Descendants of William Cantrill
Generation No. 1
1. William1 Cantrill.
Child of William Cantrill is:
+ 2 i. Henry2 Cantril, born 1616 in Jamestown, Virginia.
Generation No. 2
2. Henry2 Cantril (William1 Cantrill) was born 1616 in Jamestown, Virginia.
Notes for Henry Cantril:
There is found in the emigration
records of November 1633 that "Henry Cantrell, a
consignee of tobacco from Virginia to his brother William Cantrell
in 1631, by the
"UNICORN"." There are also records to show that Henry administered
the oath to men of
Experience and dignity who were appointed as inspectors of the tobacco
crops, and in 1639, was
a justice in Charles City, Virginia. Due to incomplete Virginia records
it has been difficult to find
anything concerning the families or the history of Henry and William
Cantrill, or any
Children of Henry Cantril are:
3 i. Richard3 Cantril, born 1635.
+ 4 ii. Henry Cantril, born 1639 in Charles, Virginia; died 1622-1708.
Generation No. 3
4. Henry3 Cantril (Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1639 in Charles, Virginia, and died 1622-1708. He married Alice ?.
Child of Henry Cantril and Alice ? is:
+ 5 i. Richard4 Cantril, born May 13, 1666; died 1743.
Generation No. 4
5. Richard4 Cantril (Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May 13, 1666, and died 1743. He married Dorothy Jane Jones, daughter of Ellis Jones and Jane Jones.
Notes for Richard Cantril:
The estimated year of Richard's birth has been established by assuming
that he had reached his majority when he came to America in 1682. His place
of birth has been established from a petition he submitted to John Blackwell,
Esquire, Governor of the Providence of Pennsylvania, in July 1689, stating
that his nephew, Joseph Cantrill, had drowned in the Schuykill River, 10
May 1689, and that Joseph had older and younger brothers in Derbyshire,
England. Richard posted a 100 pound bond. This document is on file at the
Register of Wills, City Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Administrative
Book "A", page 66, file number 54, 1689. We know from the records of Derbyshire
that there were a number of Cantrill families in the shire and that they
were closely associated with the St. Alkmunds Church in Derby. A search
of the Derbyshire
Parish Registers in 1979 failed to reveal a record of Richard's ancestry.
It has been impossible to find records to prove the parentage, or birthplace
of Richard Cantril, but there is no doubt that he came from the Derbyshire
branch of the English family. He may have been a descendent of William
or Henry Cantrell of Virginia. Fisher says, in his "Making of Pennsylvania,"
that "quite a number of Virginians migrated from that Colony to the banks
of the Delaware before the settlement of hiladelphia by William Penn, in
1678, under the rule of the Duke of York."
We know from tradition and provincial records that Richard was a brickmason
and the operator of a brick factory. His arrival in America has been estimated
based upon several facts of historical significance. King Charles II of
England owed a vast sum of money to a wealthy English Admiral named Penn,
and when the Admiral died, his son William Penn inherited the debt. The
King was willing to settle the debt by granting Penn an enormous tract
of land in the New World. William had become a Quaker during his college
years, and was continuously in trouble with the English crown. Now was
his chance to form a Quaker colony where they could
worship in peace. He needed artisans and families to successfully claim
"Penn's Forest." The King did not favor the migration of craftsmen, particularly
the type needed by Penn. However, during this period, a wealthy Englishman
could obtain a license to migrate and take with him as many servants and
their families as he desired. Penn devised a plan, whereby qualified craftsmen,
who could afford to pay their passage (but were not otherwise allowed to
leave England) would be signed on as servants, on the condition that upon
landing in America, they would pay their masters the passage money, and
in some cases receive land and be freemen.
Numerous artisans, Quakers and others, joined the exodus to America
with William Penn. By establishing the colony with qualified and capable
personnel, it became the best administered colony in America.
William Penn sailed for America to claim his land in the ship "Welcome"
under master Robert Greenway. The ship arrived in Pennsylvania on the 24th
day of the 8th month 1682, or in the present method of dating, 24 June
1682. The ship was ballasted with English brick instead of the usual stone
because Penn had decided that he would live in adequate shelter instead
of the caves and log huts of the New World. Neither the roster of the "Welcome"
nor those of other ships arriving shortly afterwards lists a Richard Cantril,
his nephew or any other brickmason. However, a Mary Cantril, servant to
Nicholas Schull, arrived in America 10 May 1685. It is unlikely that Penn
would have brought the bricks to America without having a qualified brickmason
also. It has been a family tradition that Richard built the first brick
house in Philadelphia. Historical records of Pennsylvania show that the
first brick house belonged to
Robert Turner and was located at the corner of First and Mulberry (Arch)
Streets. Robert was a wealthy merchant from Dublin who arrived in 1683
and had his house built in 1684-85. In the same years, Daniel Pegge, a
future brother-in-law of Richard's, had a brick house built in "Pegge's
Run." It is possible that Richard Cantril had the contract for erecting
both of these houses, which would easily account for the tradition in the
From "Pennsylvania Archives", Vol XIX: "At a meeting of the Commissioners, 6th of July, 1692. Present Captain William Markham, Robert Turner, John Goodson, ... Richard Cantril requesting a warrant for a lot of 30 ft. upon Third Street, near the Burying Ground, was granted."
From the Original Records, Deed Book "D" 53, page 50: "Richard Cantril to Thomas Hall, sold 30 ft. X 190 ft. May 13, 1693, Third and Market Streets."
In Patent Book "A" Vol II, page 344, there is a lease for 21 years (May
5, 1702) made by
Edward Shippen, Griffith Owen and James Logan, as Proprietary and Governor
in Chief of Pennsylvania and Territories thereunto belonging ... of a ..."Certain
tract of land between Fifth and Sixth Streets containing three acres and
sixty perches' (Here follows a full description by metes and bounds) to
Richard Cantril, Brickmaker, with all woods and underwood and trees ways,
waters, water courses, liberties, profits, commodities, advantages, and
opportunities whatsoever." The rental was forty shillings per year, "current
silver money of the Province"..."Said Richard Cantril shall build, erect,
and set up a substantial brick house one story and a half in height an
in breadth eighteen feet and in length thirty-six feet; the first story
of one brick and a half and the second story of one brick, and further
that said Richard Cantril shall make an orchard upon some part of the hereby
granted land, with at least eighty good bearing
apple trees planted thereon, and shall also well and sufficiently fence
and enclose the said demised land."
In "Pennsylvania Archives" we find: "Cantrill, Old Rights: Richard Cantril, city lot 3 acres, 10 day, 10 month, 1701. Rich, return 3 acres, 3 month 1702."
Later the Archives record a "Caveat against surveying of land adjoining
Richard Cantril's estate, issuing to the heirs, or executors of the said
Richard Cantril, or any under him, May 31, 1753."
No record could be found of the disposition of the estate of Richard
Cantril, either by his heirs or executors, but he evidently died prior
to May 31, 1753.
As the two sons left the New Castle area in the late 1720s or early 1730 and moved to the valley of Virginia by 1738. Richard may have also made the move.
!SOURCE: Cantrell Family History, Glenda Ruth Densmore Harrel, Edgecliff, TX
!Reference: Early Families of the North Carolina Counties of Rockingham and Stokes with Revolutionary Service", compiled and published by members of James Hunter Chapter, National Society of Daughters of American Revolution of Madison, North Carolina, published 1977.
!Reference: Warren G. Cantrell, 1913 Willowbend, Killeen, TX 76543, February 1990.
Notes for Dorothy Jane Jones:
In 1684, a law was passed in the Courts of England directing that all
inhabitants in the colony register in their respective counties, so their
movement between counties and colonies would be known to county and other
authorities. The lists now available in the possession of the Historical
Society are not complete, indicating that the law was never completely
carried out. The lists cover the period May 1684 - August 1687.
Dorothy came to America from either Flint, or Denbigh, Wales, in theship "Submission", September 1682. From the log of the "Submission": Ellis Jones, age 45; Jane Jones, age 40; Barbara Jones, age 13; Mary Jones, age 12; Dorothy Jones, age 10; Isaac Jones, age 4 months.
The "Pennsylvania Historical Magazine" in a list of names of "Important Colonists, who came in the 'Submission'", mentions Ellis Jones. Ellis was a resident of Bucks County, 1684, but did not remain there long, and in the Welsh Tract Purchases his name appears as having purchased one hundred acres in Nantonell Parish, Radnor. Barbara Jones married her cousin Isaac Jones, and Dorothy Jones married Richard Cantril.
Ellis Jones, a weaver and servant to the Governor, and his family were Quakers and as Richard Cantril belonged to the Church of England, Richard and Dorothy were married, to use a Quaker term, "Out of Meeting".
Dorothy seems to have been a young lady of considerable spirit and independence of character. She not only married the man of her choice, irrespective of her religious training, but later evidence is found of her love of gaiety and society in an old history of Philadelphia where she figured (danced?) at a masquerade ball, much to the horror of her more quiet friends. She seems to have inherited her love of society from her mother, for the name of Jane Jones appears as witness to the marriage of a great many Quaker of her day, and the Quaker weddings were probably the principal events affording those of that sect an expression of their social instinct.
The next record we find of Richard and Dorothy Cantrill was in 1703
Delaware Court
Proceedings as extracted by Scharf. Among the grand jury presentments.
"Dorothy", wife of Richard Canterill, presented for masking in men's clothes
the day after Christmas, "walking and dancing in the house of John Simes
at 9 or 10 o'clock at night." John Simes, who gave the masquerade party,
was presented for keeping a disorderly house, "a nursery of Debotch ye
inhabitants and youth of this ye greef of and disturance of peaceful
minds and propagating ye Throne of wickedness amongst us." This was in
Wilmington, PA (now Delaware).
The will of Jane Jones, relict of Ellis Jones, executed at Philadelphia, August 3, 1730 and recorded at Philadelphia December 27, 1732 mentions her grandchildren: Zebulon Cantril, Joseph Cantril, and Dorothy Cantril, to each of whom she bequeaths "One English shilling, or the value of it in coyn current".
!SOURCE: Cantrell Family History, Glenda Ruth Densmore Harrel, Edgecliff, TX
!Reference: Early Families of the North Carolina Counties of Rockingham
and Stokes with Revolutionary Service, compiled and published by members
of James Hunter Chapter, National Society Daughters of American Revolution
of Madison, North Carolina, published 1977.
Children of Richard Cantril and Dorothy Jones are:
6 i. Mary5 Cantril, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; died
January 06, 1694/95.
+ 7 ii. Joseph Cantril, born 1695 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
died Abt. 1738 in New Castle county, Delaware.
8 iii. Zebulon Cantril, born Abt. 1697 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
9 iv. Dorothy Cantril, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Generation No. 5
7. Joseph5 Cantril (Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1695 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and died Abt. 1738 in New Castle county, Delaware. He married Catherine Heath 1718 in New Castle county, Delaware, daughter of John Heath and Hannah Hanes.
Notes for Joseph Cantril:
From material prepared by Eddy and Glenda Harrel - Reference attributed
to "Early Families of the North Carolina Counties of Rockingham and Stokes
with Revolutionary Service", compiled and published by members of James
Hunter Chapter, National Society, Daughter of American Revolution of Madison,
North Carolina, published 1977:
Joseph spent his early boyhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Joseph and Catharina lived in New Castle County, Pennsylvania on or near the site of the present city of Wilmington, Delaware, and were attendants at Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church before 1720. Their first three children were baptised at the old historical church, known as Old Swedes, which is one of the oldest and quaintest churches in this country.
Joseph was probably a farmer in these lower counties of Pennsylvania,
which later became part of Delaware. A published work of the wills in the
county of New Castle fails to reveal a will of Joseph or Catharina. It
is possible that Joseph accompanied some of the sons on the move south
to North Carolina. In 1752 and 1753, son John was taxed for two white polls
in Orange County, North Carolina. One may have been his father. A complete
list of the children of John and Catharina has never been found. The nine
children listed were compiled from family records and the court and county
records of Orange County North Carolina. The sixth child (a female, name
unknown) was born about 1722.
Christina Parish was mostly situated on both sides of Christina Creek, partly on both sides of Brandywine Creek in New Castle County and in the Hundreds of New Castle, Christina and Brandywine. It stretched two Swedish miles in length, and one in breadth. The most remote families of the parish were not more than six and a half English miles distance from the church. The city of Wilmington is build on the Swedish "church land" and the charter for the town was granted on 1735. At the time Joseph Cantril went there, it was known as Christina.
Many of the earliest records of this locality have been lost, or destroyed, and at best are very incomplete. There is evidence, however, from the scattered records in New Castle County today, that descendents of Richard Cantril lived there from before 1720 until 1797, though the majority moved south during this period.
A published work of the wills and probates of New Castle County during the period of Joseph's residence there fails to reveal his will or probate. As he was a man in his 50s when his sons moved south to Carolina, it can be assumed that he made the move with his sons. In the tax list submitted to the Orange County Court, North Carolina for the year 1754, his son John's household listed two taxable white males. As John's sons were under 16 years of age, it can be assumed that one of these was his father, Joseph.
Notes for Catherine Heath:
It is probable that Catherine was the daughter of one of the Old Swedes,
first settlers of the section. Her first three children were baptised
in the Old Swedes Chruch. At this time the old location was called
Christiana. {Warren G. Cantrell STRONGLY DISAGREES that Catherine
is a daughter of John & Hannah. There were five Heath families
in the Philadelphia area. Why would he marry a girl from MA which
was so far away....9/2/1995/DAH}
Children of Joseph Cantril and Catherine Heath are:
10 i. Unknown Child Of Joseph6 Cantril.
11 ii. Hannah Cantril, born March 20, 1719/20 in Wilmington,
New Castle county, Pennsylvania; died in New Castle county, Delaware.
Notes for Hannah Cantril:
Hannah Cantrell died as an infant.
12 iii. Unknown Daughter Of Joseph Cantril, born 1722 in Wilmington,
New Castle county, Pennsylvania; died in New Castle county, Delaware.
Notes for Unknown Daughter Of Joseph Cantril:
This child died as an infant.
+ 13 iv. John Cantril , Sr., born October 06, 1724 in New Castle,
Pennsylvania; died February 1803 in South Carolina.
14 v. Stephen Cantril, born 1725 in Wilmington, New Castle county,
Pennsylvania; died 1783.
15 vi. Joseph Cantril, born December 10, 1726 in Wilmington,
New Castle county, Pennsylvania; died Abt. 1783.
Notes for Joseph Cantril:
Joseph died between 1735 & 1737
16 vii. Zebulon Cantril, born Abt. 1728 in Wilmington, New Castle
county, Pennsylvania. He married Mary Montgomery.
+ 17 viii. Isaac Cantril, born Abt. 1729 in Wilmington, New Castle
county, Pennsylvania; died August 23, 1805 in Spartanburg county, South
18 ix. Benjamin Cantril, born 1733 in Wilmington, New Castle
county, Pennsylvania; died Bef. 1823.
19 x. James Cantril, born Abt. 1735 in Wilmington, New Castle
county, Pennsylvania.
Generation No. 6
13. John6 Cantril , Sr. (Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born October 06, 1724 in New Castle, Pennsylvania, and died February 1803 in South Carolina. He married (1) Jane ?. He married (2) ? Brittain Bef. 1744 in New Castle, Pennsylvania.
Notes for John Cantril , Sr.:
John became associated with the Welsh Tract Baptist Church, which had
been established in the early 1700s in the New Castle area. After the birth
of some of their children in New Castle County, John and his family joined
with others in the movement southward. They moved down through the Great
Valley of Virginia to the Piedmont Plateau of the Carolinas. The settled
here in the "Land of Eden", Granville County, North Carolina, which
became Orange County in September 1752. The list of taxables collected
in the years of 1752 and 1753 as submitted by the Sheriff to the County
Court in 1754 contains the name of John Cantrell with two white polls.
John purchased land north of the Haw River and south of the Dan River in
1758. The land was on Wolf Island Creek, a tributary of the Dan River.
John was appointed to many juries in the next 15
Miss Brittain died and John married Jane _ about 1770. John and Jane had four sons and two daughters. Family tradition says that there were a number of twins in John's family (since he is reported to have had 17 sons with his first wife). John is shown to be the father of 21 sons and 2 daughters, but research indicates that a number of children attributed to John were nephews, sons of brother Isaac.
Guilford County, North Carolina was formed in 1771 from the western
part of Orange County. John and his family lived in the northern part of
this new county. This area became Rockingham County in 1785, but by that
time, John and his family had moved southwest down the Piedmont Plateau
to the 96th District of South Carolina. This move was made soon after the
close of the Revolutionary War. There he farmed and worked with the Buck
Creek Baptist Church. Some of his descendants still attend this old church.
John died before February 1803 (the date of the will probate) and three
of his sons, Abraham, Stephen, and Moses were the administrators of his
There were many traditions about John Cantrell and his family regarding
their move to the Carolinas, but the exact date of his leaving New Castle
County is not known. It is known, however, that he was living in Rockingham
County, North Carolina, before the Revolutionary War. Shortly thereafter,
he moved to the 96th District, now Spartanburg County, South Carolina where
he owned over 800 acres of land on Buck Creek, a tributary of the Pacolet
River. In 1790, John was listed in the census or the 96th District of South
Carolina. He had one son under sixteenand two daughters living at home.
Many of the names on this census were familiar names from
the Court Records of Orange County, North Carolina. It should be noted
that this was the first record found in America where the family name was
spelled Cantrell. The same census in Kentucky, Virginia, and North Carolina
listed families as Cantrall, Cantrel, Cantril, and Cantwell. John appears
to be the first to use the Cantrell spelling in America.
More About John Cantril , Sr.:
Fact 1: March 25, 1726, Baptism - Holy Trinity Church, Wilmington DE
Notes for ? Brittain:
Miss Brittain was probably a sister of Joseph Brittain who lived near
John in NC and who is mentioned in the records of Orange county, North
Carolina. There is also a James Britton who was on a tax list with
his brother, Joseph, in Rowan county, North Carolina.
Either a sister or daughter to Joseph Brittain who accompanied her and her husband to Orange County, North Carolina.
Children of John Cantril and Jane ? are:
20 i. William7 Cantrell.
21 ii. Daniel Cantrell.
22 iii. Gabriel Cantrell.
23 iv. unknown 1 child of John Cantril.
24 v. unknown (2) child of John Cantril.
Children of John Cantril and ? Brittain are:
+ 25 i. Abraham7 Cantrell, born 1744 in New Castle, Pennsylvania;
died 1814.
26 ii. Isaac Cantrell, born 1745 in New Castle, Pennsylvania;
died Abt. 1790 in Warren county, Tennessee. He married Nancy Watson.
27 iii. Jacob Cantrell, born 1747; died October 1790 in Orange
county, North Carolina. He married Mary (unknown wife of Jacob Cantrell).
Notes for Jacob Cantrell:
Notes for Jacob Cantrell:
Information found in the
Abstracts of Orange County, NC wills 1752 - 1800 as located and describes
the following:
B-102 Will in Archives. dated 6 July 1782, proved Oct 1790.
wife: Mary
Daus: eldest Margaret Cantril, Jane, Hannah, Sarah, Susannah.
sons: Zebedee Cantril, Thomas Cantril, Joseph Cantril.
Sole Executor : wife Mary.
Witnesses: John Hinslee, Rachel X Robinson.
28 iv. Joseph Cantrell, born Abt. 1747 in New Castle, Pennsylvania;
died 1773-1839 in Randolph county, North Carolina.
Notes for Joseph Cantrell:
About 1780 Joseph served in the Reviolutionary War, at Raleigh, NC.
According to the 1790 census of Orange county, North Carolina, there were
six female children in this family, their names are undetermined.
29 v. Stephen Cantrell, born Abt. 1749. He married Unity
30 vi. Charles Cantrell, born Abt. 1750. He married Sarah
31 vii. James Cantrell, born Abt. 1752 in New Castle, Pennsylvania.
He married Elizabeth (unknown wife of James Cantrell).
32 viii. Brittian Cantrell, born Abt. 1753.
33 ix. Susan Cantrell, born November 30, 1753.
34 x. Joshua Cantrell, born Abt. 1755.
35 xi. Simon Cantrell, born Abt. 1757.
+ 36 xii. John M. Cantrell, born 1757 in Orange county, North
Carolina; died 1825 in Buck Creek, South Carolina.
37 xiii. Peter Cantrell, born 1759 in Orange county, North Carolina.
He married Elanor Savage.
38 xiv. Thomas Cantrell, born March 23, 1761 in Orange county,
North Carolina; died September 25, 1830 in Grady, Tennessee. He married
Elizabeth Norris 1782 in Greenville District, South Carolina.
39 xv. Reuben Cantrell, born Abt. 1762.
40 xvi. Aaron Cantrell, born 1763 in Orange county, North Carolina.
He married Mary Elizabeth Smith 1785 in North Carolina.
41 xvii. Edward Cantrell, born Abt. 1764.
+ 42 xviii. Moses Cantrell, born Abt. 1765.
43 xix. Benjamin Cantrell, born 1768 in Rockingham county, North
Carolina; died 1843 in Warren county, Tennessee. He married (1) Hannah
Powell. He married (2) Charity Legat.
Notes for Benjamin Cantrell:
In about 1814 he moved to Smithville, Tennessee. Land recorded
at Sparta, White county, Tennessee.
Mary was the first white child born on Sink Creek, Tennessee
44 xx. Margaret Cantrell, born 1769.
17. Isaac6 Cantril (Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born Abt. 1729 in Wilmington, New Castle county, Pennsylvania, and died August 23, 1805 in Spartanburg county, South Carolina. He married (1) Elizabeth Cantril. He married (2) Talitha Cloud. He married (3) Mary Linder.
Notes for Isaac Cantril:
Death 1805 or abt Feb 1806, Spartanburg County, South Carolina.
Burial at Buck Creek Baptist Church Cemetary, Matrimony NC near present
Eden NC.
Children of Isaac Cantril and Elizabeth Cantril are:
45 i. Benjamin7 Cantrell.
46 ii. Sarah Cantrell.
47 iii. Daniel Cantrell.
48 iv. Peter Cantrell.
Children of Isaac Cantril and Talitha Cloud are:
49 i. Isaac7 Cantrell.
50 ii. James Cantrell.
51 iii. Jacob Cantrell.
52 iv. Robert Cantrell.
+ 53 v. Mary Cantrell, born December 04, 1754 in Delaware.
54 vi. Thomas Cantrell.
55 vii. Reuben Cantrell.
56 viii. Elijah Cantrell.
57 ix. Charles Cantrell.
58 x. Richard Cantrell.
+ 59 xi. John Cantrell, born 1765; died 1826.
+ 60 xii. Elizabeth Cantrell, born 1761 in New Castle county,
Delaware; died Abt. 1835 in Spartanburg county, South Carolina.
Children of Isaac Cantril and Mary Linder are:
61 i. unknown (1) child of Isaac7 Cantril.
62 ii. unknown (2) child of Isaac Cantril.
63 iii. Abraham Cantrell, born Abt. 1774 in Guilford (now Rickingham)
county, North Carolina; died December 1858 in Pike county, Kentucky.
Notes for Abraham Cantrell:
Baptism: Old Regular Baptist
64 iv. Nimrod Cantrell.
65 v. Caleb Cantrell.
+ 66 vi. Lanceford Cantrell, born Abt. 1780.
67 vii. unknown daughter of Isaac Cantrell.
68 viii. Enoch Cantrell.
69 ix. Mark Cantrell.
Generation No. 7
25. Abraham7 Cantrell (John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1744 in New Castle, Pennsylvania, and died 1814. He married Lucy Watson Lovelace.
Child of Abraham Cantrell and Lucy Lovelace is:
+ 70 i. John8 Cantrell, born Abt. 1765 in Orange county, North
Carolina; died October 04, 1836 in Lauderdale county, Alabama.
36. John M.7 Cantrell (John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1757 in Orange county, North Carolina, and died 1825 in Buck Creek, South Carolina. He married Elizabeth Cantrell, daughter of Isaac Cantril and Talitha Cloud.
Notes for John M. Cantrell:
From material received from Eddy and Glenda Harrel - Reference attributed
to "Early Families of the North Carolina Counties of Rockingham and Stokes
with Revolutionary Service", compiled and published by members of James
Hunter Chapter, National Society Daughter of American Revolution of Madison,
North Carolina, published 1977:
John M. was born in the northwestern part of Orange County, North Carolina (later Rockingham County, North Carolina). He served in the Revolutionary War from the Salisbury District of North Carolina. John's name is listed in the warrants for land granted to Officers and Soldiers of the Continental Line.
