Dear Family and Friends,

It is with deep sorrow that I inform you that

Gregorio Sanchez Orbeta


Paz Reyes Orbeta

patriarch and matriarch of the Orbeta family, peacefully returned to their Maker on 18 February 2006, and 17 March 2006. Papa passed away while confined in the Intensive Care Unit of the National Kidney and Transplant Institute in Quezon City, while Mama died at home.

"Papa Gody" succumbed to cardiac arrest after a difficult, but thankfully unprolonged bout with lung and kidney failure resulting from a myocardial infarction. "Mama Paz" passed away after about 3 months in a comatose state, which came due to a massive stroke last December.

They are interred at Terrace G of the Loyola Memorial Park in Marikina City, and are survived by their sons Gregorio, Jr., Meynardo, Edgardo, and Danilo.

Papa was 88 years old, while Mama was 91.

Please continue to pray for their souls.


May they rest in peace.


God bless you.


Sincerely, in behalf of Papa and Mama's immediate family,

Eduardo Carlos Que Orbeta (Grandson)



For further information, please contact


Last revised: 12 May 2006

Paz and Me Welcome to our Genealogy Web Site !

My wife, Pacita and I have endeavored to bring together a little of all that we are and want to know, and it is our hope that by so doing, we shall make our Family's Genealogy and the History of the Surname Orbeta, available to relatives, friends, and Genealogists, in the Internet.

Here's how . . .

  • To view a brief of the principal links -
    of the "Family Index", click here.
  • To skip straight to your family tree,
    Scan the "Family Index" on your left, for your family branch, or click on  the "Family Surnames",   and look for your surname;  it will bring you to your genealogy chart.
  • To find out if you are related to us, either by birth or affinity,
    Click on "Family Surnames,"  and look for your surname. If you are listed, you are related.
  • To read the "History of the Surname Orbeta"
    Click on the "Origin of Orbeta",

If you are related to the Family,  but not listed in the "Family Surnames,"  I am just an e-mail away . . .

For feedback: e-mail 

About this Web Site

This web site brings you to the year 1745, in the Basque village of Gorliz, Bizkaia, where the surname Orbeta originated and presents you with the genealogical charts of the close descendants of our patriarch,  Francisco Paras Orbeta,  here at home and abroad.
Included with this site, are the family charts of the Webmaster's relations on his mother's side,  and those by affinity - the Reyes-Cadiz-Tolentino  and  Que-Ortiga families.

Gregorio S.Orbeta,  the family's  Amateur Genealogist.

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Created by Gregorio Sanchez Orbeta + RIP +

Maintained by Eduardo Carlos Que Orbeta, grandson