(Wendy van Neerven)
The ferret Introducing: Harley, Paddy and Ozzy. Originaly the ferret was used for hunting rabbits and keeping farms rat and mouse free.
This has been changed for a couple of years now and the ferret became more and more popular as a pet.To bad that there are still some people who think that the ferret is an agressive and unreliable animal. True,if you don't give your ferret the attention and care that he or she needs(and deserves) it won't put it's trust in you and doesn't get tame and will try to bite you when handled.(But doesn't every living creature when it's being handled badly).
Fortunately there are a lot of people who absolutely love them and who are keeping one or more ferrets as a pet like my boyfriend and I do. Every day we enjoy the company of our 3 "clowns".They are real entertainers and everybody who pays us a visit just falls madley in love with them and want one of their own.
Most of the time these people don't realise that a ferret is not only joy and laughter but also means "hard work". For example: they need a clean cage every day. Always be aware that your ferret doesn't get himself in dangerous situations. That means watching him like he is a little kid. A ferret is very curious and how does the old saying go? Curiosity killed the......
If you want your ferret to stay healty you should look for a good vetenarian and pay him a visit every once or twice a year. Your ferret can get the same diseases as a dog and they can be deadly! A very common disease is called earmite and if not properly taken care of it can couse deafness. And then there is a very important rule. Your ferret needs a lot of attention. If you are to busy with working etc. etc. and you are hardly at home, don't buy a ferret. Don't buy a pet at all. Well... maybe a goldfish. Do you still want a ferret? Get as much information as you can and talk with other "ferret-friends".
Our ferrets, Harley, Paddy and Ozzy are a big part of our family. 8 weeks ago Paddy gave birth to eleven! baby's (Ozzy is one of them) and you can believe me when i say that there is a big party going on at our place. Nothing and no one is save when they walk around the house. It's a real "ferret-attack". But it's fun! I'm sure that everybody who has ferrets around their house feels the same way to. Well it's time for me to go. The next time I will tell you more about our own ferrets. I hope we meet again then.
SEE YA !!!!!!! Wendy. (Dutch) 12-07-1997
Collected for you for the site "ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW" by JOS GEURTS.
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