Sidney's Page

Hi! I'm Sidney.

I am a red male Dachshund. I am 9 years old. I finally got neutered, glad to be rid of those pillows!
I like to sit in my yard and bark. I like to sleep under the covers and snuggle up to Mom to keep warm. I blew a disc in my back a few years ago so I can't walk right now but I am in rehab trying to learn to walk. I can take a few steps though. I love being in rehab. I get to roam around my vet clinic all day and manage the place. When anyone gets out of line I let them know it. I get to go home at night with the nice lady who runs the place, she is my second Mom and I love her like crazy. Then I get to come home with Mom on the weekends. My Mom adopted me when my previous Mom couldn't take care of me anymore because of my disability. She was talking about putting me down (whatever that means). Next thing I knew, Mom was on the phone with Prev Mom asking if I could come live with her. I am so glad she did because I live like a king now. Well, I gotta go for now. I hope you enjoy my page.