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Mariah Dawn

Hi! I'm the baby of the family! I was born on Ocotber 4, 1994. My birthmom had an addiction to drugs but quit when she found out about me! She realized that it would be very hard to not do drugs with three children under the age of three so she decided to place me for adoption. She loved me very much but really wanted me to have a mom and dad that didn't do drugs.
My adoptive mom and dad were estatic when the caseworker brought me from the hospital! They named me Mariah Dawn. Mariah means "God is my teacher." The Dawn is after mommy's older sister.
In the beginning I was very sick and had to see a lot of specialists.
I had food allergies and needed medicine and a very expensive formula.
But with love and medical attention I started to get better and grow!
Especially hair!
Soon I was able to come off of my special formula. When I was two the Doctor said I had outgrown all my food allergies! Now I really love to eat peanuts, grapes, raisins and cheese! This was my very first piece of chocolate cake. Mom said I didn't miss a crumb!
For a while the doctor was worried that I couldn't hear because I didn't say too much. Now I talk all the time! Especially in church! My Daddy is the Pastor. I like to help with the benediction. I used to run down the aisle into Daddy's arms and then he would carry me to the foyer where I would help him greet everyone as they left! Now that I'm in Kindergarten I don't do that anymore. I like going to school and I'm learning lots of new things!
This is a picture of me when I'm about four. I still have lots of hair but I eat much neater! I give really good hugs and snuggles and I laugh and giggle all the time! I collect all kinds of dolls. I have lots of dolls dressed in ballerina costumes. This year I got my very own Kareoke machine for Christmas! It has two microphones so I can play with it along with one of my friends. I love it!

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Mark & Susan Mahserjian-Smith

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