His name was drawn to receive two tickets to see the Norfolk Tides play
in the bi-monthly Scoutfest Ticket Sales Drawing !
He also won a backpack for being the top ticket seller in the Elizabeth River District at the halfway point with over 200 tickets sold !!
Matt sold more tickets than anyone else in the entire Tidewater Council (330 Tickets). For his efforts he has now received 2 patches, 2 Tides tickets, a backpack, 2 tickets to Nauticus, 3 tickets to Kings Dominion, a portable cd player, an 18 speed bicycle, and $330.00 to apply towards camping trips with his new Troop.
Last year, we attended the 21st Annual Elizabeth River District Webeloree with our other Pack 53 2nd Year Webelos (the Raptors). Our Tigershark Patrol finished in 1st Place in the field event competition while the Raptors finished 2nd. The Raptors also finished 3rd in the timed events. Together Pack 53 Tigersharks/Raptors won the Best Overall Unit Award.
As a Pack we sold over $6,000 worth of Popcorn in each of the last two years. The Tigersharks lead all dens with over $2,000 in sales last year and nearly $1,100 this year.
We meet every Wednesday at the house of our Den Leader. We would love to hear from you.
You can contact Matt E., Sean, Matthew J., Michael, Andrew, Christopher, Lee, Matt W.,
or our Leaders (Carl Westfall, Rick Matthews, and Mark Macala) at
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We're Tigersharks....
because everything else is just BAIT !!!
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