Hi, and thank you for visiting our home page. please view and sign our guest book.

Mandy Johnson - 10/05/99 18:24:10
My Email:gmsj96@hotmail.com
Hobbies: Fun with Sky

Hello there. I am family (sort of). I am Dawn's daughter, Mandy. My grandma is Jackie Brown.. =) I knew Billy very well. He is close to my heart and was a great grandpa. I enjoyed this home page. I will look forward to updates on it. =) Thank you very much.

Michelle Fallaw - 09/30/99 12:24:46
My URL:www.homestead.com/michellesfamilyfriends/ourfamilyandfriends.html
My Email:fallaw@emeraldis.com
Favorite links: www.creative memories.com
Hobbies: craft, my kids

Loved the pages...linked over from the club you singed up with....mommies that stay home, i am a stay at home mom too, please have a look at my pages if you like...welcome to the club, and my yahoo name is mlf89....www.homestead.com/michellesfamilyfriends ourfamilyandfriends.html this is my url. for our webpage

Lisa Gardner - 09/24/99 02:22:15
My Email:weezyl99@yahoo.com
Homepage suggestions: Loved It
Favorite links: Still looking....
Hobbies: Lately- The Computer

Hey Kat- It's your sister. I loved your page. You guys did a great job. I couldn't get through to the Twins room.(?) Talk to you soon!!!

~Candis Christy~ (Ecidnac83) - 02/22/99 20:01:47
My URL:http://www.ilovejesus.com/myhome/candis/me.html
My Email:candis@ilovejesus.com
Homepage suggestions: none
Favorite links: www.angelfire.com/nj/sisters4christ/index.html
Hobbies: too many to name

Great page, keep up the good work!

10/04/98 12:14:18
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Larry & barb West - 06/14/98 12:53:09
My Email:lkwest@cftnet.com
Homepage suggestions: great job
Hobbies: nascar & flea markets

Kathy & Ben, You guys have done a great job on this sight. Keep up the great work and I am sure we will enjoy some of your favorite also. Love it

Missy Martin - 09/21/97 21:15:29
My Email:Danehog
Hobbies: needle crafts, reading

Ben and Kathy-You have a beautiful page. I really appreciate the time and effort that goes in to a project like this. Thanks for sharing.

Christine Arbelbide - 09/19/97 14:33:10
My Email:jmctdbear@aol.com
Hobbies: All hand crafts

Hi Kathie, I just visited your family home page and rooms. I loved it, it is really nice. You and your family did an excellent job. Love, Christine

Donna K. Rogers - 09/19/97 00:04:18
My Email:DonnaR6

Very nicely done, Kathy and Ben !!! I enjoyed it soooo much !!! Be chatting with you in the XS round robin, Kathy !

Melody (Again ..) - 09/17/97 16:54:41

Kathy - I just want to tell you that I loved Rachael's and Melissa's room .... a nice remembrance and your adding all the links to twin resources was a perfect tribute to two beautiful little girls. They will be very helpful to other parents of twins. od Bless Rachael and Melissa.

Melody O'Connor - 09/17/97 16:45:16
My Email:OCMelody@aol.com

Hi Kathy! I peeked at this while on break at work ..... much faster Net access than AOL! I may have to check into geocities .... I love your "Domestic Engineer" ... pretty cute! Melody

Edie and Haley Stitt - 09/16/97 21:47:58
My Email:stitt@hci.net

The dark lettering on the dark screen makes it difficult for us black and white LED screens (and yes, we are very few!) to see.

Linda Bitar - 09/12/97 07:56:38
My Email:Ninna38999

Hi Kathy, It is 2:59 A.M., and I'm viewing your home page! Do you think I need to get a more interesting life? Your page is very nice so far, although I haven't figured out who the last two people are. Love the pansies!

Paula Hubert - 08/01/97 01:11:55
My Email:EMTDPaula@AOL.com

Nice Page.. thanks for sharing it with us!

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