08/27/00 00:58:30
Name: donna keeling | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: bristol,tenneessee |
am kin to jessie james and i would like to know more about my famliy
05/20/00 00:17:13
Name: Gigi | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: NY |
Great Site!
04/18/00 03:04:47
Name: Glenn Kennedy | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Okla City Okla |
I had Family in Taney Co in 1837 to 1860
Period . Lawerence , Williams , Kennedy
Family Moved To atoka Co Indian Terr, Understand
Frank James And Cole Younger Both in Area . Have
Some James related Through Williams And Lawhorn
Jessie Had A hide our in Atoka Co Near Kennedy
01/26/00 23:21:34
Name: Tracy Grass | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Excelsior Springs, MO |
I work in Kearney and would like to know if anyone has any information on past caretakers of the James Farm. (Before 1970)
11/25/99 04:01:17
Name: Samuel Samuel |
My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from: Kearney, MO. |
My Grandmother was Fannie Q. Samuel
09/25/99 02:28:57
Name: McCasland | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Devol Oklahoma |
I can`t find any info. on my grandfather Joe or possibly Tasso McCasland his first marrage was to Nancy Bell Danie He is buried in Stilwell OK. I think his father name was Martin Andrew who is burried in Snowball Ark. I`m not positive about this info and
I have no dates????
09/20/99 01:42:30
Name: Gary Garland Nance | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Boise, Idaho |
Born in Idaho, Now I live in Lucedale, Mississippi
08/14/99 06:19:33
Name: Coble | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: OK |
My grandfather was born on May 13th, 1871 in Ozark, Missouri.He married Sarah Jane Rogers, then moved to OK. She died when my dad was 9 yrs. (1917)old so I know nothing about her but would like some info on her. All my dad's siblings are now deceased so I
have noone to give me any of the info I want. I don't know what county Ozark is in. Could you please help me? Thank you! cmmorris
08/04/99 13:30:11
Name: Donna MacDougall | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Beach Park, Illinois |
You've put together a great site; fun to read and easy to navigate.
05/30/99 03:20:22
Name: Linda Blare | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Gillette, Wyoming |
I am researching Thomas Blare who married Agnes Callison born in about 1749 Agnes had a brother James and a sister Isabella.
I have found that anyone with the surname of Blare spelled this way is usually related somewhere.
Linda Blare
05/24/99 02:15:41
Name: Brenda Edel | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Scottville, michigan |
I would like your mailing address to send you some of my information on the James/Rolph/Palmer history. I have information you can add to your site. Brenda (Appledorn) Edel
338 E. Decker Rd.
Scottville, Michigan 49454
05/19/99 21:26:15
Name: Daniel Cantrell | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: oklahoma |
Hi I'm searching for any informaiton about my grandfather D Cantrell.He was born 7-24-1877 in Arkansas?? Grandpa had one sisiter we know of, and they were both raised in an orphanage in Akransas. He married Mary Ann Hall at the age of 19,in Leadhill Arkan
as on Sept.11,1898. Any information would greatly be appreciated. Mary Johnson
03/04/99 06:17:37
Name: LeeAnn |
My URL: Visit Me |
I see you have a link to "Getting Started in Family History" via your page:
The URL has changed to:
You don't have an email address listed to contact directly.
Many thanks
03/02/99 14:33:26
Name: jacqueline | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: michigan |
I loved your poetry....Ihave been doing family research for 25 years and Ilove to see what and how other people view what we have all done.
02/16/99 23:49:04
Name: samantha hadding | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: originally, tulsa, ok. but now reside in michigan |
my g-g-g grandmother was samantha james. she married frank jones, my ggg grandfather. i was wondering if she was related to jesse. I heard through my grandmother who is a geneologist that her father, was jesses uncle. could you help me?
01/28/99 18:28:02
Name: Dunaway | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Arkansas |
I'm looking for and information on William E.
Dunaway--Born 1841? Lived around Buffalo.
01/21/99 04:04:51
Name: Bernie Laurie |
My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from: Indiana- Florida |
If you need any infromation on the Laurie famuly line I have a lot.Some lived in camdon county Missouri.
01/09/99 05:33:19
Name: Richard Smith | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Hattiesburg, Ms. |
Great Site!!! I'm down line from Solomon, Solomon Turley, and William Turley Street. Solomon, and son S. T. from Tenn. to Paulding, Mississippi. William T., gg-grandfather from Paulding. His wife, Nancy Benison, I am also researching.
Thanks for your time and effort on this fine page!
11/16/98 04:00:20
My URL: Visit Me |
11/16/98 03:53:56
Name: Mike Badolato | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: lake of the ozarks |
Enjoyed your page and poems. mike
11/04/98 15:42:20
Name: Alan Richmond | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: AZ born, TX now |
Good site! Doing Hiram CANTRELL & Mary Eliz. RICHMOND CANTRELL line of Dade/Lawrence Co., MO. Hiram died in Florence, L. A. Co., CA 1905. How did Charley RICHMOND (1875-1958) fit in? He was in the Hiram CANTRELL household in 1880 MO (Dade Co.) census, age
five. Thanks, Alan Stephen Richmond
10/24/98 16:38:21
Name: Louise Bill | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Arkansas |
I found your site when you left your URL on my webpage guestbook. I looked for the Bias surnames on your site, but have not found them yet. Could you forward me the appropriate page?
