Digital Cameras at a Glance

Your starting point for digicam info on the web

About this Website

Who's it for?

  • Beginners
  • Salespersons  
  • Photographers
  • Business owners
  • Anybody who wants to know what's out there.

How's it work?

  1. Go to "The Big Chart".
  2. For easy viewing, choose 800 X 600 screen. You may also want to use the "decrease font size" option on your browser.
  3. Find the camera you're interested in, alphabetically, by manufacturer.
  4. Read the spec "highlights" that appear on the chart.
  5. For detailed specs, straight from the manufacturer, click on the clip.gif (270 bytes)in the far right column.
  6. When you're finished, close the browser window to return to the chart.

Where are the prices?

Sorry, I don't do prices :(

Fear not! There are great spots on the web for finding up to date prices.

I recommend  compshopper.gif (1346 bytes) as a fast, up to date  way of finding US prices. If, like me, you don't use US$, you can still use this service to find relative cost. Click on their logo to open a window now and keep it open while you surf the cameras.





   Digital Cameras at a Glance has received a web award. I'm honoured to be selected. Please check out the digital camera links on the Links2Go Digital camera page.                                                                               Key Resource
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This page last updated 11/07/98

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