

Background Actors Group of Utah

Extra Casting Presently

21 Sept., 1999

Utah Film commition Hot Line - 801-538-8643

Take 1 Casting - 801-299-7235

Promised Land - 801-974-4051

Wrapped sadly no more

Touched by an Angel

Wrapped sadly no more

Feature Casting - 801 994-3511
(Maybe a rip off asking $50.00 for picture, briefing and job when you are paid only $65.00 per day after deductions?)

Grand March - 801 461-5772

Everwood - 801 256-1637

Rule For Extras

1) Be on time. (even early)
2) Bring at least 3 outfits (different colors, styles, and patterns.) (NO white!).
3) No contact with primary talent unless they talk to you first. (no asking for autographs).
4) Be cooperative, you are a prop not an actor.
5) Do not ask to leave early.
6) Food, snacks, drinks, etc will be provided.
7) Do not wonder off, stay in the holding area. (Tell the PA (production assistant) about snack runs and potty breaks).

My Resume



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