It all started fine we arrived at trapps house early
in the afternoon. when he arrived he wanted to see duke to see what he looked like so I
took him out of the porta kennel. he took a look at him and said he was a good looking
dog. we chewed the bull for a while. then he suggested we introduce him to his hog pen.
and as stone cold Steve Austin would say Heck Yeah. I grabbed my leash and put duke on it
we walked to the pen and bumper who at this time is nursing pups and a great find dog at
that came along to help duke out on his introduction. as soon as we arrived bumper started
barking away at the sob's (stinking old boars). and duke followed along he was pulling me
from one side of the pen to the other he is strong. I asked trapp if I should release him
so he can run around the pen he agreed with me and so I did. we soon realized it was a bad
idea cause as soon as he figured it out he knew he could go over the pens fence. so I
chased him down and put him on the leash again whew! trapp asked me to walk duke towards
the house so he can put up the hogs so we could separate the one without the tusks. we got
the hog in the pen by himself and then brought duke in we put him in the pen and he
started barking and chasing the pig. then
the hog started chasing duke but duke would have none of that, he was not going to allow a
hog to chase him. So he grabbed a hold of an ear and whispered sweet nothings to that hog
while all this is happening I looked like a college cheerleader cheering my dog on now
that I think about it I must of looked really silly I am surprised trapp and pops did not
laugh at me. Anyway he caught good and trapp separated them and sent duke out of the pen.
he let go but wanted back in. but we decided to let him rest. I checked him out and he was
fine he had some blood in hi mouth but I seems it came from the hog. after a good rest we
took him back to the pen and this time he knew where he was going. cause he dragged me
there well we let him in and he started the barking and chasing but that hog did not want
any part of it so he railroaded him twice. But he caught again and this time would not let
go it took a while before we unlocked him we took him out and decided he can come along
tonight, but cut collar and vest are a requirement. So of we went and put him back
in his kennel with some fresh water to rest for the hunt meanwhile we made the collar
fitted gators vest on him. After a while hogeye arrived with two of his friends from
Oklahoma. we loaded the dogs Beulah, max, streak and dogos stump, gator and of course
duke. it was a gamble cause I was told that duke was a little dog aggressive so we loaded
him last and closed the box dogs started to growl but no fight broke out after a while
they were calm and friendly like if they knew were they were going. unfortunately some of
the pix did not come out too dark the dog box pix were some of them. so off we went. we
tried two of their spots but bow hunters were still there. so we tried a small pasture.
and we let the dogs go. once again I asked trapp if I should let duke on leash or free em
he said he will be fine take the lead off. so I did and dogs started working. duke
followed beulah everywhere she went we were driving behind trapp and me in the back of the
truck behind the dog box looking at the dogs work. then suddenly they take of into the
middle of the pasture and we are of the truck is shut down so we can listen and what I
heard next worried me some. I heard a cow bawl for a minute I thought duke caught the cow
so we drove in there and trapp called dogs off but I could not see duke we shined the
lights at the cattle and there I saw duke within the heard smelling I called and to
everyone's surprise he complied and returned to me and loaded back in the box
without a fight. so we moved to the next spot where trapp said he kwew the hunters were
done hunting. we unloaded the dogs and off we were again we worked this place and I cannot
really tell you how we moved since I did not know the place but we ended up near a small
piece of water but the only signs were cows. so we moved along and then beula took of and
we quieted down and it sounded as if she opened a bit but no luck they all came back and
we were off down the sendero next thing you know there is a strong smell. I smelled it but
since I am a beginner I did not know that was a boar but beulah and duke did cause he
caught the scent and ran into the white brush. the brush started breaking then the huffing
and puffin started that hog was close by very close if you ask me I shone my light towards
the commotion and it seem like it was gonna rush he sounded like a giant my adrenaline was
pumping. tj yelled to turn out my light and I did but I was kind of looking for a
tree that would take 225# of newbie hoghunter......LOL trapp said wait here let me
check it out handed his gun to tj and tj went and gave the gun to Robert and then I
followed by the time I arrived trapp had him legged and started yelling my name I got my
old timer out and stuck the hog while doing it I made my peace with god I told him
"you know we don't do it out of meanness towards the pig but we want to bbq" I
know he understands. I got him right in the heart and bleed good. duke had a mouth full
stump was stuck could not get away. after the hog died we called the dogs off except for
one. Guess who Dogo duke was still shaking that boar like if there was no tomorrow. I had
to tie him to a tree so we could field dress him. I have to tell you all this time I was
worried he might get lost there were a couple of times were I could not see him and stay
behind and start calling and the guys would say he is with pack in front of us, boy did I
fell silly. but all in all it was a great hunt. and duke and I graduated to intermediates
if not full hunters LOL........Well hope I did not make this too long I tried not to. the
next day we took some pics with the hog hanging but he wanted to catch until duke decided to comply then
it was trapps turn. Well
that was our hunt there will be more to come right know I am looking into getting him a
vest a good vest cause he catches hard. So this story is To Be Continued.......... |

Hog chasing duke
Duke catches an ear

He is a catch dog

He is caught good.

Still Caught


You come here often.

His first Hunt and a good one.


Taking a breather.....

J.T. and Robert Oklahoma buds.