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These pictures were sent to me from one of our cousins (Mary Alice),if you can identify anyone please let me know!!!!!

Back row, from left, Wilfred, George, unknown, and Emile. Front row, from left, Unknown, Grandfather Denis, and Unknown.

Seated in front are Wilfred and Marie Anne (Marion); from the left, my mother, M.Martine (Amy); Blanche; Eva Bernadette; and back row, Emile and George.
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Our Family Tree's
This site is made possible from a lot of hard work.It contains my family and my wifes familys genealogy. If anyone has any new information to add, please e-mail it to us.

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet This is the most comprehensive genealogy site on the internet.

Helms Genealogy Toolbox
This site is for people interested in doing any genealogical searches. I hope it help's you as it did us.

Canadian Genealogy and History Links
Once again this site is for anyone looking for Canadian genealogy. So if you think your ancestors came from Canada take a look. Happy Hunting.

Social Security Death Index
This is another site we found useful in our search for ancestors.

A Barrel Of Genealogy Links
This site is just what it says.Very useful in genealogy!

By any other name
This site is to look up the meaning of your first or your last name.I had people looking for their names origin and this site is the best I could come up with. Please enjoy!

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