"Friendship is a special quilt...pieces of shared memories sewn with the threads of time." -- Author Unknown

This page is dedicated to my family and friends who are closest to me personally and to those I have only met through their postings and works of art on the Web. With their help I am able to pursue my love of genealogy.

Genealogy Resources: Steps In Time Award

Thank you Virginia Marin!

Shaking The Family Tree

Thanks Bob & Ellen!..."Birds" of a feather do flock together!

Gail's Genealogy Wonderland 1998 Featured Site Nominee

Ancestry Connections

Don Pond's Family Genealogy Award

Thanks Don!...I'm honored to have received your award...YOU'VE MADE MY DAY!

MarketTek Design Award

I would like to extend special thanks to my Heartland Community Leader, Theresa for her most distinguished award.

Bluize' Bungalow

Special thanks to DeWanna for preserving and "Planting the Family Tree" on the Web and for making it grow ever taller and stronger!

DeWanna's Genealogy Home On The Web

Wiltse To Wilsey "Loving Touch Award"

"Betty's little~Big Place" in Cyberspace

Gracie's Family Tree "Great Site Award"

Website of Excellence

I would like to extend special thanks to Pam Middleton-Lee for finding my site worthy of her prestigious award. "...found it an excellent resource for Online Genealogy"

Annabella's Award

I would like to extend a special "thank you" to Sherry Koshney for her "Passage In Time Award". This award is dedicated to all of us who share in the passion and preservation of genealogy.

"A Passage In Time"

"Heartland Select"

I wish to thank Jeni P. of GeoCities for the above award but I am most grateful to my friends, Esther Blair-Radcliffe and Carolyn Sorbe.

Without their help and guidance, my page would not exist. Carolyn provided the tools to start my web page, and Esther gave me great ideas as you can see by the quality and excellence of her own page listed above. I share this award with them, knowing that together we can provide genealogy pages which will be of help to those who view and use the information provided in them. I dedicate this award to them with my gratitude and love.

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