Decendants of John Cross + Nancy Katherine Haner

1. Lily Jane Cross b? d.- 1956
    +Walter Welchian Cahill b.? d.1948
        2. Raymond Patrick Cahill	1901 - 1989
            +Cora Irene Key	1900 -
               3. Pattie Jo Cahill	1945 - 
                    + John Chris Petcoff	
                        4. Chris Raye Petcoff	1963 
                            +David Ray Jones	1956 -
                               5. Olivia Rayann Jones	1994 -
                               5. Daniel Lester Jones	1996 -
	            +Brian Richard Clevenger b.1946 - d.1988(2nd husband Pattie Jo Cahill)
                         4. Brian Patrick Clevenger	1970 -
                               5. Tyler Patrick Clevenger	1995 -
                    +William Don Calton	1943 -   (3rd Husbad Pattie Jo Calton)
                         4. Elizabeth Ann Calton	1984 -
           2. Charles Cahill	1888 -
                3. Charles A (Bill) Cahill	
                       4. Robert Cahill	1948 -
                       4. William Cahill	
                 3. Gwendolyn Cahill	
            2. Sue Mae Cahill	1896 - 1991
                +Robert Henry Chambers	1901 - 1994
            2. Nancy Elizabeth Cahill	1889 - 1981
             2. Sameul Cahill	
             2. Rosalie Cahill	
                +Sameul E. Maxwell	1916 - 1981
             2. Bernard Cahill	
                  3. L. J. Cahill	
                  3. Roberta Cahill	
                  3. Jane Cahill	
                  3. Carol Ann Cahill	
                  3. Wanda Sue Cahill	
                  3. Mary Helen Cahill	
             2. Boyd Byron Cahill	1898 - 1977
                 +Nellie Ruth Cundrif	
                   3. Milo Owens	 (stepson of Boyd Cahill)
                   3.Francis Owens (stepson of Boyd Cahill)		
                +Nannie Fizer Morton	(2nd wife of Boyd Cahill)
                   3. Charles Morton (stepchild of Boyd Cahill)	
                   3. Lucille Morton Durham (stepchild of Boyd Cahill)	
                   3. Edward Morton (stepchild of Boyd Cahill)	
                   3. Curtis Morton (stepchild of Boyd Cahill)	
                   3. George Morton (stepchild of Boyd Cahill)	
                   3. Kenneth Morton (stepchild of Boyd Cahill)	
                   3. Harold Morton (stepchild of Boyd Cahill)	
                       +Janie Dennis	
                   3. Mildred Morton Bryson (stepchild of Boyd Cahill)	
                   3. Betty Morton Martin	(stepchild of Boyd Cahill)
                   3. Mary Morton Bryson	(stepchild of Boyd Cahill)
       2. Lewis Cahill	
           +Lucy Mae Diebel	
1. James Cross	
1. Joe Cross	
1. Frank Cross	
1. Robert Cross	
1. Elizabeth Cross	
1. Lucinda Cross	
1. Ann Cross	
1. Nora Cross	
1. Mary Cross
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