What's Happening: Wow, 17 months between page updates, that's gotta be some kind of record! I graduated from OCS in Pensacola last summer, Yeah! Meg and the kids, her parents, my parents, and my sister were all on hand to enjoy the day with me. We sold the house in Norfolk, actually Megan did everything while I was stuck in Pensacola, and we're now firmly entrenched in Maryland. Patrick is doing great in school. After a couple of weeks in First Grade, and more tests than any kid should have to take in a few days, he was moved up to Second Grade where he is doing great! He also got 3rd Place in the recent Pine Wood Derby! He got first place for his den, and was 3rd out of 25+ for the whole pack. Only the Weblos and Bears champions beat his car. Katie's in Pre-school and having a great time. She has so many friends and loves to draw, paint, color, and dance. Megan's been working as an Accounting Assistant since January and has the added benefit of occassional front row seats to Oriole's games!
Be sure to check out all the other pictures while you're here, there's lots of new stuff. Oh yeah, and sign the guestbook.