You know you belong on BabyTwo when..... start calling your daughters dolls "babies" and play with them more than she does

....your kid(s) wish for brothers and sisters instead of toys and money for birthdays and Christmas presents resent it when you're asked why you only have one (or two) child(ren) get soooo tired of answering the question, don't you want a second one? Your daughter is how old , almost 5?....

....your 4yr. old daughter tells you she wants to be a "Sister" when she grows up!

....when your 4yr old daughter tells people she meets she is a "Big Sister" - to the dog, to her stuffed Teddy Bear etc.

....You stop talking about kids w/ your friends b/c you want to strangle them when they say "Neither of mine were planned...", "My husband would really like a boy...", "We're going to have all of ours 2 yrs. apart..." etc. etc... ARGHHHH!

.....when your 6 year old see's a pregnant lady and says" Mommy why did the lady eat her baby?"

.....your son says he wants a brother so he can have a bed with a ladder ...(bunk beds)

.....Your 4 year old tells everyone, "my mommy is going to have a baby" and you reply "someday honey, someday"

...If you find one more person that says, "Just relax, you are trying too hard" you might lose control...

...when your 4 year old daughter draws family portraits and adds babies to it. "This is you, me, Daddy and two baby sisters" (We only have one child)

Have some to include? send them to Kitty

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