After the war, John and Elizabeth moved southward to the 96th District of South Carolina. He owned and operated a mill on Buck Creek and to distinguish him from other John Cantrells, he was called "Miller John". He was a devoted and active member of the Buck Creek Baptist Church, where his father and father-in-law served as minister and messenger, up until his death in 1825. He prepared his will listing all his children on March 30, 1823 and it was probated in October 1825. He and Elizabeth are buried at the Buck Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Their graves are marked by field stones.
From "The Cantrill-Cantrell Genealogy", page 103:
John Cantrell was born about 1751, probably in New Castle county, PA, and went with his parents to Rockingham county, N. C. Married his cousin, Elizabeth Cantrell, daughter of Isaac Cantrell.
He served in the War for American Independence from the Salisbury district and, after the close of the war, settled in Saprtanburg county, S. C., where he died in 1825. His will was probated Oct. 17, 1825.
He owned a mill on Buck creek and to distinguish him from the other John Cantrells of the locality, was called "Miller John". He was a devoted and active worker in the Buck creek Baptist church.
From "The Cantrill-Cantrell Genealogy", page 104:
Elizabeth and Jphn were cousins. John served in the war for American
independence from Salisbury District. Settled in Spartanburg county,
South Carolina. His will was probated October 17, 1825. He
owned a mill, and was called Miller John. He was a Baptist.
"I, John Cantrell, of the State of South Carolina, and the County of Spartanburg, being of sound mind and memory, do make and constitute this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following, that is to say, I recommend my soul to God and my body to a Christian burial. "First: I will that all my just debts bo paid, also "I give and bequieth until my daughter Anna Turner, one hundred acres of land, more or less, lying on the Maple Swamp, on both sides of the creek. "I also give and bequeath unto my daughter, Synthia, one bed and two pillows and slips, four civer lids, one bed quilt, six sheets, one cow, one chest, one pot, one wheel, and table pair of cards. "I give and bequeath unto my loving wife, Elizabeth Cantrell, the remainder of my estate, both real and personal, during the time of her natural life, or widowhood, to be equally divided amongst my children, at her death, that is to say: Abraham, Isaac, and my daughter Tilitha's heirs, and Betsey, William, Polly, Martin, Berry, Anna, Sally and her heirs, and Synthia; also twenty-five dollers to be given to my granddaughter, Janny Robbins. "Lastly, I appoint my three sons, William Cantrell, Martin Cantrell, and Berry Cantrell, executors of this my last Will and Testament. "In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of March, 1823. (Signed) "JOHN CANTRELL. "Test Lanceford Cantrell, George Cantrell, Nimrod Cantrell."
Notes for Elizabeth Cantrell:
Elizabeth was listed in the 1830 census, but was not located in 1840.
She is buried with her husband at the Buck Creek Baptist Church Cemetery,
Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Their graves are marked by field stones.
She was first cousin to John M.
Elizabeth was listed in the 1830 census, but was not located in 1840. She is buried with her husband at the Buck Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Their graves are marked by field stones. She was first cousin to John M.
Children of John Cantrell and Elizabeth Cantrell are:
71 i. Abraham8 Cantrell.
72 ii. Isaac Cantrell.
73 iii. Tilitha Cantrell.
74 iv. Elizabeth Cantrell.
75 v. William Cantrell.
76 vi. Martin Cantrell.
+ 77 vii. Berryman Cantrell, born May 06, 1799 in Spartanburg
county, South Carolina; died May 07, 1866 in Marion county, Alabama.
78 viii. Anna Cantrell.
79 ix. Sarah Cantrell.
+ 80 x. Cynthia Cantrell, born Abt. 1805 in Spartanburg county,
South Carolina; died Abt. 1850 in McMinn county, Tennessee.
81 xi. Mary Cantrell.
42. Moses7 Cantrell (John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born Abt. 1765. He married Elizabeth.
Children of Moses Cantrell and Elizabeth are:
+ 82 i. Dickson8 Cantrell, born December 27, 1804 in South Carolina;
died May 05, 1882.
+ 83 ii. Sarah Cantrell.
53. Mary7 Cantrell (Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 04, 1754 in Delaware. She married Sampson Bethell.
Child of Mary Cantrell and Sampson Bethell is:
84 i. Green8 Bethell, born January 14, 1784 in Guilford county,
59. John7 Cantrell (Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1765, and died 1826. He married Mrs Sarah Cantrell.
Child of John Cantrell and Mrs Cantrell is:
+ 85 i. Duke8 Cantrell, born 1797.
60. Elizabeth7 Cantrell (Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1761 in New Castle county, Delaware, and died Abt. 1835 in Spartanburg county, South Carolina. She married John M. Cantrell, son of John Cantril and ? Brittain.
Notes for Elizabeth Cantrell:
Elizabeth was listed in the 1830 census, but was not located in 1840.
She is buried with her husband at the Buck Creek Baptist Church Cemetery,
Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Their graves are marked by field stones.
She was first cousin to John M.
Elizabeth was listed in the 1830 census, but was not located in 1840. She is buried with her husband at the Buck Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Their graves are marked by field stones. She was first cousin to John M.
Notes for John M. Cantrell:
From material received from Eddy and Glenda Harrel - Reference attributed
to "Early Families of the North Carolina Counties of Rockingham and Stokes
with Revolutionary Service", compiled and published by members of James
Hunter Chapter, National Society Daughter of American Revolution of Madison,
North Carolina, published 1977:
John M. was born in the northwestern part of Orange County, North Carolina (later Rockingham County, North Carolina). He served in the Revolutionary War from the Salisbury District of North Carolina. John's name is listed in the warrants for land granted to Officers and Soldiers of the Continental Line.
After the war, John and Elizabeth moved southward to the 96th District of South Carolina. He owned and operated a mill on Buck Creek and to distinguish him from other John Cantrells, he was called "Miller John". He was a devoted and active member of the Buck Creek Baptist Church, where his father and father-in-law served as minister and messenger, up until his death in 1825. He prepared his will listing all his children on March 30, 1823 and it was probated in October 1825. He and Elizabeth are buried at the Buck Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Their graves are marked by field stones.
From "The Cantrill-Cantrell Genealogy", page 103:
John Cantrell was born about 1751, probably in New Castle county, PA, and went with his parents to Rockingham county, N. C. Married his cousin, Elizabeth Cantrell, daughter of Isaac Cantrell.
He served in the War for American Independence from the Salisbury district and, after the close of the war, settled in Saprtanburg county, S. C., where he died in 1825. His will was probated Oct. 17, 1825.
He owned a mill on Buck creek and to distinguish him from the other John Cantrells of the locality, was called "Miller John". He was a devoted and active worker in the Buck creek Baptist church.
From "The Cantrill-Cantrell Genealogy", page 104:
Elizabeth and Jphn were cousins. John served in the war for American
independence from Salisbury District. Settled in Spartanburg county,
South Carolina. His will was probated October 17, 1825. He
owned a mill, and was called Miller John. He was a Baptist.
"I, John Cantrell, of the State of South Carolina, and the County of Spartanburg, being of sound mind and memory, do make and constitute this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following, that is to say, I recommend my soul to God and my body to a Christian burial. "First: I will that all my just debts bo paid, also "I give and bequieth until my daughter Anna Turner, one hundred acres of land, more or less, lying on the Maple Swamp, on both sides of the creek. "I also give and bequeath unto my daughter, Synthia, one bed and two pillows and slips, four civer lids, one bed quilt, six sheets, one cow, one chest, one pot, one wheel, and table pair of cards. "I give and bequeath unto my loving wife, Elizabeth Cantrell, the remainder of my estate, both real and personal, during the time of her natural life, or widowhood, to be equally divided amongst my children, at her death, that is to say: Abraham, Isaac, and my daughter Tilitha's heirs, and Betsey, William, Polly, Martin, Berry, Anna, Sally and her heirs, and Synthia; also twenty-five dollers to be given to my granddaughter, Janny Robbins. "Lastly, I appoint my three sons, William Cantrell, Martin Cantrell, and Berry Cantrell, executors of this my last Will and Testament. "In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of March, 1823. (Signed) "JOHN CANTRELL. "Test Lanceford Cantrell, George Cantrell, Nimrod Cantrell."
Children of Elizabeth Cantrell and John Cantrell are:
86 i. Abraham8 Cantrell.
87 ii. Isaac Cantrell.
88 iii. Tilitha Cantrell.
89 iv. Elizabeth Cantrell.
90 v. William Cantrell.
91 vi. Martin Cantrell.
+ 92 vii. Berryman Cantrell, born May 06, 1799 in Spartanburg
county, South Carolina; died May 07, 1866 in Marion county, Alabama.
93 viii. Anna Cantrell.
94 ix. Sarah Cantrell.
+ 95 x. Cynthia Cantrell, born Abt. 1805 in Spartanburg county,
South Carolina; died Abt. 1850 in McMinn county, Tennessee.
96 xi. Mary Cantrell.
66. Lanceford7 Cantrell (Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born Abt. 1780. He married Martha Cantwell.
Children of Lanceford Cantrell and Martha Cantwell are:
+ 97 i. Dennis Candin8 Cantrell, born 1822 in Spartanburg county,
South Carolina; died July 07, 1891.
98 ii. Cynthia Cantrell. She married Riley Eller.
Generation No. 8
70. John8 Cantrell (Abraham7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born Abt. 1765 in Orange county, North Carolina, and died October 04, 1836 in Lauderdale county, Alabama. He married Mary Westmoreland Abt. 1792 in North Carolina, daughter of John Westmoreland and Ann Lenoir.
Notes for John Cantrell:
DATED: March 14, 1831
FILED: Feb 7 1839
John Cantrell, Senior of Lauderdale
County, Alabama to John Cash of Wayne County
Consideration: $300
Conveys: 50 acres on both sides of Butler's Creek 7th District 8th
Range and first and second Section refers to Lenior Cantrell's tract
Wit: William Bromley
Ewin Belsha
Acknowledged before John A. Criner, Clerk of Lauderdale County, Alabama.
There are lands that are shown
in the notes of James Wesley Cantrell that in fact belong here, for it
would indicate lands bought by John senior in Wayne County. The following
are sails made of the estate of John Cantrell by his sons Lenior and John
as executors.
DATED: Jan 16, 1838
FILED: March 7, 1838
Lenior Cantrell and John Cantrell,
Executors of the Last Will and Testament of John Cantrell, Deceased of
Lauderdale County, Alabama to Lemuel Hensley of Wayne County.
Consideration: $100
Conveys: 13 1/2 acres on Butler Creek 7th District Range 8 and Section
John Cash
DATED: Jan 26, 1838
FILED: March 8, 1838
Lenior Cantrell, et al (same grantors
as last above) to Lemuel Hensley of Wayne County,
Consideration: #200
Conveys: 59 acres and 50 poles on both sides of Butler Creek 7th District
Range 1st and 2nd Section refers NW Corner John Cashes tract.
J.M. Hensley
John Cash
A copy of the will of John is
found in the publication of " Alabama Records" Vol. 104 states as the following:
Page 27. Will of John Cantrell.
Loving wife MARY CANTRELL. Beloved daughter Milby
Cantrell, property when she becomes of age or marries to make her equal
to the other children.
My children. viz. Children of my daughter NANCY, wife of ALLEN WILSON
, now dead;
LUCINDA COCKBURN* b. 6-25-1810; d. 7-30-1895; m. in Lauderdale Co.
CANNEY KENNETH COCKBURN)* wife of CANY COCKBURN* (b. 6-23-1800; d.
1-24-1890)* or her children; daughter Milby CANTRELL, son Thomas CANTRELL.
NOAH CANTRELL aned John CANTRELL, Executors. 6 Nov. 1833. Witnesses:
ARNETT, O. WEBB, W.W. GARRARD. Recorded 7 Jan. 1837.
Both John and Mary are buried off
State Hwy 20 Northwest of, Florence. Their grave sites are away from the
main cemetery, which is fenced, in a stand of trees. In 1979 the site was
unkept. John was a slave holder and his estate listed two slaves and one
stud colt. The colt was valued at more than either of the slaves.
Notes: by Rex Cantrell
Children of John Cantrell and Mary Westmoreland are:
99 i. Catherine9 Cantrell, born May 22, 1792; died March 22,
1861. She married John Childress.
100 ii. Nancy Cantrell, born 1793; died 1883. She married
Allen Wilson.
101 iii. Lenoir Westmoreland Cantrell, born April 07, 1795;
died January 03, 1852. He married Elanor Thornton August 12, 1825
in Lauderdale county, Alabama.
Notes for Lenoir Westmoreland Cantrell:
Information taken from " Wayne County, Tenn.
Abstracts of Deed Records" 1820 to 1839 by: James A
DATED: Feb. 8, 1828
FILED: May 20 1834
Jesse Waddlington, Wayne County to Lenior
Cantrell of Wayne County and Josiah Thornton of
Lauderdale County, Alabama
Valuable Considereation:
Conveys: 119 1/4 acres on Middle Cypress refers to
John C. McLamore boundary
James W. Cantrell
Mordecai Thornton by mark \\
DATED: Jan 13, 1836
FILED: Nov. 29, 1836
Lenior Cantrell to Phillip Darby both of Wayne
For valuable consideration. Conveys: 58 1/2 acres on
Middle Cypress
William Head
William Thornton
DATED: July 11, 1839
FILED: July 19, 1839
Lenior Cantrell, Wayne County to George Brewer,
Wayne County
Consideration: $700
Conveys: in 7th District on Butler's Creek 7th and 8th
Range and second section ref NE corner of Hall Jarman.
Wit: Joseph Hollis
James W. Cantrell
DATED: Sept 24 1820
FILED: July 20, 1839
John Cantrell to Lenior Cantrell
Consideration: $400
Conveys: 83 1/2 acres on both sides of Butler's Creek
7th District 7 and 8 Range 1 and 2 Section ref NE corner
of Hall Jarmon tract Grant # 23405 cont 83 1/2 acres
conveyed by Grant to John Cantrell, Sr. being part of the
160 acre tract and the whole of 28 acres No 18520
Wit: John Cantrell
Sallen Wilson
In the Tax list of 1838 in Wayne county, District #
12, Lenior is found being taxed for 82 1/2 acres and five
Lenior had no children of his own, but helped to
rear nieces and nephews. The War Between the States
caused great strife in the family and loss of property and
money. The family was resented for having land and
money and were harassed by the people around them."
Lenior Captained the Tennessee River boat "B.B.Baker".
His house was built on the spot where General Albert
Sidney Johnson bled to death at the Battle of Shiloh.
As noted by Rex Cantrell.
Notes for Elanor Thornton:
Eleanor is shown in the 1860 Census of Hardin county with
some of the children of James Westley Cantrell. These children were ; James
K.P., Aaron V.B., Oliver H.P.,Theresa Emily, and the children of
Calista Lenoir Cantrell and Lawson Hays. These children were James
W. Hays and his sister Calista Hays.
The census shows that Eleanor was quite well off at the time
as other records have already shown. In 1860 she is recorded as have
a real estate value of $18,000
and a personal property value of $30,000, this would be in part
from the holdings in Pittsburg Landing and the farm land, whereas she is
list as being a farmer. James
Knox Polk Cantrell, was listed also as a farmer on this land
of Eleanor's.
Marriage Notes for Lenoir Cantrell and Elanor Thornton:
The record shows that Lenior and Nelly were married August
12, 1825 though it was recorded on March 12 . It was Solemized by
D.W. House on the August date.
102 iv. John Cantrell , Jr., born 1797; died January 08, 1842.
He married Jane Jincy.
Notes for John Cantrell , Jr.:
John is shown to have been, a J.P. in
the county of Lauderdale, Alabama records are found on the following
dates of marriages: in 1830, 1832 and also one 28 March 1841
A copy of John's will is
in " Alabama Records" and shows the following:
" Page 110. Will of John Cantrell. Beloved wife JINCY
CANTRELL--- as they become of age she is to give them such property as
she thinks right and to give them an
education....good wife JINCY and four daughters NANCY,
JINCY CANTRELL and LEVI HOWELL, executors. 8 Jan 1842.
Probated 7 Feb. 1842.
+ 103 v. James Wesley Cantrell, born January 29, 1800 in South
Carolina; died April 21, 1858 in Savannah, Hardin county, Tennessee.
104 vi. Lucinda Cantrell, born June 25, 1810; died July 30,
1895. She married (1) Wallace Hayes. She married (2) Caney
Cockburn June 05, 1826 in Lauderdale county, Alabama.
Notes for Lucinda Cantrell:
Is the aunt, to Theresa E. Cantrell
Hayes and Calista L. Cantrell Hayes the Wives of Lawson and William
Burton Hayes.
Notes for Wallace Hayes:
"Hayes families were targets of abuse and harassment during
the War Between the States. Wallis (Wallace) was a successful planter and
owned several families of slaves and land in both Wayne and Hardin Counties.
In 1850 he was a widower with several
children,( youngest age 3 ). Married Lucinda ( Cantrell ) Cockburn,
who was the sister to Lenoir Sr. and James Wesley Cantrell. She was 40
and he was, 58."
"She had been married to Kenneth ( Canny, Sr.)
Cockburn, who had died leaving her with several children, ( the youngest
age 8). Canny Cockburn was said to have been the largest landowner in the
northwest corner of Lauderdale, Co. Alabama. They did have a pre-nuptial
agreement whereby neither of the survivors families would share. At one
time during the war, Wallis was tied to a tree and his shoulder injured
as they
attempted to leave Hardin County for Wayne County, which
was safer for them. Apparently, this was an attempt to get his money.
Had they been poor they would
have fared better" From the notes of Rex Cantrell.
Marriage Notes for Lucinda Cantrell and Caney Cockburn:
In the publication " Alabama Records" Vol. 199 this married
record is found saying that she and Kenneth Canny were married Lucinda
11 April 1827. it also said that the papers for this marriage was on 15
June 1826 and return dated the 15th.
105 vii. Melby (Milly) Cantrell, born June 26, 1818.
106 viii. Thomas Cantrell.
Notes for Thomas Cantrell:
Thomas is shown to have been taxed for a total of 59 acres of land
in the 11th District of Wayne county, Tennessee in 1838
107 ix. Noah Cantrell.
92. Berryman8 Cantrell (John M.7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May 06, 1799 in Spartanburg county, South Carolina, and died May 07, 1866 in Marion county, Alabama. He married (1) Mrs Malita Cantrell. He married (2) Manilla T. Boling.
Notes for Berryman Cantrell:
According to notes received from Eddy and Glenda Harrell, Berry's name
may have been Berryman, as he was so addressed in one of his father's estate
papers. In 1823, he was named in his father's will as one of the executors
of the will. In 1830, he and his family were recorded in Spartanburg County,
South Carolina and there were three children. In 1833 or 1834, he joined
his brothers on the move to Marion County, Alabama. In 1840 , he lived
next to his brother William.
Federal Census, Marion County, Alabama, 1850
District No. 14 (16 Nov 1850)
51/52 Berry Cantrell 51 M Farmer 1000 SC
Manilla T. 25 F SC
Harrell 21 M SC
Elizabeth J 18 F SC
David M. 12 M AL
Catharine 17 F SC
Berry M. 10 M AL
Sarah A. 7 F AL
Letitia J. 5 F AL
John B. Young 22 M TN
Federal Census, Marion County, Alabama, 1860
Western District, Pikeville
13/13 Berry Cantrell 61 M Farmer 2000/1707 SC
Manilah T. 36 F SC
Berry M. 20 M AL
Sarah A. 18 F AL
Litia I. 14 F AL
David H. 23 M Farm laborer AL
Freelong H. 16 M Farm laborer TN
Notes for Mrs Malita Cantrell:
Buried in family cemetery known as "Young-Cantrell Cemetery", Marion County, Alabama.
Children of Berryman Cantrell and Mrs Cantrell are:
108 i. unknown child of Berryman9 Cantrell.
109 ii. Nancy E. Cantrell.
110 iii. John Harrell Cantrell.
+ 111 iv. Elisabeth Jane Cantrell, born February 26, 1831; died
November 10, 1895 in Marion county, Alabama.
112 v. Berry Middleton Cantrell.
113 vi. Sarah Ann Cantrell.
114 vii. Lettia I. Cantrell.
95. Cynthia8 Cantrell (John M.7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born Abt. 1805 in Spartanburg county, South Carolina, and died Abt. 1850 in McMinn county, Tennessee. She married Moses Young 1824 in South Carolina.
Children of Cynthia Cantrell and Moses Young are:
115 i. Terrell W.9 Young.
116 ii. Jane Young.
117 iii. Elizabeth Irene Young.
118 iv. Sarah Young.
119 v. Martin V. Young.
120 vi. Mary Ann Young.
+ 121 vii. John B. Young, born November 18, 1827 in Tennessee;
died September 03, 1899 in Marion county, Alabama.
82. Dickson8 Cantrell (Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 27, 1804 in South Carolina, and died May 05, 1882. He married Fannie ?.
Notes for Dickson Cantrell:
In 1840 Dixon Cantrell was in the 17th District of Tennessee, Gainsboro,
Jackson county.
In 1850 he and his family were in Smith county, Tennessee
Child of Dickson Cantrell and Fannie ? is:
+ 122 i. Mark9 Cantrell, died April 24, 1897 in Camden county,
83. Sarah8 Cantrell (Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Dow Houston Cantwell, son of Reuben Cantwell and Rachael ?.
Notes for Sarah Cantrell:
Aunt Tennie listed Lewis Cantrell as the father of Sarah.
She died when Marvin Douglas was two weeks old, in April, 1860.
We were always told that Sarah was one-half Indian
"All Cantwell information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City,
Missouri- February 1998"
Notes for Dow Houston Cantwell:
Dow Houston reportedly lived in Indiana about 1858. In the 1880
cencus he lived in Lancaster precinct, Wabash county, Illinois; near his
brother Thomas Bentopn and sister, Mary ARminta
"All Cantwell information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri- February 1998"
Children of Sarah Cantrell and Dow Cantwell are:
+ 123 i. Amanda9 Cantwell, born Abt. 1859 in Indiana or Illinois.
+ 124 ii. Marvin Douglas Cantwell, born April 01, 1860 in Indiana;
died October 1941 in Versailles, Morgan county, Missouri.
85. Duke8 Cantrell (John7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1797. He married Elizabeth Linder.
Child of Duke Cantrell and Elizabeth Linder is:
+ 125 i. David Doyle9 Cantrell, born 1824.
97. Dennis Candin8 Cantrell (Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1822 in Spartanburg county, South Carolina, and died July 07, 1891. He married Sarah (wife of Dennis Candin Cantrell).
Notes for Dennis Candin Cantrell:
Winston Co AL 1880 Census list age at 57 and occupation as farmer.
Winston Co Register of Deaths 1888 - 1910 as the following: Cody Cantrell,
born in South
Carolina, died July 7, 1891, age 69 years 8 months 21 days. Place of
death: Beat 6. Cause of
death: Typhoid. Buried Addison Cemetery. Informant: CH Johnson MD
Notes for Sarah (wife of Dennis Candin Cantrell):
Winston Co AL 1880 Census lists her age as 58 and occupation as keep
Children of Dennis Cantrell and Sarah Cantrell) are:
126 i. Thomas M.9 Cantrell, born July 1865 in Alabama; died
Aft. 1920 in McIntosh county, Oklahoma.
Notes for Thomas M. Cantrell:
Winston Co AL 1880 Census lists age as 15 and
occupation as farm laboror.
Born 8th out of 9 children.
He had 10 children.
+ 127 ii. Sherman Hanford Cantrell, born August 1867 in Winston
county, Alabama; died in Winston county, Alabama.
128 iii. John D. Cantrell.
Generation No. 9
103. James Wesley9 Cantrell (John8, Abraham7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 29, 1800 in South Carolina, and died April 21, 1858 in Savannah, Hardin county, Tennessee. He married (1) Thurza (Teresa) Thornton June 12, 1823 in Hardin county, Tennessee, daughter of Josiah Thornton and Sarah Thornton). He married (2) Eunice Peeples March 22, 1850 in Hardin county, Tennessee.
