instilling in us principles of wisdom and knowledge that come only from Him. Thankfully, we are blessed to both share Christ as our Savior. Our faith in God has made a tremendous difference in lives. Our lives revolve around 3 fantastic boys, Charles 13, Jerry 12, and DeAndre 10. I thank God that they all accepted Christ as early ages and I see God developing them as the days go by. It's truly a battle at times but we're convinced that God is in this plan. We will not falter! The boys keep us really busy with sports and other activities. Nonetheless, they are truly "gifts from the Lord. We reside in Vallejo, California just outside of the Bay Area and on the other end, close to Sacramento Valley.

It's my desire to be a kind loving example of Christ, to my husband and my children. God has done some great degree of pruning in my life and though it's been painful and difficult to bear at times, the fruit of that pruning has brought joy to my heart and God is to be praised and glorified! What I hope to get out sharing and studying God's Word along with The Excellent Wife book, is a chance to know God on a deeper level. I want to know Him, As Paul says, " In the power of His might!"

If you have a question about a lesson, are in need of prayer, or simply would like to comment/share about the lesson, please email me. I would be delighted to hear from you and share in your desire to please the Lord. You may write to me at:

May the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,
