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I've got to guard this Owl at all times!

Hum, how can I get my ball out of there?

I think I can get it without getting wet.

Oh, I almost got it!

I've gotta get it before that kid gets it!

Hey kid bring that ball back here!

Two heads are better than one!

Hey, how's it goin?

Hurry up Mom it's hot as heck out here!

Go on in Maggie. Mom's not around.

Get this plant out of my way.

Darn, I gotta get out quick--Mom's seen me.

Ooo, it's slipery and I got water in my ears.

Hi Mom, heehee. Jeana made me do it!

Chloe help me get out before Mom gets over here.

Mom, I really am a cute, sweet, little thing.

Jeana, I'm gonna kill you for getting me in trouble.

I guess I'll have to swim in the kiddie pool.

I love to play ball in my pool.

Hum, a water fall.

I think I'll help Mom with her flowers.

Maybe if I hide no one will get my toy.

Hey Chloe I got the Owl, heehee.
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