10/04/98 12:12:04
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
09/16/98 18:37:27
Name: Tommy Calton | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Oklahoma |
Just trying to find a link to my Calton's. My Great Grand Father is William Alexander Calton borned in Lee Co., Va. July 11, 1853.
09/12/98 19:23:59
Name: Andrea L Street | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Jonesboro, Arkansas USA |
I'm new to the research, and have hit a "brick wall". There is someone in our family who does this sort of thing but he refuses to share any information with us at all-go figure!! I guess he thinks if there's a title back in the old country he'll get it.
nyways, I really enjoyed your site and will get information back to you soon regarding some of my ancestors. Obviously I am researching the Streets. Please email me with any information at all of other usefull web pages, etc. Thanks and good hunting to us
A.L. Street
08/22/98 20:36:20
Name: Rebecca Frier | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Florida |
Researching William Street, 2Joseph Street, Sr., 3Joseph Street, Jr., 4Anthony Street, 5George W. Street, 6George R. Street
08/14/98 14:42:17
Name: Sydney H. Lolley | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Old Fort, NC 28762 |
Samuel Street,SR.and wife, Mary "Polly" Stamps; Samuel Street, Jr. and wife Sally Spurlock; Sanford Rhodes Street and wife Pernecie Farabee; Alonzo Samuel Street and wife Elmina GArner.
06/19/98 22:58:26
Name: Joyce Cahill-Chambers | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: CA |
Researching William Cahill and family from OH>IL
Related Surnames- Hall,Shephard,Wilson,Perkins
English,Payne. From the McDonough Co. IL area.
05/28/98 02:36:29
Name: ernie ballard | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: oklahoma |
I am looking for info on JOHN B CRYER or CRIER.Daughter NANCY K. CRYER.Married WILLIAM LAMASCUS. Son THOMAS ALEXANDER LAMASCUS b. 12-17-1860 Montague Co. Tx.;d. 6-26-1927 Wise Co. Tx.
05/28/98 02:31:16
Name: ernie ballard | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: oklahoma |
I am looking for info on CHARLIE C. BALLARD, B 1865 and D. 1941 in Red Bay Alabama. He married MAHALIA C. CARTER. I have more info, you can e-mail
05/28/98 02:30:23
Name: ernie ballard | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: oklahoma |
I am looking for info on CHARLIE C. BALLARD
05/27/98 06:05:47
Name: WOOD,EPPS,BRIZENDINE, ? | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: california |
This is really a great website, love the poems. Am having a great time meeting cousins I haven't met yet.
04/04/98 19:28:56
Name: paladine | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Under the Tetons |
Nice page!!! Lots of time spent here HUH? Enjoy our chats. Do you still see Kriss Krik once in a while? Check my page once in awhile it is changeing all the time. later (your pal)
03/21/98 18:21:42
Name: Davis, Holman, Jones, Luke, Fritz, Dobbins, Graham, Dowling, Sweeten, | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: IL, MO, KY, TN |
Hope I did this right! Retired to AZ but still love that Midwest! Thanks for your genealogy help.
03/05/98 05:11:23
Name: Thurston James | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Sherman Oaks Calif |
Hello! Got onto your page through the Jesse James page. I am a distant relative of Jesse's, almost an accidental relationship -- not through the James line. But, we are both related to Robert Woodson (b.1634). My great grandfather and Jesse were 6th
ousins. I am therefore, Jesse's 6th cousin 3 times removed! Not a great claim to fame, but I am proud enough.
03/02/98 04:43:50
Name: Kenny J | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Cleveland!!! |
Your page was cool and shit. Now get ready to laugh as you check out my page. Please sign the guestbook. Click Here
02/28/98 08:53:29
Name: Edna | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Missouri. |
Hi Pat,just looking around. Shockley. Wood, Bradshaw,Gar,Tucker Roe,Walters Sidebottoms, Hibdon, James,McGinnis.
02/26/98 16:46:51
Name: Donna Lawson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Lebanon, MO |
I am researching Forney, Redmon, Castle, Steele, Piland, Kreek (Kriek), Lawson, Bradford, Dye, Parnell, Murray, Durham, and many more.
02/12/98 21:25:18
Name: Teresa | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Pollard, AR |
You've got a great site. I guess I'm not kin to Jesse. I'll be glad when I have my own site. Maybe when I know more about this computer I'll get one. The surnames are Hosea, Doty, Purrine
and Washburn. Thanks for letting me look!
02/02/98 07:47:51
Name: Kenrick/Kendrick | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Oxford, England |
Just a quick look. Will e-mail you, Ted.
01/31/98 03:10:29
Name: Wanda Irby | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Seymour, TX |
I have a different family tree for the James Brothers. Zerelda COLE married Robert James in 1841. She was b. in KY in 1824. BTW my mother was a KIRKPATRICK and her family came from MO.
01/26/98 13:04:06
Name: LC123 | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Texas |
HI PJ, Really nice pages you have here and it is very nice of you to provide backgrounds for public use. I'm going now to search your geanology for names I might know. See you on the net! *s*
01/19/98 01:12:49
Name: Dona | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: California |
Thanks for your visit. I have the geneology bug too. Come back and visit. Dona
12/28/97 18:50:07
Name: P. G. Quick | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Alabama |
I collect and sell pocketknives Hope you have some
12/26/97 01:08:56
Name: Paul Williams | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Dallas, TX |
in Wright and Laclede counties. I was born near
Hartville, MO.
Very nice homepage!!
12/23/97 13:54:42
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |