Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 16:13:42 -0700
Pray for my brother. He is a Christian in dire trouble, innocently. Also pray for me, that I will stop blaming God for all the problems within my family. Thank you.
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 23:49:30 -0700
my name is mike green and my son name is Joshua we have been praying
very hard what his about is my son is ten years old and he came to me
from his moms house she didn't want him anymore just tossed out like
trash because her husband was beating him and now she is trying to get
him back,the sad part is she needs to be save as well she claims to be
the devil daugther i hope she don't confess this but as of now i have to
believe this she is very wicked,evil her name is kathy and her husband
is bill ,im asking for agreement for my son to stay here GOD is bigger
than any problem he can over come all time is short now so please pray
hard with us,and if you feel God is moving pray for his mom to ,Please
help us bind this devil and his demons In The Name Of Jesus we will have
our victory it is mine and i want it now,in the name above all
Mike Green
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 02:05:59 -0500
Nina asks for restoration of marriage to Joe. That other woman who also left husband will return to own husband, find salvation and be moved from my husbands work loc. Lord has provided hedge on our marriage and no divorce has gone thru!!pray strength in hedge and restored love and committment from Joe.
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 16:38:10 -0500
John Sawyer is the brother of a dear friend that I work with. He will die of cancer without the intervention of the Lord. The cancer is already in his colon, liver, kidneys, and is spreading rapidly. He has a young wife and 3 small children who need him. pray for his healing.
Jerrie Allen
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 12:59:27 -0500
please pray a hedge of protection around my daughter, our son-in-law
(well ex now) and their little girl age 11. Will not name names but will
call him Peter
Peter came back to the Lord in December of 1997 and immediately our daughter started divorce proceedings. She has done some things that I even have to look hard to see if she is really my child.
Anyway, Peter is living with us because it is a God thing. He is struggling with a lot of things in his life. Pray that he will grow in the Lord. Please pray a hedge of protection around them all. He needs help with his finances....keeping him bound.
Daughter is not remarried but is saying she will. I ask for prayer that this will fall apart. I know this is not a God thing. I know it is of Satan.
Peter needs to start working on things in his life that will affect his marriage if he doesn't (when they get back together). Pray for a hungry heart for the Lord.
thanks for all the prayer....Satan has come to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came to set the captives free.
Paul & Donna Spears
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 13:11:10 -0500
My brother-in-law inhaled some chemicals at his job some years back and now his lung has collapsed on him.
I am not sure he is even a Christian. So pray for salvation first of all. he can not work and he and my sister are living with their only son and daughter-in-law with 3 small children,in a small 3 bdr. mobile home.
They are drawing no money and the situation is bad. Please pray that he will get well.
He has applied for social security but for the last 5 years, it has been pushed aside. Please pray for this to come to an end.
He is angry with God. She (my sister) is trying to follow the Lord to the best of her ability.
Urgent for all involved for this to be put to rest.
Paul & Donna Spears
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 12:21:39 -0500
At the end of this week I must leave for Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland for multiple doctor appointments/MRI. Two years ago on July 30, 1996, I had 90% of a chondrosarcoma removed from behind my eye. Now, I must go back to see if what is left of the tumor is still shrinking. I know prayer has gotten me thus far, so I ask for more prayers for healing. I know He didn't bring me this far to leave me, and I praise God EVERYDAY for that.
"Wilson, Anita"
Fri, 31 Jul 1998 16:31:17 EDT
I would like for you to pray for a situation that my daughter Jaycee and our family have been going through. She is on court ordered visitation with her dad in Okla. We live in CA. My ex husband and his wife have been doing things that have been hurting us. They have lied to us and falsely accusing us of wrong. This has hurt us so much. We only want what is in God's will and what is in our daughter's best interest. I fear for her. I know that the spirit is not right over there. We want justice to be served on those who are in the wrong.
I have been reading Psalms and it really is so much like my situation. I, however, find it difficult to keep up the faith and persevere through the storm so to speak. It makes me depressed to hear nothing but negative from everyone and hear people say,"Well, there's nothing I can do for you." I do know that God loves us and this is why I would like for you to please pray for us. It means so much to me. Words are sometimes hard to express just how I hurt and just what I am going through. I ask for pray for my daughter that she will be protected from evil and harm, that I can endure somehow and see victory.
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 12:32:40 -0400
A couple of months ago, I sent in a prayer request for my son, Rob, who was a run away, and into criminal activity. About a month a go he was picked up for dealing drugs (or, more probably imitation drugs). he has been sitting in juvenile jail since then.