Notes for James Wesley Cantrell:
This Information is taken from " Wayne County, Tenn., Abstracts of Beed Records 1820 -1839 by: James A. Gray
DATED: March 28, 1825
William Swearington, Wayne County
to John Cantrell, Wayne County Consideration: $350
40 1/2 acres on Butler Creek Range 7 Section 1 and 2
James W. Cantrell
John Cantrell
DATED: March 15, 1825
Hall Jarman of Franklin Co. Allabama
to John Cantrell, Consideration: $500 Conveys: 160acres in 7th District
8th Range firsat and second sectios on Butler Creek, metes and bounds
James W. Cantrell
Lewis Cantrell
DATED: March 25, 1825
Richard Harris of Wayne County
to John Cantrell of Wayne County, Consideration: $45
Conveys: 10 acres on Butler Creek Range 7 Section 2
John Cantrell
Thomas Cantrell
ABSTRACTER'S NOTE: It's not likely that a person would have attemped
to wittness his own deed; the probability is there were two men named John
DATED: July 16, 1827
Jhon Cantrell to Lemuel Hensley
Conveys: 10 acres on Butler Creek 7th District Range 7 section 2
R.B. flood
Thomas Cantrell
Ewen/Erven Aclohd
DATED: Jan 13, 1836
FILED: Nov 29 1836
James W. Cantrell is found in
the Wayne county tax list and is shown to be taxed for 118 acres of land
in the 11th District, in 1838.
The James Wesley Cantrell family
filed on land in Hardin County, Tennessee west of the Tennessee River as
soon as it was opened by the Federal government. The battle of Shiloh was
fought on their land. This land is now enclosed in the Shiloh National
Thurza Thornton, wife of James
Wesley, was the sister of Eleanor Thornton, who married Lenoir. Thurza
owned, in part, a riverboat on the Tennessee River: "The B.B.Barker". Also
owned in part Pittsburg's Landing. Brother Lenoir W. was the boats Captain.
A note found in "The Goodspeed
History of Tennessee" on page 834 By act of legislature of 1846 J.W.Cantrell
and four other men where ordered to survey and make a map of Hardin county.
In the census of Hardin County
in 1850 shows that James was 49 years of age, born in South Carolina with
Eunice at 16 years of age born in North Carolina, there are three children
listed at home and they were Levi S. at 13 years; J.K.P. was 11 years of
age; and A.V.B. was 9.
James Wesley Cantrell is buried
in Hardin County, Tennessee in a private cemetery about twenty miles from
Savannah, Tennessee. His grave is well marked with a granite slab.
" Information taken from the Court Minutes of Hardin County "
1 April 1850
Pg. 444
STREET,_______- J.W.Cantrell appointed
guardian of David T. Street, Lucy M. Street, Sarah C. Street, and John
F. Street, minors.
Pg. 448
PETITION - Petition for the incorporation
of the Town of Savannah. Signed by: M.L.P. Pool, W.B. Shields, L.H. Broyles
Jr., James Irwin, B. D. Butler, R.B. Barwell, G. Miles Hamilton, John D.
Donohoo, H. W. Peeples, E.W. Porter, J.H.Herring, E.H. Shelton, D.A. Street,
W.W. Thornton, J.W. Cantrell, W. Russell, J.J. Williams, Lewis H. Broyles,
J.S.Winburn, N.G. Parrish, Jessie G. Williams, T.A. Jones, Thomas Maxwell,
J.D. Sutton, M.J.Swiney, J.H. Martin, A.P. Pool, A.B. Campbell, and Thomas
A. Kerr.
3 March 1851
Pg 70
WORLEY,_______- James W. Cantrell
appointed guardian for Anna Worley, Stephen S. Worley, and Elizabeth Worley,
minor orphans.
7 April 1851
Pg 79
SEAMAN, THOMAS - James W. Cantrell
appointed administrator of the estate of Thomas Seaman.
Pg 109
BROOKS, BENNETT- Petition to divide
land from the estate of Bennett Brooks. Brought by Levi Shelby versus the
minor daughters of Bennett Brooks, Charity and Celest Brooks. James W.
Cantrell appointed guardian of the minors. Maria Brooks mentioned as the
widow of Bennett Brooks. Willaim C. Strickland and his wife, and A.P. Downing
and his wife listed as formerly having an interest in the estate.
3 November 1851
Pg 115
STREET, Daniel A. - James W. Cantrell
made guardian's report.
5, January 1852
Pg 137
CANTRELL, LENOIR - Last will and
testament presented for probate by Lenoir W.
Cantrell, executor and proven by E.H. Shelton and James W. Cantrell,
the subscribing witnesses.
4, November 1852
Pg 211
MURPHY, ARCHIBALD - James W. Cantrell
appointed guardian for Barilla J. Murphy and Wm. H. Murphy, minor heirs
of Archibald Murphy.
3, May 1858
Pg 109
CANTRELL, JAMES W. - Last will
and testament presented for probate by Lenoir Cantrall.
No subscribing witnesses. Document was found among valuable papers
of the deceased. John N. Cantrell, who was appointed executor of the will,
has removed to Texas. Lenore Lenoir Cantrell appointed administrator. (
Following this entry is a copy of the will. It is abstracted here. ) Testator
desires that his body be buried at his brother Lenore Lenoir Cantrell's
place where his wife Thurza and his daughter Eleanor are buried. Heirs:
Wife - Eunice Cantrell; children - John N., Calisto L., Lenoir W., Theresa
E.., Levi L., James K.P., Aaron V.B., Oliver H.P., Minerva
R., and Harry Cantrell. Slaves: Washington.
Executor: John N. Cantrell.
Dated: 18, November1855.
" Will of James Westley Cantrell "
Dated November 18, 1855 probated May 3, 1858
" It is my will and desire and
I hereby bequeath to my wife, Eunice Cantrell, the house I now live in
with twenty acres of land to be laid off by two disinterested persons,
one to be chosen by her, the other by my Executor, also, ten acres of land
in the bottom to be laid off in like manner and at the same time and by
the same persons, to be laid off in such a manner as will not do the least
injury to the balance. And it is further my desire and I do hereby give
unto her my Negro Slave "Washington" and one horse beast, two caws and
calves, one plow and gear, hogs to make her meat for one year, two sows
and pigs, two beds, bedsteads and furniture, one bureau, one
clock, six chairs, one set plates, knives and forks, cups and saucers,
table spoons, teaspoons and my cooking stove, one large table, one small
one, one loom, and one candle stand, all my pot vessels, to have and to
hold the same so long as she remains my widow, but should she think best
to marry then my will is that all the above property be disposed of as
hereinafter directed, except one cow and calf, one bedstead and furniture
which of right belongs to her."
" My will and desire is that all
the residue of my estate be equally divided between my children, to wit:
John N., Calisto L., Thursa E., Line L., James K.P., Aaron V.B., Oliver
H.P., Lenoir W., Minerva, Rosaline, and Harry H., and should my wife, Eunice,
marry then all to be divided as directed to my children, above, as she
is quite young and it is not my will that another man should enjoy any
portion of my estate in preference to my children."
5, July 1858
Pg 123
CANTRELL, JAMES W. - Eunice Cantrell
dissented from the will of her husband and asked that commissioners be
appointed to lay off a year's support.
CANTRELL, JAMES W. - Eunice Cantrell
appointed guardian of Manerva R. Cantrell and William H. Cantrell, minor
heirs of James W. Cantrell.
appointed guardian for James K.P. Cantrell, Aaron V.B. Cantrell, and Oliver
H.P. Cantrell, the minor heirs of James W. Cantrell.
[ Note; These children are found
to be in the 1860 census count and living with Eleanor Cantrell of Hardin
county. ]
Notes for Thurza (Teresa) Thornton:
There are two different dates of death
,, Dec. 7, 1846 and Apr. 27, 1846.
Notes for Eunice Peeples:
With other family members, loaded
up a wagon and pulling it with a milk cow, went to Corinth, probably to
stay with Eleanor "Nellie". Eunice was widowed at the time of the war.
There has been no record of her ever remarrying after the death
of James W. Cantrell.
Children of James Cantrell and Thurza Thornton are:
129 i. John Nelson10 Cantrell, born April 25, 1824 in Alabama;
died February 23, 1880 in Poetry county, Texas. He married Cathern
Isophenen October 24, 1852.
Notes for John Nelson Cantrell:
John was buried in Dry Creek Cemetery in Terrell, Poetry county, Texas.
Located at the junction of FM 986 and 1565
130 ii. Calista Lenoir Cantrell, born November 17, 1825 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died Abt. 1858. She married Lawson Hayes Abt.
Notes for Lawson Hayes:
Brother of William Burton Hayes, who married Theresa Emily Cantrell
Information taken from the Court Minutes of Hardin County, Tennessee
\\ 5, July 1858
Pg 123
HAYS, C.L. - Lawson Hays appointed guardian of James Hays, Dudly
Hays, and Calista Hays, the minor children of C.L. Hays.
Note; Lawson took off and these children were placed in with her in the 1860 census of Hardin County.
131 iii. Ellander Pollyann Cantrell, born September 06, 1829.
She married Madison Cantrell.
Notes for Ellander Pollyann Cantrell:
There have been stories of Ellander, wielding a shotgun at her front
door, driving several Union soldiers away. This story seems to be
told through out the Cantrell family, and as stated by Rex Cantrell, he
was also told by his mother's father's youngest brother. There is
a strong possibility the story has some truth in it.
132 iv. Josiah P. Cantrell, born November 16, 1831 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died December 15, 1835 in Hardin county, Tennessee.
133 v. Louisa B. Cantrell, born January 10, 1834 in Hardin county,
Tennessee; died December 19, 1835 in Hardin county, Tennessee.
134 vi. Theresa Emily Cantrell, born April 10, 1836. She
married William Burton Hayes.
Notes for Theresa Emily Cantrell:
[Attn; Notes on William Hayes.]
At one time she had meningitis and her
neck became drawn and they had to use warm irons to try to relieve the
pain. She survived, but was left deformed and her
dresses had to be made longer on one side to cover the deformity.
After " Nellie", Eleanor Thornton Cantrell
died. Teresa and her children lived among the Cantrells, mostly with
Polk Cantrell. One of Teresa's daughters, Eudora married Martha McDaniel
Cantrell's brother, John McDaniel.
Medical Information: At some time in her life she had, had meningitis which left her deformed
Notes for William Burton Hayes:
His house was built on the spot where General Albert Sidney Johnson
bled to death at the Battle of Shiloh.
Family tradition about Bert Hayes says that Bert was a soldier in the
Confederate Army. The Cantrell's apparently had a lot of money and
were being harrassed by the people around them. The female Cantrell
who lived there at Shiloh was actually hung from a rafter with just her
toes touching the floor to try to force her to tell the people where she
had her gold hidden, She didn't talk and they eventually let her
down. The gold was in a seed bag on top of the rafter and also in
a false bottom of a drawer in a chest. Bert Hayes went to his commanding
officer and told him what was going on; the commanding officer told him
to go home and take care of his family. He did and created
a lot of enemies. His father was kidnapped and held for ransom on
an island in the middle of the Tennessee River. Bert told the kidnappers
if they didn't release his father he would kill them all. They let
the man go. They then paid a black man $50 to kill Bert, and he sneaked
up behind a fence and shot him through a knot hole in the fence.
He must have been really tough.
135 vii. Leander Levi Cantrell, born May 13, 1837.
136 viii. James Knox Polk Cantrell, born July 17, 1839 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died in Crump, Hardin county, Tennessee. He married
Martha McDaniel.
Notes for James Knox Polk Cantrell:
There were some hard feeling between Polk and his brother
Lenoir W. They maintained a "no-man's land" between their two properties
approximately 5 feet wide.
Thier two wives remained friends through out the entire thing.
The story goes that at Lenoir's funeral, Polk stayed outside the funeral,
sitting under a tree, whittling. James was in the Confederate Army
and was stationed at the same camp as Lawson Hayes. He was buried in Ledbetter
Cemetery, Crump, Hardin Co. Tenn.
137 ix. Aaron V. Brown Cantrell, born September 25, 1841.
138 x. Oliver Hazard Perry Cantrell, born August 17, 1843.
He married Nancy Ann Cunningham January 04, 1876 in McNary county, Tennessee.
Notes for Oliver Hazard Perry Cantrell:
Oliver was buried at Carter Cemetery,
at Michie, in McNairy Co. Tenn.
139 xi. Thurza Clarissa Jane Cantrell, born September 18, 1845.
She married D. R. Howell.
Notes for Thurza Clarissa Jane Cantrell:
Thurza seems to have been raised
by Lenoir and Eleanor Cantrell.
After " Doc"Howell died Clarissa
Jane married a man by the name of Austin first name not known and
they moved to Arkansas where they lived across White River
from the McDaniels. This is said to have been near Walnut Ridge.
Notes for D. R. Howell:
Was Bert Hayes right hand man and was
on the run with him. He and Bert would occasionally hide out at
Aunt Nellie's.
+ 140 xii. Lenoir Westmoreland Cantrell II, born September 30, 1827 in Alabama; died October 31, 1903 in Hardin county, Tennessee.
Children of James Cantrell and Eunice Peeples are:
141 i. Minerva Rosaline10 Cantrell, born January 15, 1851.
She married J. W. Freeling December 15, 1870 in McNary county, Tennessee.
Notes for J. W. Freeling:
J. W. Freeling was a doctor in Jackson, Tennessee
142 ii. William L. Cantrell, born February 02, 1853; died February
18, 1853.
143 iii. Harry H. Cantrell, born March 22, 1854; died March
31, 1857.
144 iv. William H. Cantrell, born December 19, 1856.
111. Elisabeth Jane9 Cantrell (Berryman8, John M.7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 26, 1831, and died November 10, 1895 in Marion county, Alabama. She married John B. Young, son of Moses Young and Cynthia Cantrell.
Notes for Elisabeth Jane Cantrell:
Elisabeth is buried in the Cantrell-Young private cemetery located
near the Fulton Bridge Baptist
Church in Hamilton, Alabama. In 1993, the cemetery was in some disrepair
with broken
headstones, and the large slabs covering Elisabeth & John's graves
had been shattered.
Notes for John B. Young:
The State of Alabama)
Marion County )
I John B. Young declare this to be my last Will and Testament to wit:
First. All my debts and funeral expenses shall be fully paid. Second. I
give devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my estate
both real and personal to my legal heirs each equally share in the distribution
thereof except Sallie Webb the wife of Drew Webb to whom I bequeath to
her one dollar only as her share. If however, any heirs shall be indebted
to me at my death the amount of his or her indebtedness shall be deducted
from his or her share of the estate or treated as other indebtedness to
the estate. Third. Provided however should I marry my wife shall have an
equal share with my heirs. Fourth I hereby nominate M. O. Young and Berry
Young as Executors of this
Will and I hereby revoke all former wills made by me. In witness whereof
I hereby set my hand and seal this day of 1899.
John B. Young
By the request of the above testate who signed and delivered in our
presence this to be his last will and testament and we in the presence
of each other request our names as thereto Attest
W. F. Clark )
J. W. Palmer )
I W. R. White Judge of Probate hereby Certify that the foregoing was
signed in my presents this
27th day of May 1899.
W. R. White
Judge of Probate The State of Alabama )
Marion County )
Office of Judge of Probate
I hereby Certify that the within Instrument was filed in this office
for Record on the 5th day of Sept 1899. at 5 O'clock P.M. and duly Recorded
in Vol 1. of wills page 54, the 5th day of Sept 1899.
W. R. White
Judge of Probate
Recording fee 40
From "The Winfield Enterprise", January 26, 1899: John B. Young, aged
73, and his son-in-law, Drew Webb, aged 25 to 30, had a fight and Webb
used a knife to cut Mr. Young. It is thought that Mr. Young will recover.
Mr. Webb is in jail.
Federal Census, Marion County, Alabama, 1860, page 679
Western District, Pikeville
441/450 John B. Young 32 M Farmer 1400/500 TN - - 1
Elizabeth J. Young 30 F Doms. SC - - -
Elisa 8 F AL - 1 -
Miles O. 7 M AL - 1 -
Cinthia 5 F AL
Nancy 4 F AL
Moses 3 M AL
Wm. A. 9/12 M AL
Federal Census, Marion County, Alabama, 1870
Western District, Pikeville
15/15 Young, John B. 42 M W Farmer 2000/500 TN
, Jane 39 F W Housekeeping AL
Young, Listha 18 F W AL
Mills 17 M W AL
Syntha 15 F W AL
Nancy 14 F W AL
Moses 12 M W AL
William 10 M W AL
Sallie 7 F W AL
Manila 6 F W AL
John 4 M W AL
Berry 2 M W AL
Mary 1 F W AL
Martha 1 F W AL
Federal Census, Marion County, Alabama, 1880
19/19 Young, John B. W M 52 - / - Farming TN SC SC
-----, Elisabeth J W F 49 wife - / - Housekeeping SC SC SC
-----, Moses T. W M 22 son / - - Farming AL TN SC
-----, William W M 20 son / - - labor on farm AL TN SC
-----, Sallie W F 18 daughter / - - assist mother AL TN SC
-----, Manila T. W F 16 daughter / - - assist mother AL TN SC
-----, David J. W M 14 son / - - labor on farm AL TN SC
-----, Berry W M 12 son / - - labor on farm AL TN SC
-----, Mary (twins) W F 10 daughter / - - assist mother AL TN SC
-----, Martha W F 10 daughter / - - assist mother AL TN SC
-----, James W M 8 son / - - AL TN SC
-----, Ira A. W M 7 son / - - AL TN SC
Children of Elisabeth Cantrell and John Young are:
145 i. Elisha10 Young.
146 ii. Mills Orman Young.
147 iii. Cinthia Young.
148 iv. Nancy Jane Young.
149 v. Moses Terrell Young.
150 vi. William Alexander Young.
151 vii. Sarah Ann Young.
152 viii. Manila Tompis Young.
153 ix. John David Young.
154 x. Jerry H. Young.
155 xi. Berry Martin Young.
156 xii. Mary Catherine Young.
157 xiii. Martha E. Young.
158 xiv. James Paton Young.
159 xv. Ira Augustus Young.
121. John B.9 Young (Cynthia8 Cantrell, John M.7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born November 18, 1827 in Tennessee, and died September 03, 1899 in Marion county, Alabama. He married Elisabeth Jane Cantrell, daughter of Berryman Cantrell and Mrs Cantrell.
Notes for John B. Young:
The State of Alabama)
Marion County )
I John B. Young declare this to be my last Will and Testament to wit:
First. All my debts and funeral expenses shall be fully paid. Second. I
give devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my estate
both real and personal to my legal heirs each equally share in the distribution
thereof except Sallie Webb the wife of Drew Webb to whom I bequeath to
her one dollar only as her share. If however, any heirs shall be indebted
to me at my death the amount of his or her indebtedness shall be deducted
from his or her share of the estate or treated as other indebtedness to
the estate. Third. Provided however should I marry my wife shall have an
equal share with my heirs. Fourth I hereby nominate M. O. Young and Berry
Young as Executors of this
Will and I hereby revoke all former wills made by me. In witness whereof
I hereby set my hand and seal this day of 1899.
John B. Young
By the request of the above testate who signed and delivered in our
presence this to be his last will and testament and we in the presence
of each other request our names as thereto Attest
W. F. Clark )
J. W. Palmer )
I W. R. White Judge of Probate hereby Certify that the foregoing was
signed in my presents this
27th day of May 1899.
W. R. White
Judge of Probate The State of Alabama )
Marion County )
Office of Judge of Probate
I hereby Certify that the within Instrument was filed in this office
for Record on the 5th day of Sept 1899. at 5 O'clock P.M. and duly Recorded
in Vol 1. of wills page 54, the 5th day of Sept 1899.
W. R. White
Judge of Probate
Recording fee 40
From "The Winfield Enterprise", January 26, 1899: John B. Young, aged
73, and his son-in-law, Drew Webb, aged 25 to 30, had a fight and Webb
used a knife to cut Mr. Young. It is thought that Mr. Young will recover.
Mr. Webb is in jail.
Federal Census, Marion County, Alabama, 1860, page 679
Western District, Pikeville
441/450 John B. Young 32 M Farmer 1400/500 TN - - 1
Elizabeth J. Young 30 F Doms. SC - - -
Elisa 8 F AL - 1 -
Miles O. 7 M AL - 1 -
Cinthia 5 F AL
Nancy 4 F AL
Moses 3 M AL
Wm. A. 9/12 M AL
Federal Census, Marion County, Alabama, 1870
Western District, Pikeville
15/15 Young, John B. 42 M W Farmer 2000/500 TN
, Jane 39 F W Housekeeping AL
Young, Listha 18 F W AL
Mills 17 M W AL
Syntha 15 F W AL
Nancy 14 F W AL
Moses 12 M W AL
William 10 M W AL
Sallie 7 F W AL
Manila 6 F W AL
John 4 M W AL
Berry 2 M W AL
Mary 1 F W AL
Martha 1 F W AL
Federal Census, Marion County, Alabama, 1880
19/19 Young, John B. W M 52 - / - Farming TN SC SC
-----, Elisabeth J W F 49 wife - / - Housekeeping SC SC SC
-----, Moses T. W M 22 son / - - Farming AL TN SC
-----, William W M 20 son / - - labor on farm AL TN SC
-----, Sallie W F 18 daughter / - - assist mother AL TN SC
-----, Manila T. W F 16 daughter / - - assist mother AL TN SC
-----, David J. W M 14 son / - - labor on farm AL TN SC
-----, Berry W M 12 son / - - labor on farm AL TN SC
-----, Mary (twins) W F 10 daughter / - - assist mother AL TN SC
-----, Martha W F 10 daughter / - - assist mother AL TN SC
-----, James W M 8 son / - - AL TN SC
-----, Ira A. W M 7 son / - - AL TN SC
Notes for Elisabeth Jane Cantrell:
Elisabeth is buried in the Cantrell-Young private cemetery located
near the Fulton Bridge Baptist
Church in Hamilton, Alabama. In 1993, the cemetery was in some disrepair
with broken
headstones, and the large slabs covering Elisabeth & John's graves
had been shattered.
Children of John Young and Elisabeth Cantrell are:
160 i. Elisha10 Young.
161 ii. Mills Orman Young.
162 iii. Cinthia Young.
163 iv. Nancy Jane Young.
164 v. Moses Terrell Young.
165 vi. William Alexander Young.
166 vii. Sarah Ann Young.
167 viii. Manila Tompis Young.
168 ix. John David Young.
169 x. Jerry H. Young.
170 xi. Berry Martin Young.
171 xii. Mary Catherine Young.
172 xiii. Martha E. Young.
173 xiv. James Paton Young.
174 xv. Ira Augustus Young.
122. Mark9 Cantrell (Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril ,
Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) died April 24,
1897 in Camden county, Missouri. He married Mary Armita Cantwell
1867 in Wabash county, Illinois, daughter of Reuben Cantwell and Rachael
Notes for Mary Armita Cantwell:
buried in Sonora cemetery, Kusa, Okmulgee county, Oklahoma
some information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri
Children of Mark Cantrell and Mary Cantwell are:
+ 175 i. Elbert (Albert)10 Cantrell, born 1867-1871 in Illinois.
+ 176 ii. Rose Cantrell, born Abt. 1869 in Illinois; died in
+ 177 iii. Anna Cantrell, born December 10, 1872 in Illinois;
died July 06, 1949 in Missouri.
+ 178 iv. Hester Frances Cantrell, born Abt. 1874.
179 v. Sidney Cantrell, born Abt. 1878 in Illinois.
Notes for Sidney Cantrell:
Died young, no children
"Information on Sidney provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri."
180 vi. Elvin L. Cantrell, born April 16, 1880. He married
Eliza J. Smith.
+ 181 vii. Ida Cantrell, born Abt. 1885 in Illinois.
182 viii. Clinton Cantrell, born Abt. 1886 in Missouri.
Notes for Clinton Cantrell:
"All information about Clinton Cantrell provided by Evaleen Hibdon,
Kansas City, Missouri."
123. Amanda9 Cantwell (Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born Abt. 1859 in Indiana or Illinois. She married (1) Frank Grismeir. She married (2) Newton Lawson.
Notes for Amanda Cantwell:
Frank Grimsier died and Amanda married Newton Lawson.
Amanda is buried in California cemetery, California, Moniteau county,
"All Cantwell information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri- February 1998"
Notes for Frank Grismeir:
buried in California cemetery, California, Moniteau county, Missouri
Notes for Newton Lawson:
buried in Rockdale Cemetery, On FF just off Hiway 5 near Hurricane
Deck, Missouri
Children of Amanda Cantwell and Frank Grismeir are:
183 i. Bertha10 Grismeir.
184 ii. Charlie Grismeir.
Notes for Charlie Grismeir:
never married
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
185 iii. Rosa Grismeir.
+ 186 iv. Marvin Grismeir.
+ 187 v. Alta Grismeir.
124. Marvin Douglas9 Cantwell (Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born April 01, 1860 in Indiana, and died October 1941 in Versailles, Morgan county, Missouri. He married Eve Etta Vaughn November 18, 1888, daughter of Mark Vaughn and Martha ?.
Notes for Marvin Douglas Cantwell:
Marvin's Mother, Sarah, died when Marvin was 2 weeks old and Houston's
sister Evaline and her husband Wesley Cantrell raised Marvin until Houston
married Christina.
Marvin's wife Etta was a sister to Marvin's cousin (Shelvia Cantwell)'s wife, Arizona Vaughn.
In the 1900 census marvin and Eve Etta were living in Jasper township. Camden county, Missouri.
Marvin and Etta died 8 days apart and they are both buried in the Versailles city cemetery, Versailles, Morgan county, Missouri
"All Cantwell information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri- February 1998"
Children of Marvin Cantwell and Eve Vaughn are:
+ 188 i. Minnie Evaline10 Cantwell, born July 28, 1889; died
February 1981.
189 ii. Marcus Houston Cantwell, born 1893.
Notes for Marcus Houston Cantwell:
Died at age 3 years.
Buried at George Purvis cemetery, Camden county, Missouri
"All Cantwell information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri- February 1998"
+ 190 iii. Rachel Elsie Cantwell, born July 29, 1897; died February
15, 1923.
+ 191 iv. Tennessee Ellar Cantwell, born November 03, 1889; died
July 10, 1984.
+ 192 v. Marion Sanford Cantwell, born June 07, 1902; died August
02, 1986.
+ 193 vi. Benjamin Franklin Cantwell, born June 14, 1905; died
December 27, 1982.
+ 194 vii. Carrie Zona Cantwell, born October 31, 1907.
125. David Doyle9 Cantrell (Duke8, John7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1824. He married Mary Ann Davis.
Child of David Cantrell and Mary Davis is:
+ 195 i. Rebecca Elizabeth10 Cantrell, born July 19, 1852; died
December 19, 1895.
127. Sherman Hanford9 Cantrell (Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 1867 in Winston county, Alabama, and died in Winston county, Alabama. He married (1) Lula Clayton Abt. 1888. He married (2) Mary Francis Windsor August 02, 1903 in Winston county, Alabama.
Notes for Sherman Hanford Cantrell:
Winston Co AL 1880 Census lists age as 12 and occupation as farm laboror.
Sherman and Lula moved to Indian Territory OK in the 1890's where one
child was born. In
1900 they were back in Winston Co, AL Pct #6 Houston.
Marriage Notes for Sherman Cantrell and Mary Windsor:
Winston Co AL marriage record page 145. Married by D.H. Griggs, Minister
of the Gospel.
Children of Sherman Cantrell and Lula Clayton are:
196 i. Sarah F.10 Cantrell, born January 1890.
+ 197 ii. Salinda J. Cantrell, born 1892 in Winston county, Alabama.
+ 198 iii. Temperance Leanna Cantrell, born January 1894 in Indian
territory, Oklahoma.
199 iv. William H. Cantrell, born December 1896.
+ 200 v. Tomas Hobert Cantrell, born January 1899.
+ 201 vi. Charlie Morgan Cantrell, born April 09, 1901 in Winston
county, Alabama; died April 21, 1968 in Carbon Hill, Alabama.
202 vii. John C. Cantrell, born 1904.
Child of Sherman Cantrell and Mary Windsor is:
203 i. Cordelia10 Cantrell, born February 15, 1906; died June
1980 in Haleyville, Winston county, Alabama. She married Jimmy Gutherie.
Generation No. 10
140. Lenoir Westmoreland10 Cantrell II (James Wesley9, John8, Abraham7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born September 30, 1827 in Alabama, and died October 31, 1903 in Hardin county, Tennessee. He married (1) Mary Eliza Darby October 23, 1851 in Hardin county, Tennessee, daughter of Josiah Darby and Elizabeth Davis. He married (2) Lucinda E. Darby June 22, 1858 in Wayne county, Tennesssee, daughter of Josiah Darby and Elizabeth Davis.
Notes for Lenoir Westmoreland Cantrell II:
Lenoir was named after his uncle Lenoir Westmoreland Cantrell.
Lenoir was buried with Lucinda at Shiloh Baptist Church Cemetery.
The 1860 census of Hardin
county, Tennessee, shows us that Lenoir is there with Lucinda and their
only child at that time to be Ruth at the age of [ 1 ], this also
brings up the question of the true name of this child as she is listed
also as being Mary E. It may be since Lenior's first wife was the sister
to Lucinda, their name
this child after her, Mary Elisa.
We see that Devinal is not
listed in the census with Lenoir and Lucinda in the 1860 count, He is instead
found staying with his grandparents, in Waynesboro, at the Darby farm.
Devinal was 6 years old.
More information on this is foud,
according to the notes of Edgar Dyler in Wayne County, that Devinall was
there still in 1867. This is recorded in the Petition to sell the land
of Josiah Darby after his death. It was said then that Devinall was living
with his grandmother.
Notes for Mary Eliza Darby:
Buried at Shiloh Baptist Church
Notes for Lucinda E. Darby:
When Lenoir married Lucinda, her father reportedly said, "Take
good care of her,I don't have any more daughters for you."
Lucinda is buried at Shiloh Baptist Church
Child of Lenoir Cantrell and Mary Darby is:
+ 204 i. Devinal Houston11 Cantrell, born November 08, 1852 in
Wayne county, Tennesssee; died November 25, 1933 in Haskell, Oklahoma.
Children of Lenoir Cantrell and Lucinda Darby are:
205 i. Mary E Raussia11 Cantrell, born April 18, 1859.
She married (unknown) Blanton.
Notes for Mary E Raussia Cantrell:
It is found to be a little confusing with the 1860 census showing this
person as beingRuth R. B. at the age of 1 year
206 ii. Julia Ann Cantrell, born July 07, 1861. She married
G. H. Hurley.
207 iii. Thirza E. T. Cantrell, born May 14, 1864.
208 iv. Lenoir Casey Cantrell, born October 10, 1866.
209 v. Josephine Cantrell, born August 12, 1869.
210 vi. Weldon Brown Cantrell, born October 30, 1870.
211 vii. Farilee H. Cantrell, born April 01, 1872.
212 viii. Laura Antois Cantrell, born July 20, 1878.
213 ix. James Wilton Cantrell, born October 10, 1879.
214 x. Ola Cantrell.
215 xi. Ethel Cantrell, died February 14, 1958.
175. Elbert (Albert)10 Cantrell (Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1867-1871 in Illinois. He married (1) Ellie Nations. He married (2) Martha ? Abt. 1900.
Notes for Elbert (Albert) Cantrell:
Elbert lived near his mother in Russell township, Camden county, Missouri
in 1900
He was in Oklahoma in the 1910 census.
"Elbert wore an old felt hat all the time. When he went to bed,
he pulled it off and put it under his pillow while he slept, and when he
woke up in the morning, the first thing he did was put on his hat, and
then the rest of his clothes."
"All information on Elbert provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Children of Elbert Cantrell and Martha ? are:
216 i. John C11 Cantrell, born Abt. 1902 in Missouri.
217 ii. Mary Cantrell, born Abt. 1907 in Oklahoma.
218 iii. Clara Cantrell, born Abt. 1908 in Oklahoma.
219 iv. Babe Cantrell, born Abt. 1910 in Oklahoma.
176. Rose10 Cantrell (Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born Abt. 1869 in Illinois, and died in Missouri. She married Andrew Jackson McCasland, son of Frank McCasland.
Notes for Rose Cantrell:
buried at Rockdale cemetery, Camden county, Missouri .
More About Rose Cantrell:
Fact 1: buried at Rockdale Cemetery, Camden co. Missouri
Notes for Andrew Jackson McCasland:
There are conflicting reports about name at the present time.
Some report John Andrew and others report Andrew Jackson.
Children of Rose Cantrell and Andrew McCasland are:
+ 220 i. Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, born January 12, 1905 in Camden
county, Missouri.
221 ii. Harry McCasland.
+ 222 iii. Henry McCasland.
+ 223 iv. Jessie McCasland.
224 v. John McCasland, born October 23, 1908 in Camden county,
Missouri; died September 29, 1987.
Notes for John McCasland:
buried in Rockdale cemetery, Camden county, Missouri.
Never married
+ 225 vi. Mary McCasland.
+ 226 vii. Walter McCasland, born January 07, 1888 in Camden
county, Missouri; died August 10, 1975 in Versailles, Morgan county,
+ 227 viii. Bertha Mae McCasland, born 1890; died 1960.
+ 228 ix. Hattie Opal McCasland, born January 19, 1901 in Camden
county, Missouri; died August 04, 1980 in near Russelville Missouri.
229 x. Frank McCasland, born November 11, 1903 in Camden county,
Missouri; died May 16, 1985 in Bothwell Hospital, Sedalia, Pettis county,
Missouri. He married AliceElizabeth Lawson Monroe July 09, 1947.
Notes for Frank McCasland:
Frank McCasland was a retired farmer, 91 years old at his death.Frank
and Alice (Peggy ) are both buried in the Versailles, Morgan county, Missouri
Marriage Notes for Frank McCasland and AliceElizabeth Monroe:
The story of Frank and Alice (Peggy's) marriage is quite unusual.
It is said that a brother *see bottom* of Frank's sent for her as
a mail order bride. She sent this brother a picture of herself and
he sent to Illinois for her. Apparently the picture had been taken
when she was much younger and she was really good looking so he sent for
her as a mail order bride. When she arrived she was quite older and
her beauty was somewhat faded so the brother said "no dice". Frank felt
that this wasn't right so he married her. He seemed to think a lot
of her. He called her "his woman". There were no children of this
marriage, but Alice had children in Illinois.
177. Anna10 Cantrell (Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 10, 1872 in Illinois, and died July 06, 1949 in Missouri. She married George Hayes.
Children of Anna Cantrell and George Hayes are:
+ 230 i. Italy Dora11 Hayes.
+ 231 ii. Clarence Herman Hayes, born July 12, 1893; died March
23, 1964.
+ 232 iii. Aaron Levi Hayes.
+ 233 iv. Merle Eunice Hayes.
+ 234 v. Clara Maisie Hayes, born May 25, 1908; died May 14,
+ 235 vi. Clyde Monroe Hayes, born February 16, 1899; died January
27, 1977.
236 vii. Curtis Eugene Hayes, born March 28, 1911.
237 viii. Sarah Ethel Ellen Hayes, born October 13, 1897.
Notes for Sarah Ethel Ellen Hayes:
Died in infancy
"Information from Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
+ 238 ix. Althina Belle Hayes, born February 10, 1902; died 1982.
178. Hester Frances10 Cantrell (Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7,
John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill)
was born Abt. 1874. She married John Marshall Croy, son of Jeremiah
Croy and Florence Davenport.
Notes for John Marshall Croy:
Buried in George Purvis cemetery, Camden county, Missouri.
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Children of Hester Cantrell and John Croy are:
+ 239 i. Maggie11 Croy, born December 03, 1894 in Morgan county,
Missouri; died November 12, 1969 in Warrensburg, Missouri.
+ 240 ii. John Richard Croy, born September 12, 1896; died September
29, 1984.
+ 241 iii. Bessie Mae Croy, born April 21, 1901 in Camden county,
Missouri; died November 30, 1982 in Kansas City, Missouri.
242 iv. Lillie Croy. She married Lee Warren.
+ 243 v. Andrew Croy, born September 29, 1906; died 1989.
244 vi. Jerry Croy.
Notes for Jerry Croy:
Died in infancy
"Information from Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
181. Ida10 Cantrell (Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born Abt. 1885 in Illinois. She married (1) ? Nations. She married (2) ? Karsh Abt. 1905.
Notes for Ida Cantrell:
"All information about Ida Cantrell provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas
City, Missouri"
Children of Ida Cantrell and ? Karsh are:
245 i. Ruby11 Karsh, born Abt. 1906 in Oklahoma.
246 ii. Jesse Karsh, born 1909 in Oklahoma.
186. Marvin10 Grismeir (Amanda9 Cantwell, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Avie Fry.
Child of Marvin Grismeir and Avie Fry is:
247 i. Marvin Jr.11 Grismeir.
187. Alta10 Grismeir (Amanda9 Cantwell, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Emmet Phillips.
Children of Alta Grismeir and Emmet Phillips are:
248 i. Thelma11 Phillips.
249 ii. Callie Phillips.
+ 250 iii. Fern Phillips.
+ 251 iv. Kenneth Phillips, born July 03, 1918 in Purvis, Camden
county, Missouri; died January 02, 1996 in Columbia, Boone county, Missouri.
+ 252 v. Bertha Phillips.
188. Minnie Evaline10 Cantwell (Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 28, 1889, and died February 1981. She married (1) Thomas Jefferson Hayes October 23, 1910, son of John Hayes and Rhoda ?. She married (2) Russell Leagle Murray March 04, 1925.
Notes for Minnie Evaline Cantwell:
Buried at Versailles cemetery, Versailles, Morgan county, Missouri
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Notes for Thomas Jefferson Hayes:
Died while working on the railroad.
Buried in George Purvis cemetery in Camden county Missouri
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Notes for Russell Leagle Murray:
buried at Versailles cemetery, Versailles, Morgan county Missouri
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Child of Minnie Cantwell and Thomas Hayes is:
253 i. Burl Forest11 Hayes, born May 11, 1911; died June 26,
1988. He married Elva Alberta Barbour April 11, 1937.
Notes for Burl Forest Hayes:
Buried in Greenmore Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Barnett, Morgan county,
They had no children
"Information from Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Child of Minnie Cantwell and Russell Murray is:
254 i. Glendora Jane11 Murray, born August 15, 1926. She
married Cecil Wood.
Notes for Glendora Jane Murray:
Glendora has no children
She has a stepdaughter, Mary Elaine Wood Sullivan Dutcher born June
*, 1947. She has two children, William Roger Sullivan, born August
3`, 1964; and Anne Marie Sullivan born February 1, 1968
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
190. Rachel Elsie10 Cantwell (Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 29, 1897, and died February 15, 1923. She married John Cooper November 28, 1915.
Children of Rachel Cantwell and John Cooper are:
+ 255 i. Gerald Vestor11 Cooper, died August 1986.
+ 256 ii. Harold Vander Cooper, born August 08, 1918.
+ 257 iii. Hope Veloise Cooper, born November 04, 1920.
191. Tennessee Ellar10 Cantwell (Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born November 03, 1889, and died July 10, 1984. She married George F. Hanks June 30, 1918.
Children of Tennessee Cantwell and George Hanks are:
258 i. Marietta Vivian11 Hanks.
Notes for Marietta Vivian Hanks:
Died in infancy
Buried in Purvis cemetery, Camden county, Missouri
"Information from Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
+ 259 ii. Ardis Howard Hanks.
192. Marion Sanford10 Cantwell (Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 07, 1902, and died August 02, 1986. He married Ada Annettie Marriott.
Children of Marion Cantwell and Ada Marriott are:
260 i. Dorris D.11 Cantwell, born February 28, 1923; died January
29, 1925.
Notes for Dorris D. Cantwell:
Buried in George Purvis cemetery, Camden county, Missouri
Dorris and Donald were twins. They died of whooping cough within
a few days of each other.
"Information from Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
261 ii. Donald G. Cantwell, born February 28, 1923; died February
02, 1925.
Notes for Donald G. Cantwell:
Donald and Dorris were twins.
They are both buried in the Purvis cemetery, Camden county, Missouri
They died of whooping cough within a few days of each other.
"Information from Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
+ 262 iii. Elsie Evaleen Cantwell, born February 02, 1924 in Purvis,
Camden county, Missouri.
+ 263 iv. Betty Jo Cantwell, born September 20, 1926 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
+ 264 v. Lee Etta Cantwell, born May 17, 1928.
+ 265 vi. Marvin Sanford Cantwell, born May 23, 1930.
266 vii. Warren Gail Cantwell, born October 05, 1932; died February
15, 1934.
Notes for Warren Gail Cantwell:
Buried in George Purvis cemetery, Camden county, Missouri
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
+ 267 viii. Norman Veryl Cantwell, born February 01, 1935.
+ 268 ix. James Dennis Cantwell, born December 31, 1936.
+ 269 x. Jerry Marriott Cantwell, born February 28, 1938.
+ 270 xi. David Daniel Arden Cantwell, born August 03, 1941 in
Camden county, Missouri.
193. Benjamin Franklin10 Cantwell (Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 14, 1905, and died December 27, 1982. He married Dortha Francis August 01, 1924.
Children of Benjamin Cantwell and Dortha Francis are:
+ 271 i. Doris Kathryn11 Cantwell, born June 29, 1927.
+ 272 ii. Benita Mae Cantwell, born August 23.
194. Carrie Zona10 Cantwell (Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born October 31, 1907. She married (1) Jim Fain. She married (2) Roy Fisher.
Notes for Carrie Zona Cantwell:
Last known living in Chandler, Arizona.
"All Cantwell information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri- February 1998"
Child of Carrie Cantwell and Jim Fain is:
273 i. James11 Fain, born April 30 in Lexington Kentucky; died
April 30 in Lexington Kentucky.
Notes for James Fain:
Born and died the same day.
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
195. Rebecca Elizabeth10 Cantrell (David Doyle9, Duke8, John7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 19, 1852, and died December 19, 1895. She married George Washington Todd.
Child of Rebecca Cantrell and George Todd is:
274 i. Maggie Martha11 Todd, born December 28, 1879; died December
22, 1948.
197. Salinda J.10 Cantrell (Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1892 in Winston county, Alabama. She married Ben Pair.
Children of Salinda Cantrell and Ben Pair are:
275 i. Gertrude11 Pair.
276 ii. Sherman L. Pair, born January 25, 1911; died December
04, 1986 in Alabama. He married Hazel (u.m.n.-wife of Sherman Pair).
198. Temperance Leanna10 Cantrell (Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 1894 in Indian territory, Oklahoma. She married Ed King.
Children of Temperance Cantrell and Ed King are:
277 i. Olan11 King.
278 ii. Albert King.
279 iii. Clarence King.
280 iv. Virginia King.
281 v. Elsie King.
282 vi. Jude King.
283 vii. Eda King.
200. Tomas Hobert10 Cantrell (Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 1899.
Children of Tomas Hobert Cantrell are:
+ 284 i. Travis11 Cantrell.
285 ii. Bovene Cantrell.
286 iii. Elsie Cantrell.
287 iv. Orval Cantrell.
288 v. O. V. Cantrell.
201. Charlie Morgan10 Cantrell (Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born April 09, 1901 in Winston county, Alabama, and died April 21, 1968 in Carbon Hill, Alabama. He married (1) Myrtle Mattie Watts, daughter of Walter Watts and Mary Pair. He married (2) Eva Box.
Children of Charlie Cantrell and Myrtle Watts are:
+ 289 i. Ralph Ellis11 Cantrell , Sr., born September 26, 1928
in Carbon Hill, Alabama.
+ 290 ii. Wilma Agnes Cantrell, born November 09, 1926 in Carbon
Hill, Alabama.
Children of Charlie Cantrell and Eva Box are:
291 i. Russell Emory11 Cantrell, born April 04, 1924.
+ 292 ii. Opal Mary Cantrell, born December 11, 1921 in Winston
county, Alabama.
Generation No. 11
204. Devinal Houston11 Cantrell (Lenoir Westmoreland10, James Wesley9, John8, Abraham7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born November 08, 1852 in Wayne county, Tennesssee, and died November 25, 1933 in Haskell, Oklahoma. He married Mary Joseph Cunningham February 15, 1877 in Pebble Hill, Hardin county, Tennessee, daughter of David Cunningham and Jane Tucker.
Notes for Devinal Houston Cantrell:
If there would be any question as to why Devinal was so hard to find
in the census records, it would probably be because he had gone to live
with his grandfather Darby on the farm in Wayne county Tennessee. This
came about when his father married Lucinda E. Darby, who was believed to
have been the sister to Mary Darby. From information recieved from Edgar
D. Dyler, III of Wayne county, TN as a county historian. " It is obvious,
Devinall lived with Josiah and Betsy Darby from the time his mother died
until at least 1867. In the petition, it was stated that he was living
with his grandmother and we know that both Cantrell Grandparents were already
dead and I doubt that he would have ever stayed with Eunice Peeples Cantrell,
James Wesley's
secound wife, since the children by the first marriage didn't get along
with their stepmother and their half-siblings." Edgar Dyler \\
There are records in Wayne County
that show that L.W.Cantrell was made administrator of Josiah Darby's estate.
records are dated September 1865 and filed as being on page 278 of those
Buried at Haskell City Cemetery,
Haskell OK. He was a convert of the Methodist Church since 1876 and had
long since brought his letter of membership to the local church, where
the last rites of Christian faith was solemnized in the presents of hundreds
of friends who packed the church and lined up on the lawn to pay their
In the1880 census in the 9th District
of McNairy county, Tennessee we find Devinal and Mary and listed as follows;
Devinal is 27 years old and Mary Josephine was 23 shown as his wife and
working as the house keeper while Devinal is a farmer. The only child in
the house at this time is Eula, as he is shown as E.L. at the age of 7
[ correct age would be 3 ] and shown to be the son of Devinell and Mary.
This age of Eula would have to be wrong if they were to have been married
in 1877, and it is also recorded in earlier information that Eula's birth
day is in July of 1878 and this is also confirmed by the 1900 census.
The census of 1900 taken in Lamar
county, Texas shows that Devinall had arrived by that time, but it also
shows that Clyde, the last son and child had been born in Tennessee in
Nov 1898. This would indicate that the move to Lamar county ,had to have
taken place in as early as the past 12 to 16 months or so. It said in the
obituary of Mary Josephine, " In the year 1899, the family moved to Texas
where they resided until 1910." According to the census record Devinell
owned the farm free and clear in Lamar county. At some time before 1910
he moved from Lamar County, Texas to Stiger, Oklahoma. In 1915 he settled
on a farm southeast of Haskell and in 1916
moved into the township of Haskell.
On November 14, when the family
were assembled for the mid-day meal, and he was apparently in the best
of spirit, and was unexpectedly over come by a stroke.
Devinal Houston Cantrell:
February 18, 1877, May be the correct date of marrage
Notes for Mary Joseph Cunningham:
[ As Taken from the Haskell News of Haskell.
Oklahoma. ]
"Mrs. D.H.Cantrell Is Taken By Death Sunday
Mrs. D.H.Cantrell, a resident of Haskell since 1916,
passed away at the Muskogee General hospital Saturday
afternoon at 5 o'clock. Mrs Cantrell had been ill for
about 10 days, but at several times seemed to be
apparently recovering, and her condition was regarded
as serious until about 48 hours before her death, when
she was rushed to the hospital and everything possible
was done to counteract her ailment, but her advanced age
added to her complications and she failed to recover
from the stomach ailment which resulted in her death at
the age of 82 years, 5 months, and 27 days.
Mrs. Cantrell was born, Mary Josephine
Cunningham, in McNairy County, Tennessee, March 1
1856 where she grew to young womanhood. In her early
years she united with the First Methodist Church of
which she was a faithful and consistent member during
the remaining years of her life and was a member of
Haskell Methodist Church at the time of her death.
On February 1, 1877, she was united in marriage to
the late D.H.Cantrell at Pebble Hill, Tennessee. In the
year of 1899, the family moved to Texas where they
resided until 1910 when they moved to Oklahoma,
settling at Stiger. Six years later they moved to Haskell,
which place has since been her home. Mr. Cantrell
passed away on November 25, 1933.
Mrs. Cantrell was the mother of eleven children,
one of whom died in infancy, and the other ten survived.
