Rebecca Danielle Cole

Rebecca at the beachRebecca was born on October 27, 1997 at 2:57 a.m. and weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. She was born at UT Medical Branch at John Sealy Hospital. She has been a joy in our life and so much fun!

By popular demand...Read this poem how Rebecca feels about her daddy. Will touch your heart.

My Daddy MD My Daddy

Rebecca's Favorites

Visit Rebecca's one year old photo page which also includes her pictures at 18 months old... and visit here to see her 2nd birthday party photos!

See her Baby's First Page

Photos including pictures with the Easter Bunny.

Meet my cousins Garrett Dewbre, Grace Dewbre, and Alisha Cole


 Our News

 Other Resources

Latest Updates -
Will be updated later.


Pat's Favorite Medical Links- was created for easier medical resources. 

My Portfolio
-Tribute to Si Hartman
-Broadway Bound
-UTMB Healthcare Epidemiology

Other Links -
Some of our favorite links.


 A Little About Us

In 1992 we left Odessa, Texas (home of the ten foot jack rabbit) and moved to Galveston Island so Pat could start medical school at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. I soon began working there as Secretary for the Division of Infectious Diseases. We enjoy living in Galveston (picture of where we live in Galveston) and try to take advantage of all the things there are to do. It is refreshing being able to see the ocean everyday. We left Galveston to move back to Odessa, Texas so Pat could complete his residency training with the Internal Medicine program at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at Odessa. I transferred back to The University of Texas of the Permian Basin and worked in the John Ben Shepperd Public Leadership Institute as an Administrative Assistant. After three years we moved back to Galveston and we both work at UTMB. Now, Rebecca gets to enjoy the ocean and the place where she was born.


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Favorite Quote:
"Success is not something that can be worn, measured, or hung on the wall. It is not even the esteem of colleagues or the admiration of the community. Success is the certain knowledge that you have become yourself, the person you were meant to be from all time." George Sheehan

Authored by Cyndi Cole and last updated on April 30, 2004 .
Site contents and images © Copyright 2007 Cyndi Cole. All Rights Reserved.

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