janna - 10/22/00 21:59:16
My URL:/jannavannabanana/
My Email:jannavannabanana@yahoo.com
Collections: dust
Hobbies: acting,singing,and annoying the ones i love the most
If I could I would: that's too much to think about...
great site miss betsy's mom. . .
Love your sets, you are very talented and helpfull, keep up the good work.
Thanks for all the beauty !!
Very lovely and restful site to visit.
Hi! I love your pages. You did a great job here. I'd like to invite you to take a look at a new webring called Heart of Gold. We'd love to have you! Just click on the invitation to go there. *hugs*
I just discovered your web site. Your background pages are beautiful. I really like the music. Can you tell me what the name of the song is and the name of the tape and artist? I have'nt used your backgrounds yet, but when I do, I will let you know. Than
very beautiful web graphics!!
I did another page, this time using your teapots. Check it out. Yhanks.
I don't know how I missed signing your guest book. Do you forgive me ? PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE !!!! Great pages......
Your SOuthern Sister
beautiful backgrounds!!!!
your site is beautiful but, I was unable to enlarge any of the pics to see the detail. I would like to use some of them but they will not accept the click on.
Thanks for a great site,
Sharon J.
I would like to use your mother's cupboard graphics. I use a mac and cannot click on a background to save it. Could you arrange something that I could click on?
Thanks so much,
Carrie--You have a lovely graphics site. Your backgrounds are some of the prettiest I've seen. I will definitely be back to "borrow" some of them. Please stop by to visit me anytime!
I am looking at different web pages to get some ideas of how I can do mine.....I love the Pink Magnolias that you have......I'm not quite sure how to go about starting one....I don't want to take somthing I'm not suppose to.....Perhaps you can help......P
ease email if you can help.....Thanks a bunch....
I've really enjoyed browsing through your wonderful pages. Your designs are quite lovely. Keep up the good work, and God bless!!
this is a wonderful website... thanks so much for the ray of sunshine it gives.
Carrie - a beautiful site and I took a couple of graphics I hope to be able to work into some pages at a later time. I am working on Christmas now and the ones I took are definately spring so it will be awhile before I can have them up. I will be back t
let you know the date for sure!
Come sign my guestbook! Star
absolutely fantastic. I loved everything. thank you.
This sight is beatifull for in here there is no smutt picture or filth. I love you all my Brothers and sisters and may you find piece where ever you go.
everything i have seen here is beautiful. keep up the good work!!!
I love your work, I will be back soon to use the 60's graphics for my daughter's page!!
Excellent site! Keep up the good work.
I am a Japanese of the Japan living with a favorite flower by which the piano which starts the homepage making of here recently is assumed to be a hobby. Because it starts.
English can speak only the smattering . This borrows and writes help of the translation software.
The material which you had made was gotten by several points . And, use it . I was made to link from my homepage, I had, and I comes to play by all means.
Thank you for the material . The thing to say the reward finally can be done and it is happy.
Hi great backgrounds. You do a great job. I took some for use on some of my personal web pages. Thank you so much. Keep up the good work. Cyber friend, Betty in OK
your graphics are so beautiful
keep up the great work
Beautiful graphics!!
Thanks Carrie for all your time and good work.
Your site looks GREAT. Congratulations!!!
I just wanted to stop by and take a look. Very impressive! Your pages are very calming as well as your music.
Wonderful pages...Great Southern Flare!!!!!!
Cool page, maybe mine will shape up soon!!!!! :-) HOPEFULLY!!!!! Thanks!!! If it weren't for you I wouldn't have one REALLY started AT ALL!!!
Hello Carrie,
Your backgrounds and graphics are works of art! The Stawberry collection is our favorite. We have bookmarked your beautiful site and will be back to visit again. Thank you for your wonderful page.
This is so neat I am going to put it in my Favorite place so I can come back and look at all the links........ I just might find something else for my page.......TEE HEE That's what happen's when you are so good every one wants your work...
Love and Hugs, Serena
Your site is FANTASTIC!!! Thank you for all of us in cyber-space who don't have the tools, time or knowledge to make such great graphics. You have put a collection of web designs together to be very proud of. Thanks Again and God Bless!
Love the graphics Carrie, hope someday I too can do as well. Keep up the beautiful work. Love the wolf page and 2 daughters.