Marriage Notes for Devinal Cantrell and Mary Cunningham:
The information as to their being married in Pebble Hill does
not indicate the county. With her being from Wayne county and D.H. was
at one time living with his grandfather in that county, it could also be
that he may have been born and even married in that county.
Children of Devinal Cantrell and Mary Cunningham are:
+ 293 i. Eula Lacoladine12 Cantrell, born July 28, 1878 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died August 26, 1946 in Plainview, Hale county, Texas.
294 ii. Edith L. Cantrell, born December 07, 1880 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died May 27, 1966 in Memohis, Tennessee. She married
Guy Eddie Perkins December 29, 1897.
295 iii. Thomas L. Cantrell, born January 01, 1884 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died January 13, 1884 in Hardin county, Tennessee.
296 iv. Claude E. Cantrell, born May 27, 1885 in Hardin county,
Tennessee; died December 27, 1971 in Lamesa, Texas. He married (1)
Grady Johnson February 18, 1912. He married (2) Hattie Bell December
13, 1919.
297 v. Lura Odell Cantrell, born September 04, 1887 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died July 11, 1942. She married Henry Ritchey
October 27, 1906.
298 vi. Lura Idell Cantrell, born September 04, 1887 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died May 01, 1968. She married Roswell Shiehagen
December 24, 1911.
299 vii. Herchel H. Cantrell, born July 12, 1891 in Hardin county,
Tennessee; died March 16, 1957 in Fredrick, Oklahoma. He married
Olive (UMN spouse of Hershel Cantrell August 05, 1923.
300 viii. Nannie Jewel Cantrell, born January 09, 1893 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died October 13, 1976 in Haskell, Oklahoma. She
married Wesley C. Sandefur January 11, 1911 in Lamar county, Texas.
301 ix. Shallie C. Cantrell, born November 29, 1894 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died June 08, 1966 in Tulsa, Tulsa county, Oklahoma.
He married Ruby Z. Higgins February 19, 1922.
302 x. Willie Carl Cantrell, born December 05, 1896 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died December 17, 1951. He married Gladys Teague
September 11, 1947.
303 xi. Clyde Thomas Cantrell, born November 08, 1898 in Hardin
county, Tennessee; died June 01, 1992. He married Patsy Bates December
31, 1922.
220. Ada Evelyn11 McCasland (Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8,
Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1
Cantrill) was born January 12, 1905 in Camden county, Missouri. She
married Charles Andrew Calton December 25, 1925 in Camden county, Missouri,
son of Richard Calton and Talitha Hibdon.
More About Charles Andrew Calton:
Fact 1: raised around Linn Creek MO
Fact 2: moved near Hurricane Deck MO
Fact 3: Lived on farm Morgan county MO
Children of Ada McCasland and Charles Calton are:
+ 304 i. Nellie12 Calton, born September 23, 1926 in Camden couinty,
305 ii. Infant Calton, born 1927 in Camden county, Missouri.
+ 306 iii. John Henry Calton, born July 13, 1929.
+ 307 iv. Sarah Jane Calton, born July 15, 1931 in rural Barnett,
Missouri; died September 1983 in Kansas City, Missouri.
+ 308 v. Ruby Calton, born September 16, 1933 in rural Barnett,
+ 309 vi. Barbara June Calton, born June 01, 1935 in rural Barnett,
Missouri; died September 1992 in Gravois Mills, Morgan county, Missouri.
+ 310 vii. Lelia Mae Calton, born September 08, 1936 in rural
Barnett, Missouri.
+ 311 viii. Wanda Grace Calton, born April 23, 1939 in rural
Barnett, Missouri.
+ 312 ix. Charles Franklin Calton, born May 08, 1941 in rural
Barnett, Missouri.
+ 313 x. William Don Calton, born June 18, 1943 in Morgan Co,
314 xi. Lonnie Dale Calton, born April 08, 1945 in rural Barnett,
+ 315 xii. Betty Lou Calton, born July 07, 1947 in rural Barnett,
Missouri; died July 1982 in Idaho Falls Idaho.
316 xiii. Hazel Irene Calton, born August 15, 1950 in rural
Barnett, Missouri; died January 15, 1975 in St. Mary's Hospital, Jefferson
City, Cole county, Missouri.
317 xiv. Bobby Dwayne Calton, born May 09, 1953 in rural Barnett,
Missouri; died March 17, 1990 in Uni. of MO hosp, Columbia, Boone county,
222. Henry11 McCasland (Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married (1) Rosa Scott. He married (2) Clara Mace.
Child of Henry McCasland and Clara Mace is:
318 i. Dorothy12 Mace, Stepchild.
223. Jessie11 McCasland (Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8,
Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1
Cantrill). She married William Coons October 25, 1934, son of George
Coons and Ida Anderson.
Notes for William Coons:
Bill is buried in the Latham cemetery.
Children of Jessie McCasland and William Coons are:
319 i. Roy12 McCasland.
320 ii. Donald Coons.
321 iii. Robert Coons.
322 iv. Gene Coons.
323 v. Thelma Coons.
324 vi. Eva Mae Coons.
325 vii. Rosemary Coons.
326 viii. Darlene Coons.
327 ix. Charlene Coons.
328 x. Gary Coons.
329 xi. William Coons.
225. Mary11 McCasland (Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Charley Townes.
Notes for Mary McCasland:
lived in Fenton, Missouri
Children of Mary McCasland and Charley Townes are:
330 i. Carrie12 Townes.
331 ii. Patrick Townes.
332 iii. Edward Townes.
333 iv. Sidney Townes.
334 v. Roy Townes.
335 vi. Jack Andrew Townes.
Notes for Jack Andrew Townes:
Died when he was 2 years old.
336 vii. Ruby Townes.
226. Walter11 McCasland (Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 07, 1888 in Camden county, Missouri, and died August 10, 1975 in Versailles, Morgan county, Missouri. He married Emma Edna Scott January 12, 1915.
Child of Walter McCasland and Emma Scott is:
+ 337 i. Martha Ellen12 Smith, Adopted child.
227. Bertha Mae11 McCasland (Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1890, and died 1960. She married Thomas Cleveland Calton, son of Richard Calton and Talitha Hibdon.
Children of Bertha McCasland and Thomas Calton are:
+ 338 i. James Oliver12 Calton, born August 21, 1909 in Linn
Creek, Missouri; died November 22, 1984 in Mound City, Kansas.
+ 339 ii. Rosie Mae Calton, born October 25, 1916 in Camden County,
+ 340 iii. Andrew Perry Calton, born 1923.
+ 341 iv. Vina Maxine Calton, born 1926.
+ 342 v. Grover Clint Calton, born 1933.
228. Hattie Opal11 McCasland (Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 19, 1901 in Camden county, Missouri, and died August 04, 1980 in near Russelville Missouri. She married John Edward Calton July 05, 1917 in Camden county, Missouri, son of Richard Calton and Talitha Hibdon.
Notes for Hattie Opal McCasland:
Hattie is buried in the Rockdale cemetery, Huricane Deck, Camden county,
The Phillips funeral home of Eldon, Miller county, Missouri was in
charge of the service. It was held at the High Point Baptist Church,
High Point, Missouri. She had 14 children, 25 grandchildren, and
27 great grandchildren
Notes for John Edward Calton:
John Edward is buried in the Versailles, Morgan county, Missouri cemetery
Children of Hattie McCasland and John Calton are:
+ 343 i. Aubrey Jewell12 Calton, born February 21, 1918 in Purvis,
Camden County, Missouri.
+ 344 ii. John Edward Jr. Calton, born February 18, 1920; died
October 14, 1992 in Versailles, Missouri.
345 iii. Edna Ethel Calton, born January 29, 1922.
346 iv. Jim Frank Calton, born February 21, 1924.
+ 347 v. Elsie Ellen Calton, born April 14, 1926.
+ 348 vi. Goldie Beth Calton, born August 13, 1928; died February
20, 1970.
+ 349 vii. Benjamin Sidney Calton, born December 11, 1930; died
May 09, 1995.
+ 350 viii. Rose Mary Calton, born May 30, 1933.
+ 351 ix. Brooks Lee Calton, born September 13, 1935.
352 x. Eunice Opal Calton, born December 10, 1937. She
married ? Casteel.
353 xi. Roy Owen Calton, born March 04, 1940; died September
19, 1996.
354 xii. Annie Ruth Calton, born May 10, 1942. She married
James Wells.
355 xiii. Alice Fern Calton, born November 28, 1944.
356 xiv. Lonnie Mason Calton, born January 20, 1949.
230. Italy Dora11 Hayes (Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married (1) Birtle Burkhart. She married (2) Charles F. James. She married (3) Ben June October 03, 1947.
Child of Italy Hayes and Birtle Burkhart is:
357 i. Ray12 Burkhart.
Child of Italy Hayes and Charles James is:
+ 358 i. Lucille12 James.
231. Clarence Herman11 Hayes (Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 12, 1893, and died March 23, 1964. He married (1) Gertie Hess. He married (2) Grace Coontz.
Children of Clarence Hayes and Gertie Hess are:
359 i. Harold12 Hayes.
360 ii. Loren Hayes.
232. Aaron Levi11 Hayes (Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Jane Huff.
Children of Aaron Hayes and Jane Huff are:
361 i. Leron Hansen12 Hayes.
362 ii. Clifford Hayes.
363 iii. Curtis Hayes.
+ 364 iv. Alson Lee Hayes, born January 19, 1929; died April
21, 1980.
233. Merle Eunice11 Hayes (Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Joe Chapman October 03, 1934.
Children of Merle Hayes and Joe Chapman are:
+ 365 i. Glen12 Chapman.
366 ii. Jack Chapman.
+ 367 iii. Paul Chapman.
368 iv. Fern Chapman.
369 v. Maxine Chapman.
370 vi. Kenneth Chapman.
371 vii. Rita Chapman.
372 viii. Marsha Chapman.
373 ix. Judy Chapman.
374 x. Wayne Chapman.
234. Clara Maisie11 Hayes (Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May 25, 1908, and died May 14, 1992. She married Oliver Sidebottom September 04, 1927.
Children of Clara Hayes and Oliver Sidebottom are:
375 i. Lawrence12 Sidebottom.
376 ii. Opal Sidebottom. She married ? Crenshaw.
377 iii. Bonnie Sidebottom. She married ? Odle.
378 iv. Virginia Sidebottom. She married ? Stanley.
379 v. Denzil Sidebottom.
380 vi. Zelma Sidebottom. She married ? Moon.
381 vii. Wanda Sidebottom. She married ? Howell.
235. Clyde Monroe11 Hayes (Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 16, 1899, and died January 27, 1977. He married Virgie Haggerman.
Children of Clyde Hayes and Virgie Haggerman are:
382 i. Vencil Eugene12 Hayes.
383 ii. Helen Lorene Hayes. She married ? Davenport.
384 iii. Alma Lou Hayes. She married Harold Campbell.
385 iv. Nelson Edward Hayes.
386 v. Carolyn June Hayes. She married ? Corbin.
387 vi. Mary Belle Hayes. She married Clifford Haggerman.
238. Althina Belle11 Hayes (Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 10, 1902, and died 1982. She married William Tryon August 30, 1924.
Notes for Althina Belle Hayes:
Spelling of Belle's first name may possibly be Ithna.
Buried in Laurel Oak cemetery, Funeral directed by Hadley funeral home.
Children of Althina Hayes and William Tryon are:
388 i. (male)12 Tryon.
389 ii. Donald Tryon.
390 iii. Loretta Tryon.
391 iv. Robert Tryon.
239. Maggie11 Croy (Hester Frances10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 03, 1894 in Morgan county, Missouri, and died November 12, 1969 in Warrensburg, Missouri. She married Sherman Warren November 16, 1929.
Notes for Maggie Croy:
Buried in Laurel Oaks cemetery, Windsor, Missouri
"Information from Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Notes for Sherman Warren:
Buried at Laurel Oaks cemetery, Windsor, Missouri
Children of Maggie Croy and Sherman Warren are:
392 i. Willa Frances12 Warren. She married Jewell Pennington.
393 ii. unknown female Warren. She married J. K. Henderson.
394 iii. Lillie Purl Warren. She married Gilbert Hanks.
395 iv. Don Warren.
396 v. Roy Warren.
240. John Richard11 Croy (Hester Frances10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born September 12, 1896, and died September 29, 1984. He married Eunice Marie Cable July 08, 1924, daughter of Samuel Cable and Maudie Spencer.
Notes for John Richard Croy:
John and Maudie are both buried in Versailles, Morgan county, Missouri
They had 1 daughter, 1 grandchild, and 3 great-grandchildren.
"Information from Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Child of John Croy and Eunice Cable is:
+ 397 i. Maxine12 Croy.
241. Bessie Mae11 Croy (Hester Frances10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born April 21, 1901 in Camden county, Missouri, and died November 30, 1982 in Kansas City, Missouri. She married Carl Carver December 10, 1926, son of Alfred Carver and Mary Bartlett.
Notes for Bessie Mae Croy:
Bessie and Carl are both buried in Garber memorial Estates cemetery,
Laurie, Missouri. They had 4 children, 4 grandchildren and 2 great
"Information from Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Children of Bessie Croy and Carl Carver are:
398 i. Carl D.12 Carver.
399 ii. Hazel Fern Carver. She married ? Odel.
400 iii. Calude Marshall Carver.
401 iv. Jack Landon Carver.
243. Andrew11 Croy (Hester Frances10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born September 29, 1906, and died 1989. He married Ada Delozier.
Children of Andrew Croy and Ada Delozier are:
402 i. Marshall12 Croy.
403 ii. Chlora Marie Croy.
404 iii. James Croy.
405 iv. unknown male Croy.
250. Fern11 Phillips (Alta10 Grismeir, Amanda9 Cantwell, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Blake Scott.
Child of Fern Phillips and Blake Scott is:
406 i. Bill12 Scott.
251. Kenneth11 Phillips (Alta10 Grismeir, Amanda9 Cantwell, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 03, 1918 in Purvis, Camden county, Missouri, and died January 02, 1996 in Columbia, Boone county, Missouri. He married Ladene Jenkins June 07, 1941.
Notes for Kenneth Phillips:
Died at the Harry S. Truman Veterans of America Hospital in Columbia,
Boone county, Missouri
"Information from Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Child of Kenneth Phillips and Ladene Jenkins is:
407 i. Kenneth W.12 Phillips.
252. Bertha11 Phillips (Alta10 Grismeir, Amanda9 Cantwell, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married ? Woods.
Children of Bertha Phillips and ? Woods are:
408 i. Glenna12 Woods.
409 ii. Noble Woods.
410 iii. Virgil Woods.
411 iv. Paul Woods.
255. Gerald Vestor11 Cooper (Rachel Elsie10 Cantwell, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) died August 1986. He married Lester North.
Children of Gerald Cooper and Lester North are:
412 i. Betty12 Cooper. She married ? Mathias in Independence,
413 ii. Jerry Cooper.
414 iii. Greg Cooper.
415 iv. Esther Cooper. She married ? Dunnington.
Notes for ? Dunnington:
From Independence, Missouri
Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri
256. Harold11 Vander Cooper (Rachel Elsie10 Cantwell, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 08, 1918. He married Melba Evelyn Gates.
Children of Harold Vander Cooper and Melba Gates are:
+ 416 i. Harold Vander Jr.12 Cooper, born June 12, 1938.
417 ii. Lois Cooper.
257. Hope Veloise11 Cooper (Rachel Elsie10 Cantwell, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born November 04, 1920. She married (1) ? Trapp. She married (2) Ora Edeard Pryor. She married (3) Walter Lynn Crouch.
Notes for Hope Veloise Cooper:
Hope had one step-son, Melvin Leroy Pryor
Child of Hope Cooper and Ora Pryor is:
+ 418 i. Donald Ray12 Pryor, born August 29, 1945.
Child of Hope Cooper and Walter Crouch is:
+ 419 i. Richard Lynn12 Crouch, born June 29, 1944.
259. Ardis Howard11 Hanks (Tennessee Ellar10 Cantwell, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Phyllis ?.
Child of Ardis Hanks and Phyllis ? is:
+ 420 i. Larry12 Hanks.
262. Elsie Evaleen11 Cantwell (Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 02, 1924 in Purvis, Camden county, Missouri. She married Lloyd Monroe Hibdon June 27, 1942, son of Corney Hibdon and Jenny Silvey.
Children of Elsie Cantwell and Lloyd Hibdon are:
+ 421 i. Nancy Jo12 Hibdon, born March 23, 1943.
+ 422 ii. Rodger Lloyd Hibdon, born March 10, 1946 in Gravois
Mills, Morgan county, Missouri.
423 iii. Stephen Charles Hibdon, born February 09, 1954 in Versailles,
Morgan county, Missouri. He married (1) Barbara Jean Jones September
08, 1972. He married (2) Vickie Raylene Davis August 11, 1984 in
Miami, Ottawa county, Oklahoma.
+ 424 iv. Patricia Lynne Hibdon, born January 17, 1958 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
+ 425 v. Mary Kathleen Hibdon, born February 20, 1959.
263. Betty Jo11 Cantwell (Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born September 20, 1926 in Kansas City, Missouri. She married (1) Carl Edwin Coggins April 24, 1949. She married (2) Micheal Revis McCollum October 26, 1987.
Children of Betty Cantwell and Carl Coggins are:
+ 426 i. Michael Edwin12 Coggins, born March 09, 1950.
+ 427 ii. Ricky Jo Coggins, born July 31, 1951.
+ 428 iii. Lucinda Sue Coggins, born March 01, 1956.
+ 429 iv. Rebecca Jean Coggins, born March 17, 1956.
+ 430 v. Carl Dana Coggins, born December 02, 1961.
264. Lee Etta11 Cantwell (Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May 17, 1928. She married Robert Sylvestor Adams, son of Henry Adams and Nora McCorkle.
Children of Lee Cantwell and Robert Adams are:
+ 431 i. Robert Lee12 Adams, born October 05, 1947 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
+ 432 ii. Cathy Adams, born December 28, 1950.
+ 433 iii. Vicke Ellen Adams, born July 21, 1953 in Kansas City,
+ 434 iv. Bethel Ann Adams, born December 13, 1954 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
+ 435 v. Phillip Wayne Adams, born December 10, 1956 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
+ 436 vi. Clark Dennis Adams, born June 21, 1959 in Kansas City,
+ 437 vii. Joel David Adams, born November 14, 1960 in Kansas
City, Kansas.
438 viii. Craig Stephen Adams, born December 22, 1961 in Kansas
City, Kansas. He married (1) Rhonda Rae Gardner. He married
(2) Joanne Rietz.
+ 439 ix. Aaron Brent Adams, born December 26, 1963 in Kansas
City, Kansas.
+ 440 x. Eric Lynn Adams, born June 28, 1965 in Kansas City,
265. Marvin Sanford11 Cantwell (Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May 23, 1930. He married (1) Grace Jacobs. He married (2) Peggy Smoots.
Children of Marvin Cantwell and Grace Jacobs are:
+ 441 i. Terry Lee12 Cantwell, born November 23, 1950.
+ 442 ii. Deborah Ann Cantwell, born January 03, 1952.
+ 443 iii. MarvinSanford Jr. Cantwell, born July 22, 1956.
Children of Marvin Cantwell and Peggy Smoots are:
444 i. Marvin Sanford II12 Cantwell. He married Amy ?.
Notes for Marvin Sanford II Cantwell:
Last known living in Hawaii
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
+ 445 ii. Penellope Cantwell.
267. Norman Veryl11 Cantwell (Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 01, 1935. He married (1) Donna Sue O'Connor. He married (2) Josephine Montgomery. He married (3) Norma Jean Davis May 23, 1953, daughter of Milton Davis and Inez ?. He married (4) Rosetta Cippola May 26, 1990, daughter of Lawrence Cippola and Josephine Cuina.
Children of Norman Cantwell and Norma Davis are:
+ 446 i. Jeanette12 Cantwell, born December 15, 1954.
447 ii. Norman Bradford Cantwell, born December 29, 1956.
He married (1) Carole Ann Murray. He married (2) Brenda Sue Stewart.
+ 448 iii. Kenneth Cantwell, born May 23, 1958.
+ 449 iv. Timothy Allen Cantwell, born November 10, 1960.
268. James Dennis11 Cantwell (Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 31, 1936. He married Naomi Sue Clark September 03, 1955.
Children of James Cantwell and Naomi Clark are:
+ 450 i. Mark Randall12 Cantwell, born February 18, 1957 in Independence,
+ 451 ii. Matthew Wayne Cantwell, born March 27, 1959; died January
09, 1991 in Barnett, Missouri.
452 iii. Michele Elaine Cantwell, born March 15, 1964.
She married (1) Mark Collins. She married (2) Bob Schuten.
269. Jerry Marriott11 Cantwell (Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 28, 1938. He married (1) Sharon Livingston, daughter of Lonnie Livingston and Selena ?. He married (2) Jewell Davis, daughter of Milton Davis and Inez ?.
Children of Jerry Cantwell and Sharon Livingston are:
453 i. Cheryl Ann12 Cantwell.
454 ii. Sabrina Cantwell.
455 iii. Jerri Marriott Cantwell.
Child of Jerry Cantwell and Jewell Davis is:
456 i. Candy12 Cantwell.
270. David Daniel Arden11 Cantwell (Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 03, 1941 in Camden county, Missouri. He married Judy Ann Lindsey March 26, 1959.
Children of David Cantwell and Judy Lindsey are:
457 i. David Lindsey12 Cantwell, born December 08, 1961 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
+ 458 ii. Kelly Ann Cantwell, born February 15, 1965.
+ 459 iii. Tracy Lynn Cantwell, born October 08, 1972.
271. Doris Kathryn11 Cantwell (Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 29, 1927. She married (1) Ernie Kaiser. She married (2) Harold ?.
Children of Doris Cantwell and Ernie Kaiser are:
+ 460 i. Sharon Kay12 Kaiser.
+ 461 ii. Beverly Ann Kaiser.
+ 462 iii. Tammy Jo Kaiser.
272. Benita Mae11 Cantwell (Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 23. She married (1) Bob Brammer. She married (2) Charles Uptegrove. She married (3) Ed Kahler.
Child of Benita Cantwell and Bob Brammer is:
+ 463 i. Brenda12 Brammer.
Children of Benita Cantwell and Charles Uptegrove are:
+ 464 i. Dianna12 Uptegrove.
+ 465 ii. Charles Uptegrove.
+ 466 iii. Janet Uptegrove.
Child of Benita Cantwell and Ed Kahler is:
+ 467 i. Darren12 Kahler.
284. Travis11 Cantrell (Tomas Hobert10, Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Marcelle Adkins, daughter of Frank Adkins.
Children of Travis Cantrell and Marcelle Adkins are:
468 i. Judy12 Cantrell.
469 ii. Gary Cantrell.
289. Ralph Ellis11 Cantrell , Sr. (Charlie Morgan10, Sherman
Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4,
Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born September 26, 1928 in Carbon
Hill, Alabama. He married Oler L. E. Watkins June 07, 1948 in Rising
Fawn, Georgia, daughter of Virgil Watkins and Pearlie Woods.
Notes for Oler L. E. Watkins:
Dates from headstone Shanghi cemetery, Quinton, Alabama. Name on headstone
is L. E. Cantrell. Oler L. E. Cantrell died in a trailer fire.
Children of Ralph Cantrell and Oler Watkins are:
+ 470 i. Richard Blake12 Cantrell, born December 24, 1952 in
Birmingham, Alabama.
+ 471 ii. Myrtle Ann Cantrell, born March 15, 1951 in Birmingham,
+ 472 iii. Ralph Ellis Cantrell , Jr., born June 16, 1949 in
Birmingham, Alabama.
+ 473 iv. Reginald Charlie Cantrell, born November 09, 1964 in
Hammond, Indiana.
290. Wilma Agnes11 Cantrell (Charlie Morgan10, Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born November 09, 1926 in Carbon Hill, Alabama. She married Nolan McCombs February 12, 1959 in Birmingham, Alabama.
Children of Wilma Cantrell and Nolan McCombs are:
+ 474 i. Nina Annette12 McCombs, born August 10 in Birmingham,
+ 475 ii. Daisy Darnell McCombs, born April 25 in Birmingham,
292. Opal Mary11 Cantrell (Charlie Morgan10, Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 11, 1921 in Winston county, Alabama. She married Frank Wilder.
Children of Opal Cantrell and Frank Wilder are:
+ 476 i. Kenneth12 Wilder.
