Blair and Radcliffe Home Page            



This page consists of my Blair ancestry and also my husband's Harold Radcliffe ancestry. I hope that you check back often to see what's NEW. This is my first try at a webpage and plan many changes in the coming weeks ahead. I have been doing genealogy on my husband's and my own families for over 20 years. We have made many trips around the states to find our lost ancestors. Harold, and Duane, our son, don't have much interest in genealogy so I hope to leave my grandsons, Zachary and Bryce, something that Grammy has done for them and their families to enjoy in the coming years. If you find something that you think makes a match PLEASE send e-mail so we can exchange information.

Our Grandsons Zachary & Bryce

View Our Tiny Tafel

Esther Blair's Family Archive

Some of the surnames that you will find here are
Antle, Blair, Dutra, Goodin, Hudson, Rippetoe, Rogers, Silveria & many more
Please check my UPDATE to see what's NEW

Harold Radcliffe's Family Archive

Some of the surnames that you will find here are
Craddock, Everett, Gurkin, Jordan, Pegram, Respess, Tyson, Waters & many more
Please check my UPDATE to see what's NEW

View Our Son's Ancestry

I have just updated my ancestors page and you can take a look at it under "Esther's Family Archive" above. I'm in hopes of getting Harold's update done in the next few weeks. I will be leaving "View Our Son's Ancestry" until I have completed the update for Harold's ancestors.
I'm updating our Ancestry at this time. Please check back later.

Update Page
Check here to see new additions
Last Update was made on 15 Mar 2003

When you start to examine the family tree you're bound to be taking chances... Not so much on what you'll find at the roots... As what's apt to fly out of some branches!
Courtesy of: Odom Family Tree

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5 Apr 1999

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This Page Last Updated 22 May 2006

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