Bacca's Menagerie

Where ferrets and cats romp while I try to sew.

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A little about me... and then on to the important stuff

Currently our house is occupied by three humans, three ferrets and three cats. One of the humans and one of the ferrets are 'on loan' if you will.

I have a Master's in English Literature specializing in Renaissance Lit., although I did often delve into John Milton for some reason.
  • I have a 1967 Triumph that spends a lot of time in the garage.
  • For some reason I enjoy making Renaissance Costumes. And of course, if I"m going to make something, I'm going to go all out, so my specialty is the clothing of nobility.h

  • This is my hubby in the first Ren costume I made him. I based the costume on the one worn by the wickedly funny Rowan Atkinson in the "Black Adder" series. It took a lot of work and was pretty ambitious for a beginner, but I was happy with it.

    This is me in my 3rd go at a dress. It's actually my wedding dress with sleeves and a french hood added - not to mention lots of details. I don't want to think how many hours I spent sewing ribbon and beads on that thing! And to be honest, I dislike the french hood immensely. It's not very complimentary to my face. I usually wear a flat cap.

    Click on the kids to go to their page.

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    This page and the following pages were made a heck of a lot easier after taking Lily's Web class.