+ 477 ii. Keith Wilder.
478 iii. Charles Wilder.
Generation No. 12
293. Eula Lacoladine12 Cantrell (Devinal Houston11, Lenoir Westmoreland10, James Wesley9, John8, Abraham7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 28, 1878 in Hardin county, Tennessee, and died August 26, 1946 in Plainview, Hale county, Texas. He married Lutia Lee Tucker December 26, 1901 in Lamar county, Texas.
Notes for Eula Lacoladine Cantrell:
(Eula was employed as a grocer.)
A note passed on by Rex Cantrell;
when he, Rex, was a little boy and spent time at Eula's home, He saw, that
cannon balls were used as door-stops. Rex was told that Eula had picked
them up when he was a young man on the battlefield of Shiloh. I was glad
Rex remembered that. I wasn't sure if I was remembering them or not, but
I do recall one and that grandmother Lutia, had told me the same. Thanks,
Rex for passing that on.
A geographical note; Shiloh, The battle
of Shiloh Hill April 6-7 1862, below Pittsburgh
Landing on the Tennessee River. Shiloh is located on the Mcnairy, and
Hardin Co. Lines, just north of the Alabama and Mississippi State lines,
southwest of Savannah Tennessee.
Refer back to the notes on James
Westley Cantrell, and you will find that, Pittsburgh's landing was in part
owned by Cantrell kin, and that Lenoir Westmoreland Cantrell was the Capt
of the Tennessee riverboat, "The B.B.Baker".
For those of us, who have found,
that time is short, this battle was just 16 years before Eula was born.
There were some 24,000 men killed and wounded, in that two day battle.
Rex has passed on something else
about the Shiloh Battleground, It was on Cantrell owned land. So that would
make it easy for Eula to be picking up cannon balls left fallen from the
The census records concerning Eula
are found in the Swisher county accounting, this first account is 1920
though we have to estimate the time in which they moved from Lamar , to
Swisher county. Looking at the records we see that Roy was born in January
of 1903 and Ruth was born in November of 1907. I have no information as
to the birth place of Pauline. With this we would be able to figure this
time frame more accurately. It maybe that Eula had come to Tulia with D.A.
Tucker, his father-in-law, in 1906. [ refer to information on D.A. Tucker
Information from Raussia states
that the Cantrells moved from the farm at Love into Tulia in 1926 this
was when Raussia started to school, and Ruth and Birdie were in High School.
In about 1945 Eula retired from his work and moved to Plainview until his
" Last Rites Said For E.L.Cantrell "
Former Tulia man dies in Plainview
Last rites for E.L.Cantrell, long
time resident of this vicinity, were said at the First
Methodist church Tuesday afternoon with Rev. Gilbreath of Plainview
in charge.
Mr. Cantrell died early Monday
morning in a Plainview hospital following several months of poor health.
He was born July 28, 1878, in Tennessee.
Besides his wife he is survived
by two sons and four daughters, 12 grandsons, five brothers, and three
living sisters. The children are Roy H. of Dallas, Wallace of Tulia; Mrs.
Pauline Michael, of Lorenzo; Mrs. Ruth Jackson, of Tulia; Mrs Birdie Sandefer,
of Dallas and Raussia Lee Cantrell, Borger.
The brothers are C.E. of Lemesa,
H. H. of Fredrick, Okla., Shallie C. Clyde C. of Tulsa, Okla., and W.C.
of Ohio. Living sisters are Mrs. Eddie Perkins of Memphis, Tenn., Mrs Idell
Scheighen, Hereford,. and Mrs Jewell Sandefer, Haskel, Okla.
Mr. Cantrell moved to this section
in 1906 from Lamar county. He has been living in
Plainview since his health fail. He was a member of the Methodist church.
Pallbearers were Joe Dean Rice,
Jack Cantrell, J.O. Bass, J.E. Swepston, Bert Youngblood, and J. Ross Noland.
Interment was in Rose Hill cemetery
under the direction of Wallace Funeral Home.
[ Tulia Herald ]
Eula Lacoladine Cantrell:
Buried at Tulia,
Sect "F" Lot 51 A, Rose Hill Cemetery, Tulia Texas
Notes for Lutia Lee Tucker:
Death certificate file #70153 Lubbock County, Texas.
Lutia's Neice, Nellrene Tucker
married Theodore Willard Tedford, the 1st cousin of Lutia's grandson Teddy
Ray Tedford. Lutia had moved to Tulia from Plainview in 1949,
after Eula had died so that she would be closer to James Wallace. She had
had a small house built for her.
When she got ill in Tulia,
Pauline took her to Lubbock to the hospital then upon her discharge from
the hospital to a nursing home in Lubbock where she died.
" Mrs. Cantrell Rites Today "
Mrs. Lutia Cantrell, 81, died
Tuesday afternoon in a Lubbock nursing home. She was born Jan. 31, 1881,
in Fannin county. She had been a Tulia resident since 1906, moving
here from Honey Grove. Mr. Cantrell died in 1946.
Funeral services will be
held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Wallace Funeral chapel with the
Rev. H.B.Coggin, pastor of First Methodist Church officiating. Burial will
be in Rose Hill.
Survivors are three daughters, Mrs.
Nat Michael of Idalou, Mrs. Birdie Sandefer and Mrs Robert Goben, both
of Dallas; one son, Wallace, of Texhoma, Okla.; one brother, Emmitt Tucker
of Tulia; 19 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren.
[ Tulia Herald ]
Lutia Lee Tucker:
Buried at Tulia; Sect "F" lot 51 A, Rose Hill Cemetery, Tulia,
Cause of Death: Anemia & Uremia due to Chronic pyelonephritis
Medical Information: Arterio sclerotic H+ disease for 10 years+ / no
autopsy was preformed.
Basically she died of heart disease and kidney failure.
Children of Eula Cantrell and Lutia Tucker are:
479 i. Roy Hammond13 Cantrell, born January 12, 1903 in Honey
Grove, Fannan county, Texas; died April 21, 1949 in Dallas, Texas.
He married Lorena Francis Jordan 1925.
Notes for Roy Hammond Cantrell:
His birth certificate reads" place of
birth: 3 miles south of Petty, Texas", This is near Honey Grove, Texas.
Cause of Death: Metastatic malignant melanoma Medical Information: Had
a mole burned off his face, in the area of the frams of his glasses,would
rub the leasion, while on active military duty in India. Never biopsied.
Notes for Lorena Francis Jordan:
As stated by; Rex J. Cantrell
"Mother was three
years older than Daddy and when they married, there was a lot of resentment.
He married an, "older woman" who took him away from the farm.
We would go up to Tulia about once a year to visit be fore he
went away to the war for three years, then after he came back, we moved
to Kentucky for a year and then
back to Texas. He was ill for awhile before he died in 1949,
so we didn't get to Tulia but about twice more."
480 ii. Pauline Cantrell, born September 11, 1905 in Lamar county,
Texas; died Abt. 1989 in Rockport, Texas. She married Nat Michael
April 10, 1927 in Tulia, Swisher county, Texas.
+ 481 iii. Ruth Eloise Cantrell, born October 31, 1907 in Tulia,
Swisher county, Texas; died November 09, 1959 in Tulia, Swisher county,
482 iv. Birdie Jewell Cantrell, born December 28, 1908 in Tulia,
Swisher county, Texas; died June 26, 1987 in Dallas, Texas. She married
William A. Sandefer December 13, 1927 in Plainview, Hale county, Texas.
Notes for Birdie Jewell Cantrell:
Birdie is buried in Laurel Land cemetery.
483 v. James Wallace Cantrell, born August 17, 1910 in Swisher
county, Texas; died March 03, 1992 in Wylie, Texas. He married Crystal
Deason October 14, 1941 in Tulia, Swisher county, Texas.
484 vi. Raussia Lee Cantrell, born January 14, 1920 in Love
community, Swisher county, Texas. She married Robert Goden April
14, 1920 in Borger, Texas.
304. Nellie12 Calton (Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell,
Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3,
Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born September 23, 1926 in Camden couinty,
Missouri. She married Murrell Hensley 1945 in Kansas City, Missouri.
More About Nellie Calton:
Fact 1: graduated high school Barnett, MO
Fact 2: lives in Kansas City Mo
Children of Nellie Calton and Murrell Hensley are:
+ 485 i. Don13 Hensley, born August 10, 1946 in 8/10/1946.
+ 486 ii. Elaine Hensley, born 1952 in Kansas City, Missouri.
306. John Henry12 Calton (Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 13, 1929. He married Betty Lou Brockway.
Child of John Calton and Betty Brockway is:
+ 487 i. Betty Sue13 Calton, born September 04, 1954 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
307. Sarah Jane12 Calton (Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 15, 1931 in rural Barnett, Missouri, and died September 1983 in Kansas City, Missouri. She married Andrew Tombs, son of Charles Tombs and Maude Cole.
Children of Sarah Calton and Andrew Tombs are:
488 i. Kathy13 Tombs.
+ 489 ii. Barbara Tombs.
490 iii. Mark Tombs.
308. Ruby12 Calton (Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born September 16, 1933 in rural Barnett, Missouri. She married Ray Gardner.
Child of Ruby Calton and Ray Gardner is:
+ 491 i. Kevin13 Gardner.
309. Barbara June12 Calton (Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 01, 1935 in rural Barnett, Missouri, and died September 1992 in Gravois Mills, Morgan county, Missouri. She married (1) Charles Waddel. She married (2) Don Issacson. She married (3) Harold Crenshaw. She married (4) Ronald Harrison.
Notes for Barbara June Calton:
Barbara June Calton was originally named Lola June Calton
More About Barbara June Calton:
Fact 1: murdered in her home
More About Don Issacson:
Fact 1: last known in Dallas Texas area
Child of Barbara Calton and Charles Waddel is:
+ 492 i. Charles13 Waddel.
Children of Barbara Calton and Don Issacson are:
493 i. Phillip13 Issacson.
+ 494 ii. Cheryl Issacson, born May 1963.
Children of Barbara Calton and Harold Crenshaw are:
495 i. Michael13 Crenshaw.
496 ii. Lisa Crenshaw.
Children of Barbara Calton and Ronald Harrison are:
+ 497 i. Larry13 Harrison, born September 19, 1968 in Belton,
498 ii. Patrick Harrison. He married ?? Kirkpatrick.
499 iii. Debbie Harrison.
500 iv. Jill Harrison.
+ 501 v. Misty Harrison.
310. Lelia Mae12 Calton (Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born September 08, 1936 in rural Barnett, Missouri. She married Robert Thomson.
Children of Lelia Calton and Robert Thomson are:
+ 502 i. Cameron13 Thomson.
503 ii. Gloria Thomson.
311. Wanda Grace12 Calton (Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born April 23, 1939 in rural Barnett, Missouri. She married (1) William Caywood. She married (2) Bill Gibbs.
Children of Wanda Calton and William Caywood are:
+ 504 i. Glenda13 Caywood.
+ 505 ii. Tammy Caywood.
312. Charles Franklin12 Calton (Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May 08, 1941 in rural Barnett, Missouri. He married Joyce Hess.
Children of Charles Calton and Joyce Hess are:
+ 506 i. Rick Lee13 Calton.
507 ii. James Calton.
508 iii. Darrel Calton.
313. William Don12 Calton (Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10
Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4,
Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 18, 1943 in Morgan Co,
Missouri. He married Pattie Jo Cahill March 01, 1974 in Camdenton,
Camden county, Missouri, daughter of Raymond Cahill and Cora Key.
More About William Don Calton:
Fact 1: worked Brown Shoe Co, Versailles MO
Fact 2: worked Fasco Industries, Eldon MO
Fact 3: disabled with cancer , March 1987
Fact 4: lives Morgan County Missouri
Marriage Notes for William Calton and Pattie Cahill:
Bill and Pat spent the day driving around. Stopping at the home
of Hattie McCasland Calton (Bill's aunt) and Charles and Ada Calton(Bill's
father and mother).
Child of William Calton and Pattie Cahill is:
509 i. Elizabeth Ann13 Calton, born January 09, 1984.
315. Betty Lou12 Calton (Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10
Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4,
Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 07, 1947 in rural Barnett,
Missouri, and died July 1982 in Idaho Falls Idaho. She married Jack
Wray Shackleford April 15, 1966.
More About Betty Lou Calton:
Fact 1: worked Brown Shoe Co, Versailles MO
Fact 2: lived in Versailles MO
Fact 3: July 1982, killed auto wreck Idaho Falls Idaho (vacation)
Children of Betty Calton and Jack Shackleford are:
510 i. Curtis Wray13 Shackleford, born 1970.
511 ii. Gregory Wray Shackleford.
512 iii. Jason Shackleford.
337. Martha Ellen12 Smith (Walter11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Charles Jeffries.
Children of Martha Smith and Charles Jeffries are:
513 i. Peggy13 Jeffries.
514 ii. James Jeffries.
338. James Oliver12 Calton (Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 21, 1909 in Linn Creek, Missouri, and died November 22, 1984 in Mound City, Kansas. He married (1) Irene Belle Hess November 25, 1927, daughter of Willie Hess and Carrie Haggerman. He married (2) Ruth Butcher Zimmerman September 05, 1975.
Notes for James Oliver Calton:
buried in Greenmore Memorial Gardens, Barnett, Morgan county, Missouri
Children of James Calton and Irene Hess are:
515 i. Daisy Marie13 Calton, born May 29, 1929. She married
Orville Williams.
+ 516 ii. Dorthea Louise Calton, born November 08, 1932.
+ 517 iii. Dora Lovell Calton, born March 22, 1935.
+ 518 iv. Donna Sue Calton, born January 28, 1940.
+ 519 v. Barbara Nell Calton, born February 28, 1945 in Morgan
County , Missouri.
339. Rosie Mae12 Calton (Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born October 25, 1916 in Camden County, Missouri. She married William Clyde Hayes November 24, 1934 in Morgan County , Missouri, son of Sine Hayes and Minnie Cleveland.
Children of Rosie Calton and William Hayes are:
+ 520 i. Charlotte Rose13 Hayes, born August 15, 1936 in Morgan
County Missouri.
+ 521 ii. Donald Leroy Hayes, born April 11, 1938 in Morgan County
, Missouri.
+ 522 iii. Gladys Faye Hayes, born June 08, 1940 in Cooper County,
523 iv. Betty Mae Hayes, born June 03, 1943 in Benton County,
Missouri. She married Don Pickett.
340. Andrew Perry12 Calton (Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1923. He married Betty Ozelle Sidebottom August 11, 1945, daughter of Davis Sidebottom and Burness Andrew.
Notes for Andrew Perry Calton:
From Calton Family Tree 1981:
"Andrew is a locomotive engineer for what was Frisco Railroad, now
Burlington Northern. Son of farmers, Thomas Cleveland and Bertha Mae
of Barnett, Mo. Betty is daughter of Davis and Berness Sidebottom of
Mo. Andrew and Grover (his youngest brother) married sisters (Betty
Roxanna). Andrew's oldest brother (Oliver) has a daughter (Louise)
marries Betty's brother, Vince Sidebottom."
Name : Calton Family Tree compiled in 1981 by Mr.& Mrs. F. Calton
Other : Calton Family Tree compiled in 1981 by Mr.& Mrs. F. Calton
Children of Andrew Calton and Betty Sidebottom are:
+ 524 i. Andrea Joyce13 Calton, born June 22, 1947.
+ 525 ii. Diana Lynn Calton, born January 24, 1950.
341. Vina Maxine12 Calton (Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10
Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4,
Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1926. She married Truman
Wesley DeRossett May 31, 1945.
Notes for Truman Wesley DeRossett:
Buried in Floral Hills cemetery
Children of Vina Calton and Truman DeRossett are:
526 i. Deborah Ann13 DeRossett, born April 17, 1960.
527 ii. Renee Yvonne DeRossett, born May 05, 1963.
528 iii. Terry E. DeRossett, born May 16, 1954.
342. Grover Clint12 Calton (Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10
Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4,
Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1933. He married (1)
Roxanne M. Sidebottom September 17, 1955, daughter of Davis Sidebottom
and Burness Andrew. He married (2) Carolyn Reinke June 1992.
Notes for Roxanne M. Sidebottom:
Roxanne was killed in an automobile accident involving a deer.
Children of Grover Calton and Roxanne Sidebottom are:
529 i. Steven Andrew13 Calton, born July 28, 1964.
530 ii. Marvin James Calton, born October 24, 1965.
343. Aubrey Jewell12 Calton (Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 21, 1918 in Purvis, Camden County, Missouri. He married Lela Dona Mace March 1945 in Kansas City, Kansas, daughter of Robert Mace and Martha Pinkerton.
Children of Aubrey Calton and Lela Mace are:
+ 531 i. Leslie Joseph13 Calton, born March 17, 1948 in California,
+ 532 ii. Larry Jewell Calton, born May 24, 1949 in California,
+ 533 iii. Donald Wayne Calton, born February 18, 1951 in California,
+ 534 iv. Ronald Lee Calton, born August 10, 1954 in Versailles,
344. John Edward Jr.12 Calton (Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 18, 1920, and died October 14, 1992 in Versailles, Missouri. He married Laura Nell Hess March 09, 1945.
Notes for John Edward Jr. Calton:
Had 37 grandchildren when he died.
Obituary from 1992:
John E. Calton, Jr., 72, Stover, MO., died Wednesday, October 14, 1992, at the home. He was the father of Kerry Calton, Odessa, and Ella Oyler, Blue Springs.
His survivors also include his wife, Laura Nell Calton of the home; six other sons, Randy Calton, Versailles, MO., Danny Calton, Braymer, MO., Dennis Calton, Kearney, MO., Darrell Calton, Kuwait, Denzil Calton, Stover, and Mike Calton, Versailles; four other daughters, Leora Dillon, California, MO., Kathy Beckner, Wellington, MO., Kay Armstrong, Trumann, Ark., and Robin Pottorff, Ionia, MO.; five brothers, Aubrey Calton, Versailles, Roy Calton and Jimmy Calton of Russellville, MO., Lonnie Calton, Eldon, MO., and Ben Calton, Olean, MO.; six sisters, Elsie Tryons, Clifornia, Eunice Casteel, Waynesville, MO., Anna Wells, Alice Calton and Brooks Sullens of Eldon, and Rosemary Howser, Rocky Mount, MO.; and 37 grandchildren.
Services will be 2 p.m. Sunday at the Kidwell-Garber Chapel, Versailles,
MO. Burial in the Versailles Cemetary. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m.
Saturday at the chapel.
Children of John Calton and Laura Hess are:
535 i. Leora13 Calton, born December 17, 1946. She married
? Dillon.
+ 536 ii. Ella Mae Calton, born December 16, 1948.
+ 537 iii. Katherine Sue Calton, born July 30, 1949.
+ 538 iv. Randall Craig Calton, born March 10, 1952.
+ 539 v. Kay Ann Calton, born March 20, 1954.
+ 540 vi. David Edward Calton, born December 29, 1956.
+ 541 vii. Kerry Donald Calton, born March 30, 1957.
542 viii. Darrell Calton, born November 17, 1960. He married
Paula Bernsten November 13, 1980.
543 ix. Dennis Calton, born November 17, 1960.
+ 544 x. Denzil Wray Calton, born February 25, 1963.
545 xi. Robin Lynn Calton. She married ?? Pottorff.
+ 546 xii. James Michael Calton.
347. Elsie Ellen12 Calton (Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born April 14, 1926. She married John Burton Tryon May 09, 1945.
Child of Elsie Calton and John Tryon is:
+ 547 i. Hazel Ruth13 Tryon, born July 05, 1946.
348. Goldie Beth12 Calton (Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 13, 1928, and died February 20, 1970. She married Lewis Raymond Cooper.
Child of Goldie Calton and Lewis Cooper is:
+ 548 i. Dallas Rae13 Cooper, born May 28, 1955; died December
14, 1990.
349. Benjamin Sidney12 Calton (Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 11, 1930, and died May 09, 1995. He married Phyliss Sousley.
Children of Benjamin Calton and Phyliss Sousley are:
549 i. Francis Louise Sousley13 Calton.
550 ii. Carol Gene Sousley Calton.
551 iii. Kenneth Wayne Sousley Calton.
350. Rose Mary12 Calton (Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May 30, 1933. She married Clarence Howser.
Children of Rose Calton and Clarence Howser are:
552 i. Billy13 Howser.
553 ii. Bobby Howser.
554 iii. Rose Marie Howser.
555 iv. Mary Easter Howser.
556 v. Jimmy Howser.
557 vi. Johnathan Howser.
351. Brooks Lee12 Calton (Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born September 13, 1935. She married Omar Delbert Sullens April 28, 1964 in Missouri, son of Leonary Sullens and Emma Agee.
Child of Brooks Calton and Omar Sullens is:
558 i. David Sullivan13 Calton, born September 24, 1965.
358. Lucille12 James (Italy Dora11 Hayes, Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Lloyd Silvey.
Children of Lucille James and Lloyd Silvey are:
+ 559 i. Evelyn13 Silvey.
560 ii. Vernon Silvey. He married Betty West.
561 iii. Fonda Sue Silvey. She married Larry Raines.
562 iv. Charles Edward Silvey. He married Debbie McGinnis.
563 v. Steve Silvey.
364. Alson Lee12 Hayes (Aaron Levi11, Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 19, 1929, and died April 21, 1980. He married Francis Lucille Branson November 18, 1946.
Children of Alson Hayes and Francis Branson are:
564 i. Mildred13 Hayes. She married ? Sidebottom.
565 ii. Robert Hayes.
566 iii. Melvin Hayes.
567 iv. Donald Hayes.
568 v. Debbie Hayes.
569 vi. Frances Hayes.
570 vii. Eugenia Hayes.
571 viii. Bruce Hayes.
572 ix. Alson Lee Jr. Hayes.
365. Glen12 Chapman (Merle Eunice11 Hayes, Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Mary Louise McGuaghlin.
Children of Glen Chapman and Mary McGuaghlin are:
573 i. Ronald Dale13 Chapman.
574 ii. Deborah Lynn Chapman.
575 iii. Michael Lee Chapman.
576 iv. Larry Joe Chapman.
577 v. Glenna Louise Chapman.
578 vi. Lelia Faye Chapman.
579 vii. Natalie Sue Chapman.
367. Paul12 Chapman (Merle Eunice11 Hayes, Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Beverly Lake.
Child of Paul Chapman and Beverly Lake is:
+ 580 i. Tammy13 Chapman.
397. Maxine12 Croy (John Richard11, Hester Frances10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Leslie Hanson.
Child of Maxine Croy and Leslie Hanson is:
+ 581 i. Barbara13 Hanson.
416. Harold Vander Jr.12 Cooper (Harold11 Vander Cooper, Rachel Elsie10 Cantwell, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 12, 1938. He married Nancy Madeline ?.
Children of Harold Cooper and Nancy ? are:
+ 582 i. Bret Lane13 Cooper, born January 29, 1960.
+ 583 ii. Robynne Lorie Cooper, born January 24, 1962.
418. Donald Ray12 Pryor (Hope Veloise11 Cooper, Rachel Elsie10 Cantwell, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 29, 1945. He married Connie Reajas.
Children of Donald Pryor and Connie Reajas are:
584 i. Carmen Joe13 Pryor, born July 07, 1965.
585 ii. James Douglas Pryor, born March 19, 1970.
419. Richard Lynn12 Crouch (Hope Veloise11 Cooper, Rachel Elsie10 Cantwell, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 29, 1944. He married Laurel Habgood May 13, 1969.
Children of Richard Crouch and Laurel Habgood are:
586 i. John13 Crouch, born October 09, 1968.
587 ii. Rickie Crouch, born June 07, 1970.
420. Larry12 Hanks (Ardis Howard11, Tennessee Ellar10 Cantwell, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill).
Children of Larry Hanks are:
588 i. Scott13 Hanks.
589 ii. Tammy Hanks.
421. Nancy Jo12 Hibdon (Elsie Evaleen11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 23, 1943. She married (1) Bobby Dean Houchen March 29, 1960. She married (2) David Jewell June 28, 1964 in Miami, Ottawa county, Oklahoma.
Child of Nancy Hibdon and Bobby Houchen is:
+ 590 i. Jeffrey Dean13 Houchen, born March 07, 1962.
Child of Nancy Hibdon and David Jewell is:
591 i. Scott David13 Jewell, born November 12, 1965.
