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The Mahserjian-Smith Family Links Page


Hannah to Hannah
"Providing Christian Support for Fertility Challenges including infertility or the loss of a child at any time from conception through early infancy."

Ladies in Waiting
A Christian site for married women dealing with infertility.

Fertile Thoughts
Information and support dealing with Adoption, Infertility, Pregnancy and Childrearing


Christian Adoption Services
A non-profit Christian Internet service ministry helping others in the adoption process.

Adoption Search
Adoption-focused search engine.

Adoption Resources
A great page filled with lots of encouragment and useful links.

Unplanned Pregnancy

Care Net
"Offering a solution of Compassion"

Crisis Pregnancy Center Online
"Find help in your area for pregnancy resources, help after an abortion, national hotlines, fetal development and more."

Bethany Christian Services
"To protect, preserve and enhance life as fully as possible for each person-born and unborn"

Special Needs Children

Christian Parents:)Special Kids
A brand new Christian site offering a Parent's Support Group, Links to other parents of Special Needs Kids and a Chat Room!

Disability Links
A huge list of both Christian and Secular links to ADD/ADHD; Fragile X Syndrome; Autism; Down Syndrome; Conduct Disorder/Oppositional Defiant Disorder; Tourette's Sundrome; Separation Anxiety; Williams Syndrome; Bipolar Disorder; Special Education Issues; Mental Health Links and other various disabilities.

Rays of Sunshine Web Site
A great site with links and information on Hydranencephaly, Cortical Vision Impairment, Epilepsy, Feeding Difficulties and Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery.

Our Kids
A great site devoted to raising Special kids with Special needs.

Attachment Home Page
A good resource for understanding Attachment Disorders.

CuddleTime Corner
Good suggestions for helping your child to attach in emotionally healthy ways.

The American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine
Very informative site dealing with Cerebral Palsy

Central Auditory Processing Disorders
Central Auditory Processing Disorders - what they are and how to deal with them.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
A good page dealing with ADD and ADHD

The Misunderstood Child
Another good site dealing with ADHD

Sensory Integration Disorder
A good basic introduction to Sensory Integration Deficits.

Foster Care

Foster Care Resources
Good site listing valuable resources for parent providing foster care.

Forgotten Kids
Excellent site full of valuable resources for foster parents!

Grief and Loss Issues

Grief and Loss Resource Center
"Grief is an equal opportunity affliction. No one is immune from it's caress."

Havener's Haven
One individual's Christian Site dealing with grief in the death of a child.

Parenting, Marriage & Family Life

Christian marriage and Family Home Page
Offering marriage encouragement, Bible verses, Christian Dating tips, and other contributions dedicated to supporting Christian marriages.

Marriage Builders
Offering ways to overcome Marital conflicts.

Marriage Encounter
National Marriage Encounter Home Page. Learn Christ like encounter methods to improve your marriage.

Home Life Ministries
Taking a Biblically balanced view of Spiritual warfare and it's effects on Christian Families this site offers extensive resources for strengthening Christian marriages and families.

Addiction Resources

Mothers Against Drunk Drivers National Website

Christian's In Recovery
"Offering support for people in recovery from all adictions - drugs, alcohol, food, relationships and others"

Alcoholics Victorious
If Jesus Christ is your "Higher Power" then this site will interest you.

Freedom From Addiction
"If the Son sets you free you are free indeed." John 8:36

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Mark & Susan Mahserjian-Smith

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