Tomorrow (Tuesday, August 4) he goes to a pre-trial hearing. One of the things to be determined is his placement while awaiting the actual trial (for dealing drugs). My husband has said that he absolutely will not have Rob return home. There are good reasons for my husband's concern about Rob's returning home. In the past, Rob has stolen hundreds of dollars from us, lied to us, ran away from home for days at a time, broken windows and walls, sneaked girls in at 2 a.m. to have sex with them, threatened me with violence, broke into neighbors homes, and robbed folks on the streets. He has been diagnosed "borderline personality disorder" and the prognosis is very poor.
The problem is: I really don't know what is best for Rob or for us. Certainly I don't want him back if things haven't changed, and my husband feels they have not. Rob has been sitting in jail for a month now and he says he has changed, but he has said that many times over the past five years, only to return to even worse behavior when he is given another chance.
So I want prayer that the right thing happens tomorrow; that Rob be placed where it is best for him to be for him to change into a Godly person.
Also, if Rob should be returned home, God will need to soften my husband's heart, and allow him to know and understand that. If he should not be returned home, I would like to feel a peace and inner certainty about that.
Sondra Ball
Web Page
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 14:21:20 EDT
Please pray for my friend Ginny G. She has Lou Gehrig's disease and recurring intestinal cancer. She is undergoing chemotherapy for the third time. Please pray for a miracle of healing for my friend. Thank you and God bless.
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 12:45:16 -0500
Thank you so much for your prayer page!! Just looking and reading through your homepage is uplifting. God has blesed you and thank you for listening to Him!! I am coming to you today feeling desperate for relief! I need prayer support now more than ever in my life. I grew up in a violent home and married the first boy to "take" me away from the situation. I was emotionally and spiritually drained! Little did I know this man became abusive to me. I had no self esteem no confidence in God. I was to scared to know how to even live. I did pray to God for a Godly husband and continued to stay in the marriage and the horriable abuse. My son, J. P. was born from that marriage. The abuse did not stop and I refused to allow my son to be raised in the horriable condition I was raised in. I found strength I did not know I had. I started wanting a new life from that. The last time my husband hit me he walked out on me and my son which was 1.4 months old. I felt relieved;nevertheless, the real battle began. As you know abusers need control - He sued me for custody - I had no money and no where to go! My parents said they would help;however, it was like moving back into another abusive situation that had a very hurtful past. but, my options where limited. I moved to Texas with my family for about 3 weeks until I found an apartment. I was so scared and during this time. My husband drove over attaked my mom and tried to kidnap my son. He threatened to kill me elc... To make a long horriable story a short one. I was legally, emotionally, finacially,and physically bullied by this man and his family and I couldn't go on. My son,whom I was still breastfeeding, became property of my ex husband. I wanted to die. I was suicidal, depressed and scared. I had no one but found a real good church. For the next four years, God has been slowly teaching me how to lean on him, trust his way, and to seek wisdom and knowledge. God is slowly healing me from such a tragic loss.J.P. wants to be with us and his father is leading a very distructive life. J.P. has a lot of anger. In the mist of such sorrow God has given me a wonderful loving husband who loves J.P. more than anything. We just had J.P.'s little bubba.J.P. adores his bubba!!! My husband is a teacher and I work with children. J.P. wants and we want to be a family together all the time. I feel God is prompting me to seek Legal action to get J.P. back. I pray for wisdom, a Godly attorney, Favor with the Judge and a blanket of peace for my family. My prayer request to you is that J.P. be returned to live with us in Texas. That his father will be saved - to be a Godly man. And...God will provide the finacial resources for us to pay for an lawyer and a custody evaluation. I believe God will return J.P. to us and we will be faithful to Him to raise J.P. in God's way. Praise you God!!. Please please remember us in your prayers!!!
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 07:00:00 -0400 (EDT)
I have been asking for prayer for my interview, now only 2 days away, and for my healing to accept and keep the job. Well, my health has taken another turn for the worse. Without a miracle all is lost. This is where the rubber meets the road. Please pray that I fight down to the wire for what is mine as a child of the only living God! By his stripes I am healed! Please let me know that you are standing with me.
"Patrick A. Drozdowski Jr."
Pray for my brother. He is a Christian in dire trouble, innocently.
Also pray for me, that I will stop blaming God for all the problems
within my family.
pray for me concerning me getting into a seminary or
Christian college so that I won't be lead astray by
Atheists who attempt to disprove God. Please pray that I
can find a college for me to get my degree to become a
missionary. God has called me to do His good work, but I
can't seem to find a way to do it. Please pray that I
will not lose my hope. Get
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