422. Rodger Lloyd12 Hibdon (Elsie Evaleen11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 10, 1946 in Gravois Mills, Morgan county, Missouri. He married Karen Sue Ray November 26, 1965 in Kansas City, Missouri, daughter of James Ray and Ferrel Ray.
Children of Rodger Hibdon and Karen Ray are:
592 i. Barry Keith13 Hibdon, born February 27, 1968.
593 ii. Ryan Lee Hibdon, born June 08, 1973.
424. Patricia Lynne12 Hibdon (Elsie Evaleen11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 17, 1958 in Kansas City, Missouri. She married (1) John Paul Lenze. She married (2) Doug Allred. She married (3) Russel Wyatt February 24, 1974. She married (4) Charles Daviid Becker June 1977.
Child of Patricia Hibdon and John Lenze is:
594 i. Megan Brianne13 Lenze, born October 26, 1983.
Child of Patricia Hibdon and Russel Wyatt is:
595 i. Jeremy Lee13 Wyatt, born January 09, 1975.
Notes for Jeremy Lee Wyatt:
Adopted by Jeremy Lee Wyatt
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Child of Patricia Hibdon and Charles Becker is:
596 i. Kristen Deniece13 Becker, born November 16, 1977.
425. Mary Kathleen12 Hibdon (Elsie Evaleen11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 20, 1959. She married (1) Larry Don Callen. She married (2) Russel Wyatt February 24, 1974.
Notes for Mary Kathleen Hibdon:
Mary was born 2½ months premature weighing 3 lbs. 13 oz.
Children of Mary Hibdon and Larry Callen are:
597 i. Jill Kathleen13 Callen, born April 10, 1977.
Notes for Jill Kathleen Callen:
Jill Kathleen was born about two months premature
598 ii. Douglas Keith Callen, born June 27, 1982.
599 iii. Sarah Dawn Callen, born August 10, 1984.
426. Michael Edwin12 Coggins (Betty Jo11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 09, 1950. He married (1) Karen Stanley. He married (2) Crystal Harpington. He married (3) Sandy Erbanek.
Child of Michael Coggins and Karen Stanley is:
600 i. (female)13 Coggins.
427. Ricky Jo12 Coggins (Betty Jo11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 31, 1951. He married (1) Laurel Ann Judd. He married (2) Nancy Jean Buckley.
Child of Ricky Coggins and Laurel Judd is:
601 i. Andrea Leanne13 Coggins, born April 30, 1970. She
married Alan.
Children of Ricky Coggins and Nancy Buckley are:
602 i. Richard Dewey13 Coggins, born May 18, 1978.
603 ii. Alexander David Coggins, born March 08, 1987.
428. Lucinda Sue12 Coggins (Betty Jo11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 01, 1956. She married Brad Fisk.
Notes for Lucinda Sue Coggins:
Lucinda and Brad were divorced in February, 1989
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Children of Lucinda Coggins and Brad Fisk are:
604 i. John Richard13 Fisk, born May 31, 1981.
605 ii. Joel Ryan Fisk, born March 23, 1984.
429. Rebecca Jean12 Coggins (Betty Jo11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 17, 1956. She married (1) Greg Ives. She married (2) James Newton Middleton. She married (3) Marty Morris September 1995.
Child of Rebecca Coggins and Greg Ives is:
606 i. Adam Carl13 Coggins, born March 07, 1975.
430. Carl Dana12 Coggins (Betty Jo11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 02, 1961. He married Audre Springer.
Children of Carl Coggins and Audre Springer are:
607 i. Michael James13 Coggins, born December 29, 1988.
608 ii. Courtney Lee Coggins, born June 23, 1995.
431. Robert Lee12 Adams (Lee Etta11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born October 05, 1947 in Kansas City, Missouri. He married Linda Louise Dixon.
Children of Robert Adams and Linda Dixon are:
+ 609 i. Robert Lynn13 Adams, born March 22, 1966 in Kansas City,
610 ii. Jeffrey Todd Adams, born August 07, 1968 in Kansas City,
432. Cathy12 Adams (Lee Etta11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 28, 1950. She married Joseph Franklin Bolander.
Children of Cathy Adams and Joseph Bolander are:
611 i. Joseph Allen13 Bolander, born December 19, 1972 in Kansas
City, Kansas. He married Heather Linder August 13, 1994.
612 ii. Heather Suzanne Bolander, born September 15, 1981 in
Kansas City, Kansas.
433. Vicke Ellen12 Adams (Lee Etta11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 21, 1953 in Kansas City, Missouri. She married Michael Ray Childs.
Children of Vicke Adams and Michael Childs are:
613 i. Brandi Dawn13 Childs, born June 11, 1980 in Kansas City,
614 ii. Crystal Michelle Childs, born February 26, 1982 in Kansas
City, Kansas.
615 iii. Aimee Stephanie Childs, born January 31, 1987 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
434. Bethel Ann12 Adams (Lee Etta11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 13, 1954 in Kansas City, Missouri. She married Joel Thomas Aldridge.
Children of Bethel Adams and Joel Aldridge are:
616 i. Julie Ann13 Aldridge, born August 12, 1974 in Kansas
City, Missouri. She married Robert Hugh Kirks June 24, 1994.
617 ii. Michael Anthony Aldridge, born October 05, 1976 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
618 iii. Rebecca Michelle Aldridge, born June 15, 1981 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
435. Phillip Wayne12 Adams (Lee Etta11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 10, 1956 in Kansas City, Missouri. He married (1) Rebecca Shelton. He married (2) Judy Dean Sutton.
Children of Phillip Adams and Rebecca Shelton are:
619 i. Darren Phillip13 Adams, born May 25, 1979 in Kalua, Hawii.
620 ii. Rochelle Coren Adams, born May 30, 1981 in Gillette,
436. Clark Dennis12 Adams (Lee Etta11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 21, 1959 in Kansas City, Missouri. He married (1) Malinda Veran Fedidine. He married (2) Heather Cass June 06, 1991.
Child of Clark Adams and Heather Cass is:
621 i. Logan Elizabeth13 Adams, born May 09, 1995.
437. Joel David12 Adams (Lee Etta11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born November 14, 1960 in Kansas City, Kansas. He married Sondra Lee Wilson.
Children of Joel Adams and Sondra Wilson are:
622 i. Joel Ryan13 Adams, born March 04, 1984 in Kansas City,
623 ii. Kendra Lee Adams, born January 21, 1986 in Kansas City,
439. Aaron Brent12 Adams (Lee Etta11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 26, 1963 in Kansas City, Kansas. He married Edna Louise Farney.
Child of Aaron Adams and Edna Farney is:
624 i. Brent Michael13 Adams.
440. Eric Lynn12 Adams (Lee Etta11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 28, 1965 in Kansas City, Kansas. He married Jamie Lee Travis August 04, 1989.
Children of Eric Adams and Jamie Travis are:
625 i. Brady Ross13 Adams.
626 ii. Cody Lyn Adams.
627 iii. Jordan Rochelle Adams.
441. Terry Lee12 Cantwell (Marvin Sanford11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born November 23, 1950. She married Bruce Smith.
Child of Terry Cantwell and Bruce Smith is:
628 i. Nichole13 Smith.
442. Deborah Ann12 Cantwell (Marvin Sanford11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 03, 1952. She married Howard Long June 10, 1970.
Children of Deborah Cantwell and Howard Long are:
629 i. Julie13 Long.
630 ii. Lonnie Long.
443. MarvinSanford Jr.12 Cantwell (Marvin Sanford11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 22, 1956.
Children of MarvinSanford Jr. Cantwell are:
631 i. Brandy13 Cantwell.
632 ii. April Cantwell.
445. Penellope12 Cantwell (Marvin Sanford11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Michael Rogers.
Child of Penellope Cantwell and Michael Rogers is:
633 i. Joshua Michael13 Rogers.
446. Jeanette12 Cantwell (Norman Veryl11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 15, 1954. She married Virgil D. Jr Cecil, son of Virgil Cecil and Evelyn ?.
Child of Jeanette Cantwell and Virgil Cecil is:
634 i. Christina Marie13 Cecil.
448. Kenneth12 Cantwell (Norman Veryl11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May 23, 1958. He married Barbara Jean Pope, daughter of Frances Pope and Shirley Burris.
Children of Kenneth Cantwell and Barbara Pope are:
635 i. Justin Michael13 Cantwell.
636 ii. Benjamin Verly Cantwell.
449. Timothy Allen12 Cantwell (Norman Veryl11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born November 10, 1960. He married (1) Vicky Kennedy, daughter of John Kennedy and Frances ?. He married (2) Vicki Gail Keener.
Children of Timothy Cantwell and Vicky Kennedy are:
637 i. Timothy Allen13 Cantwell.
638 ii. Malinda Jean Cantwell.
Notes for Malinda Jean Cantwell:
Malinda Jean is a twin to Melissa Jane
639 iii. Melissa Jane Cantwell.
Notes for Melissa Jane Cantwell:
Melissa Jane is a twin to Malinda Jean
640 iv. Samuel Jacob Cantwell.
450. Mark Randall12 Cantwell (James Dennis11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 18, 1957 in Independence, Missouri. He married Donna Payton.
Children of Mark Cantwell and Donna Payton are:
+ 641 i. Crystal Gale13 Cantwell.
642 ii. Samantha Rene Cantwell.
451. Matthew Wayne12 Cantwell (James Dennis11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 27, 1959, and died January 09, 1991 in Barnett, Missouri. He married Donna Kreiling October 28, 1983, daughter of Cecil Kreiling and Opal.
Notes for Matthew Wayne Cantwell:
Matthew Wayne died of injuries sustained in an auto accident.
Children of Matthew Cantwell and Donna Kreiling are:
643 i. James Matthew13 Cantwell, born June 07, 1985.
644 ii. Phillip Kenyon Cantwell, born 1988.
645 iii. Dakota Deland Cantwell, born 1991.
458. Kelly Ann12 Cantwell (David Daniel Arden11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 15, 1965. She married Kenneth Cox.
Notes for Kelly Ann Cantwell:
Last known living in Harrisonville, Missouri
"Information provided by Evaleen Hibdon, Kansas City, Missouri"
Children of Kelly Cantwell and Kenneth Cox are:
646 i. Kendall Lynn13 Cox, born March 27, 1987 in Kansas City,
647 ii. Linda Kay Cox, born November 25, 1991.
459. Tracy Lynn12 Cantwell (David Daniel Arden11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born October 08, 1972. She married William Danny Gray August 1994.
Child of Tracy Cantwell and William Gray is:
648 i. Matthew William13 Gray, born October 20, 1994.
460. Sharon Kay12 Kaiser (Doris Kathryn11 Cantwell, Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Harmon Nelson.
Child of Sharon Kaiser and Harmon Nelson is:
+ 649 i. Angela13 Nelson.
461. Beverly Ann12 Kaiser (Doris Kathryn11 Cantwell, Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married ? Young.
Children of Beverly Kaiser and ? Young are:
650 i. Dustin13 Young.
651 ii. Cheyenne Young.
462. Tammy Jo12 Kaiser (Doris Kathryn11 Cantwell, Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Tommy Reisgo.
Children of Tammy Kaiser and Tommy Reisgo are:
652 i. Amanda13 Reisgo.
653 ii. Joshua Reisgo.
463. Brenda12 Brammer (Benita Mae11 Cantwell, Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married (2) ? Black.
Child of Brenda Brammer is:
654 i. Carrie?13.
Children of Brenda Brammer and ? Black are:
+ 655 i. Jack13 Black.
+ 656 ii. Lisa Black.
464. Dianna12 Uptegrove (Benita Mae11 Cantwell, Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill).
Child of Dianna Uptegrove is:
657 i. Amber13 ?.
465. Charles12 Uptegrove (Benita Mae11 Cantwell, Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill).
Children of Charles Uptegrove are:
658 i. Aaron13 Uptegrove.
659 ii. Stepanie Uptegrove.
466. Janet12 Uptegrove (Benita Mae11 Cantwell, Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill).
Child of Janet Uptegrove is:
660 i. Anthony13.
467. Darren12 Kahler (Benita Mae11 Cantwell, Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill).
Child of Darren Kahler is:
661 i. John13 Kahler.
470. Richard Blake12 Cantrell (Ralph Ellis11, Charlie Morgan10, Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 24, 1952 in Birmingham, Alabama. He married (1) Mary Elizabeth Knight September 13, 1979 in Tuscumbia, Alabama, daughter of Nobert Knight and Kathleen Ray. He married (2) Laura Ann Conroy June 15, 1985 in York Beach, Maine, daughter of Lawrence Conroy and Judith Cabana.
Notes for Richard Blake Cantrell:
First married Mary Elizabeth Knight on 13 Sep 71 in New Buffalo, Michigan
Divorced in Jefferson County Alabama on 15 Apr 1977.
Remarried Mary on 13 Sep 1979 in Colbert County Alabama.
Divorced on 9 Jun 1985 in Gary Indiana.
Married Laura Ann Conroy Krenn on 15 Jun 1985 in York Maine.
Children of Richard Cantrell and Mary Knight are:
662 i. Rachel Ann13 Cantrell, born January 19, 1973 in Keesler
AFB, Biloxi, Missippi. She married Kenneth Allen Barlo August 10,
1996 in Protage, Indiana.
663 ii. Brian Adam Cantrell, born April 28, 1976 in Wichita,
664 iii. Sean Michael Cantrell, born August 27, 1981 in George
AFB, Victorville, California.
Child of Richard Cantrell and Laura Conroy is:
665 i. Kelly Marie13 Cantrell, born October 16, 1986 in Castle
AFB, Merced, California.
471. Myrtle Ann12 Cantrell (Ralph Ellis11, Charlie Morgan10, Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 15, 1951 in Birmingham, Alabama. She married Gary Ray Blackburn May 10, 1969 in Hammond, Indiana.
Children of Myrtle Cantrell and Gary Blackburn are:
666 i. Suzanne Nicole13 Blackburn, born April 24, 1979 in Hammond,
667 ii. Gary Ray Blackburn , Jr., born June 06, 1979 in Hammond,
472. Ralph Ellis12 Cantrell , Jr. (Ralph Ellis11, Charlie Morgan10, Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 16, 1949 in Birmingham, Alabama. He married Virginia Palazzolo April 17, 1971 in Hammond, Indiana.
Children of Ralph Cantrell and Virginia Palazzolo are:
668 i. Patricia Marie13 Cantrell, born September 25, 1977 in
Crown Point, Indiana.
669 ii. Katie Lynn Cantrell, born June 20, 1980 in Crown Point,
670 iii. Victoria Ann Cantrell, born October 09, 1983 in Merriville,
473. Reginald Charlie12 Cantrell (Ralph Ellis11, Charlie Morgan10, Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born November 09, 1964 in Hammond, Indiana. He married Rosemary Denise Burgess May 04, 1984 in West Jefferson, Alabama.
Children of Reginald Cantrell and Rosemary Burgess are:
671 i. Megan Lee13 Cantrell, born June 30, 1990 in Birmingham,
Alabama; died September 18, 1990 in Birmingham, Alabama.
Notes for Megan Lee Cantrell:
Dates from headstone at Shanghi Cemetary, Quinton, Alabama
Cause of Death: Heart Failure after heart transplant
Medical Information: Surgery at Children's Hospital in
Birmingham, Alabama
672 ii. Dominic Ryan Cantrell, born February 21, 1994 in Birmingham, Alabama.
474. Nina Annette12 McCombs (Wilma Agnes11 Cantrell, Charlie Morgan10, Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 10 in Birmingham, Alabama. She married Barney Brasher.
Children of Nina McCombs and Barney Brasher are:
673 i. Shane13 Brasher, born January 30, 1978.
674 ii. Bo Brasher, born 1982.
475. Daisy Darnell12 McCombs (Wilma Agnes11 Cantrell, Charlie Morgan10, Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born April 25 in Birmingham, Alabama. She married Mark Berry in Birmingham, Alabama.
Children of Daisy McCombs and Mark Berry are:
675 i. Kalen13 Berry, born 1987.
676 ii. Kyle Berry, born 1988.
476. Kenneth12 Wilder (Opal Mary11 Cantrell, Charlie Morgan10, Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill).
Children of Kenneth Wilder are:
677 i. Rachel13 Wilder.
678 ii. Scott Wilder.
477. Keith12 Wilder (Opal Mary11 Cantrell, Charlie Morgan10, Sherman Hanford9, Dennis Candin8, Lanceford7, Isaac6 Cantril, Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill).
Children of Keith Wilder are:
679 i. Rachel13 Wilder.
680 ii. Emory Wilder.
Generation No. 13
481. Ruth Eloise13 Cantrell (Eula Lacoladine12, Devinal Houston11, Lenoir Westmoreland10, James Wesley9, John8, Abraham7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born October 31, 1907 in Tulia, Swisher county, Texas, and died November 09, 1959 in Tulia, Swisher county, Texas. She married (1) Charles Joshua Jackson April 19, 1930 in Tulia, Swisher county, Texas. She married (2) Edgar Alberta Tedford 1947 in Tulia, Swisher county, Texas, son of William Tedford and Dicie Bryce.
Notes for Ruth Eloise Cantrell:
Ruth lived her entire life in
Swisher County, After Joshua Jackson died, Ruth married Joshua's former
brother-in-law Edgar. In about three years of this marriage, they
divorced, and she was left to raise Four sons.
The Family had
a small dairy, as the elder boys would deliver milk & eggs door to
door. As time went on, the dairy became to much, and she took a job
taking care of the children, of the family who owned the local Hatchery
(a place where eggs are mass incubated, chicks are sold by the crates).
Ruth worked at the Laundry,and finally, got a job in the kitchen of the
hospital. In the early morning, of the breakfast shift, she would take
her youngest, me with her, as he would stay until time to go to school.
Ruth was so loved,
by so many, the doctor who treated her for Cancer wound not except final
payment, nor would the lawyer who drew up her will.
It had occurred to
me that Mother had been born in Tulia, and all of sons, but me. I had to
find out the reason for this, and I guess I did in part. Her old Doctor
had died and a doctor in Canyon had been recommended to her
and she came to trust him, so every body got to take a trip north when
they got sick. From Tulia, Canyon is about 35 miles.
Ruth was buried at Rosemond
Cemetery, out side of Tulia, next to her first husband, Charles Joshua
Jackson.[ Notes by Ted ]
( AS Told by Lenora Tedford:)
""When I was a little girl,
I would stay for visits with Uncle Josh and Aunt Ruth, and on one of these
visits this happened. I spent a big part of this day looking out for James,
this was Aunt Ruth's youngest son at that time, and I would pull him all
around the yard in his little wagon. It seemed that there was just no end
to the ride he wanted. I soon tired of this and didn't want the job of
watching him any longer. I was mad and going to run away. As I was
beginning to leave, Aunt Ruth called out "Wait, come back! " as she Stoud
waving, above her head, a brown paper sack. "Your going to need to
take some things with you for your trip. Come in and I will help you pack."
So I did, and we went in the house and Aunt Ruth helped me to pack
a bag to take with me. She didn't try to talk me out of my decision to
run away, and when the packing was done, she saw me to the door and
wished me well. As I was walking down the road, I gave some consideration
to what I was doing and soon, found myself turning around, swallowing my
pride, and going back to the house."" A lesson long since remembered."
" Tedford Rites Held Tuesday "
Mrs. Ruth E. Tedford, 52, of 503 S. Dallas, died in
Swisher County hospital shortly after noon Monday. She
was a native of Tulia and was born Oct. 31 1907.
Surviving are four sons, Roy E. Jackson of
Amarillo, James Jackson of Canyon, Claudie Joe
Jackson of Tulia, and Teddy Ray Tedford of Tulia; a
brother, Wallace Cantrell of Texhoma; three sisters,
Mrs. Nat Michael of Idalou, Mrs. Birdie Sandefer of
Dallas, and Mrs. Robert Goben of Oklahoma City; and
her mother, Mrs. E.L.Cantrell of Tulia. Emmitt Tucker of
Tulia is an uncle. She is also survived by three
Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon
at Wallace Funeral chapel with the Rev. O.B.Herring of
Memphis and the Rev. Bob Metzger, pastor of Tulia
First Methodist church, officiating. Burial was in Rose
Mrs. Tedford, who has been in failing health for
several months, was a member of the Methodist church.
Pallbearers were Porter Anderson, Arthur Jennings,
Cecil Simpson, Charles Goodwin, C.C. Northcutt, and
[ Tulia Herald ]
More About Ruth Elois Cantrell:
Buried at Tulia Sect "F" Lot 51 A, Rose Hill Cemetery, Tulia
Cause of Death: Metastatic malignant melanoma
Medical Information: There was a mole removed from her back, but the
leassion that was fould to be malignant was taken from her ankle where
the shoe rubbed. After awhile a lump developed in her groin area.
Notes for Edgar Alberta Tedford:
Edgar served in the U.S. Army
during WW I. returned home to take up his lifelong trade as a, Blacksmith.
An interesting story was
once told of Edgar, as a young boy. It seems that one day as he was playing,
and his mother was doing laundry. Three men on horses came into the yard,
one of these men, ask of Edgar's mother, if she would be willing to make
a trade for the boy. She was offered a number of horses for him,for reasons
unknown, she declined. The man, doing the trading was Chief of the Choctaws.
Bare in mind, this was, in the "Territories of Oklahoma."
To help add to the confusion,
Edgar, in his first marriage with Alma Jackson, they had two sons and two
Alma,and Ruth's first husband,
Josh where brother and sister. Ruth and Josh had three sons, which made
these children Cousins. Josh passed away, Alma and Edgar years earlier
divorced. Edgar and Ruth married, and they had a son, Teddy Ray. This made
T.R. the half-brother to these two sets of cousins. This has been a major
topic of conversation, that is, just for the fun of creating a puzzle.
"I do remember Uncle Ed well and
loved him very much. He loved to tease me when I was little and I believed
every yarn he spun. If not for Mama I might have spent a night in the chicken
house to rid me of the chicken pox! I had a mop of cotton hair and he called
me "Old Blue Top"."
As quoted from Vivian Tedford [ Vivian Guynes].
Edgar had an unreasonable fear
of storms. When a dark cloud would come up, he would walk a path though
the house, from the front door to the back. Day or night as long as the
storm was around he would be watching it.
"Edgar A. [Ted] Tedford died at
7:20 A.M. Friday in the Methodist Hospital in Lubbock following a lengthy
illness. Ted 80, moved to Crosbyton 23 years ago from Tulia.
Memorial rites were held at 4:00
P.M. Sunday in First United Methodist Church in
Crosbyton. Officiating were the Rev. Johnnie Williams, pastor, and
Loyd Hall, minister of the Church of Christ. Grandsons served as pallbearers.
The wife, Mrs. Lorene [ Powers
] Tedford, is among survivors. Other survivors include: three sons William
Doyle Tedford of Montclair, Calf., Teddy Ray Tedford, with the U.S. Navy,
stationed at San Diego, Calf., and Dale Tedford of Crosbyton; two stepsons
Duane Johnson of Crosbyton and Jerry Johnson of Idalou; two daughters Juanita
Fickel and Lenora Pack of Waco; one stepdaughter, Louise Thomason of Abernathy;
26 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren."
[ found in the Crosbyton Weekly news paper ]
More About Edgar Alberta Tedford:
Fact 1: Buried at Crosbyton Cemetery
Fact 2: SS# issued in: New Mexico2
Child of Ruth Cantrell and Edgar Tedford is:
+ 681 i. Teddy Ray14 Tedford, born November 19, 1949 in Canyon,
Randall county, Texas.
485. Don13 Hensley (Nellie12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 10, 1946 in 8/10/1946. He married Donna Malson.
Children of Don Hensley and Donna Malson are:
682 i. Brett14 Hensley.
683 ii. Shawn Hensley.
486. Elaine13 Hensley (Nellie12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born 1952 in Kansas City, Missouri. She married (2) Frank Ritchal. She married (3) Ernie Combs 1971 in Branson, Missouri.
Child of Elaine Hensley is:
+ 684 i. Michelle14 Hensley.
Children of Elaine Hensley and Ernie Combs are:
685 i. Mickey Joe14 Combs.
686 ii. Preston Ray Combs.
687 iii. David Combs.
487. Betty Sue13 Calton (John Henry12, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born September 04, 1954 in Kansas City, Missouri. She married Clyde Dale Stewart November 16, 1976 in Springfield, Missouri, son of Clyde Stewart and Georgia Rose.
