Descendants of George Alexander Nance +Ailcey Adaline Isom

1.Ailcey Adeline Nance Nance b.4/13/1863- d.8/30/1944
   +John Andrew Key b.4/19/1859 - d. 3/1962
      1.Julia Key 	
        +Ray Hall	 
           2. Dale Hall	
               +Bonnie Houseworth	
                  3. Jeannie Hall	
                  3. Janice Hall	
                  3. Dale Hall Jr.	
             2. Evelyn Hall	
                    3. Stanley Dawson	
             2. Alice Hall	
                 +Bud Snyder	
                     3. Ronnie Snyder	
             2. Janie Hall	
                 +Ray Greene	
             2. Donnie Hall	
             2. Mary Elizabeth Hall	
             2. Francis Hall
             2. Johnnie Hall
      1.Jesse B Key	
         2. Merle Key	
         2. William Key	
         2. Viva Jean Key	
             +Delmar O'Neal	
                3. Gary O'Neal	
                3. Joanne O'Neal	
          2. Mary Lou Key	
              +Howard Paris	
                  3. Karen Kay Paris	
                      +Mark McCausland	
                   3. Kevin Paris	
      1. Cora Irene Key-b.1900 -
          +Otey Bowen	
             2. Robert Eugene Bowen	
                 +Ruby Jo Moulder	
                    3. Michael Lee Bowen	
                       +Sue Pasework	
                     3. Michelle Lynn Bowen	
                         +Michael Maddox	
                            4. Kurt Maddox	
                            4. Kimberly Maddox	
                     3. Stephen Ray Bowen	
                             4. Corey Bowen	
                             4. Allissa Bowen	
                      3. Gary Bowen	
                             4. Adam Bowen	
                             4. Craig Bowen	
         *2nd Husband of Cora Irene Key:	
            +Raymond Patrick Cahill	1901 - 1989
              2.  Pattie Jo Cahil-b.1945 -
                   + John Chris Petcoff	
                       3. Chris Raye Petcoff  b. 1963 -
                           +David Ray Jones	b. 1956 -
                              4. Olivia Rayann Jones  b.1994 -
                              4. Daniel Lester Jones	1996 -
                     *2nd Husband of Pattie Jo Cahill
                        + Brian Richard Clevenger b.1946  d.1988
                            3. Brian Patrick Clevenger
                                 + ?
                                4. Tyler Patrick Clevenger b.1995 
                     *3rd husband Pattie Jo Cahill
                       +William Don Calton  b.1943 -
                	3. Elizabeth Ann Calton	1984 -
      1. Mary Key	
           + Roy Bingham	
               2. William Bingham	
                   +Eula Mae Donaldson	
               2. J. K. Bingham	
                   +Grace ?	
                      3. Kellie Bingham	1963 -

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