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John Rambo (Persian Blue Smoke)(Male)

John Rambo (Kitten)

Miss Smoke(picture in the firts page in the magazine El Mundo del Gato) (Persian Tortie Smoke) (Female).

Una Perla (Persian Cream Tabby) (Female)

Bombón Rosa de Kewand (Persian Tortie Dilute Smoke) (Female)

Big Creme de Kewand (Persian Silver Tabby Cream) (Male)

Estalin (Persian Red) (Male)

Estalin (Kitten)

Wanda (Persian Tortie Dilute with White) (Female)

Blue Moon de Kewand (Persian Bicolor Blue) (Male). A sad history, with a happy end.

Persian Kittens

Cat-Haysa Smoke Girl de Kewand (Persian Silver Tabby Tortie Dilute) (Female).

Cacao Maravillao de Kewand (Persian Cream Smoke) (Male).

Smoke and Silver Tabby Litters

Kevin (Persian White-cooper eyes) (Male)

Drak & Queen Our Dogs (Collies)

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