Children of Betty Calton and Clyde Stewart are:
688 i. Matthew Clyde Johnathon14 Stewart, born December 23,
1979 in Springfield, Missouri.
689 ii. Emily Sue Stewart, born January 16, 1981 in Springfield,
690 iii. Kimberly Dawn Stewart, born October 06, 1983 in Springfield,
489. Barbara13 Tombs (Sarah Jane12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Carl Wymer.
Child of Barbara Tombs and Carl Wymer is:
691 i. Kimberly14 Wymer.
491. Kevin13 Gardner (Ruby12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Jamie.
Children of Kevin Gardner and Jamie are:
692 i. Beau14 Gardner.
693 ii. Ray Luke Gardner.
694 iii. Cassie Gardner.
492. Charles13 Waddel (Barbara June12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Theresa Wills.
Child of Charles Waddel and Theresa Wills is:
695 i. Rachael14 Waddel.
494. Cheryl13 Issacson (Barbara June12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May 1963. She married Mike Sport.
Children of Cheryl Issacson and Mike Sport are:
696 i. Shawn14 Sport.
697 ii. Matthew Sport.
Notes for Matthew Sport:
Matthew Sport was later adopted by Perry and Anne Jones of Barnett,
497. Larry13 Harrison (Barbara June12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born September 19, 1968 in Belton, Missouri. He married Carla Annette Jefferies 1986 in Springfield, Missouri, daughter of Gary Jefferies and Betty ??.
Child of Larry Harrison and Carla Jefferies is:
698 i. Jennifer14 Harrison, born 1987.
501. Misty13 Harrison (Barbara June12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Roger Barnhouse.
Children of Misty Harrison and Roger Barnhouse are:
699 i. Levi14 Barnhouse.
700 ii. Heather Harrison.
701 iii. Ashley Harrison.
502. Cameron13 Thomson (Lelia Mae12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Brenda Newport.
Children of Cameron Thomson and Brenda Newport are:
702 i. Leslie14 Thomson, born January 19, 1982.
703 ii. Cameron Thomson.
504. Glenda13 Caywood (Wanda Grace12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Bob Wilcox.
Children of Glenda Caywood and Bob Wilcox are:
704 i. Heather14 Wilcox.
705 ii. Jill Wilcox.
706 iii. James Wilcox.
505. Tammy13 Caywood (Wanda Grace12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married (1) Tony Wood. She married (2) Randy Schultz.
Children of Tammy Caywood and Tony Wood are:
707 i. Amanda Renee14 Wood, born August 01, 1982.
708 ii. Anthiony Douglas Wood, born February 27, 1985.
Children of Tammy Caywood and Randy Schultz are:
709 i. Randy Allen14 Schultz, born March 15, 1990.
710 ii. Brittany Schultz, born March 01, 1993.
506. Rick Lee13 Calton (Charles Franklin12, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Angie Duncan.
Children of Rick Calton and Angie Duncan are:
711 i. Wendy14 Calton.
712 ii. Robbie Calton.
516. Dorthea Louise13 Calton (James Oliver12, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born November 08, 1932. She married Vencil Davis Sidebottom, son of Davis Sidebottom and Burness Andrew.
Children of Dorthea Calton and Vencil Sidebottom are:
713 i. Jeremy D.14 Sidebottom, born November 13, 1952.
+ 714 ii. Linda Lou Sidebottom, born May 26, 1955.
715 iii. Scott James Sidebottom, born July 20, 1951.
716 iv. Stanley W. Sidebottom, born September 26, 1952.
517. Dora Lovell13 Calton (James Oliver12, Bertha Mae11
McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr.,
Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 22,
1935. She married E. J. Merriott December 23, 1952, son of Ernest
Merriott and Sylvia Broyler.
Notes for E. J. Merriott:
E.J. Merriott, 67, Versailles, died Friday afternoon, Feb. 20, 1998,
at the University of Missouri Ellis Fischel Cancer Center in Columbia.
He was born Aug. 19, 1930, in St. Joseph, the son of Ernest and Sylvia
Broyler Merriott.
On Dec. 23, 1952, he married Dora Calton, who survives of the home.
He was a farmer and a member of the Calvary Baptist Church in Versailles. In January of 1951 he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force, where he was an ammunition specialist in Lakenheath, England, before being discharged in August of 1954.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons, Joe Merriott and wife, Beth, and Matt Merriott and wife, Terri, all of Versailles; one daughter, Lorna Erven and husband, Kevin, of Goodson; one sister, Billie Bradford and husband, Jerry, Versailles; seven grandchildren; one step-grandson; and many other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were Monday, Feb. 23 at the First Baptist Church in Versailles, with the Rev. Todd Forman officiating. Recordings of "Consider The Lillies" and "Footsteps In The Shadows" were played. Organ selections were played by Virginia Ross. Interment was in the Versailles Cemetery, with nephews serving as casketbearers. The family suggests memorials to the Ellis Fischel Cancer Center in Columbia. Arrangements were under the direction of the Kidwell-Garber Funeral Home of Versailles. .
Children of Dora Calton and E. Merriott are:
717 i. Matthew James14 Merriott. He married Terri ?.
718 ii. Joseph Allen Merriott, born April 16, 1957. He
married Beth ?.
+ 719 iii. Lorna Joy Merriott, born December 10, 1959.
518. Donna Sue13 Calton (James Oliver12, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 28, 1940. She married Gerald L. Hardwick.
Children of Donna Calton and Gerald Hardwick are:
720 i. Gerald L.14 Hardwick, born August 15, 1956. He
married Lorie Dale Vesper September 17, 1977.
721 ii. Sherrie L. Hardwick, born November 03, 1959.
722 iii. Sandy L Hardwick, born August 07, 1966.
519. Barbara Nell13 Calton (James Oliver12, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 28, 1945 in Morgan County , Missouri. She married Glen E. Meeker February 07, 1964 in Overland Park, Kansas.
Children of Barbara Calton and Glen Meeker are:
+ 723 i. Sheila Marie14 Meeker, born December 28, 1965 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
+ 724 ii. Timothy James Meeker, born August 15, 1968 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
+ 725 iii. Daniel Preston Meeker, born April 22, 1972 in Kansas
City, Missouri.
520. Charlotte Rose13 Hayes (Rosie Mae12 Calton, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 15, 1936 in Morgan County Missouri. She married (1) Bob Stowell. She married (2) Donald Shepherd November 26, 1978 in Bremerton, Washington, son of Eldon Shepherd and Berniece ??.
Children of Charlotte Hayes and Bob Stowell are:
726 i. Robert Ray14 Stowell, born September 21, 1952 in Scottsbluff,
Nebraska. He married Debbie Stewart in Las Vegas, Nevada.
727 ii. Barbara Stowell, born December 11, 1953 in Pratt, Kansas;
died January 11, 1983 in Paris, Texas. She married (1) Rob Pratt.
She married (2) Charles Earp.
728 iii. Cheryl Lynn Stowell, born October 04, 1955. She
married Tom Bledsaw in Las Vegas, Nevada.
729 iv. Betty Jayne Stowell, born October 10, 1957 in Phoenix,
730 v. Dale Jay Stowell, born September 24, 1958. He married
Elizabeth ??.
731 vi. Tamara Jay Stowell, born March 07, 1960 in Phoenix,
Arizona. She married Scott Glassey.
732 vii. David Stowell, born December 31, 1962 in Bakersfield,
California. He married Jennifer Bauer 1997.
521. Donald Leroy13 Hayes (Rosie Mae12 Calton, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born April 11, 1938 in Morgan County , Missouri. He married Bonnie Offutt March 01, 1963 in Clarksville, Texas, daughter of Joseph Offutt and Edith Landreth.
Children of Donald Hayes and Bonnie Offutt are:
733 i. Steven Ray14 Hayes, born January 25, 1964 in Riverton,
Wyoming. He married Cindy Lewis July 06, 1997 in South Fork, Colorado.
734 ii. Anna Mae Hayes, born January 03, 1965 in Kellogg, Idaho.
522. Gladys Faye13 Hayes (Rosie Mae12 Calton, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 08, 1940 in Cooper County, Missouri. She married (1) Clifford A. Fisher. She married (2) John C. Blaisdell.
Children of Gladys Hayes and Clifford Fisher are:
735 i. Angela Faye14 Fisher, born May 02, 1958.
736 ii. Perian Dawn Fisher, born January 10, 1960.
Child of Gladys Hayes and John Blaisdell is:
737 i. Lance Ronald14 Blaisdell, born October 05, 1968.
524. Andrea Joyce13 Calton (Andrew Perry12, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born June 22, 1947. She married Michael Eugene Pansky.
Children of Andrea Calton and Michael Pansky are:
738 i. Jeffery Lewis14 Pansky, born August 24, 1966.
739 ii. Michelle Tenee Pansky, born October 20, 1968.
740 iii. Kimberly Joyce Pansky, born October 17, 1969.
741 iv. Robert Andrew Pansky, born May 18, 1975.
525. Diana Lynn13 Calton (Andrew Perry12, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 24, 1950. She married Benjamin Raymond VanEman.
Children of Diana Calton and Benjamin VanEman are:
742 i. Deana Rachelle14 VanEman, born December 28, 1968.
743 ii. Courtney Brando VanEman, born September 09, 1971.
744 iii. Angela Beth VanEman, born April 10, 1977.
531. Leslie Joseph13 Calton (Aubrey Jewell12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 17, 1948 in California, Missouri. He married Charlotte Smith August 19, 1972 in Versailles, Missouri, daughter of Coy Smith.
Children of Leslie Calton and Charlotte Smith are:
745 i. Heather Lynn14 Calton, born January 01, 1974 in Little
Rock, Arkansas. She married Terry Lingenfelter May 31, 1997 in Branson,
746 ii. Kyle Matthew Calton, born September 05, 1978 in Macon,
532. Larry Jewell13 Calton (Aubrey Jewell12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May 24, 1949 in California, Missouri. He married Jeanne Cox June 14, 1969 in Versailles, Missouri, daughter of Burl Cox and Dorothy ??.
Child of Larry Calton and Jeanne Cox is:
747 i. Chad Lance14 Calton, born November 24, 1977 in Boonville,
533. Donald Wayne13 Calton (Aubrey Jewell12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 18, 1951 in California, Missouri. He married Teresa Williams August 17, 1973 in Rocky Mount, Missouri, daughter of Keith Williams and Jean ??.
Children of Donald Calton and Teresa Williams are:
748 i. Gwendolyn Jean14 Calton, born September 22, 1975 in Springfield,
Missouri. She married Steven Carmen August 01, 1922 in Versailles,
749 ii. Trevor Keith Calton, born April 19, 1979 in Jefferson
City, Missouri.
750 iii. Miranda Dawn Calton, born March 04, 1983 in Lake Ozark,
751 iv. Tristin Christopher Calton, born February 04, 1990 in
Jefferson City, Missouri.
534. Ronald Lee13 Calton (Aubrey Jewell12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 10, 1954 in Versailles, Missouri. He married Linda Swehar May 20, 1987 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Children of Ronald Calton and Linda Swehar are:
752 i. Michele Lynn14 Calton, born December 26, 1981 in Jefferson
City, Missouri.
753 ii. Julie Swehar, born Bef. 1987; Stepchild.
754 iii. Justin Swehar, born Bef. 1987; Stepchild.
536. Ella Mae13 Calton (John Edward Jr.12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 16, 1948. She married (1) James Michael Oyler. She married (2) James Vitzenburg 1968.
Children of Ella Calton and James Oyler are:
755 i. Jonathan Michael14 Oyler.
756 ii. Joshua Matthew Oyler.
Child of Ella Calton and James Vitzenburg is:
757 i. Donna Michelle14 Vitzenburg.
537. Katherine Sue13 Calton (John Edward Jr.12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 30, 1949. She married James Lawrence Beckner 1969.
Children of Katherine Calton and James Beckner are:
758 i. Jason14 Beckner.
759 ii. Joy Beckner, born 1972; died 1972.
760 iii. Jared Leland Beckner, born April 1976.
761 iv. James Lamar Beckner, born October 1979.
538. Randall Craig13 Calton (John Edward Jr.12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 10, 1952. He married Debra Kay Stafford, daughter of Noah Stafford and Melva Morrison.
Children of Randall Calton and Debra Stafford are:
762 i. Kelly Lynn14 Calton, born February 23, 1978.
763 ii. Jennifer LeAnn Calton, born November 05, 1980.
764 iii. Randall Travis Calton.
765 iv. Noah Craig Calton.
766 v. Christopher John Calton.
539. Kay Ann13 Calton (John Edward Jr.12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 20, 1954. She married (1) ??? Armstrong. She married (2) Tom Wagley 1974.
Child of Kay Calton and Tom Wagley is:
767 i. Angela Kay14 Wagley, born October 05, 1975.
540. David Edward13 Calton (John Edward Jr.12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 29, 1956. He married Candy Pence 1975.
Children of David Calton and Candy Pence are:
768 i. Aaron Scott14 Calton, born 1976.
769 ii. Amber Paige Calton, born 1978.
541. Kerry Donald13 Calton (John Edward Jr.12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 30, 1957. He married Barbara Roxanna ??.
Child of Kerry Calton and Barbara ?? is:
770 i. Kurtis Dwayne14 Calton, born February 16, 1978.
544. Denzil Wray13 Calton (John Edward Jr.12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born February 25, 1963. He married Alice Burns.
Children of Denzil Calton and Alice Burns are:
771 i. Erin14 Calton.
772 ii. Eric John Calton.
546. James Michael13 Calton (John Edward Jr.12, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Carolyn McLain.
Child of James Calton and Carolyn McLain is:
773 i. Jessica14 Calton.
547. Hazel Ruth13 Tryon (Elsie Ellen12 Calton, Hattie Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born July 05, 1946. She married Cecil Jeffries November 21, 1963.
Child of Hazel Tryon and Cecil Jeffries is:
774 i. John Ray14 Jeffries, born February 08, 1965.
548. Dallas Rae13 Cooper (Goldie Beth12 Calton, Hattie
Opal11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril
, Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May
28, 1955, and died December 14, 1990. He married Diana Lynn Parsons.
More About Dallas Rae Cooper:
Fact 1: December 14, 1990, killed in helicopter crash in Texas
Children of Dallas Cooper and Diana Parsons are:
775 i. Shane Lewis14 Cooper, born February 14, 1976.
776 ii. Travis Wade Cooper, born June 23, 1980.
559. Evelyn13 Silvey (Lucille12 James, Italy Dora11 Hayes, Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Hershel Pryor.
Child of Evelyn Silvey and Hershel Pryor is:
777 i. Sheila14 Pryor.
580. Tammy13 Chapman (Paul12, Merle Eunice11 Hayes, Anna10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill).
Child of Tammy Chapman is:
778 i. Sheaffer14 Chapman.
581. Barbara13 Hanson (Maxine12 Croy, John Richard11, Hester Frances10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married Marvin Salsman.
Children of Barbara Hanson and Marvin Salsman are:
779 i. David14 Salsman, born in Fort Riley, Kansas.
780 ii. Thomas Salsman, born in Versailles, Morgan county, Missouri.
781 iii. Linda Salsman.
582. Bret Lane13 Cooper (Harold Vander Jr.12, Harold11 Vander Cooper, Rachel Elsie10 Cantwell, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 29, 1960. He married Rhonda M. McQuarkedale.
Children of Bret Cooper and Rhonda McQuarkedale are:
782 i. Joshua Zane14 Cooper, born October 03, 1983.
783 ii. Shandera Nicole Cooper, born December 1986.
583. Robynne Lorie13 Cooper (Harold Vander Jr.12, Harold11 Vander Cooper, Rachel Elsie10 Cantwell, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born January 24, 1962. She married Kevin Gerald Morgan.
Child of Robynne Cooper and Kevin Morgan is:
784 i. Chad Avery14 Morgan, born April 04, 1987.
590. Jeffrey Dean13 Houchen (Nancy Jo12 Hibdon, Elsie Evaleen11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 07, 1962. He married Robin Romeriz.
Child of Jeffrey Houchen and Robin Romeriz is:
785 i. Alexander Matthew14 Houchen.
609. Robert Lynn13 Adams (Robert Lee12, Lee Etta11 Cantwell, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born March 22, 1966 in Kansas City, Kansas. He married Debbie.
Children of Robert Adams and Debbie are:
786 i. Brook Ann14 Adams, born March 01, 1993.
787 ii. Zackery Thomas Adams, born June 07, 1996.
641. Crystal Gale13 Cantwell (Mark Randall12, James Dennis11, Marion Sanford10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married ? Winters.
Child of Crystal Cantwell and ? Winters is:
788 i. Leroy14 Winters.
649. Angela13 Nelson (Sharon Kay12 Kaiser, Doris Kathryn11 Cantwell, Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill).
Child of Angela Nelson is:
789 i. Lauren14 Nelson.
655. Jack13 Black (Brenda12 Brammer, Benita Mae11 Cantwell, Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). He married Michelle.
Children of Jack Black and Michelle are:
790 i. Christina14 Black.
791 ii. Jessica Black.
656. Lisa13 Black (Brenda12 Brammer, Benita Mae11 Cantwell, Benjamin Franklin10, Marvin Douglas9, Sarah8 Cantrell, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill).
Child of Lisa Black is:
792 i. Alissa14 ?.
Generation No. 14
681. Teddy Ray14 Tedford (Ruth Eloise13 Cantrell, Eula Lacoladine12, Devinal Houston11, Lenoir Westmoreland10, James Wesley9, John8, Abraham7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born November 19, 1949 in Canyon, Randall county, Texas. He married (1) Vera Lee Spivey June 1971 in Charleston, South Carolina, daughter of Clifford Spivey and Viola Norris. He married (2) Doris Janet Hanson February 14, 1982 in Waco, Texas, daughter of Osba Hanson and Zatha Fay Prater.
Notes for Teddy Ray Tedford:
Life was, Pretty much as one would have wanted it, in the beginning,
done most what ever I leased, right up until I was 10 years old. Mother
died and my world fell apart. I say that very imply, because my mother
was my world. After the funeral, I left Tulia riding in the back of a tation
wagon. I was going to a strange place, what worse, I was going, with strangers.
This was with my half sister Jaunita,
she had children the same age as I, At the time I thought his was a Pretty
good deal, but I soon found out that it meant that I was no longer the
leader of y own band. Where, I was the leader of a one kid outlaw band,
and the freedom I was so ccustom, was all gone.
I couldn't feel at home with my
sister, so it was off to live with a father that I didn't know, I ad hardly
so much as met the man. This placement was the same, just didn't seem to
fit in. Then he day came, I was off to live with Roy and Pat, my half brother
and his wife. I was no longer mong strangers, now I could disrupt the home
of someone I knew.
Roy's home was My home until the
summer 1967, I took a summer job with Rock-Island Rail oad. The work was
hard, but it was just enough to convince me, that I could live this life
with ut the need of a formal education. There was a draw back, where the
rail road was concerned, I idn't believe in the union, and if you didn't
belong to the union, you didn't work for the rail road. his setback didn't
deter me what so ever. Soon after, a new job found me. This one proved
to e, to wet, to hot , and to cold and winter was coming on. Loaded up
the car I had, with what ver, I had and headed for Corpus Christi. There
was one of the biggest storms in known history nd I just knew, there would
be all kinds of work, putting things right, after the storm. There
should be a law to control, the minds of youth, but I guess its the
way we learn. After my arrival n Corpus Christi, I learned that the insurance
companies had not paid off on the clams and this as not going to happen
in my near future.
Some how I survived, and thrummed
my way back to Amarillo. Did I mention selling the car or $40.oo, which
didn't last long. Also remembering it was full of every thing I had.
Back in Amarillo prospects were
Grim. I had to wait for awhile to turn 18 years of age, but t soon came,
and I enlisted into the Navy. Didn't leave until after New Years. It turn
out, that of ll the fool stunts I had ever pulled, this was probably the
best. It alowed see a great part world, I only wish I'd had
more interest than I did. One of the High points of that time was eing
personally inspected by first, Princess Margarette and latter by, her sister,
Queen Elizabeth I, of England and Prince Edward. After a little over 12
years active duty and 3 years reserve I ecided, life would be better spent
some where else, there goes my way of thinking again.
When it comes to going into the
Navy, and the idea that I had about formal education; well hings did change
some. One of the first things to take place was the achieving my GED. If
thing else the Navy does believe in education. As it turned out I did a
lot more than I would ave, had I not enlisted. It could have been more,
but why look back, when there so much still head. Right?
Today I'm self employed,
with a home based electronics repair, and time to do this. I have o delusions,
about the future. I have learned that nothing is forever. Just be prepared
for what omes, deal with it, and just live life one day at a time. That
may or may not be true for someone, ther than myself, but this isn't about
someone else.
More About Teddy Ray Tedford:
Fact 1: November 1959, mother died
Fact 2: November 1959, lived with half sister Juanita until, summer
Fact 3: June 1960, went to live with father
Fact 4: July 1964, went to live with Half-brother Roy Jackson
Fact 5: June 1967, worked summer for Rock Island Rail Road
Fact 6: January 04, 1968, entered U.S.Navy (# B 72-54-90 )
Fact 7: 1971, married Vera
Fact 8: June 1980, Devoriced Vera
Fact 9: February 14, 1982, married Dori
Fact 10: June 25, 1982, Honorabe Discharge from Navy
Fact 11: 1984, devoriced Dori
Medical Information: Alergy to Pynicilin 0+ Blood Blood presure medication__
Notes for Doris Janet Hanson:
She was a long time resident of
Waco, and was buried at Restland Cemetery in Waco. Dori was survived by
three daughters, Sherry Oliver, Jina Eaton and April Eaton, all of Waco;
two sons, Mike Land and Danny Land both of Waco; one sister, Kathy Councilman
of Waco; and five grandchildren.
Child of Teddy Tedford and Vera Spivey is:
793 i. Tammy15 Viola, born December 13, 1976 in San Diego, Balboa
Naval Hiospital, San Diego county, California. She married Stanley
684. Michelle14 Hensley (Elaine13, Nellie12 Calton, Ada Evelyn11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill). She married (2) Paul Hurla.
Child of Michelle Hensley is:
794 i. Matthew15 Hensley.
Child of Michelle Hensley and Paul Hurla is:
795 i. Shea Alexander15 Hurla.
714. Linda Lou14 Sidebottom (Dorthea Louise13 Calton, James Oliver12, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born May 26, 1955. She married Richard Allen Israel.
Child of Linda Sidebottom and Richard Israel is:
796 i. Richard Adam15 Israel, born June 26, 1978.
719. Lorna Joy14 Merriott (Dora Lovell13 Calton, James Oliver12, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 10, 1959. She married (1) Jim Davidson. She married (2) Kevin Erven.
Child of Lorna Merriott and Jim Davidson is:
797 i. Laura15 Davidson.
723. Sheila Marie14 Meeker (Barbara Nell13 Calton, James Oliver12, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born December 28, 1965 in Kansas City, Missouri. She married Randy G. McDonald May 30, 1987 in Lenexa Kansas.
Children of Sheila Meeker and Randy McDonald are:
798 i. Jordan Andrew15 McDonald, born September 22, 1990.
799 ii. McKenzie Marie McDonald, born December 27, 1992.
724. Timothy James14 Meeker (Barbara Nell13 Calton, James Oliver12, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born August 15, 1968 in Kansas City, Missouri. He married Rhinda Sue Walla September 26, 1987 in Shawnee, Kansas.
Children of Timothy Meeker and Rhinda Walla are:
800 i. Madalyn Christine15 Meeker, born November 17, 1991.
801 ii. Bryan James Meeker, born June 01, 1993.
725. Daniel Preston14 Meeker (Barbara Nell13 Calton, James Oliver12, Bertha Mae11 McCasland, Rose10 Cantrell, Mark9, Dickson8, Moses7, John6 Cantril , Sr., Joseph5, Richard4, Henry3, Henry2, William1 Cantrill) was born April 22, 1972 in Kansas City, Missouri. He married Kendra Sue Isensee June 11 in Lenexa Kansas.
Children of Daniel Meeker and Kendra Isensee are:
802 i. Brooklyn Daniel15 Meeker, born October 03, 1994.
803 ii. Kaysie Lauren Meeker, born May 14, 1997.