DJ a southern sister
Love the graphics Carrie, hope someday I too can do as well. Keep up the beautiful work. Love the wolf page and 2 daughters.
DJ a southern sister
Hi Sister Carrie,
I really enjoyed visiting and viewing your lovely background graphics. Keep up this great work!
Your Southern Women Sis Bette
Your graphics are beautiful. I have borrowed the drummer boy and the church to put on some pages. Thank you so much.
All of the new graphics are simply beautiful. They each spark a different feeling and thought in me. Keep up the great work and thanks for inviting me to visit your work. Hugs, your southern sister
I just wanted to let you know that you have a wonderful site. I am a fellow Grit Sister and wanted to stop by to show my support. Please visit my website and sign my guestbook as well.
Lovely graphics from a very sweet talented southern belle.
Hi Carrie, You have really created some amazing backgrounds, I really loved explorering your pages.
Your Sourthern Sister
PamaleeAnn aka Pammy
ooooops,,, left my thought above in IF I COULD area,,but love the artwork,, GOOD STUFF MAYNARD
Carrie....Loved every single one...but the strawberries were yummy....Pauline will love these!!!! Keep up the great creating!!!! *sweetmamapam*
Oh Carrie, they just get better each time. Terrific job and I love TeaTime the most of all.
Your graphics get better and better! Love the new ones!
Carrie, they just keep getting better and better. I do love the "Old Tulips"!!!
You have made some truly wonderful graphics. I borrowed the scarlettones and the cabin ones to make a page with. Thank you. I will be sure to link back to you.
Carrie....I am glad the book is woirking....I loved all your backgrounds....and I think you have a real talent...this is a great way to be creative!!!!! I will keep checking back...keep me updated!!!!
Carrie, the graphics are all so beautiful! I'm inspired by all of the great things that you are creating........now I just have to learn a bit more and I can come back and use some of them.
Thanks for sharing with me, you are very generous. :-)
Great job, the graphics get better and better! My favorite is still the Quilt...I want to curl up and take a nap under that quilt!~~Hunny Bunny
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Carrie, love the graphics! They are all so pretty. My personal favorites are Scarlett in blue, muted roses and the one about spring (forget it's proper name). You're off to a great start! Keep up the fantastic work; even though it's not my cup of tea, I g
eatly admire those who have the talent and vision and perserverence to make such lovely things for illiterates like me to use! So don't quit; we need you!
nancy - 01/28/99 00:22:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/bourbonstreet/quarter/9454
Collections: fonts
Favorite hobby: web graphics
Favorite fonts: saffron too, lansbury, brock script
If I could I would....: do webpages for a living
GREAT graphics!!!!!!!!!!I LOVE the quilt one best!
Serena - 01/26/99 13:06:47
My Email:SJEME2@aol.com
Collections: Shells
Favorite hobby: sewing,craftes
Favorite fonts: not sure
If I could I would....: give care to the world
How you found my page: newsletter
I put you in my favorite place so I can come back to see you again........ SERENA
Jan - 01/26/99 05:43:31
My URL:/~popshunny
My Email:huner@pcola.gulf.net
Collections: crystal miniatures
Favorite hobby: crafting
Collections: Caligraphy, currency
If I could I would....: hmmm......
How you found my page: SW and you
Carrie, these are truly beautiful, and it is wonderful of you to share your memories in this way. Also, your music choice is outstanding. Great job, hon. Hugs, Jan SW
IndiAnn - 01/26/99 05:23:44
My Email:cows4u@worldnet.att.net
Collections: Little Boxes, Old Cookbooks
Favorite hobby: Computers
Favorite fonts: Big Swirly Ones,
If I could I would....: Go Home
How you found my page: You are my gritsister, don't you remember?
I loved your Old Home Place graphics and as far as I know there isn't another site on the web featuring this type of graphic. Just beautiful and rare.
Rosemary - 01/26/99 03:52:23
My Email:rfilyaw@earthlink.net
Collections: Dept. 56
Favorite hobby: Genealogy
If I could I would....: Know what I know today but be age 25.
How you found my page: You told me.
Carrie, you are doing a good job and you have learned much over the past year. Learn all you can and teach me.
carrie - 01/26/99 03:35:37